Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Mar 1965, p. 5

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Whitby High School Board Budget Is Up $109,514 WHITBY (Staff) -- Whitby District High School Boar pared $25,500 off its origina' estimated budget, previously Fg to the town council. Sommittee'. Next in line in total "xpenditure, although unavoid- able, is the debenture payment of $127,880. The property com- mittee's poudget was estimated revised budget is in thejat $89,225. total amount of $411,560.84 in re- gard to town of Whitby, an in- crease of $109,514.79 over last year Whitby_Township's share of the high school budget is esti- mated at $164,209.75, an increase of $34,653.41 over last year. Transferred into the mill rate, the increase to Whitby amounts to 3.3 mills residential and 3.7 mills commercial. The full high school mil, rate is established at 176 mills residential and 19.5 mills commercial. BUDGET BREAKDOWN Representing the major por- tion of the budget is an esti- mated expenditure of $715.805.27 under the heading 'Management Whitby Has 2 Ambulance Services WHITBY (Staff) -- Whitby may be short of industries and other valuable assets but, it may well be the only community wf its size boasting 'two' ambu- lance services. The former ambulance ser- vice operated by Ron Munro of Lupin drive, will now be operat- ed by Gordon Hill of Greenwood crescent, it was stated this week. Unable to obtain a sub- sidy from the community the service will operate as a pri- vately owned organization. Possibly bringing a ray of sun- diture is the suggested govern- men' grant of $400.000. Included were other receipts totaling $5,707 58, from last year amounting to $2,642.42. Included in the budget was the news of 'an increased enrol- ment at the town's two high schovis. The board estimated an additional 120 students will enroll bringing the Anderson Street School attendance to 890, while 440 students will attend the Henry Street School. SIX MORE TEACHERS Coinciding with the increase in student population is an ex- pansion of the teaching staffs. Six extra teachers will join the Anderson Street Schoo; faculty due mainty to the increased at- tendance and the fact vocational classes will be extended to Grade 12. The board stated there are currently 70 teachers on the staff a figure which will be in- creased possibly by seven if a proposed guidance head is em- ployed for service at Henry Street. shine to the budget total expen-) in bright side of the budget} including a surplus] There will be a grant on text ipooks purchased for Grades 9 and 1¢, it was explained in the budget. This grant will repre- sent a reauction of $6 from last year's $12 grant, it was further stated. However, there will also be text books provided for Grades 11 and 12 which in- volves an additional expense of approximately ~~ $17,850. The grant towards this cost will be $7,570, based on 1964 attendance figures. In explaining the increased school mili rate, the board ad- vised that administrative costs naturally go up with increased attendance This results in more teachers; more supplies and more records to be kept. All figures shown for salaries of teachers and for the government grant is recorded as the gross amount. ; Another interesting point brought forward by the board was the fact the 1964 surplus of $2,642.42 was less than the pre- vious year. This supposedly in- dicated the board is working closer to their estimated budget. GOLDEN HARVEST Harvests of corn in the U.S. exceed 3,000,000,000 bushels annually and yield more wealth than all the gold, silver, coal and iron produced in the coun- try. Conveners Named For Antique Sale WHITBY -- The Regent of House of Windsor, Chapter IODE, Mrs. Joni Davies, chair- ed the March meeting Monday evening at the home of Mrs, John Harvie, 1107 Green street. The meeting opened with the prayer of the order. Mrs. Davies extended thanks on behalf of the Chapter to Mrs. Harvie fot the fine services she ren- dered over the past two years as regent of the chapter. A letter was read from provin- cial headquarters inviting mem- bers from each chapter to at- tend the annual meeting April 7, 8 and 9 in Hami!ton. Mrs. John Davies and Mrs. Graham Lawson plan to attend. An invitation was also extended from the provincial executive committee for members to at- to be held in Hamilton in July. Volunteer conveners of the Antique Show and Sale to be held at the Whitby Commun- ity Arena Sept. 1 and 2 are as tend a Junior Chapter Seminar follows: Mrs. Judith Morgan, Mrs. Clarence Freek, Mrs. John Harvie and Mrs. John Wall. A demonstration highlighted the evening with Mrs. Crawford as demonstrator. Tea hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Clarence Freek and Mrs. Roy Howe. Next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Donald Mc- aaa. Brock street south, April Arsenic Dosage 50 Times Normal GALT (CP) -- A test showed that Lajoe Ulharik had more than 50 t.imes the normal amount of arsenic in his sys- tem last October, a pathologist from the attorney - general's department told a preliminary hearing Tuesday. "In this case, it was close to acute arsenic poisoning," Dr. R. ©, Gupta. told the hearing into a charge of attempted mur- der against Mrs. Ulharik, 29, of Galt. The test was made in the St. Mark's Unit Holds Meeting WHITBY Miss Mildred Price, leader of St. Mark's United Church Women Unit No. 5, opened the meeting with a poem on "Friendship". Thankoffering envelopes were distributed and the night's of- fering received. Two hospital visits were reported. The worship service was 'con- ducted by Mrs. Irene Avery and Miss Marjorie Bromell. Mrs. Avery read a short sacred item. Miss._Bromell_led and-also read from "God and His Purpose" enlightening the group on revelation of God. The study period. was ably handled by Miss Florence Heard and Mrs. Margaret attorney - general's department on finger and toe nail clippings taken by Galt police Oct. 23 when Mr. Ulharik was in hos- pital The hearing continues. in prayer} Smith, telling of Brazil's phys!- cal features and people, natural resources and cities, also a film strip of Brazil, was shown. Mrs. Avery led the group in prayer asking God to teach all to put away bitterness, distrust and hatred both in church and state; that we, with all the bro- thers of the Son of Man, may be enabled to live together in justice, righteousness and good- will. At the close of the meeting re- freshments were served by Miss Mildred Price and Mrs. Violet Kemp. RUSSIAN. MEDICS There are 163,000 physicians, assistants .and trained nurses working in Moscow in more than 2,500 medical establish- ments. NOW OPEN Lumber and Supply Ltd. YOUR C.P-I. DEALER 701 BROCK ST. N. 668-4451 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Merch 10, 1965 § Kinsmen Club Plans Carnival WHITBY (Staff)--Whitby will have another 'carnival' with all the expected 'hoop-la' it was announced Tuesday night at the Whitby Kinsmen Club's meeting in the Spruce Villa Hotel. The club wil! sponsor the carnival nival will be used to further the District 'A' drive for sup- port of the Cystic Fibrosis cam- \paign. g The Fred March Shows will be brought to town for the occa- sion. it was stated, with a large assortment of children's rides and amusements for both young and old. to be held for the week of May 1 to 8.. Funds derived from the car-| H Family Monuments | ! oF Created To AGES/ Indiytdual Requirements | STAFFORD BROS. | LTD. | MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST . NIGHTLY 9-12. | JOHNNIE MeMANN ceemmanieaes | ENTERTAINMENT In The Beautiful MELODY ROOM (Whitby Hotel) Featuring... on the 668-3552 | Console Organ << WHITBY BROCK One Complete Program Each. Evening Starting ot 7.30 "MAN IN Be THE sonchi MIDDLE" 2° Commenting on the ment, Gordon Hill, have one vehicle available," he said. "It will continue to func- tion as long as we can keep it road-worthy and safe for pas- sengers." Faulting the town for imply- ing the previous ambulance ser- vice was second class, Mr. Hill stated that Ron Munro and him- self had operated the service for eight months. 'We worked both day and night, seven days a week on just about every type of call there could possibly be in a town like Whitby," he said. "T got into this business be- cause I thought I would be able to run a good service and help many people. I enjoy the work," he said. Commenting further, Mr. Hill suggested he thought a good service had been provided but a "Times" reporter. to meet with council again Monday evening at which time we feel permis- sion will be granted to provide ambulance service for this com- munity as well as Whitby." WHITBY PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mother- sill, 412 Harris street, entertain- ed at their residence last Sat- urday evening in honor of Mrs. Mothersill's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moore, on_ the occasion of their 34th wedding anniversary. Present were: M Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Moore, and Mrs. Don Grant, Greta McDonough, Mr. Mrs. Robert Gagnon, Mr. Mrs. Vernon Moore, Mr. Mrs. Robert Cocker, Mr. Mrs Ian Shaw, Mr. and ; Morley Nicholson, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Childs, Billy McCul- lough, Whitby, Mrs. Lydia Mar- shall Mr. and Mrs. Ed Powers, Oshawa. The celebrants were presented with gifts. At the close of a most enjoyable eve- ning the hostess served a buffet style lunch. Best wishes are offered Dona'd Bibeau, 83 Elizabeth crescent, on the occasion of his birthday celebrated today, Mr and Mrs. Glenn Teterson, Wa:kwork, were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Carr, 309 Dunlop street east. Nancy Ann, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Ronald Wiersma, is celebrating her fifth birthday today. Mrs. Elsie Campbell, 408 Byron street south, spent Sun- day in Toronto visiting Mr. and Mrs Herb Nobele. Mrs, Clifford Partington, 921 Bayview avenue, is home from a three-week trip to Regina and Bethune where she visited relatives. owner- operator, stated the service will carry the auspicious title of "'whitby Emergency Unit'. "We to} "FATHER CAME TO" ZTINN TROUGHTON MEATS 104 LUPIN DRIVE BLAIR PARK PLAZA GET THE BEST FOR LESS USE YOUR CREDIT! RED & BLUE BRAND HINDS OF BEEF CUT AND WRAPPED FREE ib. 55 PEAMEAL BACON Centre Cuts ..... 39¢ im End Cuts... .. 59h, PHONE 668-4633 YOUR Interest rates - - - Repayment plans - - Amount of mortgage KEY TO THE BEST MORTGAGE LOANS 7% to 7V2% up to 20 years - up to 2/3 of value Cost of arranging - you pay only the actual | legal expenses and 4 modest valuation Fee - - there are no bonuses, mortgage insurance fees, or hidden charges of any kind Monthly Payments for 10 years «+ 15 years - 20 years - One-Stop DECORATING SHOP Wallpaper and Murals Custom Draperies C.1.L. Paints and Varnishes Broadioom end Rugs Fle-Gleze Colorizer Points DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. | PHONE 668-5862 | 107 Byron St. S., Whitby Experienced, ESTABLISHED 1889 | | i 308 DUNDAS ST. W., each $1,000.00 of the loan with interest at 7%. $11.45 $ 8.75 $ 7.85 Fast Service AND tHUOT OWEN SOUND, MEAFORD. ORILLIA, CANNINGTON, LINDSAY, PETERBOROUGH, WHITBY, BELLEVILLE, KINGSTON WHITBY ICE CASTLE ICE ASSORTED FLAVOURS CREAM Over 12,000 Winners to date! Play the INST ANT ©, SH TAPE GAME at. STEINBER ..L0 Come In. GRADE 'A' PLUMP 'N' TENDER, FRYING, ROASTING 2-3 LB. AVG. LB. SAVE 8¢ 19 SALAD DRESSING -- MIRACLE WHIP «-.. 4 4 COOKED BONELESS DINNER HAMS 2-3 LB. AV' STEINBERG'S DELICIOUS-LEAN BRISKET O " f @ AVAILABLE IN MOST STORES @ SPECIALLY SEASONED FRESH BAR B.Q. ..* S|: CHICKENS cetcn "i" Gourmet's ao SAVE 6¢ 39: STEINBERG 100 BISCUITS ASSORTED VARIETY neo 96 ORCHARD KING, VITAMINIZED APPLE JUICE 48 OZ. TIN 3 1 $] STEINBERG PEANUT BUTTER ICE BOX JAR % OZ. ONLY 39¢ STAFFORD RASPBERRY ORCHARD KING, CHOICE Mixed Vegetabl QUALITY Holves Ty Frozen food Features! SEABROOK FARMS, FANCY QUALITY FROZEN Peas, Peas & es Carrots 2 LB. BAG 2839¢ 28 OZ. TIN DESSERT PEARS 3 = 89¢ OR STRAWBERRY PURE JAM *=™ 45] Ty 6Bakery Specials STEINBERG FRESH APPLE PIE «= 39¢ LARGE SIZE 99¢ por SHOULDERS 39: ith FRESH PICNIC 3-5 ts, AVG, y from a a Sunny Israel ; pee JUICY-SWEET AFFA ORANGES EXTRA LARGE 69: RED SPANISH, SW STEINBERG FRESH MORTON FROZEN Dinners Turkey, Salisbury f, Chicken, Ham, 4) oz PKG, 49¢ Hot Cross Buns or Bunettes + 2 Pineapples " 3 FoR 69¢ STEINBERG FRESH MINUTE MAID Orange Delight 6 OZ. TIN Drink y AY | Honey Glazed SAVE 6¢ bdOz. Donuts 43¢ Tomatoes MORTON "Pies Cream Pies Chocolate, Coconut, Neopolitan, Lemon er BOC EEP DISH wanson Meat Chicken, Turkey Beef 118.PKG. Pies 59¢ SOFT PURITAN Macaroni & Cheese *°z ro. J roe $f] SHOPPING PLAZA -- AJAX DUNDAS ST. -- WHITBY WE RESERVE THE RIG! PRICES EFFECTIVE MARCH 10, HT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES, 1f, 12 AND 13, ICE CASTLE "SSO8TE® Favours: cier or reo. 30 OZ. BTLS. § FOR Pape] Shree OF ROYALE FACIAL tec' TISSUE "3; "ion wide $1.00 ISLAND ROAD -- ROUGE HILL FLORIDA NO. 1 GRADE Cherry Salad HEAPING ae 290 CALIFORNIA'S FINEST LARGE Ribier Grapes CLUSTER LB. 2% IMPORTED NO. 1 GRADE Cauliflower snow ange Glashake 8 OZ. HEAT RESISTANT OPEN THURSDAY AND FRIDAY TO 9 P.M. Ajex Store Only, Open Wednesday, Thursday & Friday to 9 p.m. i ! | |

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