{ } \ | WHITBY (Staff) -- After a lengthy discussion which b it the town council out of r r session and: into a 'Committee of the Whole', the town elders Monday night fin- ally to refer the ques- tion storm sewers in Park Vista Gardens to a special meeting of council. Frog @ recent 'won meeting a deputat! of the subdivision, Councillor George Bevan stated the two groups had reached a 'stalg- mate,' "We met with the delegation and the meeting went on for two and one-half hours," he said. The councillor explained further, the question of storm sewers had arisen over two years ago. The Park Vista Gar- den subdivision homeowners had requested storm sewers, After the council had recom- mended the subdivision hold up their request in favor of a grant from the Department of _ Call Special Meeting Study Storm Sewers Highways, the homeowners re- = the project be con- tinued with payment to be under local levy. "It could have been done much more reasonable under a grant system provided by the Department of Highways," Councillor Bevan stated. The subdivision might have had to wait much longer for the storm sewers, however, the council- lor advised. "Some areas with higher priority might well have been attended to first," he said. Speaking in favor of the sub- division, Councillor Tom Fd- wards suggested he was op- posed to do anything which might drive the homeowners away from town. The council- lor explained that people liv- ing in the subdivision might not be able to continue living there if the taxes went too high, an indication which he intimated was forthcoming this year. "These people have had a lot Council Demands Meet With Board WHITBY (Staff) -- Whitby Town Council took exception to a report that the Whitby Pub- lie School Board could not meet with them for discussion over the forthcoming budget, this week, Mayor Warren Mowat gave Councillor Bobbie Atter- sley an 'order from council' instructing the board to meet council, "They have to meet us," Mayor Mowat stated, "whether it be for budget purposes or not, If we instruct them to do so they must comply." The question was raised by Councillor Tom Edwards who stressed the importance of council] meeting the board this week. "We must know where we stand," Councillor Edwards gency in view of reports of a higher budget." MEMBER FRUSTRATED Councillor Harry Inkpen said e was informed the board member in question claimed he was 'frustrated', 'He will not allow his name to stand for the board," Deputy Reeve George Brooks provided a view of council's future actions in regard to both public and high school budgets when he stated the reports indi- cated a definite increase in the Dopp Trophy Presented By CLIFF GORDON WHITBY -- The Brooklin La- crosse Club held a dance and get together on Saturday night at the Whitby Arena. The event was originally scheduled for a jacket presenta- tion night but somewhere along the line the coats did not show up on time. However, several awards were handed out by for- mer Manager Art Morton who was chairman of the evening. The awards inciuded the pre- sentation of the Gene Dopp Tro- phy to Pat Baker for the most valuable player on the team in 1964, Also handed out were tro- phies to the players who were picked up by the Brooklin team for the Mann Cupp playdowns. Due to previous commitments a number of the pick ups were unable to attend but some 85 players their wives, sponsors of the team and executive mem- bers enjoyed a fine evening of dancing and entertainment. Mr. Morton introduced Bob Vesey to the plavers as their new manager for the 1965 sea- to put up with since they came to Whitby,"' Councillor Edwards stated, 'my sympathy is with them, Councillor Edwards fur- ther suggested he felt it was un- just to ask the residents to pay for something under general tax levy which they had previ- ously been told could be install- ed under local levy. Councillor George Bevan stated he had looked into the question of land values and the increase in value to the homes since the storm sewers had been installed, The councillor stated that five residents had sold their homes since the storm sewers :were installed. He suggested the sales were quite possibly culminated through the increase in value of the properties resulting from the installation. Councillor Bobbie Attersley suggested the question could ing months citizens of Whitby are going to be asked to dig deen and come up with half- of-a-million dollars to make the dream of a reality. than Palmerston Avenue Home and School Association Monday night of the long and arduous task of bringing the hospital to reality. local persons met to discuss the advisability of having a local hospital. was the largest municipality in Ontario without a hospital of its own. ed a steering committee, and the job of unsnarling miles of red tape began in earnest. EXPERIENCED DIFFICULTY be debated for three hours with- out reaching a solution. Council finally. resolved to hold the special meeting. son. Mr. Vesey spoke briefly to the players and to'd them they would be hearing trom him in the near future, Secretary Cliff Gordon: offered a few words of |praise and led in a round of ap- jplause for retir'ng manager |Morton who led the team to the! Pic-Ax Players Preparing Play Manco i he Brook AJAX -- The Pic-Ax Playerz|team. As yet no dates have been have embarked on the presenta-|set for the opening work outs, tion of the hilarious play, "Doc- tor In The House", by Ted Wil- lis. At a well-attended casting meeting it was evident that in- terest could not be better. Joe Mullen, a veteran actor, will act as director. His ability was demonstrated by the fact that casting for the nine .roles was completed at the first meet- ing, Members of the cast are: Bill Rankin, Pauline McRae, Tom Stepany, Gerry Pazitka, Jenny Simondson, Don Clarke, David House, Pauline Durkin and Gay mill rate in line," he said, The} deputy reeve suggested council) should take a firm stand on) this matter. Rowan, | The play will be presented! May , 7 and 8 in the Pickering) Community Hall, | but we understand from mana- ger Vesey he is trying to ar- range for a gym for light work- outs, Railways Asked * 8 * To Limit Noise WHITBY (Staff) -- The town council moved swiftly Monday night in answer to a complaint of unnecessary no'se created by railway trains shunting cars on the spur line running across Dundas street. A .etter of pro- test will be sent to both the Ca- nadian National and Canadian Pacific Railways, instructing has them to refrain from such ac- Doctor Explains Hospital WHITBY (Staff) -- In com- local hospital a Dr. Kenneth Hobbs told more 75 members of the In 1959, he said, a group of At ihat time, he said, Whitby The original 16 people form- Plans money and help bring mental illness out of the "dark ages." NO INCONVENIENCE He said the patients at the hospital were not in the least dangerous, and would in no way inconvenience the patients at the general hospital. Many features such as sew- ers and laundry facilities would not be needed in the new hos- pital as they were present now. No steam plant will be neces- sary, as the plant in existence at the Ontario Hospital can be cheaply modified to carry the extra load at the new hospital. He stated that present plans allow for construction to com- mence in the fall of 1966. "The need?--anyone who has waited six months for a bed in this area -realizes the need," They attempted to become a chartered corporation but ran into: difficulty because of plan- ned expansions in both the Oshawa and Ajax Hospitals which gave the area the re- quired number of beds, In April of 1963 they were successful and the new cor- poration was formed when 100 local persons became charter members by donating $100 each, They were soon disillusioned when they were informed by the government that the area had sufficient beds until 1972. They kept on, he added, and the committee set out to find the best location for the new hospital. 22 SITES STUDIED They studied 22 sites spread out over the whole town and narrowed the choice to four locations. Dr Matthew B. Dymond, On- tario Minister of Health, sug- gested they built on the grounds of the Ontario Hospital in what since become "The Dy- mond Plan." The committee hired a con- he concluded. Flag Pole Is Vetoed WHITBY (Staff) -- Whitby Town Council Monday night "shot down" a motion to have a new pole erected for the purpose of flying a Union Jack at var- ious occasions and the provin- cial flag once. The motion was defeated 6-3. The motion was presented by Councillor Vernon MacCarl, sup- ported by Councillors Harry Ink- pen and George. Bevan, The motion 'That council erect a new flag pole west of the pres- ent one for the purpose of fly- ing the provincial flag when the provincial government adopt its flag". COUNCIL, VOTE THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, Merch 2, 1965 § discussed at length a year ago|gested council wait and see and again reviewed this year.|what flag is, decided upon The councillor suggested thejthe provincial ed if the council did not take a| 'The reeve's comments were firm stand on the matter. seconded by "We are going to be surround-jGeorge Brooks. 'We ed with flag poles if we erect|stick by the motion we one every time someone decides|last year and reviewed on a flag," he said, Such ac-|this year," he said. tion was termed a demotion} Councillor of the flag decided upon by the/fayor of the , 8 Dominion Government, he stat-\some recognition shoul ed further. given to the country which Reeve Quantrij] said too much|responsible for opening the Do- money has been spent on the|minion. 'I cannot see any rea- flag question. The reeve sug-|son why we, could not raise this i a a Opposed to the motion were Mayor Mowat, Reeve Everett Quantrill, Deputy Reeve George Brooks and Councillors Bobbie Attersley, Harold Slichter and Tommy Edwards. Loud in opposition to the mo- tion, Councillor Tom Edwards stated the question had been WHERE. DO LOST CUSTOMERS G0? Every car dealer knows that despite his best efforts to tender service he still loses a certain percentoge of customers "who fail to continue to potronize his dealership once they have taken delivery of their new or used car, Why Pay More... SAVE!! 'Why and how much of this repeat busl- ness is lost was surveyed recently by in- dustry ists with i ing results, Taking an everege 100 buyers, the tabulation showed thet 48% of those buyers no longer patronized the selling dealer at the end of four ON FUEL OIL 16: Phone 668-3341 years; 81% at the end of ten years. The breakdown showed thot 82%. of the'cusfoemrs whe took their business eleswhere in the first four years, did so on thelr own because of a combination of unodjusted complaints, dis- courteous treatment, poor service or indifference. The remain- ing losses were due to deaths, moving to other cities and being directly influenced to trade elsewhere. | DX FUEL OIL Serving Oshawa And District "TREASURES" to have and to give PORTRAITS from..... DENIS Studios Call 668-3442 S.W, Corner Brock & Dundas, Whitby At Northside Chrysler Dodge we pride ourselves on the high percentage of loyal, repeet customers thet look to us for all their motoring needs. We know, however, thet some of eur buyers still slip away from us, just as they do all dealers, and we are constantly doing our best te correct the shortcomings within our business thet mey couse this loss, : You will help us do this if you will bring te our ottention anything regarding your treatment in our deolership that will enable us to serve you better, 'i a tion during the evening hours. ig imperative there! WHITBY PERSONALS | The subject was brought for- ea | Mr. and Mrs, William Lee,|brants: Robbie Chatten, Osh-\"ard by Reeve Kverett Quan. ANOTHER TIME [Whitby and Mrs, Lee's sisterjawa, who was 10 Feb, 18; Mrs.| 1.0 2 8 8) ale Oe inthe Councillor Bobbie Attersley|and brother-in-law, Mr. and ; BU Ka HIONT Godt Peck. Agnes Bull, Taunton, Feb. 19; : , ; >,y {fering with the night rest of resi- f stated he had received a phone|Mrs. Clarence Brown, Brock-|Mrs, Neil Taylor, Oshawa, Feb. sted, a saving of more than| call from the board's secretary|ville, spent a few days in De- dents in the area. The reeve ex-/BCS 8 24; Ricky Bull, West Hill was 50,000' would be realized. | informing him the trustees|troit, Mich., visiting relatives.|three Feb, 27; David and Don- eager rng bales ri are Outéole Hobitel site 'enh! re dh Napaaas iy Ed Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Wilcox ald Foster, RR 1, Whitby Feb.|conerally create considerable|chosen, and Dr. Hobbs com-| ee ga sl sided ag The 912 Bayview avenue, are cele- Bd eck poe ait High-| disturbance |mented that building a general| ard Ww meet wi us in f $ f and Creek, who wi e two) nai keacaws iia i : hear toon at anner ran er ehh "eer burg" eveung te anima cond ein oe ram, wa eH co ypc the heard friends wish them every happi-/COWne was enjoyed at Redine timited to the daylight hours.|first," that would save the town| mre ania ake vad icles i. Wing Recreation Hall and af-| here in the council chambers terwards a dainty lunch was| and not in their board room,"| served by the hosvess, Mayor Mowat stated. Another question, dealing sulting firm to study the many sites and they reported back, that if the hospital was built where Dr. Dymond had sug-| Each Week 12 Peopie Receive Passes Free Each week for 26 weeks there will appear in the edverti on this page the names and addresses of 12 lucky people in this eres. If your name should appear and you locate it, all you ere asked te do is clip the ad and present it at THE OSHAWA TIMES office. You will then receive your '4' acne' to Bowl at the Oshewa Bowling Lene. Passes--Must be claimed by 12 noon Tuesdey following publication. Esso) WINDER'S ESSO SERVICE ATLAS TIRES - BATTERIES Specialized Lubrication And Undercoating H. L. Pringle, former manag-| WHITBY RED CROSS 725-8507 er of Whitby Public Utilities| King St. E. at Ritson Rd. Commission, who has been a-| J. S, Hall, Eastmount patient for the past two months} Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Norman Bird, 126 Lupin drive, were: Mr. and with education, was raised by od Teoh Bird, "Torenio and Reeve Everett Quantrill who 3 stated a member of the Whitby and. Mrs. A; A; Harold, Osh High School Board was resign- ing from the board, 'This mat-| Mr. and Mrs. Reg Foster en- ter is of the utmost impor-|tertained at their residence last tance,' the reeve said. '"It|Saturday on the occasion of} could be classed as an emer-'the following birthday cele- Open & League 5 Pin Bowling @ Automotic Pinsetters @ Ample Free Floodlit Parking @ Year Round Air Conditioning ALDSWORTH : CLEANERS MOONLITE BOWLING Every Fri. Evening , a p.m. sG0> y $3.00 for 24 Games OSHAWA BOWLING LANES 723-2631 Oshawa Shopping Centre At the general monthly meet- ing of St. John the Evangelist) CWL a cosmetic demonstration) will be given by Mrs. Betty! Russell assisted by Mrs, La- verne Rousseau. All members are invited to attend and bring a friend, at Oshawa Genera' Hospital, is making progress and expects| to be coming home shortly. | Kelly - Disney elly - Disne i Tak | Ake Series Lead (sic: i, sso: ox: ; and Mrs. Wilfred Aldsworth, is) St Mark s WHITBY -- Kelly-Disney de-|Vesters each scored twice to\celebrating her third birthday . feated Ottenbrite's Men's Wearjhelp Ottenbrite's in the game, |today, pd 10-7 in Whitby Mercantile Hock-|Gord Platt added the other Ot-| - : United Church ey action Sunday afternoon. The|tenbrite goal, Cc S S | Town Purchases entre ot. >. win gave Kelly's a 1-0 lead in| | FIRST PERIOD WED., MARCH 3 the best-of-five series. Both teams started off hitting Kelly's: Gray Ottenbrite's: 2 to 4:30 p.m. afternoon 6:30 to 9 p.m. evening Fabric-care Centre' 725-1812 36 ATHOL E. OSHAWA LET SUPREME WINDOW & DOOR PRODUCTS 'LOOK AFTER YOUR NEEDS' @ ALUMINUM SIDING @ RAILING @ AWNINGS e@ CARPORTS, ETC. Allin F, Annis, 455 Simcoe North LANSDOWNE SHOPPING CENTRE Free Estimates 723-9843 PEGGY'S Hair Styling @ Tinting @ Hair Cutting @ Permanent Waving formerly 'Gerda Beouty Salon' Call 728-2641 FOR APPOINTMENT Wolter Bestwick, 89 Sunset FISHETERIA ae Hee Halibut ie hard trying to wear each other! a. out for the first period. Kelly's (Rennick) scored first but. Ottenbrite's| 3, Ottenbrite's: Moffatt . came back with two quick goals} 4. Kelly's: O'Brien to take the lead. This was the! (Slack only time Ottenbrite's were) 5, Kelly's: MacDonald ahead in the game. Kelly's} (Robbie, Tran) fought back for two more goals} inne n before the end of the period to) SECOND PERIOD lead 3-2 6. Ottenbrite's: Moffatt Ottenbrite's tied the game in, (Vesters) ... the first minute of the second) 7. Kelly's: Tran period but Kelly's, in the space (MacDonald) ..,. Kelly's: Maw (MacDonald, Bobbie) McKEEN'S. USED FURNITURE John David Fleming, 139 Melrose "'We Buy and Sell New and Used Furniture" 426 SIMCOE S$. Zoltan & Nick's SERVICE STATION 728-0051 MAJOR REPAIRS 3 Licensed Mechanics WHITBY (Staff) --. Whitby's + 12.18) works Department will soon FISH & CHIPS 14.39 be sporting a new half-ton truck} "it was announced Monday night sath our. St THR chee at the regular council meeting.| ~~ : nea aa} Be sy Poca dang The successful bid was tendered GOING SOMEWHERE? . J. V. AVIATION . D. by Dick H. Pontiac-Buick Ltd of Whitby, in the amount - of * tr _ . Private & Commercial Flying Instruction 725-5181 16.23! KOMATZ DRAPERIES John. D, Peacock, 63 Queens Made - to - Order "We will visit you at your convenience In your own home for demonstration of somples and free esti- ates,' Call 728-8522 For Appointment GILLARD CLEANIT SERVICE LTD. 725-3555 If Busy, Call 725-3562 se eeeneeee re seeee $1,977.60. (Gov't. Approved School) | Three other tenders. were re- 4.1 ceived ranging from $2,209.23 to @ Aircraft Rentals @ Charter Trips of a minute and a half early in) &, |$1,977.60.. A comparable tender the period scored three times to 4.29|t0 the successful one was sub- put them ahead to stay. Otten-| 9. Kelly's: Maw mitted by Northside Chrysler- brite's scored in the last minute (Heffering) 5.21, Dodge of Whitby. of the period to make it 6-4 for|10. Ottenbrite's: Rennick Seaway Motors Itd., and Piper Colt, Tri-Pacer and Kelly's. j (Townsend) ..... rete 19.53|Bramley Motor Sales submit- Cherokee Aircrafts With the teams sticking to jted the other bids. hockey, Kelly's were able to Commenting on the successful 728-3191 keep at least a two-goal margin) 11. tender, Councillor Tom Ed- Oshawa Municipal Airport for the rest of the game, oul- .17 wards stated: 'We had a very scoring Ottenbrite's 4-3 in the/12. difficult time deciding on which 2.3ljof the two lowest tenders to 11,32| accept." final frame. '|STEAM BATH THIRD PERIOD Volkswagen Service Oltanbritels< Centers 160 Simcoe St. $. Oshawa (Moffatt, Platt) .....0. Kelly's: Tran (MacDonald, Maw) ... Kelly's: Mandyk Ottenbrite's: Vesters (McLean) Kelly's: Maw (Tran, Mandyk) Ottenbrite's: Rennick (Seymour, Moffatt) ... Kelly's: Tran .. FREE ESTIMATES Carpenter Work and All Generel Repairs ONTARIO CONTRACTORS N. Dannunzio, 246 Beatty COMPLETE witz MOTOR CITY CABS y SRM 6 RADIO DISPATCHED CARS D ERY, Elmer Tran and Charlie Maw) 13, were the big men for the Kelly| 14, crew scoring three goals apiece Mike Gray, Bob O'Brien, Alj15. MacDonald and Ted Mandryk Wis bey. te relan-ot each had single goals to com- 16. George's Barbershop Every Day from 8 A.M. to 9 P.M, Sunday from 8 A.M. to 3 P.M. Tuesdcy -- Ladies' Dey Mendey ---- Closed All Dey plete the Kelly scoring. Bob ed BROCK ST. NORTH, WHITBY Moffatt, Art Rennick and John/17. BROCK One Complete Program Each WHITBY _ Evening Starting at 7:30 "What A 2 Hells! Way To Too tired * to cook? CHITKEN in He ROUBH na GORD'S ENVOY FOOD SERVICE HOME DELIVERY © FISH & CHIPS @ HICKORY SMOKED RIBS C, €, Eadie, 237 Grooms GORD'S FOOD MOBILE D. R, Clark, Pinecrest COMMLeTe gy WASONADLY PRICED C) CARPETS AND FURNITURE CLEANED in your home the * "flower-freah" way ty Duraclean® e no messy soaking » e no harsh scrubbing for free quotation eal} 728-8518 Skate Exchange travel? RTER A BUS from US! * Safe--comfortable Buses * Experienced Drivers * Low-low Charter Rates Ma] VICTORIA A 7 ft VF a i TRUST CONSECUTIVE DIVIDEND | Notice is hereby given that a quarterly dividend of Twelve |Cents (12c) per share has, | been declared on the paid up | Capital Stock of Victoria and | Grey Trust Company and the } same will he payable on and om. eorek 5th, 1965 to | Shareholders of record Feb: 19th, 1965, whan By order of the Board Rr G. Thomas, Q.C. General Manager and Secretary Ontarin 12th, TO: -~ @ OFFICES @ FACTORIES @ CONSTRUCTION SITES 728-7321 Sales and Service on Bicycles and Tricyclées 204 BOND E., 725-6344 'CHA 252nd "ty OSHAWA'S MR. CLEAN Janitor Service Window Cleaning Empleyees SB LEO'S ITALIAN FOODMARKET @ IMPORTED CHEESE @ ALL ITALIAN FOODS @ GROCERIES @ MEATS @ GROCERIES (FREE DELIVERY) 502 SIMCOE S$. 725-4643 Miss Peggy Redman, 592 Crerar WALTON'S Supertest AND | Call or write Snack Bar 'BURLEY E 720-023) ood BUS LINES LTD. | Pies and Pastries PHONE 723-7171) SHEWRING BROS. C. Barter, 1016 Centre S, Floor and Wall Covering @ Armstrong Corlon © Ceramic Tile CALL 728-3980 For Free Estimates LN CCL Eg, Fresh Doily "We pay special attention te children" Open 24 Hrs. A Doy Every Dey KING ST. £. AT PRESTONVALE Lindsay February 4 Adult Entertainment 1965 {Gata