for visiting rinks, Tenica Sala and the bonspiel chair- man, Miss Doreen Dobbie, are all set to welcome Filly Spiel Opens Today WHITBY (Staff) Fourth Annual Molson's Filly Bonspiel is in full swing at the Whitby Curling Club today with over 96 lady curlers sliding rocks across the ice. The big event got off to a fast start early this morning when members of the local host club, astride a huge stuffed filly, met visiting rinks at the entrance to the' club. The bonspiel attracted curlers from Burlington, Bolton, Toron- to, Peterborough, Fenelon Falls, Lindsay, Oshawa, Port Perry, Thornhill, Annandale, Unionville and Scarborough. Four Whitby ladies' curling rinks also participated in the day long activities which are ex- pected to terminate around p.m. tonight. Swinging on to the ice in the first draw were the folowing rinks: Mrs. Don Ferguson of Lindsay versus Ev. Miller of Whitby; Irene Bassett of Whitby versus Annie McChears of To- ronto; Jean Ross of Oshawa versus Dorothy MclIlveen of An- mandale: Shirley Woodley of Thornhill versus Charlotte Ken- nedy of Port Perry; Wilma Mc- Laughlin of Oshawa versus Irene Groves of Unionville; Caroline Bernhart of Peterbor- ough versus June McCain of Scarborough. The 11.30 draw will also see some excellent curling with the daughter and and Mrs. Athol street. guests to the Fourth Annual Molson's Filly Bonspiel at the Whitby Curling Club. The bonspiel hits the icy Seek To Control Beauty Parlors WHITRY (Staff) -- Represen- tation was made to town coun- cil Monday evening by the Whitby Master Hairdressing Association. The association spokesman, Mrs, Iris E. Huyck, presented a bylaw the group would like passed, con- trolling the operation of beauty parlors and barbershops within the town limits. Speaking on the bylaw, Mrs. Hvyck stated the legislation had been approved by 10 local businesses. "There are 13 es- tablishments within the town," she said, "although there may be many others operating out of private homes." Answering the WMHA repre- sentative, Councillor Harry Ink- pen suggested there are pos- sibly too many barbershops in the town at the present time. "Prices for haircuts might not be as high if there were fewer barbers," he said. surface of the rink today, winding up at approximate- ly 8 p.m. tonight. --Oshawa Times Photo "T hesitate to implement any legislation which might limit the number of establishments," Councillor Inkpen said, "'but it might be for their own good." Terms of the proposed bylaw left no confusion over who are regarded as barbers or beauty parlor operators, referring to both the establisied shops as well as individual business operations in private homes. The bylaw suggests that no one should be allowed to oper- ate a hairdressing establish- ed shops as well as individual business operations in private homes. The bylaw suggests that no one shouid be allowed to oper- ate a hairdressing establish- ment unless they first obtain a licence from the town of Whitby. All new applications or renewals should be subject to approval by the medical offi- cer of health and the zoning PERSONALS Adrian and Roland, twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Collins, 805 Annes street, celebrated their eighth birthdays, Feb. 16. Guests attending their party last Saturday were: David and Christine Allan, Paul Hurley, Malcolm Miller, Cathy Keyes, Danny McPherson, Steven Potoff, Christopher Reed, Anthony Howe, Scot King, Joce- lyn Luck, and Glenn Kenzie. Greetings were received from the twins' grandparents and uncles and aunts trom England. A nicely decorated birthday cake was served with light re- freshments. Mrs. Wilfred Bauder, of Verona, is spending the winter months at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James York, 106 Eliz- abeth crescent. Best wishes are extended to Alfred Vaugham, 923 Byron street north, on the occasion of 8ihis birthday to be celebrated Feb. 17. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Pres- ley, of Ottawa, were weekend guests at the home of her broth- er and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Anderson, 910 Crocus crescent. Ross Balson, of St. Bonniface, Quebec, is visiting his father, Fred Balson of Harmony road. Mrs. Justine Thivierge and Miss Baleda Thivierge, of Wood- stock, were weekend guests at the home of Mrs. Thivierge's son-in-law, Mr. Ray Anderson, 607 BROCK wuitsy One Complete Program each Evening at 7:30 Raise Flag Saturday WHITBY (Staff) -- An official flag raising ceremony will be held at the Whitby Municipal Hail at 11 a.m. sharp Saturday, Feb. 20. In commemoration of the not- able event, marking the first time the new Canadian flag has flown in Whitby, Branch 112, Royal Canadian Legion will hold a special parade. The parade will form at the| Legion Hall at 10.30 a.m. with) all legionnaires and veterans) urged to attend. Regular Legion/ parade dress will be the order "Horizontal Lieutenant" with Paula Prentice Jim Hutton STARTS AT 7:30 P.M. A Production of Le VIEN FILMS COLOR STARTS AT 9:05 P.M. jDylaws -of the community. '|Licence fee should be $3. Any person applying fom a licence would be require. to produce a certificate from a physician certifying the owner and all employees on the prem- ises have had a medical exam- ination. Such examination wouid include a chest X-ray, it Was suggested. Under the terms of the by- law anyone who contravenes the legislation shall be liable, on conviction, to a penalty of not less than $50 and not more than $100, exclusive of costs. Second offence would bring a $300 fine. Junior Brass Band Secoad In Contes WHITBY (Staff) -- The town's Junior Brass Band has come up with another award, tribute of ability. The band placed second in competition at Lawrence Park Collegiate Institute, To- ronto, on Saturday afternoon, participating in the Annual To- ronto Kiwanis Music Festival. "We didn't make first place," Whitby THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Februsry 17,1965 § Eric Clarke, Junior-bandmaster) COLD WASTE WARMER stated, "'but they really knew] Kussian scientists report their we were there. The local group|far north is warming up--some accumulated 75 points and was|600,000 square miles of peren- edged out of first place by an-|nial ice have been melted and other band' which picked up 80|Januarys are getting warmer points," he said. each year. vak has starred im 16 motion pictures - her Me, Stupid. Rebuilders 405 Mery St. E., Whitby 668-4932 NOVAK'S RECORT Green-eyed actress Kim No- latest is Kiss Automatic Transmission for the parade. | Marching off sharply, the pa- rade will move out to Dundas) street, move westerly to the Municipal Building where a short but impressive ceremony will be held. Mayor Warren Mowat and Zone Commander Vernon Mac- Carl will take the salute along! the route of march. | Upon arrival at the Municipal Building the Legion padre, Rev. Stanley Armstrong, will conduct the service. Mayor Mowat will present a short address. GOD'S CREATURE | READING, England (CP) -- Rev. J. V. Andrews, curate in this Berkshire town, wants to be called plain '"'Mr." Said An- drews: "Sometimes I am called 'preacher.' One three-year-old, mis-hearing his sister call me ENTERTAINMENT NIGHTLY 9. to 12 In the Beautiful MELODY ROOM-- (Whitby Hotel) featuring Johnnie McMann on the Console Organ this, shouted 'Mum, the crea- ture's here.' " following ladies competing: Elsie Chambers of Oshawa ver- sus Mabel Irwin of Whitby; W. Graham of Fenelon Falls versus Mary Bentley of Peterborough; Marion Minns of Burlington ver- sus Edith Gearing of Oshawa; Mary Grant of Unionville versus Hazel Dawson of Annandale; and R. N. Purves of Bolton ver- gus Marj McCaffrey of Whitby. Three winning rinks from each draw will compete for top prizes with the rink receiving the highest points declared the winner of the Molson Filly Tro- phy. Awards will also be presented) to runners-up. | Guild Lays Plans | Hat Fashion Show WHITBY -- Ali Saints Angli- ean Church Evening Guild held its meeting with the president, Mrs. Alex Scott, in the chair. | During the business session| final arrangements were made| for the "Hat Fashion Show" to} be held March 1 in the parish hall. Members of the Evening! Guild will be acting as models, Mrs. Gordon Conant will be. the commentator. Hats are sup-/| plied by Anne's Fabric. Des- sert will be served after the showing with Mrs. Fred Read and Mrs. George Gouldburn as conveners. Serving co-conveners will be Mrs. Harry Town and Mrs. S. J. Armstrong. Mrs. Charles Rycroft will at- tend the Women's World Day of Prayer to be held at Whitby Pentecostal Church. During the social hour Harry Town showed colored slides, he took at several points of inter- est in Whitby at various sea-| sons. | Family Monuments i } Created To Individual Requirements 2 STAFFORD BROS. | LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 One-Stop DECORATING | SHOP Wallpaper and Murals Custom Draperies | C.1.L, Paints and Varnishes Broadioom and Rugs Flo-Glaze Colorizer Paints DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. PHONE 668-5862 107 Byron St. S., Whitby Fresh-sh-sh-h The freshest pork sausages, come from Burns... daily! And, they're the plumpest, porkiest sausages you ever served. Burns takes pride in its highest quality pork... seasoned just right. All you do is add the sizzle...and fresh, flavourful nourishment is guaranteed everytime! TROUGHTON MEATS 104 LUPIN DRIVE BLAIR PARK PLAZA GET THE BEST FOR LESS USE YOUR CREDIT! Includes RUMP ROAST, STEAK ROAST, ROUND STEAK and SIRLOIN TIP ROAST. Approximately 6 Ibs. of Stewing Beef. lb Wrapped FREE PHONE 668-4633 the excellence of their z 1 i WE LIKE TO SAY YES WHEN YOU WANT TO BORROW TO BUILD OR BUY A HOME We have been First Mortgages for over 75 loaning on years and can help you choose the best plan of financing. 308 Dundas St. W., Whitby Birds Eye Frozen Foods! SAVE 10c! Orange Juice 2 Si; 59° SAVE 4c! -- MIXED WITH ONION SAUCE Vegetables 'xe' 39° PKG. Fresh Boked! --~ Weston er Sunbeam CRISP 'N' SERVE ROLLS 25° Fresh From The Bakery! AUNT MARY'S SLICED BREAD 'in; 22° SUPREME PE ANUTS BRAND Spanish 1 pay pkg 33¢ 10 TO PKG. SPECIALLY SELECTED -- VALUE CHECK'D -- RED OR BLUE ® ROUND STEAKS SIRLOIN -- T-BONE -- BONELESS RUMP ROASTS 83: EXTRA LEAN--FRESH MINCED GROUND CHUCK TASTY---TEMPTING---MILD CURED SKINLESS WIENERS Sroule's Red and White Corner Simece at Mill "'Foodmaster" Red and White Wilson Rd. S. Shopping Plaze Brown's Red and White Brooklin, Ont. Maple Grove Red and White Maple Grove, Ontario BRAND 79: © RIB © WING u. 53° u. 45° Blanched 12-02, meet BEST BUY!--Save 20c!--6c Off Pack--COFFEE 1-LB. BAG BEST BUY!--Sove 11e--ECONOMY 400's KLEENEX Tissue 2:55c BEST BUY!--Sove Fruit Conserve 9-OZ. JARS ROSE Pure JAMS 3/89c BEST BUY!--Save 10c!--FINEST ORANGE PEKOE PKG. OF 60 SALADA Tea Bags 77c 24 < 4. Recoh BEST BUY!--Save 12c--PLAIN 16-0Z. JAR KRAFT Cheez Whiz 57c BEST BUY!--Save 4c!---Cash Your 8¢ Coupon 12-0Z. PKG. KELLOGGS == xs. 29¢ FLAKES BEST BUY!--Save 11e--Aylmer Fancy Quality 48-OZ. TINS TOMATO JUICE §=-- 3: $1 CATELLI "ssa" 37 59¢ MACARONI or SPAGHETTI NORTEX NESTING STOOL BRONZE TONE FINISH ASSORTED COLOURS SUNSHINE FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES SUNSHINE FRESH--VINE RIPENED NO, 1 TOMATOES ALL PURPOSE ONTARIO -- NO, 1 YELLOW ONIONS CRISP AND CURLY SPINACH FANCY GRADE McINTOSH APPLES 2 us. 39° 318. 95¢ POLY BAG 39¢ 39¢ 10-02. POLY BAGS 3-LB. POLY BAG SAVE 9c! -- SAICO SOLID WHITE MEAT TUNA FISH 2: 6% SAVE 10e! 32-0Z. BOTTLE MAZOLA Corn OIL = 83c SAVE 15¢! -- MONARCH 7-LB. BAG PASTRY FLOUR 5% 7-OZ. TINS SAVE 10c! -- 3cOFF PACK... AJAX Cleanser SAVE 16c! -- 10¢ OFF PACK GENTLE F SAVE 4c! -- SWEET M BREAD 'N' BUTTER PICKLES GIANT TINS 2: 53¢ 24-0Z, SIZE 19c - SWEET RELISH - 16-0Z. JARS 2: 83¢ SUPREME