Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Mar 1965, p. 20

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eT 2 eg TEE ne ed eee tig eed Rar Be The kiss is supposed te say ititriumphantly, "He asked me THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 10, 196 all. what I wanted for my birthday oe . Reh pag ig cre gti By so I told him. In fact we picked ful husband, civic-minded, well- Hf; out: topetisnr, Th Coste $900. read, faithful and generous, But| We suggested that she return he will not take care of himself|the cape. She insists it would and it worries me to death. |be square and besides it might John has a back problem, The|hurt his feelings. Also she likes doctor has told him he must ex-|the cape and says she is sick CHILD GUIDANCE THE STARS SAY | ANN LANDERS By ESTRELLITA [t'sWorthwhile to Learn By Heart ronromonor | Briefing Requested - a dicate a somewhat routine Portions of Great Literature [pias "ar it! Poy Pirst Ki GARRY C. MYERS, PhD |time.' These teachers expose|noon and evening. There's a piss you were blind. Sup-|the children to a variety of these|chance of a new business op- ercise daily--nothing strenuous,|of wearing sweaters over her i rtunity, unexpected visitors } a |but a regular set of exercises|evening dresses. were 60, 70 or 80 literary gems and urge, or even|Po . ae co : r ercise g ? pose you from afar, perhaps an invita-|Dear Ann Landers: I'm a teen witnliig 6 shonld-¥ tik here has been outlined and he has| Are we old-fashioned and nar- HOUSEHOLD HINT store nails, screws, etc., in Use a plastic egg holder tojworkbench drawer. . ears " require, them to memorize ajft if . : in the og ay agente Soane certain. number of those they|tion to an unusually gingyiesece 3 age boy with a problem, I'veli,. 4 > been instructed to follow them.|row-minded? What do you say? like best. social function. In any event,|heen dating a girl and pretty) Second: How long should a| John commutes, which means|--SQUARES en iaedean ax in the future. : ; ! kiss. I have never kissed a girl. their early years and stimulat- THE BIRTHDAY san movies How do they breathe?/home but it's vital to his health}needs a second row of toes, She ; FOR This chick has gone with fellows Third: What should I say|that he exercise, : must have found this nutty kid WALLPAPER | imcoe St. N, -- 725-35 Suppose you then could recall in in thal g them to store up in their or poems) i ; If tomorrow is your birthday, ever so many verses or Pp minds literary gems that they who have had a lot of exper-|atterwards? Do I thank her or! How can I set shy Sitti tll vith aacieer mncaier telat al of oung fathers and moth- » ' z : one mgt be any or all of these| See what parents might aes paah ppmedeid geaeas should be pleas-| |) she will expect a goodnight|kiss be held? I always wondered|two hours in the car every day.| Dear Squares: A 16-year-old home reading to children injant ones. about those long kisses in the|I know he's tired when he comes|girl needs a mink cape like she PATTE"S PAINT AND of great prose you A ~|vour chart presages a good year)" hae! or Laer cifidhood. What ajcould carry around ve re Snead. According to the stars,jience in this line, and ' wie what? tq follow the doctor's orders?--|she return the cape--and now. heads all their lives. Fortunately), 11 your personal life and your|'0 40 1t right so she won't think) pjease don't think this is a|THE ROCHESTER NAG deal of pleasure you might de-i se are a few homes in which I'm 2 dumb dope i 4 § sail i js = . ___ {silly letter, Ann. I went to a lot tusiness interests should pros What I need to know is this:|o¢ O cable te slink Prank rive from saying them to your- children for years and years ne 3 self silently or aloud to others hear reading from the Bible and per, and there is also indication Wat: Ge i more a Wilettit, cae axe sbout oe ay Hel ne ance other great literature, even say- On ne eh Oe oa ee . a tuar Shy: It would help if 1/¥ant to. Try first to lure him hingting with your grandchil-|'& 1" a ie it over! onths. The end of this month,|and friction now and then--jknew your age. A "teen-ager" blag MeBirge yD. nbocses dren you could rattle off such and over in the 'amily. incidentally, shoud mark thelyour domestic, social and senti-|can be anywhere from 13 to 19.)/ 7" Ou ye pr precious items at any time YOu) PARENTS' QUESTIONS beginning of a sharp uptrend injmental interests should prove! If you are under 17 forget the cise with fin AbOUe all dent wished or at any time younger} @ My husband often getsjyour occupational affairs which, unusually pleasant. Best periods|whole thing and write to me ave a 'Toots Soni aes pac persons liked to hear them. See angry with our son, four, wholif capitalized upon, could putifor sentimental matters: late/when you are older. If you are nadie son hebout and thin ie the satisfaction yOu and those] doesn't remember where he left|you in fine position for many|June, all of July and late Sep-|17, 18 or 19, here are some ft th is : tember, Don't take April or De-|homey hints: one of them. foo seri-| Don't pounce on the girl. Give). Dear Ann Landers: Our 16- her a. chance to turn her head|year-old daughter received a fur fistening might derive. the hammer after using it. mane to pone geod good + oe 2 .| A. Rather than punishing this|cycles for job matters will occur)/cember "romances -- REPERIENCES child for soeaettiog, it is better|in late April, early May, Sep-jously,: however. Early July Or suppose at your presenti, a4 not to let him use his|tember, December and Janu-|would be an excellent period injand talk about the weather if/cape for her birthday from her ice 2 ire uae tools till he learns to put themjary, Best periods for finances: which to travel; also Septem-|she isn't interested. 19-year-old boy friend. I don't or driving a. tractor, or operat). in their places. A child solearly May, all of July, mid-|ber. _| Long kisses don't create a|know much about furs but I am os ee. ioe eyaid. recat young does not have as good a/September, mid - October and| A child born on this day will/breathing problem -- but they|afraid the cape is mink. eee criiakeed. How memory as he is often supposed|next January. te endowed with a warm andjcan create other problems, so} My. husband almost took the earned in your childhood. How to have. Why not let him have| In personal affairs -- except|understanding nature; will have/make it short and sweet. |roof off the house when he saw py ator rip ins ey gant a hammer of his own? lfor brief periods of aggravation a great love of adventure. | A thank you is not required.lit, Our daughter announced of dwelling on rry|3_ for [A thank you is not 1 * Gur' aeughter"snoounced you or of just sitting or going about with nothing stored up in your head, : Often you have heard aging) persons complain that they don't} remember things as well as they| once did. They mean they don't remember recent matters as well, But these same persons} may accurately recite in great} detail events of their childhood; | also portions of poetry and prose | from the Bible or other great) literature. ENCOURAGE MEMORIZING Some of these persons may) never have gone to college. They} may not have finished high} school. Yet their heads may be full of lovely poetry or prose. Usually they learned such by feart in their pre-teen years. Some had so good a memory) that they stored up such gems) from hearing them at home bod school. Some others had been} encouraged, even required, to) memorize them. | Unfortunately, many of you young parents never learned by heart much poetry or prose when you were in the elemen- tary grades and your own chil- dren may not learn much of it today at school or Sunday school. : You may remember a period some years ago when educators gave parents and teachers the impression that it wasn't good for children to learn anything by heart. Even some Sunday school teachers supposed it was almost sinful for children to memorize from the Bible or any 'ies ors LOIN PORK CHOPS .,, 65° STIMULATE CHILDREN | In more recent years many|@ seLecTeD SLICED FRESH SLICED---ALWAYS TENDER FOR MEAT LOAVES OR BURGERS FRESH HAMBURG elementary school teachers have| 1-LB. € c teen ting to cimuiae COOKED HAM . 98° |PORK LIVER __.,. 29°| MINCED BEEF _, 39° dren to learn by heart some} Shop SPROULE'S for Specially Selected Red Brand Beef -- Canada's finest grade to assure quality flavor and natural tenderness. By ROBERTA ROESCH | vice, too many job-hunters get) Dear Nag: It's tough to get a man to move if he doesn't Copr. G. Doppel at SPROULE"S Super Save PORK -- A PLENTY SALE..... : ss SPECIALLY SELECTED--TENDER YOUNG rz For Roasting C RIB PORTION 3-lb. Average Ib. YOU SAVE TIME WITH TRIM & PRICE--TENDER JUICY | MILD CURED--FULLY COOKED SMOKED PICNICS ., 39° Wednesday Night, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Nights till 10 o'clock @ AMPLE FREE OFF STREET PARKING @ portions of great literature which have stood the test of/ Most fh aged weg me i F ' umn we dwell upon the right/q- Ceciects ot lhe. SRE Sara's FREE! FREE! FREE! STRAINED BABY FOODS Right Approach portunities. | GLASS 5-lb. Granulated id Ss U G A R with the purchase of 4 General Electric 6 69 Lamp Bulbs et Regular Price Will Get The Job But despite our constant ad-| "In the Files" instead of "In| the Jobs' because they con-| tinue to mix. a negative atti- tude with the righ. approach. Let's hope this isn't your case sai nape if you're in the market! el ina dich T-lb. Bog VELVE] ot 'A C KRAFT E ino \ Hot Chocol 2 x 89° Pin 100 Peeaueyr.y TREE ot Chocolate im VEETA CHEES jut possibly it could be, since) P Sead de many Meappointnd job-hunt-| Buy one at Regular Price . .. get 1 FREE PKG. 1.05 ers make mistakes, far too fre- quently, according to employers I've interviewed recently. | | PAIR NYLONS 59c VALUE In fact, employers across the s With the Purchase Compare at 93c -- 6c OFF PACK pn alge eM gro A 1 TIN LADY PATRICIA HAIR SPRAY CHASE AND SANBORN nave pinpointed many times 148. ¢ Paris. necklines are plunging. Go on, ae oe eee rm nee. aon FREE DRAW 4 PRIZES } COF FEE BAG 7 9 dare! Just be sure you start with Dream | _--e e Lift. The design is right: wide-set straps, too many job-seekers make. less-cup cups, low back that plunges Here's what employers say: | . 2 2 . nyt, many. penne, 38 Just place your Cash Register Slip in Ballot Box THRIFT -- NEW PINK to no back. The line it gives you is OE Ticsainr emeten Tet Pri Prescut 9-Pi right: high, rounded, feminine. The underselling themselves e--Prescut 9-Piece LAZY SUSAN .......... ...- 13.95 value | LIQUID DETERGENT ue hemadar cea ae and overselling themselves. 2. They fail to make appoint-| ments and seem to feel their privilege to drop in at any) time. | LACK OF PREPARATION 3. They're unprepared for in- | terviews and consequently they) don't "sell" themselves for a/ job because of this. 4. They don't have an oem Style 1350. Terylene lace cups--wired and lightly uplifted. A, B, C, 32-36. White, black, marine blue, petal pink, petal blue. $5.00, Matching garter belts and panty girdles, EATON'S IN OSHAWA 725-7373 ERWINNE'S SPECIALTY SHOPS 11 SIMCOE ST. S. 723-7421 MORRISON'S SPORTSWEAR 2nd Prize--60 Second COFFEE PERCOLATOR ................ 11.95. value 12-01. 24-0. Ee Pie ALAW CHAIR, i... heise ee ee 5.95 value 25° 49° 4th Prize--1 PAIR FESTIVE STEINS .................... 3.90 value Compore at 59c--SHIRRIFF GOOD MORNING MARMALADE '*;," 49° Compare at 49c 5. They're not always dressed correctly for a job interview. | M L ' C ON MEAT 6. They don't apply for the| jobs for which they're suited| 12-02. and often they don't know what! Tins Cc they want to do or what job! they can do. 7. They don't act interested | in the interview or enthusiastic| COUNTRY FRESH -- GRADE "A" SAUSAGE PIZZA .... 69c about tis 106. | NO. 1 QUALITY -- TABLE 8. They fail to express them-| selves well and need much more) erection on that. , EGGS MEDIUM 3 DOZ. | 9. They demand too much) ie @ Frozen Food Feature @ MORTON PIES Try One To-Day! Chocolate Cream each Lemon Cream Cocoanut Cream 5. Banana Cream Chef Boy-Ar-Dee Spaghetti Dinners With MEAT ..... ... 49 With MUSHROOMS .. 49c PIZZA with CHEESE .. 57c ized resume to submit with their application. ier| SUPER SAVE WARD'S DRY GOODS LID. Perhaps these iob - hunting A i I Le ¢ CORNER OF KING at RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA | 33 SIMCOE ST. S 725-1151 Bag and make it obvious that they're : 48 SIMCOE ST. NORTH ; 725-6312 mistakes aren't yours -- and I person who gets 'In the Job" more interested in what they're getting than in what, they're giv- |, ing. | 10. They're unwilling to com-| promise on starting salaries) > "s -onfli i Hc s a conflict ~ (Opposite The Armouries) certainly hope they're not. But instead of "In the File."

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