12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 17, 1965 ottenham Hotspurs 'Cold' When On Road {LONDON (Reuters) -- Poor|them form away from home seems tojany other team in the First Di- have put Tottenham Hotspur fi-|vision, and this alone has kept nally out of the running for the|them o First Division soccer| Tottenham manager Bill Nich- m 13 victories, more thanyyear they again won the Asso- ciation Cup, and in 1963 cap- tured the European Cup Win- in fourth place. ners' Cup The retirement of wing-half r pionship. oldon has spent more than/panny Blanchflower, ' dium whost: Canada Beats From AP-Reuters TAMPERE, Finland (CP) day. for the team that will represent Canada in the world tourna- ment -- goaltender Don Col- Finland Squad ~. and --- ™ John- A 'second' platoon" will fly overseas March 1, made up of --|first' - string players who were The first platoon of Canada's|unable to spare the 32 days entry in the 1965 world hockey|from work or university studies championships defeated thelrequired to participate both in Finnish national team 4-2 Tues: the eight-game exhibition series and the tournament proper. The game, first in an eight-) Elliott Chorley, a 33-year-old game exhibition tour for thelright wingman from Winnipeg, Canadians, tapk place .in- th€)scored twice for the Canadians, newly ~ ig ae indoor Sta] who also had goals from centre "world, cham+| Aggie Kukulowicz and defence- Clinic And Meet Set For Skaters ST. CATHARINES: (CP) -- Speed skaters from Toronto, Ot- tawa, Kitchener and St. Cath- arines will participate in a com- bined speed skating clinic and race meet here this weekend. The meet is sponsored by the Ontario department of educa- tion, St. Catharines Rowing Club and St. Catharines recrea- tion commission. Joe Huibers of St. Catharines, look to the ae en OP REE RG INS trophy circuit, paid £40,000 for' OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS utility man Laurie Brown, £70,- ' 000 for wing-half Alan Mullery, MOTOR CITY MIXED League folai in Group 1 with eat with five bowl-|£25,000 for left-winger Jimmy Scor _ jamieson | er: im a . g ee Mai, 216); Josie 'Westlake 756 * Standing. Group. 1. -- Hicks, 10; Sa- Robertson, £45,000 for left-back «269, 226); Mae Jamieson 734 (227,|bers 10; Dutch Treats 9; Ozarks 8; Hope-|Cyril Knowles, £25,000 for goal- i «| fis 8; oe Nd ty 6; Godfers 6 and Old-!keeper Pat Jennings and £72,- i} timers Group 2 -- Lucky Strike 11, Sluggers 10, 500 for centre-forward Alan Gil- ete ent cen ------ Bud Mor 6/6 (2%, "a: Phoebe M Newcomers 8, Beetles 8, Lucky Six 7,/Zean. 204, 235); Jim Anderson 649 (279); Chuck! Rockets 7, Oilers 5 and Strikers 4. But "with i Ford 648 (242, 232); Bus White 646 (214! Individua' high scores -- Sel Homes ut with a road record in pole Ines ma a (229, 236) and Roy oe ne ay B56 ia a2); league play of one win, four ties 7 a jie eler 5 ie ej 700 Vi Norris 270, Gord Long 248, Helen|Caccelis 779 Art. Smart 783 (336); Bob | 2nd 10 losses, Tottenham can- Trott 226, Ceci! Litster 224, Joan Jackson|Gallagher 774 Hank Sarnovsky 774,\not approach Saturday's fifth 293, Earl Wesilake 222, Eve Campbell!George Topping 759, Palm Knight 758) round Association Cup tie at 219, Pete. Makarchuk 218, 202; Leon|(313); John VanDyk 754, Dave Reynolds| P Davey 217, Ross Westlake 215, D0vg9|750, Ding Gavas 745, Orest Pidwerbeckiichelsea with bounding confi- Smith 212, Sadie James 211, Arthur Irv-|743, Matt Be'! 735, Al Goguen 729, Fred|dence. ing 211, 208, Stetia Makarchuk 208, Ber-| Harding 729 Joe Kastner 726, Ray Mann nice Goodes 206, Archie Bruce 206,734, Arne Greene 710, Dave Conboy 709,, Chelsea, Leeds and Manches- 2. Drink plenty of fluids Rolly Hagermar 205, Pat Weggler 204,)Hank Brown 707, R N t Ge, Mocoy m3. 203 and Curly Jack-| McMaster 706, sin' tarde ty ow, Mickiter United have hopes of the cup 3. Take Aspifin to reduce fever and relieve pain Goodman 700 jand league double. All three FAST RELIEF sor 202. Team Points -- Beatles 3, Swingers 1;| Group 2 -- Stan St. Loui y ac: q & ~ s ce ote fattened ng Roling Stones 3, Hi Jinks 1; Spots 1,|Bud Morris 757 (275); yes FM ag 1H wan last Saturday, Chelsea | HEADACHES Twisters 3; Scarecrows 4, Hi 'Balls 0;|(293); John Boyd 745 (301); Joe Ristich|Pcating talented Blackburn Ro- COLDS Spiitires 4, Atoms 0. 722, Bud Kemp 700, Earl Jordan 688,| Vers 3-0. - . W Villas 6764, Bill Bee, 666, Cc. Mow- ;LAMEWIEW Lay, LEAGUE 5% Ooy se Un ei tt'om |, Cheleea has. lost only one te iM. 4 Hards ali won eight points this week | 'away league match this SeanOnst blanking the Beetles, Blowhards and) -- Pepsies respectively, while the other two feams took four points each, with the Ladybugs winning two games and the Aces taking tota! pintfall and one game. Team ppg og -- Moonspinners 30, Pepsies 30, Boobs 29, Aces 27, Blowhards oe Die Hards 24, Ladybugs 22 and Beetle eneral" | «its. defeat Saturday by neigh-|£275,000 this year striving' tolof this side and a ahve tacti- _ will be played Mareh) man 'Tom Marshall, former president of the Ontario * boring Fulham meant it has|build a team that can recapturelcjan, and the accidental death) The Canadian squad, largely) - j 5 Speed Skating Association, will : won on opponents' grounds only|the flories of 1961, when thelof talented inside-forward Jo&a/made up of players from Win-| _MONUMENT'S HEIGHT = |conduct the clinic with Steve onte in 30 league games this|Spurs achieved the coveted dou-|White left gaps in the side that nipeg Maroons, 1964 Canadian| The Washington a Kovacs, of Toronto, a member ' 28000. ast eee ble---wihiaing the B parimagy have been hard to fill. senior champions, had only twojin the U.S. federal capital, isjof the 1964 Canadian Olympic 4 y -|ciation Cup an e : ; . ; 555 feet high. speed skating team. } perb home form. has brought/championship. The following " fae Fess mag on 8 _-- oe ye ae ie oo : : = : put Spurs into the European ' 1, Rest in bed * his Weanesday is the last night of the! third section and so far it looks like any-| one's sectior. The Pepsies and Blowhards | have alreauy taken a section each so the! Moonspinners, Boobs, Aces and Die Hards are all in the running for top spot in this séction. It looks like an interesting night coming up -- good luck to you all! Over 600 -- Lois Parry 643.(249, 231), Vera Freeman 638 (226, 224), Toni Old-| fiels 626 (260), Jeanette Reid 623 (236, | and 5 verre Rickman 613 (235, 206). | -- Betty Smith 241, Hazel Law- son, ra Shirley Hutchison 22, Davidson 21;, Noreen Lerocque 217, Del Tomina 216, 'Brenda Saunders 207 and) Nancy Rich High Singi ae McDermaid 336; High Triple ie! Tomina 774 and High Average -- De! Tomina and Jeanette} Reid 188 WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH lat Second Sectio» won by the Colts. Team Standings start of third section ~ Lambs 4, Skunks 4, Colts 4, Tigers 3) Mules 2, Kitcats 2, Wildcats 1, Bears | , Meows 0 and Mices 0. High Triples -- Jack Wilson 817 (301, | 546, 270), Anne Naish 760 (261, 206, 266), | Harry Benreit 733 (261, 206, 266), inl Cobb Sr. 730 (233, 201, 296), Ron Moore) 719 (211, 324), Bud von 672 (321), Morris | Love 631 (294), Henry Veenhot 624 (269), | Randy Love 61) (208, 'an and Mertin | Somerville 403 bay High Singies -- Smith 264, tonal Clapp 252, Audrey Oiahe 248, Helen Siater | 936, Ken Cobb Jr. 228, Les Barany 725,| 902, Annabelle Cobb 219, 202, Bill v | 219, Keith Pollard 212, Stan Pollard 212,| Thelma Owen 210, Joan Siater 205, 205,) Cecil Lamo 202 and Jim Childerhose = | Mages Dwellers -- Betty Bouillon 98, 87, Bert Small 9', Doreen Pollard 95, Jo) Weeks. 72, @\, and Eleanor Game 64. PRIDAY NITE INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE | esuagel Der --Motor City 3, Dairy) Queen 0; Genoshas 3, Westmount 0; | Quatity Fuels 2, Imperial Optical 1; Her-| risons 2 ana Acadian |. Stendings -- Motor City 13, Genosha 12, Quelity Fuels 12, Westmount 10, Har- 9, Dairy Queen 8, Imperial Optical | LOOK AT THESE | - for the right RED BRAND BEEF RED BRAND BEEF . Bell 488 (220, 271); | } rr ow 646 at ¥ SO wiil : 'tis Ons BONELESS ie le ams i' 277); G. a es he 229, oT ise F mac mor a ert 6 40), Bin ats a, i arp oe (231, 218) and Ib ¢€ ROLLED ib ¢€ » BRISKET . COF LEAGUE THE KING OF ROASTS--RED BRAND SHORT CUT CHEF RED BRAND BEEF PAN READY. PACIFIC PINK ~Gengratulations oe to a newcomer afm ay sa | STANDING RIB ROAST... 69°| SHORTRIBROAST ,. 49*| WHOLE SALMON ':;,' 1, 69° Allan Masters " State 636 (720, 249), Dick Stata 629 (222, 2087, Wes Sta'a 622 (206, 220), Don. Robin- | s0% 619 (285), ana Bob Gibbs 611 (262). 20 Singles -- Lucy Peeling 261, Neil) Gifford 247. Bob Spiers 238, Claude Glass- | ford 223, Joan Dart 221, Jim Nemish 219, 260, Bill Elliott and Stan Hartshorn 218 Stewart Tippett 216, Morris Davey 216, 20], Ellen Boneham 208, Art Peeling 206 and Boyce Bisir 200. Points Taken, -- Jems 3, Misfits 0; Suds 2, Nomads 1; Peps 2, Bamps 1; Duds 2, | Biows 1. | Team Standings Peps 4, Duds 4, Jems 4, Bamps 4, Biows 3, Suds 2, Nomads 2 and Misfits 1. | OSHAWA MEN'S MAJOR LEAGUE | Sabers shut-ov Oldtimers to move into ® tle for top spot with the Hicks when | Goolers took a two to one decision. from COMPARE 2 FOR 25¢ Reg Hickey's crew. Hopefuls bianked the Jaywalkers and Ozarks topped |' i Dutch Treats. he 10 OZ. In Group 2 it was Joe Ristich and | his Lucky Strike club all the way against TIN the Oilers and its a clear cut lead of one point for Joe and his mates in first) place. Letty ae cane rather: oellly jew HEINZ STRAINED OR JUNIOR MARKED AT 59¢--SUNLIGHT LIQUID itery Nepki Sle three point pick-up and this win keeps the 5-OZ. Sivggers right in there. Lucky Six edged BABY FOODS 10 Be DETER ¢ 12 TO ¢ Beei'es two to one and Rockets moved TINS well up in the standing by blanking! PKG. Strikers. : COMPARE 2 FOR 41c--LIBBY'S REWARD yn gs FANCY PEAS 4°::: 69*| DOG FOOD 14¢ OFF PACK---COMPARE 1.25 COMJARE 87c MAXWELL HOUSE--6-0Z. Over Rochester | INSTANT COFFEE 1.09| TEA BAGS plus 15 extra tea bags free rolied up a 5-0 lead in the first two periods Tuesday night and coasted to a 7-1 American IDEAL FOR THAT BOILED DINNER. MEATY. RED BRAND LEAN TENDER-- WELL TRIMMED-- RED RAND RED BRAND BEEF PLATE BRISKET us, 29°] RIB STEAKS is, 79° | GROUND CHUCK ts. 99° Wednesday Night, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Nights till 10 o'clock @ AMPLE FREE OFF STREET PARKING ® Smediey's Imported ~ 15-02. 5 : 49¢ EGG AND 16-02. Ae TINS BACON TIN Quebec Triumphs RED ROSE 77° SPRUANCE bis BREAD MIX nse 40° BABY BONUS OFFER BAKERY FEATURES FREE Madr keene over F R E E SAVE 4c SAVE 4c Buy One Get One FREE Ed Hoekstra paced the east-| Ve SUPER SAVE ' WHEAT CHEX 1 JAR GERBER'S STRAINED FOODS when you buy 6 jars ot regular price ALL 7 JARS GOLDEN ALE Pick up a supply or enjoy a Golden Ale at your favour- ite pub or hotel. Molson Golden--the right taste in ale is in every single bottle. re ee 2 ROLLS | DONUTS CEREAL efter Guties scorer er ©] a 25° | 0. 29° 2 'xcs O° Jim Morrison, Andre Boudrias and Wayne Hicks Billiard Tables | All Sizes In DI | Genuine Slate Tops te AVE * ILLIARD f ia| SUPER SAVE, FROMMOLSONS- corner of KING at RITSON ROAD, ye a INDEPENDENT BREWERS SINCE 1786 gave the Aces a 6-0 lead in the) Pets he a a JUMBO SIZE 24's, FRESH CRISP PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND 1186 Queen St. W., third period. out attempt for Aces goalie Gillies Banville when he scored) the Americans' only goal at} 11:24 of the third. bunches t oes 25 lbs. , a Toronto LE 3-3102