Health Report Due Tomorrow OTTAWA (CP)--The second report of the royal commission on health services now is ex- pected to be tabled in the Com- mons Thursday by Prime Min- ister Pearson. Mr. Pearson said at a press conference Friday that he ex- pected he would be in a position to table the report either Wed- nesday or Thursday. A spokes- man in the prime minister's of- fice said today that while no firm date has been decided as yet, it looks like the tabling will take place Thursday. WICKFORD, R.I. (AP) -- Postmasters in Wickford and Wakefield are puzzled over four envelopes that turned up in Monday's incoming mail-- each was postmarked during the American Civil War. Two envelopes arrived in a pouch from Wickford at the Wakefield office. Both were addressed to Miss Hattie Hull of Wakefield in care of Mrs. George Knowles. One con- tained a letter and the other was empty. Postmaster Masquale Fris- ella of Wakefield said one let- ter was mailed from Narra- gansett in September, 1863. U WAR MAIL REACHES ENGLAND -- AMERICAN CIVIL WAR MAIL The postmark on the other envelope was blurred, but its 102-yearold date was clear. In. Wickford, Post master Walter Burroughs found two empty envelopes postmarked during the Civil War, both addressed to Brian Lawton. Burroughs theorized that somebody cleaned out an at- tic and dropped the envelopes on the way to the municipal dump. Perhaps, he said, someone else found them and put them in a mailbox. In any case, the envelopes won't be delivered to the per- sons to whom they were ad- dressed WI's Sponsor Poem Contest in cultural and handicraft sec OTTAWA (CP)--The Feder- ated Women's Institutes of Can- ada are sponsoring a competi- tion among their 72,000 mem-lwinners are to be announced in bers for a centennial poem. the widow of the former Gover- nor-General. She' presented the federation with three silver cups to be awarded for the best village history, and to winners 'ions. Two entries in each section of the competition are sub- mitted from each province, The 1967. Dorion Inquiry: 24 Sittings, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 17, 1965 J * , 45 Witnesses, 20 Lawyers OTTAWA (CP)---The Dorion The: competition, for a poem about any phase of Canada's 100 years since confederation is one section of the federation's tri- petition. ennial Lady Tweedsmuir com- Two other competitions are open for the best village history and for the best sample of drawn thread work, one of the oldest forms of embroidery. The Lady Tweedsmuir com- petition was begun in 1945 by elty to FELINE LURE CHALFONT ST. PETER, Engiand (CP)--The Royal Soci- ety for the. Prevention of Cru- Animals had to lend a cat to Mrs. Mavis Rochard. Her cat had crawled under a neigh- bor's floor which had been taken up to lay pipes. The cat refused to budge and the second cat was used to coax him out. tions by Montreal lawyer Pi- erre Lamontagne that former judicial inquiry, holding its 24th sitting Tuesday, has piled up more than 5,000 pages of 'testi- mony by 45 witnesses and legal arguments by 20 counsel. Following is a ¢ some uncontested facts submit- ted since Dec. 15 before Chief Justice Frederic Dorion of the Quebec Superior Court. He was named by the federal government to probe accusa- cabinet aide Raymond Denis, 32, offered him a $20,000 bribe and other government figures applied political pressure on ofjhim to help free narcotics sus- pect Lucien Rivare on bail. April 8--Guy Masson of Montreal, 354vear-old member of the Liberal national organ- ization committee, attends an Ottawa dinner meeting of a dozen ministerial executive assistants at the invitation of Raymond Denis, then execu- tive assistant to Immigra- tion Minister Rene Tremblay. Bob June 17--Rivard, 49-year- old Montreal resort owner with a criminal record, visits Guy Rouleau, then parliamen- tary secretary to Prime Min- ister Pearson, in Ottawa to seek parole for "boyhood pal" Tremblay, serving 20 @ LOBLAWS PROTEN* RED BRAND BEEF e PRESIDENTS SPECIAL! LoBLAws PROTEN* PORTERHOUSE, WING or SIRLOIN STEAKS: ROASTS. JPRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! LOBLAWS PROTEN* BONELESS MANHATTAN STEAKS cr ROASTS... PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! LOBLAWS PROTEN* BONELESS DENVER OVEN ROASTS. *REG'D, USER OF T.M. PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! SLICED MAPLE LEAF BOLOGNA PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! G APPLE PIE........ FROZEN FOODS -- AVAILABLE IN MOST MARKETS OLDEN ACRES 22-02. PKG, 37: PRESIDENTS SPECIAL! NEW BRUNSWICK GROWN! POTATOES CAN. No. 1 GRADE! 25 Le. PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! GOLDEN ACRES FRUIT PIES CHERRY or BLUEBERRY PKG. 1.29 PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! GARDEN FRESH FROM FLORIDA! No. 1 GRADE! CELLO TOMATOES ..2 ~- 35° PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! GARDEN FRESH FROM FLORIDA! No. 1. GRADE! CELERY STALKS 2 PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! ONT. GROWN! No. 1 GRADE! WASHED CARROT WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO HEAps rREsH CABBAGE MIP COUPON Exrines FEB. 24 2) EXTRA STAMPS 2 EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'TWO 11 FL. OZ. BorTLEs DEL MONTE CATSUP 22 COUPON txriets pis. 20 SHOPPING CENTRE STORE OPEN WED., THURS., AND FRI. TILL 9:30 P.M. = STAMPS 3-lb. PKG, WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'TEN SIZE 96 WHITE GRAPEFRUIT 438 COUPON EXPIRES Fae, 24 dS EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO PKGS, MOTHER PARKER'S HOT CHOCOLATE 23 COUPON EXPInES Fee. 24 di EXTRA 2) EXTRA STAMPS STAMPS al EXTRA STAMPS di di EXTRA STAMPS 23: WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE PKG. FRESH PARSHIPS: mad COUPON EXPIRES FEB. 24 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 3-18. PKG. ROSE COLOURED MARGARINE $426 COUPON EXPinES Fa. 24 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 9 FL. OZ. BOTTLE MOUTH WASH & GARGLE LAVORIS M20 COUPON EXPIRES FEB. 24 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 133-02. PKG. CHRISTIES GRAHAM WAFERS M1t «COUPON EXPIRES PER. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO ® FL. OZ. TINS OEP BROWN WITHOUT MEAT LIBBY'S BEANS 27 «COUPON EXPIRES FEB, 24 LARGE SIZE pal al EXTRA STAMPS dy EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 25's PKG, FOOD WRAP BAGGIES Mal COUPON EXPIRES FES. 24 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 120%. PKG. VENTURA FARMS FANCY FROZEN FORDHOOK LIMA BEANS M12) COUPON EXPIRES FES. 3¢ ANO "OEST SUFFETS" MIO «COUPON EXPIRES FES, 34 EXTRA STAMPS I) al al EXTRA STAMPS al EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS d EXTRA STAMPS GREATEST NDERNES If not completely satisfied with ANY fresh meat you buy from LOBLAWS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 10-02, JAR "PRIDE OF ARABIA INSTANT COFFEE MA) = COUPON EXPIRES FEB. 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE KING SIZE TUBE BRYLCREEM $48 = COUPON EXPIRES FEB. 24 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 24 FL. OZ. BOTTLE LIQUID DETERGENT THRIFT WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 11-07. PKGS. PUDDING CAKE MIXES BETTY CROCKER WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE GIANT TUBE DENTAL CREAM PEPSODENT M23) COUPON EXPIRES FEB, 24 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 20-02. PKG. RUPERT FROZEN HALIBUT FISH & CHIPS M13) COUPON EXPIRES FEB, 24 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 12 PL, OZ. JAR STAFFORD'S MELLO GOLD MARMALADE 'M31 COUPON EXPIRES FEB. 24 EXTRA STAMPS al al EXTRA STAMPS | EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 16-02. PKG, SHOWY BLEACH M3 «= COUPDN EXxrines Pus, 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONT 6}-0Z. AERO Tin AIR FRESHENER BLUE SPRUCE AL OR 5 mon. . GOOD-AIRE MIO COUPON Expines FrB, 24 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 6-02. PKG. SLICES ~ PLAIN BORDEN'S CHEESE 24 COUPON EXPIRES FEB. 24 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO 8-0Z. PKGS. GOLDEN ACRES FROZEN CHICKEN, TURKEY or StEF MEAT PIES M14 COUPON EXPIRES FEB, 24 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 15 FL. OZ, TINS FANCY CREAM STYLE STOKELY'S CORN W332) COUPON EXPIRES FEB. 24 EXTRA STAMPS al EXTRA STAMPS al EXTRA STAMPS al EXTRA STAMPS of EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 24 FL. OZ, BOTTLE LIQUID DETERGENT GENTLE FELS MS «= COUPON EXPIRES FEB, 24 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 28-02. PKG, MIXED PABLUM CEREAL M2 «= COUPON EXPIRES FEB. 24 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 14.07. PKG, MeCORMICK'S PEANUT BRITTLE WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 25-02, TIN TRISH or BEEF CLARK'S STEW WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO PKGS. FROSTING MIXES BETTY CROCKER 'M28 «COUPON EXPIRES Pas. 2¢ WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 7.02. TIN FANCY WHITE SOLID SAICO TUNA MIS COUPON EXPIRES FEB. 24 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 48 FL. OZ. BOTTLE LINCOLN: MIS COUPON EXPIRES FEB. 24 EXTRA STAMPS al | EXTRA STAMPS al EXTRA STAMPS rk EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF | ONE 12 PL. OZ. BOTTLE VIVA OIL WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 12-02. TIN HEREFORD CORNED BEEF MA COUPON EXPinES FEB, 24 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'TWO 15 FL. OZ, TINS MEINE, SPAGHETTI SAUCE MIP COUPON EXPIRES FEB, 26 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 1 FL, OZ. BOTTLE MP = COUPON EXPIRES FEB. 24 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF THREE 153-02. TINS M16 COUPON EXPIRES FEB. ie WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 3 BARS MANY FLOWERS TOILET SOAP M36 COUPON EXPIRES FEB. 24 DOWNTOWN STORES OPEN THURS. AND FRI. TILL 9 P.M. years for attempted murder ina Vancouver. narcotics case. a June 19--Rivard picked up in Montreal by RCMP on be- half of U.S. authorities for al- ledgedly being "signal in huge Mafia-controlled nar- cotics ring. Bail refused on insistence of Lamontagne who represents U.S. government sociates believe Masson "an awful lot of friends in tawa." ' June 25--Mrs. Rivard de- posits $60,000 cash in Mont- real safety deposit box. She claims it was for bail. Mas- son says it was an offer for Liberal campaign fund if Ri- vard not extradited. 'July %--Masson has talk with Denis in Ottawa. July 13--Masson and Denis meet again in Ottawa. July 14--Denis ealls Lamon- tagne to Ottawa for discus- sion of another case in which Lamontagne represents Ca- nadian government. Lamon- tagne alleges Denis offered him $20,000 to drop opposition to bail for Rivard, Denis de- nies it. July 20--RCMP Const. Gil- les Poissant hears that a $10,- 000 bribe offer has been made to Lamontagne in connection with the Rivard case. a July 20-21 -- Lamontagne while at his mother's cottage near Chicoutimi, Que., re- ceives two threatening phone calls from person claiming bail "fixed." Mrs, Rivard and her husband's friends, Bob Gignac and Eddy Lechasseur, meet at Maxime's Lounge, Montreal. Bell Telephone rec- ords show call from lounge to Chicoutim: cottage that night. Masson again in Ottawa. July 24--Masson and Denis meet in Montreal. : Aug. 2--Mrs. Rivard meets Raymon Rouleau, Guy Rou- leau's brother, to see what the MP might do on her hus- band's behalf. Aug. 4--At Guy Rouleau's suggestion, Guy Lord, then special assistant to Justice Minister Favreau, telephones Lamontagne about the Rivard ease. Lamontagne tells his employer about bribe at- tempt. Aug. 1i--At Guy Rouleau's suggestion, Andre Letendre, Mr. Favreau's executive as- sistant, phones Lamontagne about Rivard case. Guy Rou- leau phones Lamontagne about Rivard case. Lamon- tagne goes to ROMP with bribe attempt story. Aug. 13--RCMP Commis- sioner McClellan orders full written statement from La- montagne under "'top secret" cover. Ae. tees questioned of his RCMP statement Masson. Sept. 9--RCMP questions Masson. Sept. 10--RCMP questions Gignac. : Sept. 15--Rivard ordered ex- tradited, his lawyers launch appeal. . Sept. 16--Mrs. Rivard with- -- $60,000 from deposit 0X. ' Sept. 17--Guy Rouleau ques- tioned by RCMP. Sept. 18--Justice Minister Favreau decides there is in- sufficient evidence to file charges against anyone. Oct. 15--Denis' resignation from government service be- comes effective, Nov. 23--Erik Nielsen (PC Yukon) makes Lamontagne charges public in the Com- mons, Nov. 24--Guy Rouleau re- signs as parliamentary secre- tary to Prime Minister. Jus- tice Minister Favreau sets up inquiry under Chief Justice Dorion. Dec. 15--Hearings start in Ottawa. Jan. 29--Rivard's attempt to gain freedom through ha- beas corpus action fails. Feb. 14--Guy Rouleau re- signs as chairman of the Lib- eral caucus of MPs "for health reasons." Quebec Joins © In Crackdown MONTREAL (CP) -- Claude Wagner, Quebec attorney-gen- eral, said Monday the province is working closely with the United States government in a crackdown on fraudulent bank- ruptcy rackets in North Amer- ica. "Let those concerned be ad- vised," Mr. Wagner said. "We hope to throw the light of day on the strategies of those un- chartered bankers whose ac- countancy is based on a good pair of arms to effect a daily collection of debts that are im- possible to pay." Mr. Wagner spoke to the opening meeting of the 57th an- nual convention of the Canadian Lumbermen's Association. A chief topic for the conven- tion's 1,000 delegates will be the activities of the bankruptcy artists who "nearly created havoc in the lumber industry during the past year," a spokes- man said, --