Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 6 Mar 1965, p. 19

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he = A DS NN RO Raa Se ON RADE TO <c *y THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Moreh 6, 1965 19 BRIDGE By 8. JAY BECKER dee a ns Hes West dealer, Both sides vulnerable. BOLLAR-« HEADS I SHAVE AND TAILS JULIET JONES © King Factores Spmitenra, ina, 1965, World fights wasurved. Je TT RCo hin A =i Re obeyed j RIEL. WT Fs MOT ALWAYS SAY, )*BACCHANALE ROOM' 78 AN OUTCRY THROUGHOUT GUEBEL FOR A if OMe Soe REVILED. | | @ A104 AN TELL THE BAR hse : HI6 ae, TENDERS TO KEEPA RerUSES.. « le y WW!" 2 ee a | $KQ1076 > EYE ON hol LI'L ABNER Fast . Ddle Pas 29 8a 4 . Opening lead -- king of clubs. The squeeze is occasionally @ it / C : B ivery potent weapon, since de- ne ra ; : clarer may sometimes find him- YY ALOT AURA EP CA Fue. FLING USED Tosh Pie FLING! cout cee 6OOP OLD SAN FRANCISCO-ONE OF self able to manufacture a criti- (TS AWFUL HARP TO KEEP YOUR \ JAKE YOUR MIND EMPTY || I HAVEN'T THOUGHT OF HIM) | MY FAVORITE TOWNS --I'M GLAD MY 7F 1 SHOOT AT HUNTING WOLF IN FRONT Nal celek with bd || "MA y 3} i - OF HIS BRAVES, /LL_R/ISK STARTING AN INDIAN WAR/ MINO ON HOMEWORK WHEN YOU'RE || LIKE A BASS DRUM AN' || IN A LONG TIMEI GUESS |{ BUSINESS BROUGHT ME HERE -- THINK : . ; i WORRIEP? BOUT SO MANY THINGS, Neh } PRETTY SOON THE RIGHT || HE'S A MILLION MILES FROM |B I'LL. 60 OUT AND TA L HAVE TO FORCE HIM TO DROP THAT TORCH! -- However, some squeeze posi | || DEAS WILL START BANGIN)| HERE -- IF HES EV tions are not easy to recognize, } ON IT= || STILL ALIVE -- a '3a Y and, as a result, many oppor- tunities to execute a s squeeze are by-passed either through ignorance or oversight. Take a hand like this one, where the squeeze -- which is far from evident -- acts as a@ stepping stone to the establish- ment of a crucial trick. West led the king of clubs, which held, and continued with the queen: Declarer took the ace, ruffed a club, and then MY LANDS! VEY | DONIT THAT BS, A LITTLE] | S WANT HIM TO . oe a low heart, West follow- SEEN EVERYTHING] | MAKE YOU TIRED, \ BUT I DON'T HAVE ALL THE 4 5 : IF NONE OF ing low. CARRYIN' HIM MINP, THINGS I NEVER 1% BR) Ay Z : - THEM PULLS IN Declarer won with the jack AROUNC ON. Me HAD. $ ) WHEN WILL THE ATROPHY, : and continued with the king, " thay GROUP FROMM HiKeSTYLES 2) J DONT PUT : ? West taking the ace. When West ARRIVE, ROD iT " chose to return a heart at this ' \ ae point, South won with the queen 2 : and this became the position: North @AE 99 OAI58 Bast Immaterial 832 51098 em © King Feneere Spudicata, Ine World rights reserved. LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY THE LONE RANGER INSHAW eee 3-6 SECRET AGENT X9 $975 @QT42 Declarer, recognizing now that West's original distribution P was almost surely 5-305 and TELEVISION LOG Tat Hint had al theming diamonds, thereupon led a spade Channel 2---Buffalo 1:00 P.M. 10:00 A.M, | to the king and cashed the nine Channel 3--Barrie 1--Coftinental Miniature |11--Super Bingo 4 of hearts. Channel 4--Buffalo 9--Bud Sherman Show |6-3--Schoo!l Telecasts s Channel 6--Toronto 7--Dialogue 9--Playtime With Bobby " This (squeeze) play had its --| i 4--N uN 4 Channel dRochester ae Men Amateur ta--Make Room For 1 intended effect = mn ag Hho Channel %--Toronto Hour Daddy Hey ey ites. had to choose ween - ee ee. | Aenenre me Tenge 10:90 A.M. HEY SQUEA = er ing a spade or a diamond -- and 1:30 P.M. 11--Father Knows Best oN beck s either discard was found to be SATURDAY EVE. 11--Spothight 8-2--What's This Song re ; fatal. Thus, if he discarded 4:00 P.M. 9--House On The Hill 7--Trallmaster > - 7--Issues and Answers |63--Across Canada Quear; ; q diamond, South would play the 11--Champlonship Bowling} 'i $--Mr. Magoo 6-3--Country Calendar Smt Love Lucy % ' ace and another diamond, a ee Vicia etka Wj forcing East to take the king, 6 Cauntrytime Lc it tates Party| $--Jentes Beare shew f and in. this way make the rest MAY GUESS 16 THAT PEDRO WAS POINTING HERE'S A re 1 AND THEY STOPPED AT. 3--Shannon 9--Junior A, Hockey --= one, pe of the tricks. : OUT TO THE NEW GIRL SPY PLACES 70 CRACK THIS LAMP Post, AND HAVE THESE a BM: cts AN Stare 'Andy of Mayberry : If East discarded a spade in- NIT! THERE'S A CRACK PLACES WATCHED M--Star Route 6--Quebec Winter Carnival i598 hak : j} |stead, declarer would cash the UNDER IT, 00, _ NIGHT AND DAY, a eiege. 1 Rotten at) ery cies &3--Chez Helene * Owe wi ] [ace of spades before leading ; , ' j 2:30 P.M. : « 6--Ski_ School 11:30 A.M. Ww low diamond from dummy. 4--Sports E if hous SIMON \BOLIVAR mT ee insite a wk | oe a - East did not take the king, 1783 ~ 1480 f un PA 'ab Dak 7--Price Is Right é : South would win with the queen, 9-4-4-3--News) Weather: | 7--Championship Bowling | &2-~Butternut Square an and then return a diamond to 4--The McCoys Sports 6-3--Heritage war PM | ape z 12100 NOON the five. rly Hillbi 2--What's Uj 82--Say When oe. Hillbillies P bec ok i Yi B Round Table Panel : g 3-Have Gun Will Travel| @_psy "Hope con. «| Sraiwood lover LB NO SERVICE CENTER? 7:30 P.M. 63--World of Golf 3-Popeye and Pals ; 62 mat TORONTO (CP)--Five serv- es cede m 12:15 P.M ES a ; ive station and restaurant op- +-2--Flipper HesDannic' The 'Blanace | Seneener a the House RAY, erators from the Orillia area cre cm eg, ol Uae Lay, ] met with Premier Robarts and "1sGe Slogan shew | Lan Fun age ae , eer ee OS cad oo NP7S0 IN THE DARKNESS coveene 8:00 P.M. 2s oe 7--Father Knows Best ~ : f 6 warvide ; y ELEN PASSES WITHIN TEN FEET S--Academy Performance|'}--aito nM .| Aa Search for, Tomorrow TS pest Spry! a on High: IPT IS CHOLLA COMIN 'oI GOT NO YET: gy) OF WWE MAXROY,.nTHE ONE SHE. #-2--Kentucky Jones == /6-3--Wild_ Kingdom 12:45 P.M Aah PW oe SEEKS TO FINB SPN ea | 4=Film Feature Bai ey way 400. , jOOT oa ' > diytoe! 5:00 P.M, " 4A y 7--Lawrence Welk Show |1;_Family Theatre 1:00 P.M, -3--NHL Hock - li--Lucky & Ss Chicago *at Toronto cae. ecaoin $--Dacamber Bride CROSSWORD TO OTHACH E 4-Gilligan's Island 7--Wrestling Matinee ' 1 Dea't aulter In get re- a S-Nature of Things Ps ied de i ACROSS DOWN 19.Sloth PWR | liet that laste with ORAJEL. Speed- 8-2--Movie 3--Fury 2--Mike Douglas Show 3 1, Censure 20. Roof- {Aj in release formula puts medications te 4-The Entertainers 5:30 P.M. 6-3--Movie . 2. Mechanical ing St 3 Me work eee te dee 9:30 P.M. 9--Telepoll 1290. FM man tiles vend Zk C -2--G.E. College Bow! |!1--Mid Day Matinee BIATi TT "first-aid" for topthaches yet so safe "CHiollvwood Palace GoFestival of | Millionaire SGutot as. | Frank 22. Public [DRTE/A| doctors recommend dete nara. Chenione 4--As The World Turns the tops 4. Anthropol notice |RIVIBIV--IDIOIG) it for teething. 8¢ ORA-JEL 1<felke Party 4--Lukas Foss 2:00 P.M. 9. Military 5. Flowed 23. Recto: |AIBISMELIOIOMEPIONA! as ' 3--Gillican's Island 9--Abracadabra . IMI1 MEWIOIRIDILIETSIS! 9--Burke's Law officials: 6. Examine, as abbr. HIEIOMEMIAINT [A] 4--Gunsmoke 0:00 P.M, 4--Password Turk. JAICIHIE|D . 9--Fli 2--Moment of. Truth rk. ore 24. Easily [(o1UIS|EMBAININIE(S! eo--wullette ay 7--wig Show ot Week 2:30 P.M. 12,--Ruth 7.¥Front bent INIETTISMENIEIAIR] COSENS & MARTIN 6--Stingray 9--Four of A Kind 18, To store in of leg . Re Insurance 30:30 P.M. 4--Twentieth Century 8-2--The Doctors asilo 16, Star in the , 67 King St. E., Oshawa Picztiaal Wy King Foote fradione a-Jimmy Geen Show. | Stun We pre Sores. Yona 14.Surrounded _constella- 7 j f 10:45 P.M. ode OM. House Party y tion Aquila 26. Pronoun ' All line of 728-7515 GAWRSH , LOOK! / : 7 ALS 63-Sports Unlimited -- | 11_Family Theatre 3--Super Bingo 16.Speciesof 11. Flavor 28, From: ingwramee a enen or 725-7413 A RELICOPTER ) FS : PR y th Phe | maar AB soa age nea 12. Shore prefix od 19-8-7-6- -2--Profiles in Courage | 9. CRASHE? ON THAT /| K ' Baye store my nde SORCMP Adventure apy or ea recess 31, Preposition i ' 1:15 P.M. 4--World War | 7--Generai rospital 15. Lake in 33. A sign: ie 'i 7:00 P.M. 6-3--Moment of Truth Switzer- mus. / " vied N--Block, Buster Com |e s_patty Duke Show | 4--To Tell the Truth land $e Ascend MILL STREET 4--Lassie 3:30 P.M. : ETY Metro 7:30 P.M. !l--Funny Company . f GY Ig VARI STORE @-2--Satyrday Night at 9--Mr, Novak 9--I1's Your Move ind MILL & OXFORD STS. The Movies 8-2--Disney's World of 5 P 28. River: Sp. 11520 PM 4 ned ain 24, Haughti- Y Open 7 Days of the Week Jom at ee 1 " Evie case hace 6-3--Flashback 4+-Edge of Night ness WAS 10. A.M. to 10 P.M. 4--My Favorite Martian 4:00 ©.M. 27. Em Y 11:30 P.M. 8:00 P.M. 11--Lloyd Thaxton i 9--Answering Service 6-4-3--Ed Sullivan Show | 9--Mickey Mouse Club pillar l 6:30 P.M. | og - 6--Feature Showcase &--The Match Game + SUNDAY. 11--Special Movie | 7--Flame in the Wind 80. COLBORNE 9:00 A.M. 9%--Man From UNCLE, | OSes The World Turns 32. Athome Y §-2--Branded 4--Secret Storm VeeGatedtal Chimes )--Broadside |2--Rocky and His Friends ' GROCETERIA I THOUGHT ABOUT] [ BUT I HAVEN'T THE TO BREAK ANY CLUBS. Cae win PEEPS fe gd \eces WER Colborne St. at Church St. PLAYING GOLF PEP TODAY TO DO OVER MY KNEE.' 0:30 A.M. 7~Movle 7--The Early Show . THIS AFTERNOON, VERY WELL. --Italian Journal 4-- For The People 6-3--Raztle Dazzle 728-6341 7--Tennessee Tuxedo 9:30 P.M, 4--The 4.30 Show a oe - 9--Peyton Place MONDAY EVENING arood'tn pom OPEN emmy 10:00 A.M. 10:00 P.M. 5:00 P.M. --Carasello 9--The _ Hourglass \W--Famiy TMeatre DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. 8--The Bible Answers 8-2--The Rogues 9--Five O'Clock Matinee 7--Rocket Ship 7 63--This Hour Has 8--Superman x ly Seven Days a Week 4--Lamp Unto My Feet Seven Days 44. En ti 2--Church Invitation 4--Candid Camera . Energetic Pa rn s heah Seale 10:30 A.M, 10:30 P.M. 45, Ditch jroceries res! 1--Can. Inter-Collegiate | 11--Slattery's People 5 MM. . e Vegetables @ Meats Hockey Championship) 4--Wha!'s My Line 8--Leave 1) To Beaver . 9--Portrait 11:00 P.M. 6--Music Hop foolishly V2, FREE DELIVERY 4--Uncie Jerrys Club 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News) 2--Tales of Wells Fargo yy 2--Portraits of My People| Weather, Sports 'ste OA. fond of Y 17:00 A.M. 11:20 PLM, 7--News. Central 48, Male adults 9--Meta Presents 7-43--Late Show 6--Karen '4 1a eo py Mg Lite 2--Award Theatre 4--News, Sports with --Hol Vie i Chuck . Heal 7 7 64--Church Service $Thorales Flaiec | 2-Today, 1965" PERRY WON'T RETIRE EUROPE DIGS OUT YOU'VE BEEN STALLING | | I'M SORRY, aver. ITS CHESTER, SAMMY, AND #) YOU TIMEP IT JUST PERFECTLY atrentions of Feith 6--Alfred Hitchcock Hour 6:30 PM. BOSTON (AP)--Perry Como,| LONDON (AP)--Britain dug nN. MICKEY MOUSE FORAN HOUR! NOW | | IN THE TUB.,HUH'S.: WELL, 1) | SAID ITS VERY IMPORTANT! /| |CHBETER! NOW, ILL CALL YOU ai AM aw Naas Wenther |. grandfather with grey.jout from under 'the heaviest TUB AND] | AL HEN. --" WT --Music é ; : i ' , )) 1 i} Christophers f -2-- -B sais s t CONT bar cae ; sk lh ij z Vi | Len toAlfred Hitehoek Hour | 6-2 Huntley rinkley streaked nair, says thoughts of snows of the winter today and ERNIE CAY TikL Z TELL YOU.., spipeh SSE gcenavante ; ._|life crawled slowly back toward ---- 9--Italias Aibum TV MONDAY é-Across Canada retirement never cross hi8/normal with the help of a gra- DOORS : SASH &--Felix The Cat 8:00 A.M. P.M. mind. dual thaw. o:45 a 7--Challenge 11--Schnitzel_ House _Samity TH renee ; aici y A U Gekunsay Scho, 4--Captain Kangaroo | ert amily, Theatre His comment came after @| a warm-air belt moved in a nd ROOFING News) Weather AM ES he datas a one-hour NBC-TV special which|trom Scotland, tollowing the 8:30 A.M. ; j Sports 9--News: Miss Helen 9--The Addams Family cost, an estiniated $250,000 to|came path as a frigid blast that --The Answer 9:00 A.M, 8-2--Movie stage in Boston's new Watlorj i Y 12:15 P.M, 9--Romper Room 6--News, Weather, Sports |) j litori gripped the Britisn Isles in an FREE DELIVER 4--Congress 7=Dialing for Dollars | 4mPhil Silvers show {Memorial Auditorium Thursdaylicy claw for more than 24 hours. aM ws Lulaeee 2:30 P.M. Girl Talk 3--No Time For night ' ' N-Secret World A--Mike's Carnival | ----Sergeants "Yes, tm $2 years old,"/, 2here were signs of letup in . 8--Mr. Wizard 2--Movie 1:30 PM ; ret ian Th y ee rated some parts of Europe as well, coll our NUMBER 7~Bullwinkle | 9:30 A.M. 7--Voyage To Bottom -omo 0. re ssociated|-- --~------- - ~-- tive and hedin Jk ae Allen ; ¥ The ag Press. "That's not too old for PHONE 725-1121 ace e Na' --Meta --The Luc hi tn sinaes. i p oy i 3--Cartoons 6--Musical interlude 6-3--Don Messer's Jubiiee this business--or any business--|! feel great. I never think about 53 ALBERT ST. a-Family Playhouse 4---Leave it To Beaver | 4--To Tell the Truth as long as you feel good. Andiquitting. MUGGS AND SKEETER

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