Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Feb 1965, p. 20

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20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, February 17, 1965 BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Driver Jailed For Seven Days WHITBY (Staff) -- "I have seldom heard of a worse case of bad driving," commented Ma- istrate Harry Jermyn here Fncsday as he t d Fran- ciate himself from other persons on probation. ing while his licence was sus- ded, Roy Joseph Mulligan, ciscus Van Ball, 30, of Toronto, to seven days in the county jail on a charge of drunk driving. gt Bodley, vieker, Police, told ed the Ball ve- miles on High- was weaving back about 30 miles an several occasions vehicles to swerve. hes i 83% i a a = 3 gy 4 that accused had east, ; fo comply with the rovisions of his probation re- sulted in Ronald Ray Jones, 18, of 817 Centre street north, "Whit- by, being convicted. He was re- mended in custody for one week for sentence. The accused was given @ sus- pended sentence and placed on probation in 1964 when he was convicted of joy riding and driving without a licence. He was ordered to report any change of address and to disso- CNIB Plans Fund Drive WHITBY -- The Whitby-On- tario County Advisory Board to The Canadian National Institute for the Blind is making its an- nual appeal for funds in the Whitby area from Feb. 22 to 27. {The objective is $2,000. ' The CNIB, through the Whitby-Ontario County Advisory Board, serves 90 blind in Ontario County. Funds raised in the County are used ex- clusively to make CNIB serv- ices available to the blind resi- dents of this area, and for the prevention of blindness. Briefly, services available to blind people include the follow- "fi, | rary Service. Provides books in Braille and Moon type; and talking-book records with, where necessary, the loan of a record player. Employm iis ent Service. Which j| would 17, of 346 Rosedale drive, Whit- by, was sentenced to 14 days in the Whitby Police Department, said he saw Mulligan driving on Mary street on Feb, 11. A sentence of two years less a day was imposed on Robert Colin Melless, 18, of 221 Dove- dale drive, Whitby, who was convicted a week ago on five eight! charges of break, enter and theft, The five sentences will run concurrently. An additional sen- tence of six months' indefinite was also imposed. Magistrate Jermyn said he recommend the , sen- tences be served at Brampton. School Board Studies Budget Members of the East Whitby Township Public School Area Board, at their February meet- ing, devoted considerable time to the preparation of the 1965 budget, The budget will be completed at the board's March meeting. It was decided that the final payment for the school built at Raglan two years ago will be made. In reply to a query, the board received a letter from the town- ship council setting forth the provisions of the bylaw cover- ing the carrying efid use of air rifles and firearms. With partic- ular reference to air rifles, it Convicted on a charge of driv- jail. Constable L. Middleton of Guide Executive Holds Meeting WHITBY--Whitby Girl Guide Association executive met in the Kindergarten room of St. age United Church Hall, eb. 15. Representatives from ist and 2nd: Brownie Packs were pres- ent along with Guiders from the 2nd Brownie Pack, ist, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Guide Companies. Cof- fee was served by social con- vener, Mrs. Harold Grylls, at the beginning of the meeting. The association members. and guiders discussed at length the usefulness of the ass ion, and how to stimulate more in- terest from the of the 300 registered Brownies and Guides in Whitby and Brooklin. It was suggested that a 1 discussion be arran, with all facets of district repre- sented, to which the would be invited. This event to be presented at the opening of the season in September 1965. The Shoreline Division Din- ner, an annual event for the Guiders and Association mem- bers, wil] be held in the Picker- ing Christian Education Centre, Mar. 1 at 7 ye There will a party of 30 attending from this district. bell s Administrator Dies In Nassau TORONTO (CP) -- R. Ray Copeland, 54, administrator of South Peel Hospital, died in Nassau Monday, it was learned here today. He was vacationing with his wife. Mr. Copeland previously was hospital] administrator at Ham- ilton General Hospital, St. Thomas Hospital and Port Col- borne Hospital. was pointed out that no one can carry or discharge in the town- ship without being the holder of a licence issued by the town- ship. " Kinsmen WHITBY (Staff) Local Kinsmen celebrate a double anniversary this week, mark- ing the 45th anniversary of the National Association of Kins- men Clubs and 23 years of suc- cessful operation in the town of Whitby. The NAKC was first. formed) in 1920 and has progressed steadily to an association con- sisting of 410 clubs with a membership of over 12,000 Kins- men across Canada. Basically a young men's service club, the association has Plan Anniversary | the old Taylor Arena located on! the site of the present Whitby} Arena. The club operated the) arena, providing facilities for minor hockey teams and public; skating. LAND DONATED When a movement was initi-| ated to build a new arena the Kinsmen turned the property over to the community as their donation to the new building. In addition to these two major projects, the club can unboast-) fully look at other community/ efforts it has sponsored, Local) Get all your health, hygiene and good-grooming needs from the rnin who knows them best... your 1.D.A, Pharmacist CERTIFIED EARACHE DROPS SPIRITS OF CAMPHOR VICEROY FOUNTAIN SYRINGE VICEROY DOUCHE SYRINGE Prompt, safe relief for children and adults, Dropper bottle, reg, 75¢ Helps to heal cold sores and skin eruptions. 1.D.A, Brand ---- 1 ounce, reg, 25¢'...... 2 quart capacity. White tubing, 2 rapid-flow pipes eee erer eee 59 22¢ 1.88 eeee Finest quality, moulded 8-oz. bulb. Guaranteed for 5 years MAGNOLAX trom wamrout Gentle, pleasant, effective | xative. 20 ox. $UGG. LIST 1.50 1.19 SPECIAL FORMULA 22 Vitemins & Minerals 100 Tablets 2.49 3.98 volue Macleans Tooth Paste Menufocturers Speciai offers 1.09 tube for 99c¢ SPECIAL 1.D.A. reduces it 20¢ more. 719 WILLIAMS Lectric Shave SS > | " ANUSO| enim Hemorrhoidal oe sae weer sane ra ee sy ied Suppositories 12's $UGG. LIST 1.50 1.29 HOSPITAL COTTON Val-U Brand -- 1 pound roll ...,..+eeee008 TI MODESS BELT Deluxe -- Sugg, list 89¢ oa 78c MISS CLAIROL Creme Formula AY Choice of 15 shades -- 2 oz, sugg. list 1.85 .. SCORE Clear Hair Cream No grease -- 41 oz, tube, sugg. list 98c .... BROMO SELTZER Quickly settles upset stomach. Relieves headache, Family size SUGG. LIST 1.09 Hides pimples while it works becouse skin-coloured. SUGG. LIST 1,25 Gently aids you to SOMIN 20's SUGG. List 1.50 SPECIAL 1. 29 sleep | Multipie endeavors to provide employ-|, yijie prohibiting many men|welfare work such as assis-| vi amin ment for seer capes of _ cepting gainful occupation either tn po f industry or in the CNIB Industrial Shops or Cater- 7 ee Teaching. home Teach- ers, who are themselves blind, over 40 from holding any. elect- ed office, Through this ruling younger men have the oppor- tunity of learning the funda- mentals of parliamentary pro- cedure. This is said to lead to jtance to the association for re-| tarded children, support of all) minor sports and charitable, organizations are projects fall-| ing in this category. Two years ago the club reach-| The BEFORE Shave Lotion, 7 oz. SUGG. LIST 1.50 ug Store today Drop into our 1.D.A, Dr to see the many more Money-Saving Minera! Tablets 125s : SUGG, List 6.00 3.59 " experience in leadership train-led an agreement with town) Health and Hygiene PARAMETTE SYRUP visit blind people in their homes and instruct them in Braille and Moon Type reading; touch typ- ; and handicrafts such as tting, crocheting and Jeather- work. They also give our blind people assistance in Home Eco- nomics. Eye Service. arrangements are made for eye examinations, and where necessary transpor- tation is provided te hospital eye clinics, this often being taken care of by members of the Whitby Board. Where neces- sary, glasses are provided for those eligible for this service, and in some cases necessary eye medication is paid for where the family is unable to| meet this cost. Recreation. two weeks at the CNIB summer centre located on Lake Joseph is also available to blind people and, where neces- sary, the cost is paid by the CNIB. During the summer months a picnic is arranged jointly with the CNIB Advisory Board in Oshawa, and at Christ- mas time a Christmas Dinner is held, also in Oshawa. You help to make all these services available when you sub- scribe to the current appeal. Please be generous when. our canvasser calls on you. ing. FORMED IN 1942 In 1942 the local club came into existence when 25 of the younger businessmen joined to- council to develop a seven-acre) tract of land on Peel street.) This project is better described) as a park and sports area. To! date the local Kinsmen have spent $4,000 on this effort and) gether to charter a club. Cre- ated during the war years the) club immediately instigated a project in tune with the Nation- al war effort. the local group raised $15,000 for the war effort and were instrumental. in sending 150,000 quarts of milk to the children of Great Britain. On the termination of hostili- fies the club turned: their atten- tion on improving the commu- nity's recreational facilities. In 1947 local Kinsmen had the opportunity of purchasing the old Castle grounds, a block square on Byron street north, promptly turning this location into a park development pro- the Community Swimming Pool, wading pool and a. children's playground. During the winter months the site is used for an outdoor skating rink. At approximately the same |time the park project was ini- |tiated the club also purchased During the next four years| ject. This park site now houses) are hopeful that this summer) \the ball diamond, started last) jyear on a portion of the park jarea, will be ready for use. | Local service work consumes ja large portion of the club's jtime but there is enough left jover to allow participation in District Fund Raising drives. One such project is the raising of funds for the Cystic Fibrosis Research Foundation, a pro- |gram shared by all 53 clubs in District 8 of the NAKC. | Recognition of the important role played in the furtherance jof Kinsmen work lies in the fact Whitby had the privilege of chartering the Ajax Kinsmen |Club in 1948 and in 1956 formed) |the Kinette Club of Whitby, District club recognition has jalso been achieved. Whitby. was) successful in having two mem-} bers serve as District Gover-| nors during past years, This| year an even greater honor) |was obtained by the local club' when one member was elected to District Governor. 65 STYLES SHADES AND . COLORS Price includes ©@ Frames © Lenses Hours: 9 A.M. te 3 7.M, ---- Closed All Day Wednesday PHONE: 728-1261 WE FILL ALL Hoses AND OPTOMETRISTS PRESCRIPTIONS ICES. THE SAME LOW PR Brenches in many prine ipel cities of Canede end U.S, BIFOCALS *17.95 from Fromes Lenses and Cases Broken tenses dupli- cated, Frames re- poired; frames re- placed while you weit. Lowest prices. OCULISTS' PRESCRIPTIONS Also filled ot same prices. Your pre- scription promptly WILLIAMS Ice Blue AQUA VELVA $uGG, LIST 1.25 1.09 You're blissfully secure with Confidets SANITARY NAPKINS 12's SUGG. LIST Sle SPECIAL 39c ICE-O-DERM MEDICATED ASTRINGENT Aids in contro! of acne, pimples, whiteheads and blackheads. Reduces oiliness. SUGG. LIST :. 99c SPECIAL Look Your Best Feel Your Best REDUCE Eot 3 meals a doy... pounds. SLIM-MINT SUGG. LIST 1.98 - lose Popular bath salt at price. Economy brand BATH EPSOM SALT IDASAL TABLETS ANTACID STOMACH POWDER CAMPHORATED OIL The |.D.A. Brand A.S. Acetylsalicylic Acid. 300's reg. 99¢ Specials on our SALE. The dispensary is the heort Store, with professional skill right in your own communi can also depend on pr 4 oz, Clear Liquid ° r 2.5 oz. Concentrated Creme. SUGG. LIST 98 each of every |.D.A. ot your service ty. At 1.D.A, you ompt courteous service. ENDEN SHAMPOO 79¢ ey DRISTAN TABLETS 24', SUGG, LIST 1.25 NASAL MIST SUGG. LIST 1.25 99c G.E. Heat Lamp Kit A wonderful eid for soothing muscular pains, SUGG. 7.95 LIST 20 oz. SUGG. List 5.50 3.39 Add spice to his lite? Old Spice AFTER SHAVE LOTION 4% ox. SUGG. LIST 1.50 1.29 Try spray deodorant by Gillette RIGHT GUARD 5 oz, SUGG. LIST 1.29 SPECIAL 6.95 -% a money-saving A. tablet. Each toblet onee Fast, comfortable relief for stomach. 4-o0z. bottle, reg. 98e .... The old reliable "rub" for relief of congestion and sprains, 1.D.A. Brand, 3-0z. reg. 49e 5 lb. bag 44c full 5 grains G.E. SUN TAN KIT everything you need... instructions. SUGG6, LIST 18.95 19c 18¢ upset 39¢ just follow the @ Siete RiGcut Suanv 1.D.A. SACCHARIN TABLETS "% grain 1000's reg. 89 LYSOL Disinfectant Antiseptic 5 ounce size -- sugg. list 99¢ VICKS VA-TRO-NOL Nose Drops -- sugg. list 64¢ DEXTRI MALTOSE No. 1, 2, or 3 -- 1 pound sugg. list 1,19 .... EASTVIEW PHARMACY 573 King St, E. 725-3594 LAW 1204 Wecker Dr. '$ 725-3525 28. King St. KARN'S 723-4621 MITCHELL'S 9 Simcoe St. N. 723-3431 JAMIESON'S 241 King St. E. 725-1169 360 Wilson Rd. $. McCORDICK 725-8711 L 302 Stevenson Rd. N. 723-1131 -2 North Simcoe Pharmacy Ltd, 907 Simcoe St, N. 7 -3418

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