Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Feb 1965, p. 15

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NOW, BP ieee Poa Rete, NO, OU DON" PULL 'THAT / THAT'S THE OLDEST TRICK IN THE WORLD STAY HERE, AN' DIE IN TH RUNNIN' INTO HAIRLESS JOE'S 7 ----_AWY, BUT, THAINTFITTO ewe LONESOME POLECAT!? Airy DRINK YET! of LUG OUT THET VAT 0' way rg KICKAPOO JOY JUICE! LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY TIGER~ YOU CAN'T DOLL- WIFE ~I TOLD YOU BEFORE~ TWE I STOPPED CRYING OVER LOST THROW AWAY THIS CHANCE NOTHING DOING-- I WILL NOT |--IM GOING TO CHAIN MY6ELF TO THAT DRAWING }, A HOME FOR ANNIE AND MYSELF WHILE you COMMERCIAL-ART SAMPLES~)) YEARS AWAY FROM E=|| BOARD-- MAKE UP I HEAR THE COLLEGES ARE BECOMING MORE CROWDED! 17'S GOING TO BECOME INCREASINGLY DIFFICULT TO GET IN! DOESN'T GETTING INTO COLLEGE worry YOU 3 NOT AS MUCH AS GETTIN' OUTTA THE THIRD GRADE! WHERE ARE THE BREAD CRUMBS, HENRY ? << (5 erty WHATS WRONG WITH JOE? FOOLIN' AROUND WITH THAT TOLIVER GIRL / By YINGO....I'LL PUT A STOP TO... we NO....WAIT. IF T CHARGE OVER THERE LOOMIN ', FOR A DOG TO KICK.....'T WILL UDST DRIVE THEM CLOSER TOGETHER INSTEAD OF BREAKIN' THE THING UP. MICKEY MOUSE A FEW DISHES, WE'LL TRY 'eal GRANDMA. HOW DO YOU LIke LIVING INA / FINE/... ITE A | DIFFERENT cITy, JOE? REAL NICE PLACE MUGGS AND SKEETER BUT THE HARDEST PART WAS HAVING TO BREAK OF MOVING Away... THE DAILY GRANDMA COOKIE HAGIT/ HOLD IT, SKEETER... JUNOR iS SWALLOWING THAT ICE CREAM TOO PAST POR HIS OWN Goop. OH, GRANDMA, YOU DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT JUNIOR SWALLOWING THE ICE CREAM... TO JUDGE BY THE TEMPERATURE OF HIS SECRET AGENT X9 JULIET JONES THEN 19/4--WAR! BURN'S VAST CATTLE EMPIRE HELPS PROVIDE MEAT FOR THE ALLIED FORCES IN EUROPE. THE PRAIRIES 100 BARREN, FATHER. KNOW WHAT IT THE LONE RANGER MERE, TONTO! WELL HAVE TO MAKE A STAND FROM THE OSHAWA TIMBS, Fridey, February 5, 1965 15 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Mesters' Individuel Championsbip Pley) TEST YOUR PLAY 1. You are declarer with the West hand at Three Notrump. North leads the six of hearts on which you play the king, South Playing the three. How 'would you now play the hand? sure SAKT543 | $62 N we 8 2. You are declarer with the West hand at Six Hearts. North leads the queen of diamonds. How would you play the hand? @AK82 AEQ6GS [rs] ge | $052 1, The situation you should fear most is that North has five hearts to the 'A-J or A-10 and that South will obtain the lead to play through your unguarded queen and thus defeat the con- tract. All plays should there- @73 @KQI5 |jfore be shaped to keep South out of the lead, if possible. Play a spade to the queen and lead a low diamond towards dummy. If North produces the queen, let him win it. If he fol- lows low, play the king from dummy. Now return to your hand with the ace of spades and play the jack of diamonds. If North plays the queen, let him win it. Assuming the diamonds are divided 3-2 this play will make the contract. If North fol- lows low to the second diamond lead, win it with the ace and S|play another diamond, h TELEVISION LOG 2--Buftaio 9--Wish You Were Here| SUNDAY 3--Barrie |8-2--Exploring | 9:00 A.M. 4--Buffalo 7--Bugs Bunny |1l--Cathedral Chimes 4--Toronto | 6--Robin Hood | 7--Shenanigans Channel 7--Buffalo 4~--Sky King | 4--Popeye's Piaynouse Channel &--Rochester 3--Country Style | 2--B'wane Don Channel 9--Toronto 12:30 P.M. 9:30 A.M. 1 11--Hamilton | bacon sae }U--The Sonins \lIfalian Journal |_9--Bingo Bowling 7--Terinessee Tuxedo FRIDAY EVENING 7--Hoppity Hooper 2--Capt. Bob 5:00 P.M. My Friend Flicka 10:00 A.M. N--Family Theatre |11--Carasello 9--Five. O'clock Movie 1:00 P.M. | 8--The Bible Answers 8--Superman \l--Hobby Time With | 7--Rocket Ship 7 6--The Kings Outlaw Jane Gray | 4--Lamp Unto My Feet 3--Movie 9--Movie 2--Church Invitation 2--Magilla Goriila &--The Movies 10:30 A.M. $:30 P.M 7--Top Star Bowling OHA Jr. "AS 8--Leave it to Beaver , | $3--Wrestling Red Wings vs ¢--Music Hop 4--Rural Review St. Catharines 2--Tales of Wells Fargo) 2--Autry-Rogers 9--~Portrait 6:00 P.M. 1:30 P.M 4--Uncie Jerrys Club 8--Meet The Press 7--Top Star Bowling 2--Portraits of My People 7--News Central 4--Matinee 11:00 A.M. 2--Today, 1965 2:00 P.M 9--Meta Presents I--OHA Jt. Hockey --| 8--This ts The Life Hamilton vs Fort Erie) 7--Holy 'Mass 63--World of Sport 6-4--Church Service 4--Basketbal! 2--Frontiers of Faith 2--Lioyd Thaxton 11:30 A.M. 2:30 P.M. 9--Spectrum 9--Hi-Time &--The Christophers 7---World a Sports 7--Discovery 3: y 100 6-3--Cross Canada Curling KH aca ty nee &--Felix The Cat 3:30 P.M 7--~Challenge 9--Wrestling 6--Sunday School 4--Gadabout Gaddis 4--News; Weather 4:00 PLM Sports 1i--The Flying Fisherman; The Answer 7--Wrestling 12:18 PM. ¢--Bowling 4--Congress 4--Golf Classic in © 3--Teen Time 12:30 P.M. 2--Pic-A-Polka tSecret. World 8--Mr. Wizard 4:30 P.M | 7~Bullwinkle --This Space Age | Live and Learn 9--World of Sports | 4--Face The Nation 5:00 P.M. | 3--Cartoons 11--Wrestling 2--Family Playhouse 8-2--Golf 1:00 P.M. 7--Joey Reynolds Show | 11_continental Miniature 6--Bob Hope Golf ak i mual The Chane 9--Bud Sherman Show tn Bowlin: 3--The Barnstormers 5:30 P.M. 63--Bugs Bunny 2--Golf Channei Channel Channel Channel 6:30 PLM. 1-9-4-3--News: Weather; ports 8-2--Huntley-Brinkiey News 7--Cheyenne 6--Across Canada. 6:45 PLM. N--Famiiy Theatre 7:00 P.M 9--The Flintstones &--Honeymooners 7-6--News, Weather, Show Sports 4--Peopie Are Funny 3--Wagon Train 2--Dovie Gillis 1:30 PM. 9--Andy Griffith 8-2--Iinternational Time 7--The Flintstones @--Wendy and Me 4--Rawhide 4:00 P.M, 11--Combat 9--Double Your Money 7--Farmer's Daughter $3--Country Hoedown 4.3° PLM, 9--McHale's Navy &2--Bob Hope 7--The Adams 6-3--The Fugitive 4--On Broadway 9:00 P.M. 1i--Jamboree 9--Dick Van Dyke 7--Valentine's Day 9:30 PLM. ll--No Time for Sergeants | 9--Friday Movie | 6-2--Jack Benny 7--12_C'clock High 63---Telescope 4--Gomer Pyle 10:00 P.M il--That Regis Philbin 8-2--Jack Paar ¢@--Ben Casey 4--Slatterys People 3--77 Sunset Strip 11:00 P.M. 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News; Weather Sports h U:18 P.M. %--Metro Final 6--Viewpoint 11:20 P.M, 7-4---ate Show &--Night Metra 12:30 PMA, li--Late Show 9--The Avengers §-2--Tonight Show 4--Premiere Theatre Show 7--Directions '65 6--Prairie. Profile 4--Ted Mack Amateur i Hour Family | 3--Nature of Things | 1:30 PLM. | 1--Spothght | 9--Douglas Fairbanks | A--Issues and Answers Spares |6-3--Country Calendar | 4--TV Hour of Stars SATURDAY EVE. 6:00 P.M. Ni---Strikes and 9--Mr. Magoo J--The Big Show of the Week 6--Cartoons 4--Wresfling 3--Shannon 2s MM. |11--Club 11 Dance Party | 6--French For Love 3--Dr. Kildare 6:30 PM Sir doi 7--Dialogue 1l--Star Route 6--The Valiant Years 9--Voyage to Bottom of| 4--Sports Events The S 2--Doctors at Work 3:08 P.M. 7--Championship Bowling --Man Fi .N.C.L.E. | Pe en Flo _Herltage rt 6:45 P.M. 'es s %6-4-3--News; Weathers | 9 What's Up Seo 3:30 P.M 300 P.M. 8--Bob Hope Golf 6-3---Beverly Hillbillies | &3--World of Golf | 4--UB Round Table Pane 4--Sports 7:30 PLM. | 4:00 «NM 1--Club 11 Dance Party |1;)_pnennis The Menace 9--Johnny Quest | %--World of Golf 4 sr aig | 4~Alumnl Fun 7--Outer Limits : 4:30 PLM 6--The Saint 4--Jackie Gleason Show Bw AGE gt PO Mia elci i Pees per Kingdom | H Mh. 4--Film Feature | Academy Performance 8-2--Kentucky Jones 8:30 P.M. &-2--Mr. Magoo i--Lawrence Welk Show 4-3--NHL Hockey -- Chicago at Toronte 4--Gilligan's Island Comedy | SATURDAY | 2--Golt 8:00 A.M. N--Sehnitzel' House 4--Popeye's Playhouse 8:30 A.M 2-2--Three Stooges 7--Beany and Cecil 9:00 A.M. li--Aipert J. Steed 7--Rocketship 7 4--Fun To Learn 2:30 A.M. 9--Cartoons 2--Hercules 10:00 A.M 11--Long John $i! 9--Kiddo 8-2--Underdog + Quick vrew 'Ac! 10:30 4.M France 00 P.M. li--Family Theatre | After Four $-2--Wild Kingdom 7--Wrestling 6--Nature of Things 4--Jack Benny 3--Fury 5:30 P.M. 9--T f | 4&The Entertainers LELOE College Rew 9:30 P.M. | 6-A Festival of N--Z Cars | Charlie Chaplin 7--Hollywood Palace 4--Lukas Foss 10:00 P.M. 3--Gillican's Island TiPolka Party 2:00 P.M *--Burke's Law 9--F lipper 4~--Gunsmoke | 7--dig Show of Week 10:15 P.M 6--Stingray 4-3--Juliette | kaa hag el Century @ Sain 10:30 PLM ¢ Meet The Press Bleck buster 7--Jimmy Dean Show = | 4:99, OM. |11--Family Theatre 10:45 P.M %--Walt Disney Presents 43--Sports Unlimited |8-2--Profiles !n Courage 11:00 P.M. 6---RCMP 11-98 7-6-4-3-2-- News) 4--World War |! Weather: Sports 7:00 PAM. 1:15 PLM. |63--Patty Duke Show Block Buster Con | 4---Lassie tinued | 1:90 PA o--Metro. Final | ®Mr. Novek 6--Night. Metro | &2--Disney's World of -%--Saturday Night at | Color The Movies 7--Wagon Train Flashback My Favorite Martian 4:00 ©.M | 6-4-3--Ed Sullivan 9:00 P.M. §-2--Movie er Graw N--Er 9--Cartoon Friends 8-2--Firepall X\-$ 7--Annie Oakley 4--Mighty Mouse Playhouse 11:00 A.M. Vi--Wrestling 9--Lunchtime Little Theatre @-2--Dennis The 7--Cartoons é--Cousin Bi! 4--Linus The Hearted Menace lon 13). 6-3 ate Show 4 Sport vi 1:30 PLM. rican & Show CROSSWORD ACROSS 1, Likeness 5, Chests 9. Manufas- 2. Vehicles 3."---- to a Grecian Urn" 4 By 5. Wire service 6. Steal 7. Moslem 5 SIATSTS) SIGIETEISIac [OIMIETT OIRIAIL Ie MAIS /6I€1¥| SIE IIE Ictr SMMOISIE] MS IUIEITIS| OPT MERIA MBO! ISIE] ] ala R (PIE ME ILD} AITTIRIN] CIAITIR ISIEJE MMOlEIMIOITIE!S) Lt LIV) TORE TIRIAIDIE} AIRIEIAIS Mat] | INIGIE] LUEIRIN] AIGIETD} that North started with t! diamonds. This method of play makes the hand whenever North's dia- mond holding consists of the singleton: queen, the doubleton queen, or any three diamonds. In each of these cases the dia- monds become established with- out permitting South to obtain the lead for the fatal heart re- turn. 2. Whether you make six hearts depends partly on how the adverse cards are divided and partly on how you choose to play the hand. All kinds of complications arise if you elect to cash the A-K of diamonds and then ruff a diamond in dum- my. This may appear to be the best way to start to play the hand, but actually it is not. The method of play likely te do best in the long run is really quite simple. Win the diamond lead and play a spade, ducking in dummy! Win any return, ruff a dia- mond with the ten of hearts, and draw trumps. This sequence of plays makes the contract if the spades and the trumps are divided normally, that is, either 3-3 or 4-2. The twelve tricks, in such case, consist of four spades, four hearts, two dia- monds, a ruff, and a club, rohto br Saar 0 apan's popu- lation sed by about 1,029,- 000 during 1964, the welfare min- istry reports. The country ave- raged a birth every 19 seconds and a death every 48 seconds. SALLY'S SALLIES AFTER 6 P.M. SPECIALS 12" HOT and = CARMICHAEL'S BAR-B-0 Park Road S., 725-0907 sacred book & Voracious 11. Medieval stories 12. A bank customer 14. Fuel 17. Trash: st. 21. Malt beverage tl "A ! "MILL STREET" VARIETY STORE MILL & OXFORD STS, Open 7 Days of the Week 10 A.M. to 10 P.M, Y as a public officer DRIVE-INN Hwy. No. 2 Between Oshawa and bidiaa ' Safety Rules Are Endorsed SEIGNIORY CLUB, Que (CP) -- The Dominion Marine Association, representing 85 per cent of the Canadian shipping in- terests on the Great Lakes, de- cided Wednesday to support its safety rules of the road even though some of them conflict with international] regulations The United States Coast 12:00 NOON t--Answering Service 8:30 P.M. N--John Bradshaw | Feature | gan From U.N.C.L.S, Guard has urged both the Ca- nadian association and the Lake Carriers Association, its United States counterpart, to amend their lights and sound signals tules to coincide with interna- tional rules. Both have refused to do so. The association's annual con- vention also decided Wednesday to ask the federal government for exemption from the pro- posed new labor code sets standards for all industries under federal jurisdiction and makes a five-day, 40-hour work week mandatory. which' COLBORNE GROCETERIA Colborne St. at Church St. 728-634] DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. Seven Days « Week @ Groceries - @ Fresh Fruits © Vegetables © Meats FREE DELIVERY

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