King Foomree eS. T95, Wokd vai 5 | CONFUCIUS GAY, | "LUPTLE WHITE LIB PREVENT BIG PUNCH HER LETTERS!-"AHW GOT TH'KINDA FIGGER THAT LL. IP YOU SAY YOU DIDN'T, I KNOW YOU DIDN'T-- PRIVATE MAIL, DEAR~ £ YOU MENTIONED | | ASKIN' ME IF IT WAS | A CROWDED PLACE, EUROPE IT AN' WOULD I LIKE IT WAS A GOOFY QUEGTION, 'CAUSE I GUESS SHE THINKS EUROPE |S JUST OVER THE HILL6 INSTEAD OF A Yo MILLION MILES Lagat" JULIET JONES AFTER HIS: UNHAPPY CHILD) A LAMPMAN ENROLLS AT TORONTO COLLEGE, WHERE HE'S TOLD +++ YOUVE A TALENT FOR CAPTURING NATURE'S BEAUTY IN WORDS. YOU IRCHIBALD TRINITY una, Ojo] LAMPMAN STAYS UP ALL THAT NIGHT, READING THIS NEW OF CANADIAN I MUST MEET THIS GENIUS { THAT OPENING 1$ THE WAY TH GREAT SPIRIT SPEAKS / Vrwe sounp THE WIND MAKES 78 WHAT HUNTING WOLF CLAIMS 18 THE VOICK OF THE THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, Februery 16,1965 ]7 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) South dealer. Both sides vulnerable. Opening lead--king of clubs, The outcome of a great many hands depends on how the de- fenders' cards are divided. The declarer has no control over the actual distribution of the ad- verse cards, and as a result he will often fail in a contract largely because an important finesse fails or because certain suits break badly. However, the declarer can ex- ercise control over some hands even though the cards are badly stacked against him. Laying plans to combat unlucky distri- bution is one of declarer's most important . duties, and actually overcoming such distribution is one of declarer's greatest thrills. Take a case like this one, If you look at all four hands, it does seem that South must eventually go down one. If he decides to take a diamond fi- nesse, it loses to the queen, and when East then returns a heart, the hand collapses. However, South can assure the contract by playing the hand properly. He should realize that a diamond finesse is extremely dangerous, and should look for ways and means of overcoming the possibility that East may obtain the lead in diamonds and return a heart. This danger he can avoid as follows: He wins the club with the ace, draws two' rounds of trumps, and then cashes the - A-K of diamonds. He next leads the ten of clubs and discards a diamond, knowing that the club will lose to the queen which West is marked to have. At this point, it does not real- ly matter to South how the ad- verse cards are divided. Regard- less of the actual situation, South is sure of making the con- tract because West must give away a trick on the next play. A club return gives declarer a ruff and discard, while a heart return establishes the king as a trick. A diamond return by West (if West has a diamond to lead) would automatically establish an extra diamond trick in dum- my. and thus give South the contract. SALLY'S SALLIES THE LONE RANGER LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY WELL, WHAT KIND OF GRADES DID YOU MAKE TODAY 4 -- / FIFTY IN ARITHMETIC AND FIFTY IN SPELLING. IN FACT, I MADE A HUNDRED! INTO THAT HOTEL, MR. CORRIGAN 3 r rs SECRET AGENT ¥ @ King Feerem Syadicatn, lan, 1965. Werkd sights reverved. DONALD DUCK I'VE, COECIDED ON THE BUFF AND CREAM! TELEVISION LOG 2--Buftalo | 9:00 P.M. 3--Barrie | 7--Tyovon 4--Bufttalo | 9:30 P.M. 6--Toronto Oe vt haya 7---Buttalo 9--The Virginian + a] el 1968. World righte resurved. | 63--Friendly Giant | 4--Andy of Mayberry 11:15 AM, | $-3--Chez Helene Channel 8--Rochester Plac | 11:30 A.M, bhi Albert J Steed Channel 9%--~Toronto Channel 11--Hamitton | 3--Eront Page Challenge) 9 Toronto Today enemmnenemamninaee 4--Petticoat Junctlion | @-2---Jeopardy 10:00 P.M. | 7--Price Is Right --That Regis Philbin $-3--Butternut Square 200 P.M. 8-2- oad rl Hour | 4---The McCoys N--Family Theatre a--The Fugitive ' 9--Five O'Clock Matinee | $3--News Magazine | s-2 "we 8--Superman 4--The Hollow Crown | 7---Donna Reed $3--Fireball XL--S5 10:30 P.M. | 6--Elwood Glover 2--Woody Woodpecker Opener | 4-News and Weather P.M. 11:00 P.M, | 3--Popeye and Pals To Beaver | '1-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News | 12:15 P.M. 6--Music Hop Weather and Sports | 4--Speaker of the House 3--Aquanavts W185 P.M, 12:30 P.M, 2--Tales of Wells Fargo] 9--Metro Final 9--1 Love Lucy ' 6--Viewpoint | @-2--Truth or ee see cane | 11:20 P.M. Consequences 6--Generation | 7-4--Late Show 7--Father Knows Best i 6--Night Metro 4--Search for. fomorrow 4--News, Sports with 3--Noon-day Report Chuck Healy 11:30 PLM. 2--Today, 1965 11--Wrestling | 12:45 P.M, 9--Plerre Berton | 4--Guiding Light kak 8-2--Tonight Show | 1:00 P.M, s / 6--International Cinema t--Lucky Score . eather. Sports 3--Man of the World 9--Decernper Bride £2 --Huntley-Brinkley | 8--Matinee News WRONESDAY | 7--Afternoon Show 7--Maverick 8:00 AM. | 6-3--Movie Matinee é--Across Canada 11--Sehnitzel_ House | 4--Meet The Millers 6:45 P.M. 4--Captain Kangaroo 2--Mike Douglas Show N--Family Theatre 8:30 A.M. 1:30 P.M. 7:00 P.M, 9--News; Miss Helen 11--Mid-Day Matinee 9--The Littlest Hobo 9:00 A.M, 9--Millionaire 6--News, Weather, 9--Romper Room 4--As The World Turns Sports | 7--Dialing for Dollars: 2:00 PLM, 4--Car 54, Where Are | Girl Talk 9--Abracadabra You? 4--Mikes Carnival | 4--Password | 2--Movie 2--Moment Of Truth | 9:30 A.M. | 2:30 P.M. j|1--Ed Alien , | 9--Four of A Kind | 6--Musical Interlude | 8-2--The Doctors 4--Leave It To Beaver | 7--Day In Court | | Channel Channel Channet Channel Channel OON'T RUSH ME! PICKING THE RIGHT COLOR UPHOLSTERY IN ANEW CAR ti TVESVAY EVE. |6-3--Eye CERTAININ NICE OF YOU 'TO LET ME SHARE YOUR CAB, LADY, I/D WAVE MISSED MY PLANE FOR SURE, HEY COM . COME TO _A WOODED AREA. SUDDENLY THE STRANGER PILISAGIN, 4 OO Teo oa axe wou HANDBAG, BLUE COAT, AND THAT COPY 3:30 8--Leave It BEHIND THIS CAR AHEAD ON THE SIDE OF THE ROAD, » MAM-WE GUARANTEE! THIS 1D COVER FOR © King Features Syndicate, ine. 1965. World rights resmved. ASKED ME 10 getiges eo oe 4 OF COURKE, HELEN MARRY HIM. GOING 10 DO? Gar THiS TIME ne DO 7, WERE GOIN'0 HAVE TO) BEN/ AY LTA STOP HELENAN'JOE £ fe a TN FROM SEEIN' EACH OTHER SOMEHOW, CHOLLA, de) 7, 3--Candid Camera 2--The Detectives 7:30 PLM. 11--Shindig 9--Let's Sing Out 8-2---Mr, Novak 7--Comba! 6--On The Scene 4--Many Happy Returns | 2--~\Wendy and Me 8:00 P.M, 11----Special Movie | M 9--Petticoat Junction in green A ag 63--Jack Benny Show | g.2--What's This Song 4--Joey Bishop Show 7~--Trailmaster 8:30 PLM. . | 6&3--Across Canada 9--Red Skelton | 4--Presidential Parade 8-2----Hullabaloo { 11:00 A.M, 7--McHale's Navy |11--Father Knows Best 6-3---Danny Kaye Show 9--James Beard Show 4---Red Skelton Hour 8-2--Concentration CROSSWORD DOWN 1, Boy's treasured dial. + car 22, Half 2, Employ an 3. Semester 4, Eating utensil 5. Man's nick- 10:00 A.M, | 6--Loretta Young |11--Super Bingo 4--Howse Party 8-2--Make Room For 3--Super Bingo Daddy 3:00 P.M, 6-3--School Telecasts | 9--People in Conflict > ee PC TaMCIatL * A O A as * (VAICIETTREMIEIDIAIL) IAITIOINIE MEE AIRICIE) NIE Willa COMMIT IKTE ISINIEIAIKIE IRIS Ma SIK) [511 INI TIAU] PIRMERIAINISIOIMIE!D) CIEIOMMPIOMEECTATO) CIMIEIS MERIAL ISIE ARIA AGIs Porterhouse Steak IKI ICMmKIEIEIL 1.25 [TIAINIKBMEIAISIYI : OPIN 'NIGHTS Festerday's Answer 1 CARMICHAEL'S BAR-B-0 : Park Roed S., 725-0907 ACROSS 1, Protrude | 4--News 8-2--Another World _ & Chinese 7--General Hospital |6-3---Moment _ of Truth | 4---To Tell The Truth | 3:30 P.M, |1}--Funny Company | 9---Its Your Move 8-2---You Don't Say | 7--The Young Marrieds | 63--Take Thirty 4--Edge of Night JANE ARDEN em 25, Hesi- race horse 11, Martini ingredient name 18, Past 6. Sprung s 14, Electric up tic 7. Watch 28. Puffed 9. Occurrence up 10. Church 30. Hyp- service notice 12, Consumes state 15, Sounding, 31.A type as steam of froma dental valve filling D165 'Walt Disney Productions World Rights Reserved YOUR HEALTH SOMEDAY T'/LL LOUDER , MORTY-- LEARN TO LEAVE I CANT HEAR THE LYRICS! 32. Fasten, as with glue 34, Made of oats 38, Skilled 41, Before 43, Old Dutch measure Y --Y, 2 "MILL STREET" VARIETY STORE MILL & OXFORD STS. Open 7 Days of the Week 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. [ COLBORNE GROCETERIA Colborne St. et Church St. 728-6341 OPEN === DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. Seven Days a Week © Groceries © Fresh Fruits © Vegetables © Meats FREE DELIVERY in small amounts 19. Absorbed 21, Cathedral passage- ways 23, Insects GY, Yj, f 4 6 | 24, Beginning ty LYLA 26, Sandarac Vi, 7 tree 4 29, Inflamma- 10 I tion of iris Z 13 {7 2 Y YG 26 33 36 Vaccinations Are Needs By Adults By JOSEPH MOLNER, MD. after that, and then a booster What vaccinations are nec-jeyery five years. (Some minor. essary for adults? deviation from the exact sched- For a long time older peoplejule isn't going to do any harm; held to the incorrect idea thatiso long as the general pattern since they had been vaccinated|is followed.) From experience as children they didn't need) we now know that such a sched- any additional vaccinations. ule provides and maintains pro- Polio vaccine has served a tection double purpose, It has all but) As for-doctors who prefer the shut off ihe periodic epidemics|Sahin vaccine, I will. not quar- of that disease. It has also/re| The big point is to see that pointed up the fact that vac-leveryone gets one kind or the cination isn't just for children. | other. Adults need it, too. ' va vik TAS ak ; In general, adults should have| TETANUS: This should have a booster every five years. In boosters every five years, For|* i maximum protection, some|°4s¢ of a wound of some sort, could be given oftener, but the|@ booster at that time will five-year rule of thumb makes|@Ssure safety. But if your pro- sense \tection has. lapsed because of not having had boosters, you What vaccinations? For most} ? adults, these: |may, instead, then require an POLIO: I'm often asked about |2nti-toxin injection. This, un- the relative merits: of the Salk|fortunately, can cause ah un- which is injected, and|Pleasant reaction in some peo- which. is|Ple. So the booster every five lyears is best -- and besides, MICKEY MOUSE Disteibut 1'VE FINALLY PERFECTED A COOKIE THAT MELTS IN YOUR MOUTH Seana aS Gaeta {| AFTER YEARS \ OF RESEARCH.., ay Cs WHICH 16 JUST RIGHT For | SOMEONE LIKEME... / 37. Moslem title 39, A wing 40, Wading bird 42, Trite 44, French river 45, Lacelike 46, Number 47, Uncle: Scot. GRANDMA 44 Y 40 Y Y | oa ay (T na ny PO alongs AT ga ty hy SOMETHING! 1s IT "WOOF! woor!". LE SURVEY.,.TELL ME, WHAT "ARF! ARF!".. OR WHAT? DOES YOUR DOG SAY WHEN es aie vaccine, the Sabin vaccine, ERNIE CAY HE DOESNT how many have lost their im-;doctors, and many others). But MUGGS AND SKEETER chs BARKS ? ~ BARK! | This type has been used longer, taken by mouth. 4 Personally, I prefer the Salk,/YOU Il _be protected in case of being injured far from medical so we know more about it. It|ad. has been highly effective. In my} SMALLPOX: This should' be area in 1958 there were 600\repeated every five years. I've cases of polio and 22 deaths./had people tell me, quite ser- Five years later there were only |iously, that they '"'still had the eight casca deaths. Alscar" from vaccination in child- vigorous campaign of using Salk}hood. The scar doesn't mean vaccine made the difference anything. Smallpox immuniza- The effective schedule is two|tion subsides gradually. The shots a month apart, a third six)/number of' "takes" resulting months later. a booster one year |frém vaccinating adults shows munity. The U.S. government, remem- ber, will not let anyone enter the country, even a citizen re- turning from a trip, without proof of having had a smallpox booster within three years. FLU VACCINE: This should be a must, every year, for pregnant women, invalids peo- ple subject to heart and respira- tory or- other serious diseases, and for those in vital jobs (nurses, police, key executives, lif it is good for all of them, jit is good for everyone else, too. |Two shots, a month or so apart, the first time, plus a booster each year, or an added one in an epidemic year,.is about right. : Your .doctor can. give you specific advice on others, such as for travel abroad, depending on what part of the world is intended, typhoid » paratyphoid, and, for special risk . groups, BCG for tuberculosis. », DOORS - SASH and ROOFING FREE DELIVERY "lt it's LUMBER, call our NUMBER" PHONE 725-1121 53 ALBERT ST.