Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Feb 1965, p. 16

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ee et ee Wier RalStc. 1 moe 16 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Februcry 27, 1965 "Spring May Be Around The Corner . . : But Bargains Are Here Now" Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 y 15--Employment Wanted |18--Male Help Wanted |20--Real Estate for Sale OTT'S SCRAP BOOK - By R. J. SCOTT ATTENTION, susiwessmens iy " BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY] "Spiga [esceee 2 necron | vone owes 17--Femole Help Wanted on Nuclear Fuel YOU will always be on y Applicants should have a vacation when you buy Building Trades \tbitetiges TV--Radio Repairs WAITRESSES REQUIRED | 'oom' inssoctign' practice, | one of these smart homes Acco Chartered Accwor CITY TV TOWERS, Satennes, site 9 fe 7. pe to é en poe. 4 sera a ss by JOSEPH GUTMANN, Charter pairs All work guaranteed n 4 P.M. to M, lent and some knowledge o Soni Liesaase TY 17 Bond Street The E . Telephone 725-0500. : g air gauging and elect ' . (Ona Bes] RM casinerco. | MORTGAGE re ne tei | he as or cscs ty fe rondesictve tet metnoae [Roth Construction Accountant m2 agent Conewe Se) = 182. THICKSON RD, N. -LOANS WELL, DIGGING by mechine specializing MALAYA, NOW ABOLISKED- USUALLY, SHORT ORDER COOK perl parm Pra gyi aa ' 728-0232 ' W. Ward, 204 Chestnut ; PRISONERS WERE NEVER LET out FOR ? : nen laried position wi with Panoramic view or Ac ; Moneys for first mortgages Street Wee fest, NWhitey, 668-2563 or 668-3809, AXY PURPOSE For Evening Shift good working conditions and counters. "hae King 5am, 85.| Kitchen cobinets, Vonities. Interest ot 7% UNIN, THEY fringe benefits. Applications | Lake Ontario. 17 models oy Gere Ck, eT "9 Furniture repairing, Open Mortgages 1--Women's Column . CER cd APPLY Mk. CAMPBELL should be sent to: to choose from and 4 No Bonus . |PERMANENTS "on special Page "Hal ; y GENOSHA HOTEL Technical Director Charterad 'ira ul Lad Bs gy vd Qual ity Car ntry No charge - hess areasin 96 Pine Avenue, Centre, Mort, s and Agreemen CANADIAN * f 668-4131 and General Deore taehosed Au Sarsonal , My CLERK WESTINGHOUSE $500 Winter Cher Moneys for second mortgages ' q Pi 'ade Bulld- Alterations, rec, rooms, cup- ys sei gag i rssh mr ing Sent est Gahawa, 'On boards, floor, ceiling and Fast service. $225) eee? ? PART-TIME CO. LTD. Building Rahs T. Hopkins, CA) i / Tm : Lukow, CA. wall tiles, arborite etc, Satis- M. WA T t Se. : YALE rE Cleensed oa Trustees be omen hae Hh St. Riz a eg Sam hey _ or' ; siurtantone Mt : he nibee For Brokerage office. 7" a sha a wa! e core 18 M resent Coffee Truck Servi AG, CANADA, '6 ; in ankrup of Wine ret Ban, aa cKOY 725-8576 Oshawa, Ontario ? T WASHINGTON CARVER, Prenway cyl a rate Knowledge of teletype helpful. pe off the down payment, ii RT masel'ngs chimnayee nee' end repalres. Ne Bee + ws ©1864-1943) SLAVE"BORH WIZARD oF v. RIVERS 35 Please write full porticulars to: Splittlevels dr Rave Bunke ABE HOSMAR, Cheriered Accoun-|movel'ing, chimneys, new and repaired, 723-4697 7 AGRICULTURE, WAS SURKAMED . ONE oF THE, SALES P a bad ' Oitiris, Teleoh street, bu 'aie i emia GORD'S GEORGE WASKVIGTON BECAUSE. OF HIG whitened "E - BOX 11 galows, prices start at ti ', . ae . Rat, ORE @- Mane ACADEME che, a| © Mortgage Money ee ee un Matiot | osHawa Times OPPORTUNITY | $14,900. To view these fi hi pentry painti senten pa G. bernie, & "an King|s taagenerm repairs all Work puarent Available Owned & Operated by Envoy es Well established: Oshawa | lovely new homes. Follow i showcase, 987-4340, William C. P Nellis, 33 Bruce Street, 726-2061, Restaurant, WAITRESSES Branch Office for a large Park Rd. South to Phillip ROOFING, concrete floors, flat roofing Pt n f BOB CLANTY'S "Aecounling Service |our | speciany rs Low Interest Phone 728-7321 8--Articles for Sale _ | 13--Articles for Rent Full or part-time --, fate iGesires '© | Murray Avenue and you c fe bookkeeping service, 184 Bond| Large an" smai' jobs, L. . Member Ontario bafiaivae 4 West, cord Res. 720-7605, and Construction, RR 3, 725-6937, wa Specializing in Fresh Hot Cof- | 40 id f sf i- re there. - st oeneRa' 'repairs and remodeling, cr Mortgage Brokers Association feo, Fish & Chips, Chicken, SUNDAY: SPECIALS RENTALS APPLY pidge . bch og = a re. Open all week Antiques Fooms, ree oof mates. Satisfaction guer: SUMMERLAND Hot Plates. de idee Chas Bricks keel abe ENVOY RESTAURANT able, but not necessary. : HIDDEN CORNER -- Antiques bought| coms: Frer ? ? / Ritson Ri h Good starting salary with on- ao old, gla, china, |eMps. ma A ing ANAT SECURITIES ee he ae Siw) \ we Spec, 2/41¢ OF ALL KINDS | 522 Ritson Read, Sout Gost raga pa el JOSEPH BOSCO ovoris niture. Fy HAIRDRESSER with licence, at least Specializing in re-roofing, floors and 112 Simcoe St, North ? (17-02.) ' in Hi7 t t Barristers Bingiors Faaeeon ee T*PHI 4S! Oshawa, Ontario - 725-3568 Removal of supertluous hair reg. $1.25 | SANDING MACHINES __ |ing, bleaching ind Ving. tomy o| Coren: ae a Ia Marie Murduff will be in Spec. 79¢ Oscillating sanders, disc sand- | Hahn, Wweodk's Beauty Shop, Bowman- Group benefits include hos- REALTOR E Dial iv ville, 623-3801 pitalization, life insurance, Wea' Resioencs Cortage Per Month Cohawe, Mar, 23, 23 end 24. %* Clairol Cream Formula ore, DEN toners, er ON eee gas ae ee lee ae ek benefit, and nN joence Phones: J. M, Greer, : ' Soy Tas sts 'Torence Vikelly, BA, BCL, Ressonao's' rates, wily insured, Dey "or $ f, 3 The cost of this) Phone Genosha Hotel on these reg. $1.85 PLUMBER'S TOOLS = days. Te 'eTia| Pension plan. 833 Simcoe St. South Tien night, CON 1-906, ad, daily for one; dates for appointment, Spec. ha tc ae All inquiries in strictest con- P| ¥' BR BD nal a tn L nH SOLER FURNITURE MOVING, Sezer! Clean. Cbs tenet MMECTROLYSIS Also Mets, Groceries, Jug | Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise | PAR n your gare tne Sul show Pesh-| fidence. ath 24 i a ' ion rocks lo rl Ss. io ~=6investment, for contracts, Call 725-9643, | Yours wading 723- 4641 Milk and Sundries. cutters, pipe threading' dies, | canvassing, experience necessary, Write: Box 840 OPEN HOUSE | wm veg" yaaa | RITSON CENTRE | toilet: cuger. 2s" aust 'Bivas Det. T04 Mont PONTIAC INN, under naw, mo Musical Services | "LEN PULLAN 438 Ritson South PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT |resl 39, Quebec. on" Oshawa Times Set endaaue tis, Bar- Wil! cater tor ang! ladders, _ aluminum ex- |SALESLADY -- Children's Wear Special- MACDONALD, BA, \ |EXPERT piano tuning one repairs, rea- (next to coin laundry) Stepl D ' Store, about 30. Young Ages Lid, Osh. pater and. Soliciior and Notary Punic meals Hel or 7205820 jsonaple rates, recommended by " local (English Tailor) Open til 9 P.M. tension ladders, ladder jacks, | {%,s'3ie about 320. Young Ages REAL ESTATE $500 Bh thon jb age parking" pein Dentist tenchers Sail_collect Toronto 690-7567, CUSTOM TAILORING - a ------ steel scaffolding, ve Hae PRACTICAL NURSE, steady em- SALESMAN Quality Built poe ly 716 oF 725-4717, en ry i ' sors, spray guns, ; wallpaper ployment. Write Box 201 Oshawa Time Times. Barristers,|BIALEK, D8, C:; B., Dental pura Optometris t sult aS st a SPRING WILL COME AGAIN! steamers, tarpaulins, blow HOUSEKEEPER for elderly couple. Live ARMSTRONG for/112 Simcoe Street North, ge For . ge ell BLACK, ¢ 0D, 136s Simcoe Astin babs: Are you planning, a new torches, propane torches. im, eeterences Required. Telephone! Wanted for Whitby and el a a A it Rl el EB $A A a a 728-5311 home, going to re-model? WELDING EQUIPMENT | 220%: Brooklin area, prefer selling HOMES QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, Qc. Dressmaking ; or sore Call 668-3524 Acetylene welding outfits, |GesAbl. Xray, fechnician of osha!) experience. Experienced help Priced Fi | Pginting and Decorating |Imroat ave. Yo. colds, 'This 'wellknown 'and Q Q y' Hid * [medical _cen' y . nd "every wunnont Pronreee: riced From JOSEPH P MANGAN GC. Soliclior.| ee avine -- 3 ts, dresses, effective British remedy helps to clear . | 200 amp. electric welders. Must be prepared fo assist in office @ bvery support. Frog! Money to loon. Office 14% King street /DRESSMAKING -- Suits: coats, dresses.) the chest, throat and head. 69¢ at drug- SAWDONS | BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT |2uiine,,2nd,,d2, some typing. Salary! ive firm, Contact Lloyd G. $15,400 east Oshawa 728-6232. GaDOTH vj | SBeclalty. Mrs. Toms, whit Vr 668-2372, PAINTING gists everywhere, WHITBY ne E ; Q ids Lardy per annum. Write Box & Oshawa Lee, Manager, H.- Keith 'i EeTanTort DRYNAN, MURDOCH, TADIES. YP ions, WEEKLY CLASSES in self-improvement ement mixers, inishing imited Realtor, 181 Eglin- Down Payments From TOR, Barristers Balictors voters, TADIES THINK THRIFTY Alterations, and and model training, Moderate fee. Call LIMITED trowels, wheel barrows, elec- | RELIARLE young woman. Tight "house: ig sas o hoe y' "or lon rei, ee DECORATING and. weakens Cebu), eee cen]. 224. Brock, 5. Whitby tric vibrator, air compressor, $120 monthly. Scarborough area. 757-374) Ontario, HU 7-3333. $1700. 26; Caterers ficor) panini and week-ends cinds y INTERIOR and EXTERIOR moma FREE 24 Hr, Burner Service jack hammers, hand trowels, after 6 p.m. rey, Soils tine fivre arowig Live oat, $a" ivr wat jortable heat- |SALESLADY for ladies' d ts Large three bedrooms, Holly- wear, High quality gr Call Agnes FREE ESTIMATES figure arawing,, \.Ive mmodels, or infor. Fuel and bldg. supplies. al i a pe pragma el jpg cod fn con RELIABLE DRIVER Lerge shee, balenesi Hay route over 25 bathrooms, built-in range Dressmaking, 668-8463, Y. % TER Street North, Whitby, 668-4497, Monday . | Qpportunity tor right party. Write Box 07 ; Gardening and Supplies DODD & SOU Friday after 6 p.m. ; baturday, 1-6 p.m, ENJOY GOOD HEALTH generator, ramset, power rol Oshawa Times For fuel oil ond ovens, . storms. ond Building Trades a 9 PP 668-5862 Fresh pulp free. jules. from lers, electric hammers, mas- |petiapLE woman Urgently needed to, years of age. Married. Mech- he ; ce a 7--Swap and Barter ony fruit or vegetable, ex: onry saw, building jacks, |care for child, 18 months, while mother| anically inclined to learn Screens, plus many extras. thy teem, "eran "estimates "SPRING Plumbing a and | Heating --_ TOASTERS, steam irons, hall price tracted by : mortar mixers, mortar boxes, |WOrks. Live in, $12 weekly. No house-| furnace work. Steady employ- IMMEDIATE OR LATE P > i work. ply 1100 Brock Street South, oa 78-3420. ALL TYPES "of repairs and remodelling, |2INks $4° tol'ets, $29.95; vanities, $2; ATLAS JUICE-MASTER chain hoist, -miter saws, elec- Writoy ean after 5.30 p.m. Monday to] ment. war preferred, POSSESSIONS Reasonable|'¥0% $20: laundry tubs, pumps, pres- Classified Rates u used materials, Pract E ad acs tric plane, tarpaulins, 14° Friday. Weekends anytime. PPLY Directions:--. Come direct to THOUGHTS" | rates. estimates tree. 72-1193. Foley, S078 cae coneee crt" ie "on| Sistine. Cocrontae bondsow, 4° joiner, sand |ELERK™. TYPIST tor general" officé| 238 KAISER CRESCENT Wilson Road South, at Dean ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies.|Park South. 723-7088, blaster, power tamper, power. | work, looking after typing, filing, mail- Avenue. Potting Soi! Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark, Ltd, ar | PHONE 725-1471 post hole auger. ing and duplicating, Married personne! le Resting Compoune Plumbing, Heating 8 and Engineering, 225 |8--Articles for Sale |. 12. till. 3:30 p.m. ; Sere', Sauce cosmemuncis Saas DRIVER OPEN HOUSE DAILY Mt 30-INCH tinental youth bed with head i . Apply Pe | Director, PO Glediolo Dust Rug-Upholstery Service JUICE EXTRACTORS ar" tah rinses) STAN 'S _ listin Sta Sat Oe oe Kola blbd ete 00d ion. Tele e after aa i i RELIABLE girl to babysit th four- Vermiculite ALL MAKES -- BEST PRICES _ | five Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. | Ret Weaty Ih Gees ee tons "at Apply in person H GRIFFIN ee tots OSHAWA THE SUNSHINE SHOP ng = pH) eR reid 223 King St. West., Oshawa | Faarts, See, small remuneration, Ca! ENVOY RESTAURANT REAL ESTATE BROKER Fl R P nrg CLEANERS 725-2241 DRAPES -- Two pairs fratching cchintz, | PHONE 723-3224 ti in er ane tae Geek, te 522 Ritson Road, South 723-6461 Lopping Sheors Rug and Upholstery Clean- p neutral background, lined and inter-lined. T 723-6008 or 1510 Lake Face Dressing ing. At our plant or in your 24 Prince St., Oshawa Each pale tits 14foot wall, Telephone mount. street MAN, a 10,00 Hondie sales Territory): is ith leer: depandeble : - : si ding Osh: Worth up to $12,000 Rabbit Repel home. 563, Taping, Weddings recorded, ne youre plus hone. Write Vice Pres., gas, Plant Boxes iti t . |18--Male Help Wanted : ; ; CALL 7ondiogt: | Greer Bensoune SOARES OH | tom ce te ly . > gh" plthamalelbea ae 3 COOPER-SMITH 94 BRUCE STREET ELEVISIONS [geste rom s7tt0 ters rurntore| 67%, Projectors, MLC: works je-dhaie os Sanaa Shiney Moskal 723-4134 RE-UPHOLSTERING by experts. Estab. $35.00 and up -- | month | BIGGEST DISCOUNTS! Furniture and| broadcasting, background SALES Help Wanted . lished 17 yeas. Complete warranty. All makes and appliance, nothing down, nothing for two| music, dances, Hi-Fi Equip- elp an 16 CELINA ST, de werent gant far | Wo" Apply 131 Cabot Sty [stove am Honest 'Cary Cisse King] Ment OPPORTUNITY Robert W. rebuilt, Furniture refinished, Oshawa Wes! GUDGEON ASSOCIATES M i vl 6942. V : 723-1139 hdl clad sta RITE, 'slendard, $90; Sortable, | SOUND EQUIPMENT--723-5121 | Expansion programme in Sault Ste. Marie McE Ltd po 7 oe re i - . d $30; electric, $35; cash register, Oshawa means we will re. S t crwan CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoisiered and re- SMILE add-ng machine, $25; complometer, $25, ' ; : ; epa rate EST, 1909 styled, ree estimate. See our material four fotal cash registers. 723-4434, Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- quire two executive type ; " TREE to trim? Call "Slim." Or cut them| for "e-covering Dalton Upholsteringy 75) You're in Valley Creek Furni- |ADDING S machines, typewriters, cashiers,| es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee salesmen age 25 to 45 years. School Board Builders of Fine down. Free estimates, 725-5118 or 728-0610,|Charies Street, 7237212, | where they pay the most, | <uplicators, | chequewriters, files, desks:|_ Urns, Punch | Bowls, Bridal Established resident prefer- 'ae H Instruction Covered like new Get the vest tor tes at] Sell the cheapest.-When sell- |<Nars (we buaget terms" New 'and' used.| Wear, Men's Formals, White red. Starting salary open. Full invites Apelicatl Traditional Homes Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe Street] ing or buying used furniture |Low, low prices. Bill Hamilton, Ragian.| Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. welfare plans provided. nvites Applications South. Call 720-6451. Free estimates, i i ; -- ifj Whitby's newest residential TUTORING 440)"er come fo the wore [Seqatuirs of euligatgnmet| SARGEANT'S RENTALS | When requesting interview | ff0M Qualified Teachers | Whithys newest reldenti ia ee au 16% Bond W. 78 Simcoe North. Telephone 723-1411, 463 Ritson Rd. S$, 725-3338 please Inerade pref ingen or september, among junaiges et Fine asses now Sess oa TIRE hi ! ies will be ac- : trees and t! nglish a ' GUARANTEED re all wringer TIRE®, four new, 1,000 by 20, Highway istory. replies e ees a je] 99, lication Pr geen ne ae ea Tr (eeaee cree eereneten Coll tarene: Phone Blackstock poms ths tense nS tek Te ihe on ohn petra Mh po a gf oma feng knowledged ond treated in Category System in effect, Early American designs lend a arpa fy, x : see ol Dis Sade Math, ane hi [earn ae rooms, new qualliy| Por Perry, 985-7146. : "| Ace Reoiie_ Joh. Beetriety 729.1433. sonridence. 1964 - '65 Salary warmth and character to on 1 column -- 4 p.m, previous 9, 9 Septic $ Service furniture, only $29% includes completely ro: HALL AVAILABLE for private parties, 5 . already charming area. The 2 golumn or larger -- 10 am. day Science, etc. From student's | bedroom, living room, kitchen ensembles. | vicr, deg A SPECIAL Fenntrtoot tower | dances, banquets, etc., seating capacity Write Box 801 Schedule homes are Gifarane vid abe ou Own textbooks, private or SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompl service! Pay only $3 Weekly. Unbeatable veluci $50. Oshawa TV. Supply. "Limited sei (200, Reserve now for hay and sleigh : i strategically placed on all EANCELLATIONS AND ortie on, calls Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Stree!| Barons' Home Furnishings, 424. Simcoe A ; ridas,. Little Buckaroo Ranch, 725-2737. Oshawa Times Minimum $3400 fully serviced" lok for these . est, "7 ou ) | = |LIVE fT UP! Buy a home of your own ' 4 BOX NOMBER RENTAT, -- Soe ACADEMIC | TELEVISION -- 7i-inch, mahogany cabr| ¥O¥.tL COME BACK for more once You | from the great selection offered daily In Maximum $7800 mum effect. Fireplaces, leads While every endeavor will be made TUTORING COLLEGE Surveyors [ net. | Excellent condition, Whitby 668-4889, bel Want ay ave oer Ba polving| the | Rea, Estate For Sale column. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY ed glass windows, three wash- to forward replies to box numbers to |H. FLIM and TROLLOPE, Ontario Land' CHESTERFIELD and two chairs, chrome| today | ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to one hundred : ' 1965-66 Salary Schedule now rooms, single and double car the advertisers as a5 possible CALL 723-6701 | Surveyors, 113 Elgin Street East. Phone|kitchen set, refrigerator, electric stove, IMPORTED English Chippendale, genu-| Doors' partic' wadainey enh saree} We would like to Interview being negotiated. garages, 3 and 4 bedrooms we accept =. aby in respect of ets, ries, weddin, anniversaries, loss or dam Neots fo. arise 125-6081. Sere praachine. Telephone 724-2057) ing walnut living and bedroom sets" ane Facilities, ber_ Kitchen "parking, "Ree:| @_man between the ages of Sports Allowance; P.S.1.; are common. This is a prese ie fter 6 p.m. ° A through either eae or delay in for- DONEVAN ano FLEISCHMANN, Ontario|*ffer 6 pm | #iques, new condition. Telephone 725-6252.| sonable rates, 723-2140. 25 and 40 who wants to con i ji tige area, yet our down l- warding such replies, however caused LEARN TO DRIVE Lend Surveys. Commercial bive prints,| ANTIQUE 'Stove, gramophone, treadie HONEST CAL'S furniture and appli-|CHAIRS, cara and banque! tables, church! sider a business opportunity nts Sick Roe 4 -- pik ek paid low as $3,500 The Tie wit eh ke ee ot the LL ere Sheets Tee eer Cesk ale ee eee eR TITS, SHING'S| ances, Name brands at biggest discomntslciie tentee, Coke tee Rentals, 412) which is very worthwhile. pes ple anh is oa : We are located on Athol end replies uncelled for in 20 days Oshawa Driving School TV--Radio Repairs |Apply 417 Thornton's Road North, Sy ee tiaee Wane Une Sone | tine oA abi Dh tas Ie This man should have a rea- rooms, Kindergarden in aI St. Lawrence and are RE TIONS reasonable rates, standard TELEVISION, =" General Electric, 21-| zed GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal's at| 14 Busi ities) sonably good education, and, schools: "tull- Ama, Principal GULA n tomati r i very gocd condition. Tele-/424 King Street West, 728-9191. | referably some executive ex- me Principe OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M, and automatic cars Bh Bb Sh Pibiaics a Y, Supply Teachers, Music Sup- speraiele fer errera "hs eee: Professional instructors TV TOWERS fter_¢ p.m, 668-3560, ONE 'snap-on tuneup kit. One snap-on! perience. We are prepared to seyeint eas 2 eS ae i walls weniied akerate teen hs 728-0091 SEWING machine "American Home"|Wheel baiancer and spinner. One ig lh $15,000.00 DOWN invest considerable money in ervisors, Art Supervisors, Aux- ants subreitted atherwise then in electric. Excellent Condition. Phone 725-| pion plug cleaner One bench grinder and hi . If you would iliary Classes, Guidance Coun- OLIVE HOWE Fe ae anew aa lens ___OSHAWA and WHITBY ECONOMY AND 9676 atter 6 p.m bo Resins "Bist asses Also other gar- , 1 Site Aneridients i eg HE Al ar peta siller. the price use for a sing.e inser- | ONE BABY CARhiAGS Thal converte bls, ' ; it t . : t hich offers unlimited Openings in all grades. po " advertise ment ew which | Machinists DELUXE into a stroller and one large size crib, YOUTH bed with | mattress, in ¢ good con- position whic rs uniii Boarding and ig ere REAL ESTATE = = z i: 2 a 4 =: e i ; 25 cents ad- W not paid with-in ; 5 3 3 z Zz z 538 3° * AS z | 1" good condition, Both for $40, Telephone! dition, $15; also fur coat, size 16. Tele- tential earnings with a gen- 'The Oshawe Times. cssorves the right WHITBY ROLLER DIE, 405 Mary vires i epnone phone 725-1789, Park Rd. North ne ishe iC Fast Whitby Rollforming Dies and C Priced to suit your budget Brooklin 655-3765, erous establishment allow- facilities. A bf eee ance according to torn jathe work, ty and fantiren. TERMS ARRANGED VACUUM repairs, all__makes, hoses,| THREE ROOMS of furniture, $298.50. No ance, please telephone 728- Whitby, 668-8981 In the case of display adv Whitby 668-2971, brusnes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213,|d0wn payment, $15 monthly, at Honest 7393 between 9:00 a.m: end: Write' or telephone, collect 668-5853 Tok Tones will net be hold "resson Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street,|Cal's, 424 King West, 728-9191. Seven Buildings -to choose 4:00 e a : Rule giving name and address of or " sible for more space than than in |Money To Loan Pickering GUNS tought, sold, traded, repaired) from, Priced at $95,000. to eee last Inipector foi which the actual error occupies, The PAYMENTS TOO WGA? 77 ae REFRIGERATOR, Westinghouse, also at aie Gun Shop 18 Hone Street West. 4 piston ment. : OPEN HOUSE pov stiery hd Sane cee OF | gc0d credit "Nl lend. you up 1 ene caestertield and chair. suitabie for cot-|728-9 $105,000 Contact Bill Millor Mr. R: Soltys, sume no liability a seven @ ot payments in halt or tess tor consol SUPPLY LIMITED at Fesreatton, room, : 7) DIE SUITS, dresses and topcoats.| for information 725-1186 or WORLD WIDE we Prt cing Fost HARMONY VILLAGE $ rf jes i fi jation any worthwhile purposes. Tele- size 14; also man's suit and overcoat, elling ree as' any inaccuracies in any form are con phone Toronto "taza, 361 GIBBONS ST. BUYING OR SELLING furniture oreo [sire aor Teron "23-3 ad 725-2557. MANUFACTURER OF ff) 9 5 NEW EXCITING MODEL! Any advertisement cancelled beture |i WiLt loan you up 10°85.000 ala" res. pliances. Call Eimer, Hampton 263-2294 or = FARM. & INDUSTRIAL : From $900 down or trade publication will be charged one day's |.onable rate or interest to consolidate 263-2694 9--Market Basket . EQUIPMENT Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. some ready to move into. insertion « your bills or for any other worthwhile q 818 0 FURNITURE -- 3 rooms, new quallly| POTATOES, "10 bi sis asdjeas,) WW. T. LAMSON Telephone--Office 256-8459 | Harmony Road South, East IT'S EASY TO PLACE A bloyed and: have' good credit' *Telgoheme |_ bedroom, only, $299, includes complete! pags, Delivered, reasonable. Call even: REAL ESTATE LTD. Hos openings available _for: Home 253-4935 of Donevon Collegiate. TIMES ACTION WANT AD |My, -- [Pay "ony 'aerate gg ieembes| ngs. Dial Brookin" 63, oS FARM IMPLEMENT | ___Areo'Code--705,_| °F ,Donevan_ Collegiate. Call Classified Direct Moitacael HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED Barons Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe ee ia? pee, ren Killed, - FRANCHISE pL TR ole ihe We. will ' 723-3492 gag TV TOWERS phone 725-630« | train you, If you want to earn better WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni- | ATTENTION INVESTORS : than average wages and like dealing with WHITBY | AR e! 'ure 0. anything you have. The City ' 1 REQUIREMENTS: Young, a ge wag INDEX TO MORTGAGE -- THE BEST ! Trading cst Store, 446 Simcoe Stree| (O0--Farmer's Column Funds wanted for fully se- Ambitious, with Integrity [Rea ™ericte caine the most progressive} CLASSIFICATIONS South, 723-161. " Poon . for a confidential Why Settle for Less ! ete ho ________|DEAD "and crippled farm stock picked) cured investment, Will pay and Willingness to work for | interview with the Sales Manager. Tele- @ $600 e j Y i TELEVISION ¥ TOWER SRL tee Rene ran Ser fone aegaenty| 8% interest plus 10% profit himself. Financial Assistance | ;hone 723-1121 Guide Realty Lid., Real- : e ud t Ll e| one ollect jampton. co $4 * ors. LOANS SEE THEM AT wetatiog, ' quaravieea" tyes rll agg | Hrs lagy MS bonus. yearly, Minimum Available. <b OSES SSRI SE a FULL DOWN years experience, $50, Tro "Television, re amount considered $1,000 TELE®HONE canvasser, experienced, to : TRIO. Cal cram Tepe Wnty wadae™™ "| Por details writes ° | FOR FURTHER INFORMATION [Tete appgrment om ieee 0"7| $11,450.00 3) bedroom bune TELEVISION BAUER § aaa = New and ce << BOX 904 WRITE BOX 4 home. Mr Porter 723-5001. galow- Solid brick -- one . ' Good prices Terms. Dominion Tire "Store, 11--Pets and Livestock for Bole 20 mae Central Ontario Corner Bgl aga = Su ore wet sorte a UNDLAND pups. Purebred, 12). __ OSHAWA TIMES Oshawa Times 20--Real Estate for Sale for belgncehig 2nd aioe % and sewing machines, We! weeks oid, 895. rn I's, vr in ¥ hi Trust | alta eatacy sitet Honest Cars| wre' Ketv's Restaurant," Marmores Or: FOR SALE REAL ESTATE OPEN HOUSE Seed cies see eae - e 3 ees Only 2 available & Savings Cor i a ards and slecirc: suifale for stosens THREW MONTHS oid while toy ° Smoke, gift ond variety busi- SALESMAN ". 9 poration and businesses. All makes, available. onl aod ee arenes. Used piane.| 4 ith I DAY OR EVENING S cnoose frome $40 ene ole-| Telephone 72: ness, in prosperous _commus ' 6 exciting new models to 668-8951 INSTITUTIONAL FIRSTS 728-5286 warantee. Jenkins Business| TOY Seca isd medium sized smooth] nity "immedi Wanted -- for Bowmanville- choose from or have your = Fomale, Help Wanted and PRIME SECONDS . (Sales and Service), 728-7788.| terriers and Labradors, $25. to $100.| oD . Bi k area, prefer | «dream home custom - built |Manderhill Real Estate Ltd. Open evening Delivered. Port Perry, 985-2645, Selling experience. Experi- in. this excellent location, ' Ee re 1S--Male or Female tele Wonted MORTGAGES 'and OSHAWA BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture|CHIMUAHUA. black and white six. mer hy won 107. enced help and every supp- Terms that will fit your bud- iene ane ae ve "arive gn i 20estenl og a AGREEMENTS Purchased ELECTRONICS : Bre Spolionces, | Gookd" 3 curniture, 215) weeks old, $50. Telephone 728-2065, Oshowe Times ort, Progressive firm, Con« get. Follow King Street East | Stevenson Road North 'arms for undas Eas? itby, = ape a . 22--Lots for Sole LOANS ON MORTGAGES ee FRAG Seas TS A Hie] CAL OMING "selaina Coen, eloht year veer GENERAL STORE, in Village with stock,| tact Lloyd G. Lee, Manager, to Wilson Road, turn south SEMI RANCH- STYLE brick home on. ecl Estate Wanted Immediate Service. new, $200. Telephone 728-0673. old. Both broken to ride. Western saddie| @wvFment. Goor living quarters, oil fur-| H: Keith Ltd. Realtor, 181 one block to Athol Street, ae scoff <add leg gE bs sry nti od . three q Stes, Ug: Saree From Our Head Office N O W TELEVISION, 15" Phillip's, ood "con:| 874 bridle, Whitby 668-2241, onan Gaeie Nesticter, serucr: Sf" Eglinton Avenue: East, Tor- then turn East, Salesmen on | for $16,500. eee teenie" con- dition, very reasonable, $30. Single brush|COZY-J-RANCH Kennels, horses, g0att,|capreeu gone | onto, Ontario. HU 7.3333. site. Open daily 1:30 to 5 ROOM semi ; five reone and 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa Service Calls Till- oor polisher, $5. Telephone 725-2835, | Kids, registeran German' Shepherds, pup- ran, Gee tole te } nad eg BoA PHARMACIST, Pharmacist wanted tor ; mix ot igo a Phone 723-5221 ervice Calls ti BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture|PIes champinn bloodlines. Stud services, If interested Pel Toronto| small medical centre in the city of Osh- with $2500 down, Mcabley. Realtor, FIRST AND SECOND mo morigages, Sale Furaiture 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. Brooklin 655 4662, evenings. Times. 13 eee -- See | agreements purchased and sold. Hennick' scear HARDWOOD, one - foot iengihs. BEAUTIELL, baby budgies, ready for 5--Emplovwmen*t Wanted MIDDLE-AGED MAN required to do r scugue AVENUE. 1324 -- Well planned, aro Hennice, Barristers, 31 King Street) T:R.1.0 TELEVISION ' 7.7$ single cord. {tr bt My talking strain, Apply Mrs. bey three-bedreom bungalow 5 large fenced i OPM and appliances. One location only, Pretty|Dorarding, training, Classes Ashburn, |Sovble, Wt Hampton, dial 263-2262, awa. Salary open. Write Box 906, Oshawa J OSEPH BOSCO |#: a tems Street. Nsciy a evenings. cellent sor fireplace. * y t cn ° = =| 728- 5143 bin 78 at" after 4 p.m ad. Elgin East YOUNG MARRIED WOMAN \ | would tke man. General Printers, 57 Simcoe Street! REALTOR lot, 513,96.. Open ouncay affarnce... _ | TUBELESS snow tires, 640 x 13; wheels) ]9__ | downtown 'Oshawa section preterred. Good | Sut. Oshawa. # ® ACRES with 670° Lake Ontario troni- mortgages. Mortgates and agreements;RON'S TV aerisis,. towers, repairs,. }!|compiete, aimost new: noel 12 --Articles Wanted |reliable worker. Also baby-sitting Satur-/ SALESMAN tor or part time for small, 728 7377 age. New three-bedroom rr. Block of sale purchased, Creighton, Orynan,| years' experience, 'alt work aranteed. a chair, ottoman. No reasonable|OLO RIFLE, shot or pistol, "Alto day le T 9: it Excellent opportunit . IMurdech and Victor. (See "Barristers,"}| Ron Brightling. Phone 720 75h, relvend. Apply Gal Sommerville lob cartes. We 7aseies, Vane PM gg NE 833 Simcoe St. South lates Telephone Thornhilt 2564s East 723.723 PRIVATE anc 'corporate monies for all

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