"1 didn't mean it to sound , | Club President | cy ee ete Queen Is Crowned On Gold Bullion Grab ow 2envexme Cee Costs) Why Did Julie ivcsait higher education too high? eg ' ool Dance LONDON (AP)--A cheque forlof the liner, spread to the north-|has qualified for membership) 441° 19.999 Canadian univer- arner sansa Seah MO cia ae te Cc £1,000,000 ($300,000) in insur-lern English port of Liverpoollin the 1965 President's Club of|sity students may help to find LY ance was paid Monday to the|Monday. Police there searched|The Great-West Life Assurance|the answer. ; APPLES AFLOAT VELVA VOOGJARV The credit should go where it/owners of 20 gold bars missing|the 11,651 - ton liner Apapa/co..ony The announcement| They are filling in a 64-point By BOB THOMAS before viewers of the Andy Wil-| yancOUVER (CP) -- Nearly wHtrsy -- Many weeks ofjis due, to Carolyn Evans and/from the liner Capetown Castle|which called at Las Palmas at 5 ie by John W. Scott,{auestionnaire this month that HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- The liams television show: 3,500,000 pounds of B.C. apples, anxious preparation and antici-lher committee who tirelessly|when she docked at Southamp-|the same time as the Capetown|Was made by wollu 1. WOT) io sone other things,|mowe crowd wondered today:| "And my thanks to Mr. Jack|the largest shipment to be' pation was climaxed for the stu-| gave of their time and energy tO/ton Jast Friday. Castle. Police theorized a beara gl : how miuch they spend on liquor, Just what did Julie Andrews|7, Warner, who made a won-|loaded here in many years, now * dents of Anderson High Schoollwork on the decorations and) noice stil are searching the|switch of the gold from one ves-9MAr0 TANGY, hairdos and church donations. |™¢2" by that remark about)qerful movie and made all thisjis en route to South America Feb, 5. The occasion was "Portsjother preparations which made)... for the gold, part of an|sel to the other was a p ihe Pr Club is com | survey ti Vebie coabaetadl Jack L. Warner? sont (POssible." Mell Poclaul. Cae sorted calendar. (guas success which it was, (some|£$000,000 ($24,000,000) consign-|ity. jen dectinea| P04 of leading representatives), 14." ootaian Union of Stu-lwhen ihe Hollywood Foreign} The banquet crowd at the H li ae ncaa' asriy pole acid , oe i nsurance companies declinee)at the company who, in 1964, i Cocoanut Grove considered the) HOW fo coup d, the showed up the fol-/ment from South Africa, Au ; 0 " dents with the help of the bu-|Press Association presented the relieve genes pettus oat exotic flowers one anerene ts help 'clean they have come up with so far bg gee oe og saae distinguished themselveSjreau of statistics. British star with its Golden|significance of her remark: Use Dodd's Kidney flanking the entrance to the/up). are caches of contraband cig-|"-_" " """~Ss sss \through maintenance of high) The bureau's tabulation of|Globe Award as best musical or) Miss Andrews, who originated B Pills for prompt dance floor drove away ail] we should also be grateful to|arettes, watches and mari- GUNS FROM ITALY standards in the conduct of their|the results will provide data for|comedy actress of 1964 for herithe role of Eliza Doolittle in i i thoughts of the wintry chill out-'Mrs, Osborne, Mr. Cleary, Mr. |J¥ana. Canadians bought almost 1,300!) i sos< Membership in the|the Bladen commission on the|Performance in Mary Poppins. |My Fair Lady on Broadway, tion causing the side. The guests were welcomed|Metropolyt and Mr.' Willis for, The search, also being carried|{talian-made shotguns in 1963-- ee ee financing of higher education in| After thanking Walt Disney|jhad been passed up by Warner pag Soon' at the door by a receiving line|the invaluable assistance which\out at South African ports and|most came from the Venice and|Club is the highest award offet-|Canada, scheduled to report in|and others connected with Mary|for the film version that starred Horley composed of a hg | pe they provided. Las Palmas, last port of call'Brescia areas where their man-ied by the Great-West Life. October. Poppins, Miss Andrews added!Audrey Hepburn. pend on Dodd's. dent council president and her : 7 Principal § TM OmUWA THs, Watadey iney 19 | Teenie Takes Loss -- |ity Man Named |Students Quiz |BOB THOMAS IN HOLLYWOOD jai: ta. ™ Rivett Andrew and Mrs. Andrew, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ing, and Carolyn Evans, formal committee chair- man and her escort, John Van- derby. COLORFUL SCENE On entering the transformed gym, the couples found them- selves caught up in an interna- tional atmosphere created by the splendor of the Indian Taj Mahal, a_ colorful Mexican street square, a Venetian scene complete with gondolier, and a snowy Swiss mountainside. This gay theme was further enhanced by bright pink, Orange, and green streamers radiating from high in the cen- tre, where additional ribbons of color draped downward to focus attention on a realistic Japan- ese bridge, surrounded by more greenery. During the evening those who were present encircled the globe many times over, accompan- fed on their journey by the spirited strains of the Folio- Syncopators, a Toronto dance band Following a colorful and deli- cious buffet-style salad luncheon in the cafeteria, voting for the Queen of the formal took place. A ballot held among the senior students earlier in the day had narrowed the number eligible to six Grade 12 girls. | Finally, at midnight, the re- sults were announced and Gerry Walsh was crowned Queen by last year's winner, Linda Spen- cer and presented with a hou- quet of red roses. She reigned elegantly for the remainder of the evening, together with her two princesses, Judy Read and Velva Voogjarv. All too soon, 1 a.m. came and this memorable event was over for another year. But it is cer- tain that this was an evening that will linger long in the memories of all those who) were fortunate enough to attend. Work-Retum Eases Crisis HAMILTON, Bermuda (AP)-- 4 a A back - to - work movement F j eased a strike crisis in this A e British colony Monday. j Bh a laa ee PICK UP YOUR FREE "MAKE MONEY" ENVELOPE AT YOUR LOBLAWS STORE TODAY. gat aa * J NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. IN EACH SEALED "MAKE MONEY" ENVELOPE IS 1/2 OF A "MAKE MONEY" BILL -- EITHER $500 - $200 - ees are ctill Mle, teat tor . ¢ $100 - $10 OR $1.00. SAVE YOUR 1/2 BILLS. WHEN YOU COLLECT BOTH THE LEFT AND RIGHT HALVES OF ANY ONE OF THESE cen ware bacon full schedule | , BILLS, YOU WIN THAT AMOUNT OF CASH. { Hotel managers said things were going well. | All construction projects re- sumed. seating ond petal emolorees| a | PRESIDENTS SPECIAL! LOBLAWS PRIDE of ARABIA theatres reopened. About half the employees of civil aviation g i services were back on the job. ; ' The electric company strike 4 se. 5 i j a ; launched three weeks ago, re POR - j E ; mained unsettled. The Bermuda y Pains Be SO ; ; 1-LB, 3-LB. { ndustrial Union is seeking the $h4'% : right to bargain for the 'cam y L y Jae BAG BAG pany's workers. 5 } A badly needed cargo of ani mal feed was unloaded from the British Army_and Royal Navy] fil : | BRMAWS = PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! SEAMLESS , personnel. The ship came from Halifax. The troops unloaded 4 A $i the ship because longshoremen ig , , W, i e4 refused to handle it. e 4 ee ; Cattle fodder is in short sup- f , "8 va AIR ply here because of a longshore- ty ' ' 4 P men's strike in U.S. Atlantic ports. Seventeen policemen were in- jured in a clash between 200 PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! LARGE SWEET CLUSTERS! PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! ALL FLAVOURS striker and 40 policemen last PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! HOSTESS BISCUITS pie nana the only serious e@ & e aoe RED EMPEROR = 4ii-C Fruit Drinks..J-1.UU Chocolate Mallows.-- = Trustees Tons : eS, ee PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! ; ° E Federal Plan | ih AYLMER FANCY OTTAWA 'CP)--A federal ed- AYLMER PEACHES os ey ot tins TOMATO JUICE wer, ucation office to conduct re-| zs OZ, TINS a search and promote common) goals in improving education fethods" was" propsses to, the C or ; PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! RAP-AITE federal government Monday by QUEEN <= POUNDS ANNE CHOCOLATES sores Wh WAXED PAPER ovsseses flg oltgcins In a@ brief address to Prime ied at Minister Pearson, the associa- tion said the office should pro- PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! CHAMPION 53 PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! vide research and studies, pro- Feneeessnaenenanananebyens o*9* oF Bti. oe oe and co- PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! DOG FOOD 2¢ OFF operative rese: : i REG. PRICE ivan' ant ogy Med ol Pipy,| GARDEN FRESH FROM CALIFORNIA! cannot be conducted as effi- ; ' 6 Se BUNCH CARROTS 2 nuNcHEs 29: Gitte Gach TE ee ee cere rac ore AYLMER PEAS ri i i ration, establi. x . py all policy towards education ana] PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! iis Macaroni or pag eth ..::.. agree on measures to provide} FROM ONTARIO--CEE GRADE ! the required financial resources to fipence education. SPY App ¢ e PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! LOBLAWS PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL] LOBLAWS KITCHEN PRIDE exclusive cation we ta LES ...::. Chocolate Cream Roll ... JJ' cation, nine federal government departments were involved in certain operations in this field, | PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! ' FROZEN--AVAILABLE IN MOST MARKETS Population Approaching THICK-WALLED! IDEAL FOR STUFFING! Seren FAMILY i soup PRESIDENT'S SPECIAL! WESTON'S Webs, 5G. PKs, cosets acuat™ GREEN PEPPERS 3. 29° MEAT PIES "*" fnwrence" --- 728-7515 Rest 725-2802 er 725-7413