Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Mar 1965, p. 5

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Town Residential Rate May Soar Nine Mills $109,514, an increase of 4.1 milis over last year. The Public School Board has Ibudgeted for $765,431, The town's share of $462,400 is up by a massive $78,800 or 3.1 mills, On top of this comes the On- tario County Council assess- ment. No definite figures are available, but it is expected that Whitby's share will be $295,- 000, an increase of $51,000 or 2.9 mills.' COUNCIL PARES BUDGET Worried at the prospect of a big increase in the local tax bill town council has done some careful pruning to its own bud- WHITBY (Staff)--Whitby tax- payers can expect a whopping $40 tax increase this year if record spending budgets pro- by the town's two school rds are accepted. ? Urgent meetings are being held between Whitby Town Council, the Public School Board and the High School Board in a desperate attempt to. reduce an expected 10-mill increase. Town taxpayers will find out definitely what their new year tax bill will be, Monday night when town council holds its budget meeting. Biggest budget increase of all comes from the "High School Board. TOP MILLION MARK Its budget figure tops the mil- lion dollar mark at $1,012,263. If the figure 'stands the town will have to find an additional et. It 1s expected that the town's own portion of the mill rate will decrease by .6 a mill. The school board's increased expenditures is blamed or re- cent rises in teachers' salaries. Neither board is about to em- bark on any major capital ex- penditure during the coming year. | "The budget has not been! struck; but it's probably not too far off," said Mayor War- ren Mowat. "If things go the way they are at present," commented Councillor Harold Slichter this morning," the mill rate will in- crease 9 mills residential and 10 mills commercial." | Councillor Everett Quantrill commented that 'marathon meetings" were going on at present in an attempt to reduce school board expenditure, One mill is worked out at $1 per thousand dollars of assess- ment, Thus as the average Whitby home is assessed at $4,- 000 householders can expect a $40 increase. | WMS Holds Meeting Faith Baptist Church WMS held its regular meeting March 4 with President, Mrs, Roy Fal- low in the chair who welcomed: 39 members in atiendance. Mrs. Dale Milburn gave the opening prayer. Mrs, William MacDonald, sick visiting ¢con- vener, reported that 16 visits were made to sick and shut-ins. Mrs. Charles Milburn men- tioned that 175 pounds of used clothing had been sent to Pastor Lorne Heron in Northern Que- ec, Mrs, Richard Devnich read a letter received from Missionary Mrs. David Grove of New Guinea, who thanked the group for her Christmas gift: received. The meeting was then turned over to Group Leader Mrs, Dale Milburn who read a poem en- titled 'Infinite Grace', The offering was taken by Mrs, Wal- ter Groat and Mrs, Roy McGill, Thanks were given by Mrs. Jim Wilde, Miss Jane Dale rendered two Town's High School Budget Will Top $1 Million Mark WHITBY (Staff) -- Whitby's Secondary School Board may --a 'gift wrapped' mill rate of. 18.4 to the town's rate- payer it was announced this week, The 'present' was made known at a town finance meet- ing where board members met with the town's finance .com- mittee to 'strike' the 1965 tax rate, The suggested high school budget marks the first time the expenditures have risen over one million dollars. Expendi- tures of $1,012,263.04 have been listed for the coming year. This includes a capital expenditure of $20,450. On the receipt side of the ledger is a suggested. $400,000 grant from the Provincial Goy- ernment. Coupled with this re- ceipt is the town ratepayers' tax levy amounting to $429,789.24, Townships ratepayers could be asked to 'shell out' $171,482.38, enue estimated at $8,350. Should the town council fail in their attempt to pare the high school budget, the residential mill rate would be 18.4, an in- crease of 4.1 mills; the indus- trial-commercial rate, 20.4 mills representing an increase of 4.6 mills, School board officials stated {there would be an increase of /120 students divided between the two schools, This figure would provide a total enrolment of 1,380 students, Keeping pace with the in- crease in student enrolment is a comparable ncrease in the $95,225, total budget, $11,006.40. The total amounts to $52,000, ondary School education for educating each student, Operation and maintenance of the two high schools is expected to increase by $4,468,904, This year the cost was estimated at Administration costs are also up, reflecting an increase in the The secretary's office and offices at the two schools have been increased by cost Summing up all costs of Sec- in Whitby, ratepayers are faced with an estimated cost of $436.95 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Merch 6,1965 & FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 Brock Street North REV. DELOSS M, SCOTT, Minister SUNDAY SERVICES 9:15 A.M.--"'FAITH TIDINGS" BROADCAST C.K,L,B,---1530. on your dial 9:45 A.M.--"'TAKE OFF" on a Great Bible School Contest, with Bethel Boptist Church, Orillio, 11:00 A.M,.---MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE Pastor's Sermon: "BIBLE SANCTIFICATION" 7:00 P.M,--GOSPEL HOUR OF SERMON AND SONG "THE WORLD'S GREATEST LOVER" WEDNESDAY EVE, 8:00 P.M, PRAYER, PRAISE AND BIBLE STUDY "THERE'S ALWAYS A WELCOME AT FAITH" school faculity. Six more teach- ers would be hired in addition to a qualified person to head up the Guidance Department, The faculty would total 77 nstruc- tors when the new additions are signed up. Brock St. REV. MAXWELL CASE -- Minister Pentecostal Church 307 Brock St. N, In further explaining their pudget, board officials stated 7 P.M. teachers' salaries account for more than half the total amount, a figure estimated at $585,000, This was described as an increase of $95,504, These figures were presented to the town's finance committee along with the news the board) had a surplus last year of $2,642.42 plus additional rev- SINGSPIRATION NIGHT --ReVelations Quartet of Napanee, Ontario - =----Miss Doreen Coxe, Guest Soloist "THREE HOURS OF SINGING - SINGING - SINGING" OUR OWN GOSPELAIRES GIRLS TRIO 11:00 A.M.-PASTOR PREACHING 9:45 A.M.-SUNDAY SCHOOL -- HOLDING FORTH THE WORD OF LIFE -- CLUB CALENDAR MONDAY, March 8 Co-Op Credit Union night 1st Whitby Scouts Salvation Army Brownies Whitby Baptist Church Explor- ers House of Windsor IODE Chapter St, Andrew's Presbyterian Women, Group No, 1 Whitby Brass Band Ladies Aux St. Andrew's Presbyterian Women, Group No, 3 Andrew's Presbyterian Women, Group No. 4 | Mark's UCW Unit No. Mark's UCW Unit No, 7 WHITBY PERSONALS ner--of--the..prize. donated by Mrs: James Smyth was Mrs. Florence Adam. Next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. William Ashton, Athol street. Mr, and Mrs. Frank Branton, Kingston are visiting members of their family in Oshawa, they were guests of his brother and sister-in-law Mr. and Mrs, Out of town guésts attending the Bandel-Gale wedding held in St. John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church Feb. 20 were: Mrs. Joseph Hodge, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hodge, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hodge Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Norman Edwards, Mr. and Mrs Harold Gale, Miss Gladys Gale, 'Miss Kathieen Sillifant, Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Sillfant, London, Ont., Mr. and Mrs, "Our consumers' tastes have become more educated," The federal bureau of statis- tics agrees, It found that con: sumption of potatoes, once the average German's staple nour- ishment, has been cut to a third of what it was four years ago. Bread-eating went down 12 per cent, c In contrast, Germans now eat 15 per cent more meat and 50 per cent more poultry than in 1960. j St. en nae er stv Oucandrive... St. St. BAHA'I! WORLD FAITH PUBLIC MEETING will be held ot the 1.0.0.F, Hall Brock St. S. Whitby. Every Sunday evening ot 8:15 P.M, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Broome, 700 Perry street celebrated their 43rd wedding anniversary Mar. 2. Their friends wish them! every happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brown, 709 Clarence drive and children Janice and Ronald visited Mrs. Brown's mother, Mrs. James) Carson of Beaverton. | co |WEDNESDAY, March 10 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Ch dren of the Church Whitby St. John's Ambulance Almonds United Church Women Unit Club Past Noble Grand (Rebekah) Whitby Kinette Club Family Monuments | 200 Dundas St. W. Whitby Phone 668-5893 EVERYONE WELCOME Refreshments served, STAFFORD BROS. |p. LTD. MONUMENTS | FREE TIC 318 DUNDAS EAST || 668-3552 | TO SEE THESE PULAR PICTURES AT THE Expected guest this weekend) at the home of Mr. and Mrs. The CORNER PIZZA SPECIAL'ZING IN,.. || © PIZZA SPAGHETTI @ BAR-B-Q CHICKEN @ SPARERIBS HOME DELIVERY 668-8807 (Open 7 days @ week) 107 COLBORNE $7. W, fF. MacDonald; 1124 Cloverdale JOE ROBINSON "Your 8.P, Dealer" SERVICE STATION @ TUNE-UPS @ SERVICE CALLS @ GENERAL REPAIRS Ted Cassidy, 356 Elgin W, 668-4585 616 BROCK N, they spent most of their holi-\poard of Directors Whitby | ENTERTAINMENT . NIGHTLY 9-12. | In The Beautiful | MELODY ROOM (Whitby Hotel) Joseph Bradford, 1032 Brockitheir return they visited the|st, John's Anglican Church|SPeaker at the March 18 meet: | street south is celebrating his\famous Cyprus Gardens Parish Wawers Ta tb gg Prono agp ge g " ° } Evening Gui w ih Seeney, Maren 7 Brock Street South Home and| St: Mark's UCW Unit No. 2. die aie 'et he |be invited to attend. p Guild members met at 00] Association are having | At the close of the meetin the home of Mrs, Josephjas their guest speaker Monday| FRIDAY, March 12 lunch was served by ute Cowx, Dundas street west with|evening, Mr. C. G. Sarles, Prin-|Red Cross Senior Citizens S0-\James Duggin, Mrs. B. A. Box Mrs. George Munns Sr., presid-|cipal of Colborne street who| cial Club and Mrs. Roy Ilott. ing. During the social hour|will speak on the new mathe- Pentecostal Church Young Peo- games were enjoyed. The win-|matic system. ple's Christ Ambassadors Salvation Home League Holds Weekly Meeting great needs for food parcels, which will' be sent, It was announced that Divis- ional Home League Secretary Mrs, Brigadier W. T. Hawkes will be conducting the March 15 meeting. Members please notice the change of date for this par-| ticular meeting. Local members are planning to attend the Home League Rally to be held April 26 at OshayA Citadel. the close of the meeting Mrs. Parker and Mrs, J. R. Kirk served refreshments. solos, accompanied at the piano Each member read a verse of scripture containing the word "| Missionaries were said by Mrs. William MacDonaid and Mrs. Guest speaker for the evening} was Mrs, George Teek, Faith To Fancier Food lough from the James Bay In-| . dian Area, Mrs, Teek spoke on| FRANKFURT (AP) -- Ger- told of her work amongst the|qaye ; sperity-born shift Gerard Hodge, Bramalea, Mrs. area gn RR No. 2, Indians, their way of living,|"2%8 hey a gegen tt, Oakville and|Whitby on Friday. 4 at : Mis. I ©. Gr by a question and answer|rounded out with plenty of po USA. Afternoon Branch Parish Guild period,. Mrs. Dale Milburn|'@toes. Mrs, Ada Wickett is. celebrat-jinstead of its regular meeting lRay Fallow closed the meeting|Comsumption of cabbage earned eng Bi ae win be lwith prayer, lthe German _ his nickman of celebrate the occasion Mrs.|pot luck junc eon this ; Ss i eas Coulee, Greenbank will followed by the business meet- Whitby Whittlers TOPS Club Mrs. Milburn and her group.|Vorite dish is no longer sauer- Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club Next work night meeting kraut with sausage and po- friends. Mrs. Wickett has one; wr, and Mrs. Everett Van- Aes ne, Ha 1 im in eating The Fabulo gon, Harold of Whitby and one datwal and their son Everett gue gad Cubs 2nd to attend hare sucpasted him in eating TAY Little Britain. established residence in Whitby| aa i , : j sae DY! All. Saints Anglican Church H refined cuisine flavored by Mrs. Wickett is quite well and)?" Rosedale drive. Their) afternoon Guild | Anglican Guild spices from the world over was i friends. their new surroundings. Royal Canadian Legion Ladies |who runs a delicatessen shop in DOWN Mrs. Aubrey McNaughton, Aux en salts \West Berlin: @ Low Rete Life Insurence Financing SC Mdatenset's Goat wad as © Always A Good Selection of Werrenty, home March 8 to St. Andrew's be ' x) @ No Peyments 'Til June lst Presbyterian Women's. Group |president Mrs, D, B. Fry open:| a ae ing the meeting with prayer. fOrR\ : ember was weicom:| Pat 'FORD ' { Mr. and Mrs. ed Mrs. Charles Guest. Eighteen) Created To Robert, son of M members were present. Individual b REE a emo wu MOTORS LTD. irthday March 9. Tn TM fifth birthday 9 jarrangements were made for si St. Mark's United Church 4 the group 'to be divided in| Whitby Baptist Church Cub, 4a tele | PO Saturday and will tour the new Lerseeh 7 zaar articles, there will be knit-| KETS Country Building. Don Bryant, 222 Euclid street is Packs lting, sewing and handicraft Ed, Dougherty of Mahoney ' | groups League | x acetic' len an. tome St. Jobe the evangelist Salesian t was announced that St. EACH WEEK 12 PEOPLE RECEIVE TICKETS FREE March 8 to St. Andrew's Pres- yg Fo etl Reged Bae : |homebake sale May 7, Members| y |Christian Reformed Church La-/qigoussed further the Centennial \coe pege the nomes and addresses of 12 lucky people in thie eres, If your & their regular monthly meet- ; | nome should you locate it, el! you ere asked to do Is slip the ing. ; rebatelch : " . Judge M days in Miami Beach, but Co-Op Credit Union | ge Moore of the Juvenile You will then receive your guest tickets to the Brock Theetre, Week Of March 8th MAN IN THE MIDDLE" Robert Mitchum -- France Nuyen by Mrs, William Dzikewick, banking "Grace", Special prayers for Ken Kirkland, Germans Tum Baptist Missionary home on fur-| "What Makes Missionary". She|mans eat fancier foods these habits. ete This was followed|{rom those _L. C. Grace, Connecticut.) 4y Saints Anglican Church thanked the speaker, and Mrs. Decades ago, an immense A x ting at 1 e'clock for a ing her 92nd birthday March 9./@re mee SDAY, March 9 : rma CRD TUE iprateikg Refreshments were served py| Kraut. Well, the Kraut's fa- open her home to relatives and ing. : Red Cross work room be held March 18 all encouraged|!atoes His French neighbors s. Marvin Hull, of| , jax daughter Mrs, Marvin ull Jr., formerly of Ajax have 5th Cubs and Scouts Ladies Aux 'The German shift to a more A friends wish them happiness in ' . Init N | 4 i ' looking forward to seeing many St. Mark's UCW Unit No. 10 Holds Meeting explained by Herbert Wiezorke, For As Little As... : @ 24,0 Hillcrest drive is opening her Anglican Church) {000 Mile or 24 Month j).|fegular meeting March 4 with| A-1 Used Cars, No. 1 for their March meeting. SEAWAY One new member was welcom-| eekman is celebrating his | } Roy B 8 | During the business meeting Requirements | : 3 RSDAY, W's Couples Club are meeting Le ohatided maven 3 {smaller groups to work on ba- Salvation Army. Women's Home} Mrs. Lloyd Dafoe, 917 Annes|City, Pennsylvania. gah Guild Margaret's Guild will hold a iotacian Ba gaan e's | a fach week for 26 weeks there will eppeer in the advertisements on this eet.(three-week southerr vacation, | dies Society Work and Pray| nook book i : | @d and present it ot the Oshawa Times Office in Whitby or Oshewe, Donald, son of Mr. and Mrs.| visited surrounding areas, upon| whitby Garden Club \Court, Toronto, will be guest) MONDAY-TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY STARTS 7:30 With Whitey ALSO -- "FEATHER CAME TOO' --- COLOR Starring --- James Robertson Justice Sally Smith STARTS 9:30 4 ONE COMPLETE PROGRAM AT 7:30 THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY YOUR CHEATING HEART WITH -- George Hamilton - Susan Oliver EVENINGS SHOWS AT 7:00 & 9:00 for Matchless Living GO ELECTRIC |GALTERATIONS 4 & CARROT REPLACED SATURDAY, March 13 Russian scientists claim to} have developed an algae with Featuring... St. John's Fellowship Group [-°"'" ; Patched Salvation Army Guides a vitamin & content 30 times} JOHNNIE McMANN Salvation Army Timbral Brig-|®teater than that found in aj on the ade carrot -- previously thought to; Console Organ Salvation Army Young People's|"ave had the greatest known} FREE PHONE : ae. 668-8522 Band concentration of carotene. @ COLLISION CUSTOM BODY WORK 24 HR, ROAD SERVICE McTEAGUE (JIM) ° Nr Blind Athlete SUB pate ELECTRIC LTD. KQRRAD coER---OWNER pal PHONE 668-3208 Enters Marathon 324 ASH ST,, WHITBY ' Corner Byron at St. John AUCKLAND, N.Z. (CP)--A Rev, W. J. S. McClure, B.A, Minister blind athlete, John Stratford,| Mrs, P. N. Spratt, Organist 26, ran in the marathon cham-| pionship here and finished half, way down the field, His time) was three hours 16 minutes 58 seconds for the full marathon distance. Stratford, librarian at the) }Auckland Foundation for the} --/Blind, had covered the mara- lthon distance numerous times in| training, In the race he ran lwith an experienced long-dis- ltance runner, linked by a plaited| leather wrist thong. This was used only for guidance, however, | FOR EVERY OCCASION Moke It... FLOWERS ty DEAN 668-3142 131 Brock S$. Whitby EMMANUEL REFORMED 403. Rossland. Road West Salvation Army Women's Home League held its weekly meeting at the Citadel with Captain Mrs. Clarence Janes in charge. Mrs. Albert Carr gave the opening prayer and Mrs. J. R. Kirk led in a chorus and prayer. While members busied them- selves making articles for. the annual sale of work, Mrs. Cap- tain Janes conducted the busi- ness. 'A letter received from Major Levyna Qrocker from Indonesia was read, she mentioned the Increase In Teen-age Suicides Blamed on News of Violence . and was otherwise no assistance EDMONTON (CP)--Teen-age|a closet, but I do think that if\to Stratford suicides are the result of a re-|we are to do anything about in-| Now the blind runner hopes) bellious nature and the desire to compete n the New Zealand of youth to assert itself, says marathon championshp Dr. K. A. Yonge, dean of the) 4¢-emphasize death and disaster : STEAM BATH} faculty of psychiatry at the Uni-|4nd place more emphasis on the versity of Alberta. better things of life." "In recent years there has| Dr. M. M. Canior, provincial the way to relax---et been a tremendous increase of|coroner, said he does not know fi self - expression among young|the cause of teen-age suicides George s Barbershop | people. Why such a devastating|"They happen sometimes for donde wom B ADA. 40.3 PM... way of self - expression? It's little or no reason, some slight mReriny, o> NeNeY Bist poe likely a fashion they havelunhappiness in the home, some|} srock ST NORTH, WHITBY" started . . . an expose." unhappiness in the school." Dr. Yonge said in an inter-| He said his files indicate chil- view the press and other news|dren as young as seven years outlets can take much of thejold have committed suicide in blame for the increase in teen-| Alberta. He declined to say how age suicides. many such deaths there have "Death and disaster have be-|been nor would he say how come commonplace headlines. I;many 'attempted suicides have don't advocate burying them injoccurred in the province. BROCK. Evening Shows ot 7 and 9 p.m: WHITBY Saturday Matinee at 1:30 Marlon Brando : David Niven John Kiss, 297 Seneca OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE COMMERCIAL --= INDUSTRIAL AND RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES 515 BROCK S, -- 668.5853 CLUB BAYVIEW -- TABLE SERVICE -- DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT @ Persons name eppeering in this advertisement may request guest poss to Bayview Club at Times office. J. G, Dancey, 526 Rogers DANCING 9-12 $3.00 PER COUPLE 10:30 A.M, ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 2 P.M, DUTCH SERVICE 7 PM, ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. M. Smith, B.A., B.D, Miss lla Newton, Deaconess Mrs, J, Lb. Beaton, A.R.C.T, 9:45 A.M,~--Sunday School 11;00 A.M, The Socrament of the Lord's Supper "FATHER AND SON' Nursety Care and Junior Congre gation During Divine Worship VIC'S SPUR SERVICE STATION SCUGOG CLEANERS SHIRT LAUNDERERS CLARK. STUDIOS Fine Oi! Paintings Portraits Model Services Custom Picture Framing Self-Improvement Classes Mrs, V. Howard 141 Nassau 668-4497 : 325 Brock N. .. BARBER SHOP 668-5751 BARBERIG Cc. J. Cary, 213 Byron §$, HAIRCUTTING & HAIRSTYLING 137 BROCK N,, WHITBY WHITBY BAPTIST (Colborne Street West at Centre) Minister:REV, JOHN McLeod Organist Mrs, W. E, Summers, A,T.C.M, MURPHY OIL CO, LIMITED 668-3644 501 Broek N, and STORAGE WHITBY OFFICE 130 Brock W, 668-434) 524 CROMWELL, OSHAWA 11:00 A.M. "THE CHURCH OF THE LORD" INFANT BAPTISM 9:30 am 11:00 A.M LABOUR AND REWARDS 7 P.M.--THE WORKING OF GRACE 9:45 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL WED. 7:30 P.M PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY . Whitby Whitby creasing suicide rates we must Junior, Intermediate and Seniors D 11:00 a.m, Nursery, Kindergarten Primary Infant Care, Junior Congregation COPPING CARPET SERVICE @ COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS @ IN YOUR HOME OR IN OUR PLANT @ CARPET AND UPHOLSTERY CLEANING @ GUARANTEED & INSURED, FREE ESTIMATES 942-0535 "WE OPERATE OUR OWN PLANT" S. L, Blair, 365 Simcoe N. ' HARRY'S JANITOR SERVICE 668-8873; @ INDUSTRIAL @ COMMERCIAL @ COMPLETE JANITORIAL SERVICE HLA, Finney, 1017 McCullough Drive 668-8873 609 HARRIET COMPLETE TRANSMISSION ? SERVICE «xh WY AaT MOTORS | @ 2 Licensed Mechanics |} @ Automatic Transmissions @ Complete Tune-ups Dougias Bland, 1507 Dufferin 668-2893 701 Dundas E, Whitby The Public Utilities Commission of the Town of Whitby See Our Display Of New '6S RAMBLERS Quantity of Good Used Cars' ABNER'S ESSO SERVICE © 668-5391 Jock Ing, 325 Doverdale Drive 1003 Brock 3, Whitby 668-4932 Applications will be received for the position of Water Pumphouse Operator until 12:00 o'clock WHITBY AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION REBUILDERS 405 MARY ST. EAST noon March 8, 1965. This position entails shift WHITBY work, Applicants are to have complete equivalent of Grade 12 -- Ontario Standards WHITBY AUTO WRECKERS | @ RE-CHROMING @ GRILLES .@ BUMPERS @ NEW AND USED PARTS @ NEW FIBRE GLASS FENDERS 'LATE MODEL WRECKS BOUGHT AND SOLD T. J. Walsh, 319 Kent NO. 12 HWY.--1 MILE N. OF WHITBY BEAVER LUMBER CO. LTD. "HOME IMPROVEMENT HEADQUARTERS" 668-5818 419 DUNDAS ST. £, DEMAND THE BEST, "OUR FINE WORK { Applications are to be in writing and addressed to 668-3223 the Chairman, The Public Utility Commission, Box WwHitey 59, Whitby. BUD'S ORNAMENTAL RAILINGS @ CUSTOM WORK @ INTERIOR & EXTERIOR RAILINGS (OVER 30 YEARS. EXPERIENCE) S-YEAR WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEO R.R. NO. 1 PICKERING -- 942-0720 SUPERIOR PROPANE | "SALES & SERVICE' M, 3338." 152 Lupin Or, 668-332 VICTORIA ST, &. -- WHITBY MG R, CAWKER, Chairman H.¢ Secty SIMPSON, & Gen. Manageér fF

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