Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Mar 1965, p. 29

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19--Male or Female Help Wanted LANDERS', FRARY. and CLARKE, (CANADA) LTD. Makers of fomous UNIVER- SAL stoinless stee| waterless cookware and household ap- pliances are opening up o new franchise right here in Osh- awa. Leaders in this field for nearly 100 years. You are invited to participate in earning (unlimited) extra dollars for showing Universal to referred leads. Age no bar- rier, part-time, mostly dur- ing evening hours, no con- vassing or. collecting. Please write in strict confidence full particulars to: BOX 925 Oshawa Times TWO PERSONS for check TUTOR WANTED to heip giri with Eng- Retired accept- After 5, call lish, preferably ed. -East end 728-6005. teacher vicinity. buE train you. public, contact the most progressive confidential interview) with the Sales Manager, Tele- Real-| | ii Estate office for a phone 723-112! Guide Realty Ltd., tors, SHORT ORDER cook. Must have trans-| Restaurant, New-; Portation. Apply Voyager Esso Service Station Highway 401, castie. DEW WORM pickers wanted. Telepnone, from 6 to 8 p.m. and Saturdays) 725-0028 and and Sundays. 20--Real Estate | for 'Sale LIST AND MOVE ON THE CHECKERBOARD BOLAHOOD BROTHERS ----. REAL ESTATE =- INSURANCE -- ---- MORTGAGES -- SPECIAL INCOME HOME LOOK, only $12,900. for this clean 6 room brick income home Located close to down town. Hurry for this one. At this price $12,900 -- it will sell very quickly. See it now. Ask for Mr, Roy Yeo at 728- 5123 or 725-2217 SPECIAL BUY PRICE REDUCED Owner must sell this 3 year old rug brick bungalow in ex- cellent condition throughout. Featuring 3 good size bed- rooms, forge kitchen and liv- ing room, 4 piece bath with vanity. This home could not be replaced today for $15,- 500. Asking only $14,200. with reasonable poy- ment, Coll now before it's too fate. Ask for Mr. Jim Brady ot 728-5123 or 728-0483. NOW VACANT OPEN FOR OFFERS 6 room brick, newly decor- oted, garage, oi! furnace. Asking $13,500, but open to offers. $2,000 down will hondieC mg Aare inspect by k Appleby at it opie or S23. 3398 BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 101 Simeoe Sfreet North Open Every Evening Member of O.D.R.E.B SEVEN-ROOM brick house, two kitchens, $2,000 down. Pri- two bathrooms. Central. vate. Call 728-7608. room, Saturday evenings. Couple preferred. Club Loreley. it Mrs: Sch 337. TO INCREASING BUSINESS, we need salesmen and salesiadies. We will if you want to earn. better beg average wages and like dealing with 20--Real Estate for Sale '20-----Real Estate for Sale 2Z0------Keal Estate for Sale |20---Real Estate tor Sale 20--Keal Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale { THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Merch 10, 1968 97 LIVERPOOL RD. $950. Full down, N.H.A, re- sale. $13,950. Full price. Extra, large solid britk bun- galow. Complete with storms, and screens. T.V, antenna. Plus many extras. Owner transferred, Immediate posses- sion. AJAX N.H.A. RESALE $10,395. Full price. Large 3 bedroom solid brick bunga- low, One 6% N.H.A. mort- gage. Carries $80. monthly including taxes. Possession immediate DOWNTOWN AJAX $11,200. Full price N.H.A. resale. Only $1,800 down. Spacious 3 bedroom bunga- low. Featuring new broad- loom throughout. Profession- ally landscaped grounds. Ex- tra large finished patio. Poved drive. Immediate possession, WHITBY N.H.A, RESALE $14,750. Full price 6 month new. Immaculate condition throughout. Choice, close-in location. Hollywood kitchen. Storms and screens. Loaded with extras. Inimediate pos- session. BASEMENT APARTMENT } $12,800. Full price. Only | $1,500 'down. Professionally finished basement. Immacu- late condition . throughout. Income will carry payments. Choice downtown Ajax lo- cation. Immediate possession, LOW ON DOUGH? $565. Full down payment One N.H.A. mortgage. Full price $11,300. Spacious 3 bedroom bungalow. Choice Pickering location. PICKERING VILLAGE $12,995. full price. Well planned 3 bedroom bungalow Extra large lot. Owner trans- ferred. See this, one and save today! $12,999 FULL PRICE $650. Full down payment. One N.H.A, mortgage. Sell- ing far below cost. Complete with large Hollywood kit- chen. Storms. and screens. Immediate possession. Liver- pool Road area. $950 FULL DOWN One N.H.A. mortgage. $13,- 995. Full price Loaded with extras. Located in the heart of Bay Ridges. Drastically re- duced for quick sale. Imme- diate possession. H. GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE BROKER. PHONES Ajox---942-3310 Oshawa---723-6461 FOR FAST "ACTION" LIST WITH "ACTIVE" REALTY LTD. 728-5157 TWO-AND-A-HALF storey, six-room home in choice location. Garage and lovely | |treed lot. Home is in excelient condition. Easy terms. For particulars contact Mur- a 723-4270 Joseph Bosco Realtor OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS \ A MAN'S TASTE By ALICE BROOKS PRINTED PATTERN GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St: S. 723-1121 |e 4 BEDROOM HOME ~--Located just outside the City én Gorrard Rd. North. Large lot, close to shopping and schools. Lovely roomy bedrooms, Ideal for larger fomily. 4 lle 6 ROOM BRICK HOME---New furnace, low taxes. Located on Gifford St. Excellent buy for only $10,- 000. Home in very good shape with many extras. Ill @ LESLIE STREET-- This 1% storey home is in good condition, near 0.C.V.1. Features 5 rooms, oi! heat, private paved drive, large cement block garage, plus 6% mortgage which carries for $60 per month, Ve OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS--Ladies if you like fabrics, have a little know- leige of sewing. and like meeting the public, here is your chance to own a self-suf- ficient business that you can handle completely on your own, The location is Whitby, ond the price is reasonable. Cash or terms available, | . | Ve INCOME HOME---12 | rooms, brick home, 4 apart i ments. Located in good rental area, will give you very good return for your investment One open mortgage. Close to schools and transportations. Call us to see this home to- night. Vi @ WALK-OUT BASE- MENT--Close to public and separate schools, with bus stop ot door. This 3 bedroom bungalow is « preferred econ- omy buy. A down payment of $2,000.00 will move you right in Vil e@ SWITZER AT SOM- MERVILLE -- Executive bun- galow with attached garage Large professionally landscap- ed lot, with patio and fenced yord. Owner transferred and must sell. Lorge bright kit- chen, built-in breakfast nook. The living room has o natural fireplace. L-shaped dining room. These rooms broad- loomed. 4 piece tiled. bath- room. Reasonable down pay- ment, and balance on one open mortgage with easy terms. Vill e J, F. KENNEDY CHOOL--We have just: list- ed another beautiful home in this preferred location. 3 bet- ter then average size bed- rooms. Extra large living room. Divided basement and fully fenced yard, make this immaculate home a must for your inspection. Oil heated for economical comfort and easily carried on one N.H.A. mortgage 1X e ~ ONE YEAR OLD-- Four bedroom, 2 storey home, east side with large living room and a kitchen being mother's pride with built-in stove and oven. $4,000 down will handle. Shown by ap- pointment. Don't delay, cal! now. ! } Xe TOP O' THE HILL-- The breezewoy attached double garage gives this al- most new bungalow, o most impressive appearance. Locat- ed between Oshawa and Whitby, within easy walking e OPEN HOUSE QUALITY BUILT GALAXY HOMES by ROMANIN Three and Four homes--variety of choose from Bedroom styles to Open daily 5 pm. to 9 p.m kitchen, 3 bedrooms, GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-1121 distance to public 'and high schools. Really large family 4 piece tiled and divided bathroom, This oi! heated home on large lot awaits your personal in- spection. Xl e $15,900 FULL PRICE--For this 5 room bun- aaiow situated in the north- west area, An ideal family home with large living room, nicely appointed kitchen, 2 of the three bedrooms have built-in furniture, A beduti- fully finished.rec room makes. this home worth every' cent, of $15,900. To inspect, call ond ask for appointment to- night. Xil @ SIMCOE ST, N., SNACK BAR--Located in a well patronized area. ,Grill serves full course meals also table service. Also a variety section, as well»as a 5: room modern apartment -- above. Directly opposite large apart- ments and 2 shopping plazas. All equipped and reody to start business XHIl IMMEDIATE POS- SESSION-----Compact 2. bed- room home in south-east area, oil heating, extra stool in basement, large lot and gar- age. Asking $9,800 full price. Call 723-1121 for Full Particulars OPEN DAILY FROM 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M, After hours call--- 725-3454 668-2402 728-2754 728-5581 725-4330 728-0208 728-7083 728-0768 725-4330 723-2537 Roy Flintoff Ethel Love Leon Manitius Steve Englert Jean .Peacock Ernest Mueller Walter Mitller Edith Gifford George Nymeyer Lloyd Corson Lucas Peacock 725-4330 Dick Young 723-7183 MORTGAGES ARRANGED We list Exclusive and Photo M.L.S. Members of 0.D.R.E.B GUIDE REALTY _LIMITED, | REALTORS _ METCALF REAL ESTATE LIMITED 40 King St. E. 728-4678 NORTH WEST Six room home with attached gorage, paved drive, very nice landscaped lot, and inside you have two fireplaces, two bath- rooms, lovely kitchen, separ- ate dining room, three large bedrooms, finished recreation room and 1286 sq. ft. of living area. NORTH EAST Large six room bungalow, paved drive, brick attached garage, three good bedrooms, and a very nice lot located ot Oshawa Blvd. North. Werth your while to have a look. SOUTH EAST Close to Houdaille Industries on paved street this home is only 3 years old and has 3 very good sized bedrooms and very well situated. EAST END Electric heated homes with at- tached garages, some with carports and two of these homes left with walk-out basements. Now these homes come fully decorated and also as of March 15th the prices increase so ---- buy now and save. Priced from $16,495.00 and up DOWNSVIEW PARK Electrically heated homes and they are selling fast, all un- derground services prepaid lots fully sodded. Your choice of builder and plan. Can be SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD 723-2265 (Over a Quarter Century of Service) ST, GREGORY'S AREA 1f you are looking for a gra- cious older home with five bedrooms, we have it. This well maintained home boasts a lovely large entrance hall and wood burning fireplace in the cheerful. living room, as well as a full sized dining room. There is @ lot of plea- sont living offered here for the larger family. Must be seen to be appreciated, WHAT CAN YOU BUY FOR $15,900? All this -- Six room bunga- low with dining room all in immaculate condition, Lorge finished rec. room and a further area to finish for games, dancing, etc., paved drive, lot suitable for swim- ming pool. In preferred area close to all facilities DR. S. J. PHILLIP'S SCHOOL AREA JUST. LISTED With a 22 ft. living room and a 15% ft. dining room there is no limit to the entertaining could be done here. There is also a den and a large mo- dern kitchen on the main floor. Eight rooms in all, this home is in immaculate condi- tion. Large garage with ce- ment floor and a lot 146' deep completes the picture. BEAU VALLEY If you are one of the many who desire to move to Beau Valley NOW IS THE TIME, We have a good selection ranging from 3 bedroom bun galows and 4 bedroom 2 storey homes to a 4 bedroom split level with two complete baths. Featuring both electric heat ond oil heated homes. These values should be seen. $16,900 Where can you get a five room bungalow with lovely large windows in the walk- out basement, roughed in for extra washroom in basement, potio area which overlooks a woods all for $16,900.00 Close to good schools and bus service. Call us to-day, ALBERT STREET 10 room home which has been converted into 3 apart- ments with monthly income of $285. collectively. Furni- ture throughout including 3 T.V. sets remains with apart- ments. Low Taxes DUPLEX All. spacious rooms through- out. Upstairs apartment rents for $85.00 monthly. Taxes under $200.00. Coll to-day. "SO RARE" is there a duplexed home in the North End. Don't miss this 22 storey 9 room house with double garage. Located on 6 lot 35' x 160' with beautiful garden and shrubs. Good condition. Asking $14,- 900. Coll us now for more information | For full particulars call 723-2265 | OPEN DAILY 9AM. TO9P.M 725-3867 728-2870 728-1066 728-5868 723-2265 725-1015 723-2894 723-1358 728-2233 725-9345 728-5205 725-0201 725-1726 360 King St. West Free, easy, safe parking KEITH PETERS Realtor - 728-7328 103 KING ST. EAST Irene Brown Allan Thompson IBil! Johnston Steve Macko Charles Chaytor . Neil Campbell Margaret Lee Marg. Hall Maible Boudreau Ed. Drumm !. Cruikshanks Reg. Aker Bill McFeeters CROCUS CRESC. WHITBY-- 22 year old brick bungalow very attractive and clean, oil furnace, carries for $103.00 principal, interest and taxes. LAKEVIEW AVE.--$14.500, o house with the work all done, 3 bedrooms, rec room 12 x 25, patio, nicely lend- GORDON OSBORNE REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE 218 Dundas St. E., Whitby--Dial 668-8826 Clare Shank -- Nick Van Den Broek Ike Perry -- Ruth Snudden Robert Harmon PAVED ROAD -- 2 MINUTES TO OSHAWA This 5 year old brick and stone bungalow is situated on double lot 124 by 120' with attached garage, three bedrooms, finished recreatiory room and low taxes. The road is being newly paved ond the surrounding homes are modern without being in typed subdivision. General Motors promotion makes this sale possible. No other reason for selling. The extra lot may help to pay your mortgage off someday. What better investment could you hove? Good down payment needed here, Full price $15,900. SORICHETT! -- BETTER BUI!T HOMES ore being built for early occupancy in popular Bowman Ave. area neor Separate and Public schools and Anderson High School, Whitby. Drive around to our office or phone for particulars, Peter Sorichetti and Sons have been building fine Whitby homes for Whitby and area for many years, Let us show you some of the finished homes of satisfied customers. Watch for open house soon. OSHAWA BUNGALOW with bus at the door, Close to shopping plaza and schools with 60' frontage lot and fine decoration throughout. This 3 bed- room 'brick bungalow on Wilson Rd. S. has extra large rooms for delightful living. It will bea pleasure to show this well kept home. For appointment call today, Full price $15,500 with good terms to reliable buyer, AJAX AREA $13,800 This modern country home with 3 bedrooms, large 68 by 316' lot, family size kitchen, basement play room for children and low taxes is a chance to have city conveniences with lots of space. $2,000 down will handle 6% ACRES, TOWN LINE AT NASH ROAD On edge of Oshowo. This property has possibilities for future development or would make good market garden land to fetire on, Build your home here and wait for the City to grow. Full price $9,600. AJAX, 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW With additional office or bedroom space in basement. Former doctors home and office on Roosevelt St. would be just right for the large family wishing to have that additional space in a reasonable priced home plus an additional 2 piece bathroom Cleon decoration, stove, refrigerator, all for $14,500. Make offer for $3,000 down or cash, DUNDAS ST. E, --- THREE BEDROOM older style home near Dundas St. School with forced air oil heoting, low taxes, clean decoration. Listed at $12,000. Inspect and make offer with $2,000 down puyment 134 ACRES AND HOME -- WHITBY Zoned for light industry at Port Whitby. This valuable property with 4 bedrooms, insul brick home and bern is in neat condi- tion with good decoration. Speculators may be attracted to this property for future industrial purposes but you cen live here and wait for the opportunity of a life time. The taxes ore low here too. Full price $17,900. BUILDING LOTS In Whitby and Brooklin. One Whitby lot 50 x 209' and fine re- sidential lot in Brooklin with 76' frontage and 183' depth, Close to Beoutiful homes, churches and schools. COMMERCIAL ZONING WITH HOME on Dundas St. E. Whitby with 70' x 165' lot. Have your busi- ness here and live in a luxurious 3 bedroom brick bungalow with many extras for comfortable living. Real sharp decoration and solid construction. 7 ACRES, 4 ROOM House on No. 12 highway near Whitby with low taxes highwoy frontage, good well. Inspect and moke offer cash 260' Less for BETTER BUILT BUNGALOW -- $15,900 In Whitby with many excellent features, situated on neat 50' lot on Bowman Ave., in East Whitby near No, 2 Highway and Separate School, You will stop looking after seeing this immacu- late home in a prestige area of new homes. These are 3 bed- rooms, living room, dining room and attractive kitchen. The land- scaping is tops here too, Full price $15,900 with good terms. WHITBY, DUNLOP ST. WEST Corner property with three large bedrooms, spacious kitchen, fir- ished recreation room. Immaculately clean home with attractive features. Lot size 80 x 170'. Near new shopping plazg. You must see this home if you want to be out of a subdivision, Full price $14,500 with about $4,000 down. AUDLEY ROAD ACREAGE -- $9,000 With storage. shed and frame garage, pony tractor, plow discs, cultivator, discs, etc. Some strawberries, apple and pear trees. An excellent well here too! A good bet for the mature lover away from the problems of the city $500 PER ACRE NEAR WHITBY AND OSHAWA We have several 10 acre parcels of land near Whitby at a price you can afford to pay. Why be crowded on a postage stamp city lot when you can have clean fresh air and plenty of land for your children's activities. Build here and watch your home investment grow. One parcel of 13 acres ot $750 per acre, Act quickly here and profit. COMMERCIAL BUILDING LOT -- $5,500 On Brock St. Nerth in Whitby near busy corner. Build your home and business here or a fine site for cleaning plant, printing' busi- ness or small machine shop. This will not last long in growing Whitby. ONLY $1,000 DOWN -- LOOK at this 3 bedroom semi-detached bungalow with low taxes and payments like rent every month. The property is in just fair condition with some decoration needed. Low heating costs. Private drive here too. Full price $11,500. BROOKLIN $9,000 Three bedroom older style stucco home with large family kitchen, dining room, living room, 3 piece bath. This economy home has low taxes and low heating cost. Situated in commercial area for someone wishing to have a small business location and home. Inspect and make offer. INDUSTRIAL, 8 ACRES With sewer and water available in Port Whitby, Frontage on good street. Full price $30,000. LOOK, WHITBY 3 bedroom brick bungalow in close-in location with extra large bedrooms, kitchen and spacious living room. This better built 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sele. Members of the Oshawe and District Reol Estate Boord ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED THE ROCK OF GIBRALTAR IS "SHAKY" COMPARED TO THE VALUE OF ACTIVE REALTY'S LISTINGS KENDALWOOD AREA "PRIDE AND JOY" in ownership of this tremen- dous home, can be yours. Scenic view overlooking Lake Ontario, 4 large bedrooms, family room, with sliding doors to patio. Large living & dining room. Completely brodaloomed, Double atach- ed garage. Just listed. Hurry call 728-5157. THIS HOME "OE LD SORRY BOWMANVILLE $7,500 Brick 2 bedroom bungalow has separate dining room os well. Lot size 121' x 110'. Taxes only $185.00 yearly Contact 728-5157 for ap- pointment to view "OUTSKIRTS" $9,000 Only 5 minutes from City bus, 2 bedroom frame cottage in need of repair. Lot is 64' x 366'. approximately. Coll 728-5157 for more detoils. MORTGAGES ARRANGED DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR PROPERTY? SO DO WE 725-2338 725-6342 728-5157 668-3068 . 725-6788 728-3682 Jack Hughes Ralph Vickery, .. Hertha Schmidt Elaine Lee .... Bob Johnston Charlie Rankine Bessie Crysler .., 723-2925 Doug. Wilson ... 728-5157 Pouline Beol .... 725-0239 Guy' Beli +e» 728-1070 Steve Lehon 728-9326 Bill Horner .... 728-2236 Dorethy Wood 728-5157 ACTIVE REALTY LTD, 48 Simcoe Street South OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 515 Brock St. South, Whitby 668-5853 WHITBY PROPERTIES LOTS--Cochrone st. exclusive area with 100' tage. Priced from $5,000. For in- formation ask for Audrey Moore. TREED LOT iWth 65' frontage end eo § rom bungalow, features netu- ral fireplace, oil heating, separate dining room. Ask for Audrey Moore to inspect. NEAR SEPARATE SCHOOL 3 Bedroom bungalow nicely decorated and landscaped, large living room, built on a good sized lot. For further portciulars, ask for Audrey Moore. DUNDAS ST. EAST Extra large 3 bedroom brick bungalow, built on a lot 64' x 173', would be excellent for office, etc. in your own home. Call our office for in- spection, SOUTH WEST AREA Split-level, 3 bedroom home, extro 2 pc. washroom, stone fireplace, attached garage, rec. room, built in range and oven, beautifully landscap- ed FIRST TIME OFFERED FAIRVIEW DRIVE, Large 4 bedroom home, excellent lo- cation, sunken living room, broadioom, fireplace, separ- ate dining room, garage, large patio, patio doors from din- ing room. This home must be seen. Call now for on ap- pointment and ask for Poul- ine Hobbs. "CENTRE ST. SOUTH 4 bedroom split-level, fire- place, garborator, lovely treed lot, rec. room, garage, many other features. Call ond ask for Pauline H further information. RESIDENCES PHONE Pauline. Hobbs .. 728-5886 Audrey Moore .. 668-4088 Phyllis McRobbie 623-7159 __Mr, _Heitzner .., 668-8733 yet" Rotana Tierney, 725-5207. 'eer Reters, Realtor, $97. A MONTH including taxes. Six-room D. W. McQUAY REALTOR 519 Brock St. South, Whitby, Ontario Whitby 668-5868 Toronto 925-2965 Claremont 649-2109 FAMILY GROWN UP? Your present home too big? Make a point of investigating the advantages this cosy brick bungelow hos to offer, 2 bed- rooms, L-shaped living room and dining room with broad- loom; fireplace in living room; good size kitchen; all taste- fully decorated. Lovely fenced in garden with fruit trees. Preferred Whitby residential orea. Asking . $15,500.00. Call Noel H. Edey for inspec- tion. WALK TO SCHOOL Primary, secondary and high school within an average ten minute walk from this well situated 3 bedroom brick bun- galow in Whitby. You should see the rec room in basement --It's big--Completely finish- ed with panelled walls, tiled floor end ceiling, built in bor. Make. on appointment' with Noe! H. Edey to inspect. Carries for only $98.27 monthly including taxes, MANY EXTRAS The present owner has incor- porated many solidly 'built extras in this 3 bedroom brick bungalow, including a fully divided basement with rec room, play room, laundry room, and work shop. Well built patio at rear and brick and stone build up at front. Monthly payments only $90. including taxes. To: inspect call Noel H. Edey, RESIDENTIAL TROUT STREAMS LOTS ACREAGES FARMS COMMERCIAL BUSINESS near hood Brothers, Ltd, Roy Yeo, 78-5123, paved drive, ipe't tenes, Just $60. month- ly. Call trwin Cruickshanks, 728-5205, Schofield-Aker Lid., Realtor. Saad DOWNS Tac fone ia -|$1,500 DOWN, five-room br: ick bungalow and garage, centrally located, oi! heat- ed; hardwood and tile floors: fireplace, laundry tubs; storms and screens. Tele phone 725-81: CENTRE § "eight-room _ due plex, double ll paved drive, Peon ing only- $13,500. Call Johnston 725-9365. Lloyd Metcalfe Real esi COUNTRY STYLEI Just listed. Fiv room frame, north of Courtice, with one. acre of land; storms and screens. Aske ing $9,750 with terms. To inspect, call W. ©. Martin, Realtor, 728-5103. $8,500. FULL feat Fg for this six-room frame uptown Garage Tange only S82 Owner will fake carry mortgage. Hurry! Not many at this price. Call Elmer Fredin, 725-2753 or 728-5103. W. O. Martin, Realtor 21--Farms for Sale FARM -- 70 acres, Blackstock qe A gee and barn. For informations 22----Lots for Sale $5,800 FULL PRICE 10 ACRES $1,000 down. Balance pay- ments of $35 monthly. Lo- cation; North of, Whitby. Phone BILL MILLAR 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. 67 King East THIRTY FIVE ACRES WITH TROUT STREAM. North end of Oshawa. Very scenic property. Plenty of Privacy, Priced at $635 per acre. Contact Bill Millar 725-1186 W. T. LAMSON Real Estate Ltd. scaped BLOOR STREET----two storey home in better than average condition, hot water oil heat-, hondy for the south plant worker, a lot of house ~for $12,900 STEVENSON ROAD N. ---~ $15,400. Close to schools, both Seperate and. Public, five room brick bungalow, asphalt drive, only 7 years old--Try an offer COLLEGE STREET---2 bed- 17 NHA LOTS, prepaid services, bulld- er's terms. Hurry, call 728-5157, Autive Realty Limited OPEN TO 9 P.M LOTS FOR SALE -- Centra' vard North. Also apartment $13,900 UP id NHA + f. 108 suites. Other locations. "oan LOT, corner of Julianna and Bernhard Crescents, Downsview subdivision, 50° x N10'. Telephone 728-9842 after 5 p.m. 23--Real Estate Wanted We Need Listings SELLING ? Call 728-7576 SIBBY'S Real Estate Limited Please the man in your life} with a rich-looking cardigan of} warm knitting worsted } Cable-rich jacket knitte one piece from neck Jone ine cluding sleeves. Zipper closing Pattern 7221: men's sizes 36-38; | By ANNE ADAMS 40-42; 44-46 inclnded | WATERFALL OF PLEATS} Thirty-five cents (coins) for|from yoke to hem -- no stop' for | this pattern (no stamps, please )| waist seams! Isn't it delight-| to Alice Brooks, care of The) ful? Such simple seaming | Oshawa Times, Needle craft|brings you so much fashion and| CASA MANANA Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. On- Iflattery. Sew it now! COURT tario residents add 1 cents sales) Printed Pattern 4861 Misses' | } Jack Osborne, Joe tax. Print plainly PATTERN|Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18. Size 16| Offers You | Bob Johnston, Ken NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. 'takes 3% yards 39-inch |Sophisticated Adult Living | Dick Barriage room. brick Pry cap with 1965 NEEDLECRAFT CAT-) FIFTY CENTS (50 cents) in garage only $11,000 with ALOG -- 200 designs, 3 freejcoins (no stamps, please) for|. '" 9 Quiet Atmosphere | @USWhare ease ce | $75.00. a month principal patterns ! --- ait. crochet wer pattern. Ontario residents ss Pl cia ---- Isix-room | Brick bungalow, complersiy| ond interest, low taxes mbroidery, 25 cents.jadd 2 cents sales tax int} suites eaturing modern |landscaped and decorated in choice east how! lend for elegant, new|plainiy SIZE.. NAME, PAD. Scuibped | Kitchens, Vanities «lise molar Riche. Ting: teen cit $5 000 00. saat ac "Decorate with Needlecraft!"|DRESS, STYLE NUMBER with large mirrors in bath- Jing room, four-piece bath. Priced to sell , : pe? Hh ' Five beautiful room settings, 25| Send order to ANNE. ADAMS, Se age lee Gh tery Maat mee ore Open 9-9 | drce or « cietw strove clone to eradarh few Mustic Seheel Yau complete patterns for decorativejcare of The Oshawa Times, puings Te ees. Car Siena, Beele $1,500 DOWN -- brick home in centrai| will be delighted with the expert workmanship and quality accessories in one book! Pil-/Pattern Dept., Oshawa, On- NORTH-EAST area, new split-level home,|location, needs painting, one mortgage] scterigl in this immaculote fully decorated Home: Full price wall hangings, curtains,| \tario Walk-out basement, NHA terms,immed-|for the balance at 7 per cent. Douglas s y . Pp lows, |late possession. Owner will take trade,|J. M. Bullied, Realtor, 723-1168, $21,900 with good terms. appliques, more! 60 cents. COMPLETE FASHION RE- Call Sally Wallace. 725-6297. Joseph Bosco] six RonM semi-bungalow, five rooms and Value! Deluxe Quilt Book --|PORT in- our new Spring-Sum- Realtor. 721-7377. stbath down One large room up. $9500 AJAX -- 3 BEDROOM, $630 DOWN 16 complete Patterns. 60 cents. {mer Pattern Catalog plus cou- ONLY S195 down, balance one NHAjwith $2500 down. W. McAuley Realtor! on good street in fast moving Ajax neer Whitby and Oshewa. bai 2 "jpon for ONE FREE PAT- Live here and drive to work-on No. 401 to Toronto, Whitby or Oshawa in ten minutes. Why pay rent when you can own your own home for such a small investment. Full price $13,000. We er mortgage, new three-bedroom brick bun-|2¢ Prince Street, 723-2512 evenings. | |TERN! Everything you~ need Want-Ads Don't 0 the 1 have others in nearby Boy Ridges too! with low. down pay- ments. except weekends from | p.m. home will appeal to you and the down covert is only $3,000. to 6 pm Full price $13,600. Monthly payment $95.0) HOPKINS ST. BUILDING -- INDUSTRIAL Area of Whitby with lot size 70' x 537'. Large office, 5 room apartment ali contained in brick and block, 3 year old building with stone front, Full price $18,500 with good terms to reliable buyer. built here. For more informa- tion Call us todoy LOTS READY FOR SPRING to Open in this choice location, an exclusive subdivision, where you have prestige as a build- er ---- the number of lots are a limited SO DON'T WAIT. RENTAL 4861 tL} sizes 19-16 SLIMMING PLEATS to Gibbons St. North to Glen- ~Follow House Mode! at 413 GLEN MAR. j |. Directions---Rossiand Rd, W. | | mar signs Yes, down payment with some of you can reduce your ECONOMICAL -- CLEAN AND SPACE in this 6 room Oshawa 2 storey brick home on Summer St., Oshawa. Taxes ore less than $200.00 and there are 2 spare rooms finished in basement. New forced air oil heating unit, larger than average kitchen, clean decoration throughout, Not many like this for $11,000 with low down payment. PRESTIGE HOME ON ADELAIDE ST. Oshawa could be yours if you have your heart set for a quality home with reasonable taxes. This electric heated 3 bedroom clay brick beauty has a friendly open fireplace, walkout base- ment, extra two piece washroom, spacious attached garage and many other outstanding features. The rich stone and brick front OPEN EVENING "TIL NINE DIAL 728-4678 your work! O, ANDERSON S BUILDER 723-1891 |STEVENSON Road North, three-bedroom brick bungalow, seven years old, excel- lent condition, asphalt drive. Keith Peters Realtor. Ask for' Earle Allen 725-7782. LIVE IT UPI Buy a home of your own from oy selection offered daily in the Rea. Estate For Sale column. Mago, Hann only LOT TO PURCHASE OR LEASE Highway, commercial or in« dustrial zoned land. Must have 100 ft. frontage or more, Write for particulars to: Post Office Box 22, Ohaws rooms The modern 7 storey build- ing with an elegant entrance, lobby, broadloomed corridors, twin elevator service, inter- com system and built -in sleeves for your air-condition- ell or trade. Located Street "South (side door). $12,500 FULL PRICE, $1,500 down for solid brick apartment house (four apart- ments all rented) in Newcastle, Extra lot for additional motel units included.| An outstanding investment, income $200) monthly. Call for appointment. Arthur Weinberger, Real Estate Broker, 725-885) $1,000 DOWN, two-bedroon | brick bun- James Gibbons! 30, Joseph Bosco Realtor 728-7377. 184 Simcoe frame bunga-| KA April o¢cupancy slow. Onty one lett. Call 725-9265, Bob! 668-5765 | ya Five-room you lead -- 350 For Morch'c 733.6361 [sion Metealte: Reel Estate si. GOWN design ideas! Send 50 cents Cost-They Pay (és ' Call Rental Office at [SARGAIN "Near Shopping Centre,|low. Near shopping centre. Asking only| seven rooms, oli, serege. and workshop,|$7,900. Act fast. on this. Contac! Joe Open for your inspection from | nerth of Shopping Crawford, 723-1021 Joseph Bosco Realtor 2 to 9 p.m. daily. 72-254, Kelth Pere 'Realtors 7*-7377, 23--Real Estate Wanted (Continued on Page 28)

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