|Clegg; 55th: C. J. Coombes; Bad weather took its toll on the number of pints donated at the last Red Cross Blood Clinic held at St. Gregory's Auditorium on Feb, 4. Set with a target of some 400 to 500 to get, the clinic rated 388. Full list of donors was as fol- lows: 7th Donation: Mr. E. J. Foran, Bowmanville; 6ist: C. 46th: M. D. Burnett; 43rd: Allen Stevenes; 35th: Robert Calder; 33rd: K. D. Crone, Thos. E Simkin; 0th: Frank Byrne; 28th: William Evans; 25th: R. J. Fredericks, Bowmanville; W. B. Brownell. 23rd: A. N. Knight, M. Mc- Allister; 22nd: M. Karpiak, Mrs. E. Campbell; 21st: Mrs. G. Pearse, Ernest Liddle, A. L. Humphreys, Mrs. W. Wright, W. Bowden; 20th: D. Pollock, T. J. DeMille, S. McKay, E.| McCulloch, D. Campbell; 18th: Roy Kenney, A. Wray, Mrs. A. Fredericks, Bowmanville; 17th: George Gudgeon, Harold Bram- ley, J. W. Imeson, P. J. Ward, N. O'Malley, Bill Veenstra, H. Dixon, W. Deveau; 16th: | Mitchell, Bert Craig, D. Stiles,| Bad Weather Hits Blood Donor Clinic Barnes, Jas. O'Regan, Chas. Yule, R. F. Hughes, Ralph Jew- ell, Milton Steeves, R. Losier, P. Northey, Mrs. Beryl Fryza, Robert Jones. 12th: J. Brockman, Mrs. Lucy Himes, Robt. Huard, David Lander, Leo Vachon, William Marchand, W. Whitelaw, G. Hawker, Mrs, A. Bone, Donald Thompson, G. Freeman, P. Wil- kins, Robt. Booth, Ernest Yar- row, T. Bryans, R. Stata, R. Hume, C. Jilesen, Mrs. K, Stire, J, Russell; Jan Drygala, H. V. Gabriel, Mrs. Muriel Stewart, R. Jacklin, A. Losier. llth: Mrs. Florence Donald, William Simpson, J. W. Sleep, Mrs. B. Wilson, C. J. Wray, R. V. Sheffield, J, Bergin, Jas. H. Parkhill, John Kinghorn, D. French, John McMillan, A. R. Bryant, L. Szombat, C. Wilson, G. B. Shields, D. Halliday. 10th: Mrs. Ruth Follest, A. Goguen, F. Lauchlan, Mrs. V. Mason, G. Reazin, J. Sullivan, Stanley Lovell, G. Vandersen- den, L. R. Sawyer, D. Pottery, F. Haegnsgen, C. Zdanowski, J. Alphonse Arsenault, Mrs. C. Be- bee, R. Shoobridge, R. Me- W.|Kenna. 5th : E. L. Armstrong, Mrs. An education seminar of interest to union members was held at the Bond street hali of the United Auto UAW EDUCATION SEMINAR OFFICIALS 222; Allen Schroeder, educa- tion director for the UAW Canadian region; Henry Weisbach, executive secre- tary, Ontario Federation of Labor; and Victor Wilson, vice-chairman of the edu- cation institute of Local 222. Workers. Some participants in the seminar are shown above, left, Douglas Sutton, first vice-president of Local Men Attend | WI Meeting BLACKSTOCK (TC) --Twenty| Mrs. Dalton Dorrell and Vern " one members and 10 po sng | Asseltine were in Cobourg last/Knox Presbyterian Church was tended the open meeting of the) week for Supreme Court jury Blackstock Women's Institute in| guty. |was named president in 1948. |He told of the progress made jand empnasized the develop- jments in recent years. | Mr. and Mrs. Howard Trewin, land Dr. and Mrs. D. Christie,| \Port Perry, are on a business} and holiday trip to Puerto Rico. jmondson, G. Fogal, F. McCue, Knox hurc \J.. Stewart, W. J. Taylor, G. {Toman and G. Wiggam. Three trustees were re-elected for one year, They were T. J. Has Meeting '*:*. C. R. Mcintosh and R. The meeting closed with the William J. Sawyer, J. Collins,|Lillian Crawford, J. Dolstra, P. Tack Bent, Dale Thompson. |Glady, W. Gourley, Mrs. Isa- 15th: Fred Bull, S. Grinsky,)pel Jebbett, J. F. Laciolette, J. George Mepstead, D. Terwille-|Medland, Thos. Sawyer, Mrs. H. gar, Jas. B. Henderson, Mrs.|Sutton, A. Ingram, D. A. Houl- Laura Collins, Chas. Strickland,{den, J. DeVries, Reg. Windatt, C. March, E. Lewis. Mrs. L. Brodie, Jos.- Vautour, 14th: Mrs. M. Baldwin, F. L.\Chas. Clothier. Brooks, D. J. Fairservice, T. S.|- ---- Holder, Stan Jackson, S, Lipa, L. Stire, Elion Johnston, C, E.| DEDICATED DEPUTIES Smith, A. Bryans. Conservation officers in On- 13th: Sydney Evelyn, Maurice|tario are assisted by more than Gagnon, E. M. Ostler, Mrs. P.|1,200 deputies who work with- Ostler, H. S. Gill, Mrs, Isobeljout pay to protect fish and The annual meeting of the jsinging of the Doxology. Peacock, Frank Linley, T.!game against poachers. Sewer Job To Toronto Firm A storm sewer construction contract, $31,831.06 lower than the second low bid, was award- ed last night by city council to Alcan-Colony Contracting Ltd., Toronto, The Alcan bid was $96,179.67 with the second lowest of six bids received being Alnor Earth- moving Ltd.'s at $128,010.73. The city engineering depart- ment's estimate was $136,800. The contract is for storm sew- THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, February 10, 1965 97 Local Restaurant To Have Union? Negotiations for a first con- tract between an Oshawa res- taurant owner and Local 254, Restaurant, Cafeteria, and Tav- ern Employees union began this week, Stanley Ibbott, local represen- tative of the union, said that Local 254 has been certified as bargaining agent for some nine In on Simcoe street north. The bargaining group includes business agent, stated car hostesses, cooks and service workers. William Kitching, Local 254 j that the Jocal seeks improved conditions, wage increases other benefits. He stated that a second meeting may he held soon between union and man- agement, representatives. "We do not anticipate any dif- ficulty in negotiating an agree- ment," Mr. Kitching stated. "We have submitted our propes- employees of McMurray's Drive-|als and await cow from Paul MeMurray, the own: er of the drive-in." ers, catchbasins, endwall, drop- shaft and tunnel on Park road south from Gaspe Bay to Lake Ontario. Ald. Hayward Murdoch ques- tioned the firm's low bid but said he was satisfied after city engineer Fred Crome told coun- cil of his department's investi- gation of the company's pre- vious work, He said it was found to be very "satisfactory". SNELL TRAINS FOR RACE AUCKLAND, New Zealand (AP) -- World mile champion Peter Snell, matched against Bill Crothers, 24-year-old Mark- ham Ont.. pharmacist, in the 1,000 - yard race at the Los Angeles Times indoor meeting Feb. 13, said Monday he has been jogging 10 miles each morning, with a long run at weekends and a little track work each night. Snell was timed in 1:49.28 for a half-mile race in Auckland last week. | Slipped Dise Pains | Nervous Headaches: Ronald W. Bilsky, p<. CHIROPRACTOR HH 100 King St. E., 728-5156 |, | held on Monday. The Rev. G. W.} C. Brett opened the meeting. | * MEN'S & BOYS' BIG SAVINGS ON SWEATERS! BRAND NAME a The finest of fine knitweer, made of Orlon and Lambswoo!l,. Menu- focturer forbids us to use his name. These come in White, Ivy, Walnut, Grey and Black. Sizes 8 yeers to 80 years. | GET AN EXTRA SWEATER FOR ONLY 1.00 MORE ! FIRST SWEATER EXTRA SWEATER You SAVE the Community Hall. During the]. grian Mountjoy obtained hon-| Miss Jean MacInnis was ap- meeting a letter from Mr.\ors in his Grade 8 piano exam-'pointed' secretary for the new Trivers, president of the Fed-|inations. Lovice Turner andjyear. Reports of the Board of eration of Women's Institutes of] Janet Turner. obtained honor|Managers, Christian Education Ontario, was read. land pass standing, respectively,|Group, Adult Bible Class, 16th Plans were discussed for the|in Grade 5 piano, Oshawa Cub. and Scout Group observance of the 50th anniver-| Mrs. Romeril and Elizabeth| Committee, Presbyterian Men- sary in May. It is planned to/Thompson conducted a largely| Women's Association, the three} hold a 'series of card parties.lattended joint meeting of the|WMJ groups, Afternoon Aux-} Thanks were extended to Mrs.|Messengers and Explorers. Trin-|iliary and the Quilting Group Ashmore for the donation ofjidad singing games, with rec-|Were read and approved. | prizes. ord accompaniment, were a| Members of Knox Church who Mrs. Charles Smith reported|feature of the meeting. jdied during he A Mr.| on her meeting with the Cart-| |D. ee ' a ag r.| wright Recreation Association| A set een wa Bias _ sone seaeeeing Se Say ot ee oe --A|Mrs. William Goold' and Mr.| munity hail for meetings. Mrs.) 4.95 6.95 9.95 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.95 5.95 8.95 | USE YouR cREDIT | TV TONIGHT 7:30 p.m. cu. 6 JOHN ROBARTS answers questions from across Ontario on how our people are affected by the -BUST BY PRISONERS CALCUTTA, India (AP) marble bust of the late prime) Peter Muir Leith Byers outlined {plans gop {minister Jawaharlal Nehru will} The Church treasurer's report| the WI exhibit at Cartwright Fair next fall. Robert Moffatt of Orono, rep-|nearly 30 years ago for civil dis-|year. Durham Co-Op|obedience. It's a gift from Ali- discussed | pore's the association's work since helraised $430 for it. resenting the Medical Association, \be placed outside the Alipore| was accepted as was the church| |jail cell where he was held|budget for the forthcoming| Seven church members were Prime Minister Roborts prisoners wholelected to the Board of Mana- |gers. These were Messrs. P. Ed-| present Canada Pension Plan 36 KING ST. EAST DOWNTOWN OSHAWA Open te 9 p.m. Fridey and OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open to 9 p.m. Thurs. & Fri. HERE IT IS... the first complete encyclopedia of Canadian Culinary Art, brought to you exclusively by your friendly Dominion store! It's in 12 individual sections, on sale a section-a-week for the next 12 weeks, Available at all times during the offer, is a strong attractive binder. Wait until you see it... there's a complete binder on display featuring all 12 sections! Imagine ... there's 6,056 easy to follow recipes .. . more than 1,000 illustrations and drawings ... 1,056 pages in two colours; it's indexed by subjects. Only Start the finest cook book you'll ever own today. Section No. 1 -- on sale this week -- is offered at a SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICE OF JUST 49¢. A new section is on sale each week. SECTION 1 (AVAILABLE THIS WEEK) (PLUS TAX) ; g fe: » flat BEST KNOWN EXPERT ON COOKING... ENCYCLOPEDIA OF Canadian Cuisin 12 EXCITING SECTIONS-PLUS HANDY BINDER! 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