GA THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, February 26, 1965 POPULATION DOUBLES IN 20 YEARS City Envy t *'The City of Oshawa can look tack on 1964 as a year of great gs as and expansion. re is every reason to be- ve that these trends will con- ue. ! 1 Oshawa -- Canada's 'Motor 300,000 area (strategically located near the Oshawa Harbor) and the continuing promotional efforts of the Oshawa Industrial Commis- sion. In addition, the city has prepared in other ways for the population growth with the ex- 'w cars and trucks annually-- page in a state of transition, e which is the envy of muni- dipalities far and near. ; Not only has the population loubled in a 20-year period and ¢ personal per capita income ched a figure to make it one the highest in the Dominion, city has grown in other Gity" which prod ays. In addition to General Motors if Canada, the city has greatly roadened its industrial base so at it now manufactures such versified items as _ bathing its and railway tracks main- tenance equipment, shampoo ind sulkies, ; Oshawa has attracted 27 new dustries in the past decade, ut that is only part of the @tory. + As the eastern anchor of the dustrial "golden horseshoe" round western Lake Ontario, it an not but help attract larger dustries in the near future, ba elaborate plans havé been ade for such an eventuality with the establishment of the Gity's Farewell Industrial Park Pp of icipal services, such as roads, sewers, side- walks, schools and other facili- ties. The city is currently enjoy- ing one of the greatest building booms in its history, especially in the apartment - house field and an early invasion this year is planned into the city's Buff- er zone (the perimeter set aside several years ago around three sides of the city to allow for orderly expansion and plan- sion and planning) in the way of building. Oshawa has one educational institution for every 1,427 per- sons and these extend strategi- cally throughout the residential areas -- the city's 24 public schools, nine separate schools, four high schools, Kingsway College and the School for Re- tarded Children are prepared for the anticipated expansion in population caused by the growth of existing and new industry. LATEST EXPANSION the latest expansion growth for the city in many phases. The city is an industrial centre in the full se of the word; in this regard, it is an unmistakable sign of pro- gress to see both Labor and management working in full ac- cord in so many different fields for the betterment of the com- Pay Scale Extra High says City Planni Director G. A. "Bert Wandless. At the moment the city is setting up the right - of - way, purchasing property and zoning vacant lots to keep builders away. By 1971, the first two sections of the road (four miles in length) should be in operation. By 1981 it is expected that the entire length of more than seven miles munity. The big local news story. of 1964 unquestionably was the signing of GM's new three-year contract with Local 222, UAW- CLC, an accord which augurs well for the future progress of the city. Norman Millman, the city's "Father of Town Planhing")re- cently retired) set up a course of expansion and improvement of essential services geared to the future, and it is paying off. The city anticipates a popula- tion of 90,000 by 1973. One of the biggest projects planned for the future is known as The Creek Valley Road and should do much to ease pressure on the major north-south traffic arteries, which are so often overloaded. It is in the planning sfage and will follow the con- course ,of the Oshawa Creek through the western part of Osh- awa down' to the General Motors' complex in the south end. 'It's our answer to To- This annual Progress Edition records (in word and picture) ronto's Don Valley Parkway," will be completed. ' A bylaw governing air pollu- tion in Oshawa became effective in September, 1964. Said bylaw was passed following an exten- sive survey carried out by the local Board of Health and the Provincial Air Pollution Control Division, which clearly i ndi- cated the need for at least a part-time control program. It- is important to note that the only air pollutants concern- ed with products of combustion are immediately covered by the bylaw; other pollutants (e.g. dust particles, gases, etc.,) are not covered for a period of two years after the effective date of AMIE gt ey ng 6 oi Rir Pollution Bylaw = [ Given Life Last Sept. alize, however, that offenders will be notified of violations of the: bylaw and appropriate cor- rective measures must be taken --_. a reasonable length of time. Air pollution is a detriment to the health and welfare of all Oshawa' citizens, It can and must be eliminated. It is hoped that voluntary action will be taken by offenders so as to eliminate the need for legal) procedures, By J. E. WATT, DVM, DVPH Alr Pollution Officer and Supervisor Environmental Sanitation the bylaw, Recent amendments to the Provincial Air Pollution. Control Act require approvai of the Pro- vincial: Division for any air pol- lution control devices for new industries or for existing indus- tries where alterations or modi- fications are made. Air contamination from im- proper combustion may origin- ate from four main sources '1) Railways, and Ships; (2) Indus- trial and larger commercial es- tablishments; (3) Garbage and refuse incinerators; (4) outdoor burning (leaves, debris, etc.). Control would seem to fall into "J \hibiting new sources of contam- MAYOR GIFFORD |souree jtion, in many cases, is not aicate two main categories: (1) pro- inatic (2) eliminating present sources, The program in Osh- awa tu date has been directed mainly to category 1 by requir- jing approval of any installation of new incinerators and similar equipment. It is apparent that 'action must now be taken to- 'Bomb' Trial NEW YORK (CP)--U.8. Com-| missioner Earle Bishop, today) postponed until next Tuesday the case of a Canadian woman and two American. Negro men charged with plotting to blow up the Statue of Liberty and two other historical monuments | in the, Inited States. | The commissioner postponed) the hearing after U.S. Chief As- sistant Attorney Stephen Kauf- man said the case also came} under study today before a fed-| eral grand jury, Kaufman said) he expected the grand jury to complete its hearings within a! | week. | The three facing federal charges of plotting the Statue of Liberty, the Washington Monu- ment and Philadelphia's Liberty! eliminatiig existing sources of pollution. The elimination of air pollu- Bell are Michelle Duclos, 28, a) Montreal French-speaking tele-| vision commentator and advo-| of Quebec separatism; YOUR L.A. AUTHORIZED DEALER IS THE RIGHT MAN TO KNOW Contacting a Liquid Air Authorized Dealer is lik Local efficient service and personal customer inte EVERYTHING FROM ONE LOCAL SOURCE Oxygen, acetylene, ar- gon, nitrogen and other industrial gases... me- dical and therapy gases «.» welding and cutting «equipment. All the ma- terials and supplies you RAPID LOCAL DEL- IVERY -- service at short notice is your L.A, dealer's specialty, Phone in your order, His cout- teous driver-salesman will arrive at your plant or shop with a mini- mum of delay, cting Liquid Alr direct. is as near as your phone, . e] Son) (47 2 [my LOCAL SOURCE FOR TECHNICAL KNOW. LEDGE -- Your L.A, dealer keeps posted on all latest welding de- velopments. Heis backed by Liquid Air's half- century of experience... your best source for technical information or advice. COMPLETELY. LO: CALIZED SERVICE -= Your deliveries and re- pait work receive local | attention, your payments and accounting are han- died locally, Your L.A. Dealer is a valuable member of your com- munity. Take advantage of his many services, " q lgaged almost 100 per cent in ithe manufacturing of war sup- plies and mechanized military procedure and FOX Soccer Star dos d many|Walter A. Bowe, 32, supporter) I {complex problems are involved.|of the pro-Castro Fair Play for) , ! Oshawa, known as Canada's Motor City, was destined from ffs beginning to be an industrial € ntre. | Some industries which served the needs of their day eventually glosed, bet whers 'ook their places. * The Pedlar People Limited, fhe oldest established plant, began manufacturing here in 1861. | 'The McLaughlin Carriage) lompany. was started in 1878 and in 1886 began manufactur- ing at the present site of the eneral Motors of Canada Limi- d north plant in downtown shawa. + It is common knowiedge that om was the nucleus of General otors in Canada today. In 1907, he McLaughlin Motor Car Com- any was formed as a subsid- ry of the carriage company. he carriage company was sold 3 1916 and the Chevrolet Motor ompany organized and in 1918 shawa Earmarked Early To Be Industrial Centre General Motors of Canada Ltd.) came into existence. | A LONG WAY Oshawa has come a long way from the time it was known as Skea's Corners in 1850. It was} then the fizst past office was) éstablished in Edward Skea's| general store located at the} four corners. When the com-| munity was incorporated as a village in that year, at the sug- gestion of an Indian Chief, the name Oshawa was adopted. Growth has been rapid in the 10 years. The city has about 70,000 inhabitants, an increase of about -25,000 in that period. GM, by far the largest in- dustry in the city, employs more than 17,000 men and women. The assembly plant and distribution warehouse located in the south section of the city near. Lake Ontario covers 60 acres. During the war years Osh- awa's industrial plants were en- vehicles. Oshawa factories pro- duced nearly all the leather used to outfit Canada's armed forces with shoes. | Whitby portion of East Town-) iship which expanded the city to its present size of 14,000 acres or almost 22 square miles. The Oshawa Shopping Centre} with 60 stores and covering 53 acres was opened in 1956 at aj cost of $13,000,000. | future and ¢ illustrious past. Now Sir Stan LONDON became the the 50, today knight playing sport, He knelt on a crimson, velvet- covered stool in front of Queen Elizabeth in Buckingham Palace, received \two light taps on the shoulder It 18 a city with a promising|with a sword, and arose as Sir| Stanley Matthews. Add To Your HOME JAMES O'MALLEY CONSTRUCTION LTD. 254 CEDAR VALLEY DR. PHONE 723-7122 = Where People Gather | As You Are and Eat In Your Car OR Take-Home Service ENGLISH STYLE ond a host of Other FISH ' DEEP FRIED COUNTRY STYLE FRIED CHICKEN For The est Treat in Town In only a few short months more and more people have come to recognize . and enjoy the quality and the taste of our deliciously prepared foods. We, oat McMurray's, are pleased with your response and complimentary comments . and will ¢ontinuously strive to earn them. n CHIPS Famous McMurray's Treats ' The Home of Famous McMURRAY'S McMURRAY'S DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT Simcoe St. North at Taunton Rd.--Oshawa the ballroom of |Corrective measures are often | which first ¢ national very . expensive as well. The problem, therefore, is not one can be corrected in a (Reuters)--British|short period of time and the| They are being held on bail In 1951 the city annexed ajsoccer star Stanley Matthews.|co-operation of all parties con-jranging from $50,000 to $100,000 erned is essential, All must re-! each. [Cuba Committee; and Khaleel S. Sayyed, 22, a former engin- jeering student at Washington's |Howard University. WELDING SUPPLIES LTD. 723-7743 - 723-7772 # GE ie ne aoe AN: TiC aa) ial aaah Many Years of Progress IO in An Ideal Industrial Climate! _| Pictured is shape as it em extrusion press ter extrusion, 1155 SIMCOE an aluminum erges from the onto the auxil- iary handling equipment. Af- the shape is cooled, stretch straightened, and cut to exact length. REYNOLDS EXTRUSION COMPANY LIMITED ST. SOUTH OSHAWA * Progress Is Born of Man's Determination To Unite His Strength, Intelligence and Vision in the Conquest of his environment! New Horizons In Extruded Aluminum have Added Fresh Dimension To This Vital Concept Of Progress Through Better Industrial Design! Manufacturers of Aluminum Extruded Shapes and Drawn Aluminum Tubing For Canadian Industry. PHONE 725-3548