Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Feb 1965, p. 10

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10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, February 23, 1965 SOCIAL & PERSONAL Association held its February WOODCREST H and § Woodcrest Home and Schoolji meeting in the School Auditor- ium, Miss Ada Kelly, a teacher at Adelaide McLaughlin school was the guest. The lectures on New Mathe- matics will start on February DISTAFF DIARY a Summary of reports of meetings Oshawa women's organiaztions as compiled from reports submitted by their secretaries. on with their community pro- held at Simcoe Hall, March 4, 1965. regular meeting bin Al in tress Betty Atkins pres' and activities . of ects. The next meeting will be VICTORY LODGE NO. 583 Victory LOBA No. 583 held its the Orange Temple, Worth: idea. Agnes Wellman led the devo- to Mrs. Bertha Smith and Mrs, G. Twinnin, ig. All members joined in sing- ing, 'Happy Birthday. to You." Congratulations followed. The . president, Mrs. Nina Hcnderson, thanked all mem- bers for their attendance and support, She also thanked the hostess and her helpers for their contributions to the success of the Valentine party. . Any lonesome senior citizen is is-| invited to join the club to share weekly afternoons of fun and. fellowshy, and light refresh- Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor i%, ment. COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN Ralph Laing and Mrs, Laing, left, and Wing 420 Precision Drill By Air Cadets Stirs Memories Tall tales of escapades and "close-calls" come out sooner or later when service men gath- er for a social evening and so it was on Saturday when Wing 420 RCAF Association held _ its Spring Ball at the Hotel Gen- osha. A reception from 6.00 to 7.00 p.m. (18 hours to 19 hours Air Force Time) gave. members and guests and their ladies an opportunity to meet the guests of honor Group Captain C. Alli- son, Commanding Officer, RCAF Station Downsview, and Mrs. Allison. Dinner Chairman Victor J. McAdam introduced distinguish- ed guests including the Honor- able Michael Starr and Mrs. Starr; Mr. A. V. Walker MLA and Mrs. Walker; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Jones and Alderman Hay- ward Murdoch and Mrs. Mur- doch and Wing 420 'President Gordon Channing and his daugh- ter, Miss Deanne Channing. The dinner-dance committee comprising Messrs. Donald Brown, Martin Rumpel and Ed- ward Snudden, assisted by Mrs. Laing and Mrs. Rumpel, under the 'chairmanship of Mr. Ralph Laing had prepared a surprise in the form of a precision drill by a squad of Air Force Cadets who were inspected by Group Captain Allison. The cadets marched and man- oeuvred faultlessly on the high- yy polished floor and well- leserved the hearty applause they received on retiring. Souvenirs for the ladies and President Gordon Channing, right, with Miss Deanne Channing welcome the at RCAFA Ball Among those seen dancing were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Garth Gil- lespie, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Jones, Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Di- onne, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Ro- seche, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hew- ett, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Suther- land, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ma- gee, Mr. and Mrs, William Mc- Kinstry. Mr. and Mrs. B. D. MacFar- lane, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rose, Mr. and Mrs, B. W. Brownell, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ramshaw. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Whyley, Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Bradd, Mr. and Mrs. George Allan, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hatch, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woodfine, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams, Mr, and Mrs. John Deremo, Mr. and-Mrs. George Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Farrow. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Coles, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan S. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Coulter, Mr, and Mrs. James Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Crawley, To- ronto; Mr. and Mrs. Alan P Dickson. : Mr. and Mrs. Barry Hooper, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Hall, Mr and Mrs. J. C. Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. E. G.- Onley, Wing 442, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Halliday, Mr. and Mrs. John Borrowdale, F-L and Mrs. R. W. Thomas, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. John D. Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. McDonald, Mr. and lucky number prizes in pairs added to the excitement and ure. Mrs. Lloyd Metcalf, Mr. and Mrs. John McLaughlin and many others. Mrs. boulevard south. guests of honor, Group Cap- tain C. Allison, Command- ing Officer, RCAF Station, Downsview, and Mrs, Alli- son, at the reception prior to the dinner. Out-of-town guests attending the Holt-Grylls wedding in St. Mark's United Church, Whitby, last Saturday afternoon were: Mr. and Mrs. William McLeod and family, Melbourne; Miss Karen Patterson and Mr. Rob- ert Brewster, Brampton; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Holt, Mrs. Robert Roberts and Mr. Jerry Wilson, 'all of Toronto; Mr, and Mrs. John Brewster and fam- ily, Peterborough; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Purdy, Pickering Beach; Mr, Paul Saulnier, Pick- ering Beach; Mr, and Mrs. Miss Erline McKay Feted By Friends At Bridal Showers Prior to her marriage on Saturday next to Mr. Delmer Francis Haensgen, Miss Erline Elizabeth McKay, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, A. S. McKay, has 'been much entertained. Mrs. John Andison and Mrs. Norman Garrard, aunts of the bride, entertained at a tea and miscellaneous shower at their residence, assisted by Miss Jane Andison, Miss Anne Hill and Miss Myrna Dignem were co-host- esses at a miscellaneous show- er at the home of Miss Anne Hill, Brock street east, assisted by their mothers, Mrs. Frank Hill and Mrs, Gordon Dignem. The Physiotherapy Depart- ment of the Oshawa General Hospital, of which Miss McKay is a member, held a shower and presentation at the home of Miss Kathy Derumaux, Mas- son street, Miss Cecelia Casey and Mrs. Laura Miller, aunts of the bridegroom, entertained at a pantry shelf shower at the home of Miss Casey, Mrs. Kenneth Roberts, Alma street, gave a miscellaneous neighborhood shower at which many beautiful gifts were received. On Friday evening next, fol-| lowing the wedding rehearsal, the bridal party will be enter- tained at the home of the bridegroom's parents, Mr, and Frank Haensgen, Oshawa Showers Honor Plight of Refugees in Jericho marriage to Mr. Maisie Yourth Miss Maisie Yourth whose William La- Born 90 Years 'Mrs. Trew Has A family dinner party is be- ing held this evening in honor of Mrs. Samuel Trew who is celebrating her f0th birthday. Mrs. Trew's parents came to Oshawa while young and were married here. The former Miss Alice McLean was born, Febru- MRS. SAMUEL TREW a\J. --Oshawa Times Photo Ago Today Long Memories present home on Mary street since 1906. Gathered around her today will be her sons, Mr. Maurice Trew of Arcadia, Cali- fornia; Mr. Harry V. Trew, Oshawa, and her daughters, Mrs. H. J. Orchard, Arcadia, California; Mrs. B. §. Edmond- Telephone 723 - 3474 for Women's Department 4 Mardi Gras Ball. 4|University Women's Club to her was "Russian Literature'. W. J. Grylls, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kentner, Mr, and Mrs. Donald Grylls, Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Bain and family, the Reverend and Mrs. J. M, Smith, all of Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Grylls, Mr, and Mrs. Donald Ferguson, all of Osh- awa; Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Austin Worr, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Challice and Miss Sharon Worr, all of Cavan, Ontario, Among Oshawa guests attend- ing the at-home, Toronto Teach- ers' College dance held at the Royal York Hotel recently were Miss Diane Mcllveen, Mr. James Ward, Miss Irene Fro- bel, Mr. James Waduck, Miss Karen Westly, Mr. James Wel- don, Miss Judy Cutler, Mr. James Lang, Miss Karen Sem- ple, Mr. Robert Smart, Miss Margaret Hopper, Mr. Kenneth Smart, Miss Patsy Campbell, Mr. Robert Salter, Miss Leslie Burden, Mr. Roy Fleming, Miss Norma Rowden, Mr. Patrick McCaffrey, Miss Betty Bigwood and Mr. Merle Cole. Mrs. James A, Moore, Bruce street, has as her guest, her daughter, Ruth, from Calgary, Alberta, whose husband, = Mr. W. V. Jones, is in eastern Canada, and the Maritime prov- inces on business. A supper party has been ar- ranged by Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam J. Hastings at their Grier- son street home following the Mrs. Murray Townsend, Mas- son street, welcomed members of the Literary Group of the home last Thursday evening, when the subject of discussion The Arvilla McGregor Mis- sionary Society of Knox Presby- terian Church is celebrating the 25th year of its formation. As a special project, a musical eve- ning will be held on Sunday, February 28 at 7 p.m. Guests will be the boys' choir from the Ontario Training School, Bow- manville, with Mr, Melville Smith, director; also the chil- dren's choir of Knox Church. The members hope to equip a medical mobile unit for the mis- sion field in India. The Couples' Club of the First Baptist Church enjoyed a night of bowling on Saturday evening, then returned to the church to a worship service led by Mr. and Mrs. Norman Smart followed by refreshments arranged by Mr. The room count was won by Mr. Burness' and Mr. Minac's class. Miss Kelly showed slides of her trip to Greece, was intro- duced by Mrs. Roy Mercer and thanked by Mrs. Leonard Brash. JR. GARDEN CLUB The monthiy meeting of the Junior Garden Club was well attended with 55 children pres- ent, Mrs. Earle Sandford assist- ed by committee members dem- onstrated d taught the chil- dren how wire and tape artificial flowers together for corsages-.arid boutonnieres. Minutes were read by junior secretary Jane Powell. The next monthly project will be a bottle garden of plants, for which members were ask- ed to bring containers. Door prizes were won by Tom Bakker and Debbie Dean. The Junior Garden Club meets the. third Tuesday of every month, at 6.30 p.m. in the Children's Arena. KING STREET UCW Mrs. Lawrence Allen presid- ed at the regular meeting of the UCW of King Street United Church and announced the World Day of Prayer, March 5, in St. George's Memorial Church with services at 2.30 and 7.30 p.m. King Street UCW meeting is to be held March 11 at 2 p.m. The Valentine Tea was a suc- cess. Reports of other projects were given and: Mrs. Harold Bell has been visiting the Units to talK of things that can be made for the fall bazaar. The DelMar Unit under the direction of Mrs. Robert Elston was in charge of the worship service, "Women of the Bible" was the theme and_ several members told of a day in the life of Mary the Mother of Jesus, Mrs, Harold Ballam' with Mrs. William Nicholson play- ing the piano sang '"'She Only Touched the Hem of His Gar- ment."' Members of the Alice Jackson Unit served refresh- ments during the social period. PILOT CLUB OF OSHAWA The February program meet- ing of the Pilot Club was held at the home of Mrs. F, J. Goyne, Sunset drive. After a short business meeting, the members played Court Whist. The highlight of the evening was the draw for the major prizes for the annual Telephone Party. Over 300 people participated in this party during the past two weeks. Mr. L. R. Barrand, tional period in absence of the chaplain, Anne McNevin, Edna Vivian was welcomed and made a new member. Anee McNevin was reported on the sick list. Plans for the birthday party were discussed and final arrangements will be made next meeting. Refreshments were served by Vera Jeffrey, Doris Law and Elda Howard. It was announced the next meeting would be on March 4, WOODVIEW SNR. CITIZENS The Woodview Senior Citizens' Club held its annual Valentine Social at the Woodview Com- munity Centre, Cadillac avenue north, on Friday After the members had en- joyed a pleasant afternoon play- ing euchre and shuffleboard, at 4 p.m., refreshments were supervised by the hostess, Mrs. John Smith, assisted by her CALL HOWARD'S @ SLIP COVERS @ BROADLOOM @ VENETIAN BLINDS "Free Estimates" J ca725-3 144 | HOWARD'S DRAPERIES North Oshewe loyal band of helpers. The refreshments were pro- vided by the members of the clud. The tables were decorated with cupids and hearts by Mrs. J. Smith, which gave a cheerful and festive atmosphere. To add to the menu was a birthday cake, donated to the Woodview Senior Citi- zens' Club, each month, by the Woodview Community Centre for members whose birthdays occur in the month. This month's hivthdays belong @ FREE Furnace Cleon-out List Your HOME with BILL HORNER Re-Sale Home Expert "PAST PERFORMANCE" PROVEN 728-5157 ACTIVE Realty Lid. 48 Simcoe St. S., Oshawa 24-Hour Service WHEN YOU DEAL WITH Western OIL Co. 725-1212 Where You Cut Your Fuel Costs LUCITE WALL PAINT CANADA Leaves Globe-Trotter Saddened "All countries are troubled," Temarked Mrs. Walter Branch in speaking to St. Gertrude's Lone is to take place on Satur- day has been honored at sev- eral showers. Mrs, Barry Hartnett, LaSalle avenue, was hostess at a mis- and Mrs. William Gutsell. City Clerk, drew the prize win- ning names, which were Miss Kandie Lyon, Mrs. E. Peeling and Mr. W. R. Singleton. Mem- son, Oshawa and Mrs. A. D. SOON AVAILABLE AT Peister of Bradenton, Florida. Also five grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. ary 23, 1875 in her parents' home on Elgin street. Later they moved to Colborne street where she resided until her Japan as being attractive for tourists. Although Japan has a serious housing problem; its rate The Sunset Heights Home and School Association visited the PAINT AND Catholic Women's League of her recent flight around the world. As an example, she described the pitiable condition of the refugees of Jerichd who have been living for years in mud huts and shacks. They were de- scribed a3 'the saddest people anywhere". On the whole, Mrs. Branch found the Holy Land dis- appointing from a tourist's view- point, contrasting it with Lebanon which is progressive and very beautiful. This produc- tive country on the shores of the Mediterranean is the biblical "Sand of milk and honey' she remarked, and fs a land to think of and to visit. In India the speaker-found the people courteous and peace-lov- ing -- "a wonderful, friendly people'. However, she felt that there 'would not be enough money in the world to help India solve its problem of overcrowd- ing. The most lasting impres- sion received by a visitor to India is of "people, people, peo- ple!" On reaching Hong Kong, Mrs. Branch found a large variety of sheps displaying many - bar- gains, and she also noted a great dea] of building being done in this bustling port. She mention- of juvenile delinquency is the lowest in the world. The young people are very well behaved and travel in large numbers in order to absorb the culture of their country, In closing, Mrs. Branch asked her listeners to show apprecia- tion of their democratic way of life by showing love for each other, by voting in all elections and by taking pride in keeping} their city clean. Members of Harmony Road United Church, St. Matthew's and St. Paul's Churches, and the Hadassah were invited to the meeting. Rev. John Myers welcomed the women and spoke on the brotherhood of all men At the business meeting it was announced that Mrs. John Poltz and Mrs. James Noonan would convene the card party on April 28 and that the .Brownies and Guides' Parents' Committee wou'd have a social bingo on March 2 HOUSEHOLD HINT _ To make a drying rack for small articles, sew spring paper clips to a tape strung on an ed the Philippines, Formosa and ordinary clothes hanger. Mrs. Bruce Woodman and Mrs. Ross McCann also held by Mrs. Wilton Grif- ed a shower bride's co-workers at Duplate of -|Joseph LaLone, Oshawa, son of cellaneous shower assisted by Miscellaneous showers were fith of Ajax and Mrs. Yourth of Taunton. Miss Violet MacMillan arrang- for the future 0. G, Canada. SOCIAL NOTICES FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE The forthcoming marriage 4s announced of Maisie Annabell, eldest daughter of Mrs. Ethel Yourth, Oshawa, to Mr. William the late Mr. and Mrs. Louis LaLone. The ceremony is to take place on Saturday, Febru- ary 27, at 9:00 a.m. in St. Greg- ory's Roman Catholic Church, ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Davey wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Carol Ann, to Ronald R. Lougheed, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Jozeph Krawchynski, all of Oshawa. The date of the mar- riage will be announced later. WRAPPING "PRIZES FOR "TOMORROW'S BRIDGE Mrs. Alvin Hilts, Mrs. James McCansh and Mrs. . Arnold Broadbent are happy to have so many prizes to nel gilt wrap for their Daffodil Bridge tomorrow night. The Night of Cards is an annual event for the Martha / jagriculture department add that Branch of Christ Memorial Church Woman's Auxiliary and wil' 'open at 8.00 p.m. in the parish hall. | the House of Plain marriage, July 29, 1896, to Sam- uel Trew. The newlyweds took up residence in a small cottage at the corner of Celina and King streets. Mrs Trew has lived in her Mrs. Trew has seen Oshawa grow from a very small town to a city of over 70,000. She has been widowed since 1930. Her husband was for many years leader of the Oshawa Band. By BRENDA LARGE OTTAWA (CP)--An unusual increase in the production of eggs has caused a record price drop across Canada. In some areas Grade A large eggs are selling for as little as 38 cents a dozen. Home economists in the con- sumer section of the agriculture department say this should be of particular interest to econ- omy-minded housewives since eggs are an important source of protein and therefore an ex- cellent meat substitute. They note, for example, that a dozen Grade A large eggs equal 1% pounds of meat in protein value and provide six servings .at about seven cents a serving. If you're taking advantage of the low prices by buying larger - than - average quan- tities, the experts say, it's im- portant that they be kept at refrigerator temperature since they deteriorate rapidly at room temperature. And. poultry experts in the eggs should be stored with the large end up. ° As for preparation, modera- tion is the key word. For all types of egg cookery keep the temperature low. This will pre- vent the valuabie protein from toughening and turning the egg into a rubbery, unpalatable product. Noting that big breakfasts are not as common as they used to be in Canadian 'homes, econ- Eggs Are Cheap-Right Now And Offer Endless Variety SPECIAL! 20% OFF on all Cold Waves During the month of February 9 Bond St. East 723-6901 --Oshawa Times Photo mist Barbara Jarvis says: "We suggest that a soft-boiled egg makes a quick and satis- fying breakfast more Cana- dians should adopt." VERSATILE FOOD But if the. unadorned egg doesn't appeal to you, there are lots of ways of using it in fan- cier dishes. Some examples: Baked shirred eggs--in toma- toes, with sausages, chicken livers or minced ham. Creamed eggs--with cheese, dried beef, ham or mushrooms. French omelettes--these can be varied by adding frozen as- paragus tips, bacon, cheese, ham, jelly, mushrooms, toma- toes or herbs. Poached eggs--for variety try them on corned beef, on toasted English muffins, on wholewheat toast with cream cheese, or broiled ham slices topped with hollandaise sauce. : Scrambled eggs--can be liv- Ontario County Court House and Administration Offices in Whit- by for the February meeting. After touring the offices, a short business meeting was held in the cafeteria, followed by re- freshments. Mrs. T. Green and Lt. Col. F. S. Wotton, who or- ganized the tour, were thanked by the principal of Sunset Heights School, Mr. Lloyd Weid- erick, on behalf of the associa- bers are most grateful to the PATTE'S WALLPAPER general public for this assis- tance, as it helps them to carry for ST. JOHN FIRST AID or HOME NURSING (Jr. and Sr, Courses) Phone 668-4666 Evenings 725-4197 85 Simcoe St. N. -- 725-3529 tion, Mr. and Mrs, D. J, Munroe, Shakespeare avenue, were in Georgetown recently, attending the funeral of her uncle, Mr. F. La Verne Thompson, Mrs, Mun- roe's cousin, the Reverend Gor- don Hume, of Zion United Church, Hamilton, took part in the service, at Union Presby- terian Church. may be added to cream sauce, sour cream or served in tomato aspic. Eggs for dessert--use them in baked custard, bread or rice NOW AVAILABLE Save Money - Buy Direct IMPORTED FRENCH PERFUME 4-02, 10.00 Send your order now--poy AFTER receiving your perfume! REPLY TO: International Trade Corp. of Canada Oshawa, Ontario, Canada INTERIOR DECORATOR FURNITURE DRAPERIES BROADLOOM CUSTOM MADE DRAPES 15 King Street East pudding, lemon sponge pud- ding, fruit whips, angel food cake, sponge cake, chiffon cake or meringues topped with fruit. The economists add that the family cook may obtain a free copy of their consumer section booklet on eggs by writing to the agriculture department's in- formation division, Ottawa. ened up by adding crumbled bacon, sauteed mushrooms, Po- lish sausage, tomatoes Hard-cooked eggs--you may want to try creole eggs, cur- ried or scalloped eggs; stuffed eggs may be seasoned with a Slipped Disc Pains Nervous Headaches Ronald W. Bilsky, pc. CHIROPRACTOR 100 King St. E., 728-5156 variety of spices and herbs and READY-MADE DRAPES e@ DRAP Custom Papago e BEDSPREADS ERY HARDWARE @ Made Drapes @SLIPCOVERS DECORATING SERVICE 725-4151 Al as WARD'S "&: Phone 725-2686 30 Bloor St, East SURGICAL SUPPORTS .° yy RUSSES and ELASTIC STOCKINGS "Ladies or Gentlemen fit- ted by competent qualified fitters!" health support room or in your own home... JURY & LOVELL LTD. 8 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA PHONE 723-2245 . in our private

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