| THE OSHAWA TIMES, | 'ednesday, February 3, 1965 Sa SOD A SD SO EE ee Defends Segregation Cafeteria owner Lester Maddox flashed a faint smile and a sign as he and his wife, Virginia, left fed- eral court in Atlanta, Tues- day. Maddox took the wit- ness stand to defend his policy of refusing to serve integrationists. He is charged with contempt of court after denying serv- ice to four Negroes. --(AP Wirephoto) Woman Weeps At Acquittal TORONTO (CP) -- Margaret MacDonald, 32, wept with re- _ lief Tuesday night after an all- male jury found her not guilty of non-capital murder in the stabbing of Angus (Soup) Campbell, 45, with whom she had been living. Applause and cheers broke out in court after the jury's de- cision was announced. "You are free," Chief Jus- tice G. A. Gale told Mrs. Mac- Donald. John -O'Driscoll, 33- year-old lawyer, defended the woman without fee under the legal aid system. Mrs. MacDonald had been in the Don Jail since Dec. 5 when Campbell was stabbed at a drinking party. Mr. O'Driscoll contended that Mrs. MacDonald had been in a state of "automatism" when she stabbed Campbell' with a butcher knife. The accused tes- tified she did not recall being kicked in the head by Camp- bell, stabbing him, or confess- ing to police. Clarke Reeve Elected To Road Board ORONO (TC) -- Reeve John Stone of Clarke Township was elected to the county road com- mission at the recent session of the Durham and Northumber- land Counties Council at Co- bourg. His term is four years. He was opposed by Reeve Mc- Gill of Cavan Township. The general meeting of the United Church Women was held in the auditorium of the church with a good attendance. The president, Mrs. W. Irwin, thank- ed the members for their co- operation during 1964. Unit 2 conducted the devo- itional.. Mrs. W. Tamblyn con- 'tinued the theme "Building A fHouse". and compared it to the spiritual life. Those taking part were Mrs, L. Hooey, Mrs. M. Tamblyn, Mrs. H. Barlow and Mrs. A. Lunn. Mrs. A. Watson 'read a poem and Mrs. W. Ir- win and Mrs. C. Wood sang a duet with Mrs. Cobbledick. * Unit 6 is planning a. St, Pat- rick's Tea in March, Rev. Mr. Long installed the 1965 officers. A color film of Trinidad was shown. COUPLES CLUB The Orono Couples Club re- cently elected its officers. They are: Norma and Alex Moffat, president; Kathy and Charles Armstrong, secretary; Fran and Marvin Lunn, treasurer; Bob and Maureen Johnson, Matt. and Nell Snelders, and Don and Jeanne Staples, social commit- tee: Lés and Gladys Aslett, and Pau! and Simone Groen- veld, lunch committee. The club is planning a skat- ing party in the near future. Games will be arranged for 'those who do not skate. Lunch will be served. REBEKAH LODGE Members of Heather Rebek- ah Lodge, No. 334, learned at their recent meeting that Mrs. A. Armstrong has been contact- ed regarding the presentation of a cross to the United Churcg Sunday School. The lodge will hold a banquet Feb. 19 to mark the visit of the Grand Master. Final plans were made for the social even- ing, sponsored by the subordin- ate lodge and the Rebekahs when a piaque will be unveiled in honor of the late William Riddell. WATER DEARER PARIS (AP) -- Wine costs about the same but the price of water in the French capital has gone up. To raise money for the city's investment fund, water rates were increased from 41 to 50 centimes (8.2 to 10 cents) per eubie metre. EATON'S semi-annual sale 'of homefurnishings ... Featuring scores of Portable Model -- Reg, 284.95 ! SRE OOH ol 6s Solas Bae saving prices EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 570 EATON'S Haddon Hall Crescent Rugs Area and Scatter Sizes and 27" Width Seamless rugs in the same sturdy Axminster weave your grandmother favoured, and loomed from blended wool and viscose rayon to give years of service and keep their rich appearance, And, note the savings! Patterns and colours include: @ Persian Oriental design on wine red ground, @ Leaf design in beige or beige-gold colour, * Abstract design in green and gold colour. @ Oriental pattern with centre medallion, on beige. Approx, = 97x51" 6'9"x9 9x12! the 10.50 62.50 110.00 «8,99 52.50 93.50 27" Stair Carpet to Match, Reg. 6.75! SALE: lin. yd. .........4. kp bees ates 3 5.69 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 272 PHONE 725-7373 142.47 @ Also available in modern style walnut finished console. Rog. SISOS! GALE, COON oo. cece wets oe 172 41 Sewing instructions ore available in our Sewing Centre PHONE 725-7373 EATON'S VIKING Deluxe 19" 'Ranger' Portable TV @ Transistorized |.F. 4 transistors, 13 tubes) pro- vides cooler operation, compact styling, high quality picture. illuminated channel indicator, Pre-set fine tuning -- set it and forget it. @ Earplug assembly jack to provide for private listen ing. Telescoping monopole antenna, Front-mounted speaker, @ Circuit breaker protects tubes and circuits from electrical overload. Scuff-resistant vinyl-covered metal cabinet in wood grain or golden beige finish. e Appa. size: 224 x 10% x 16%", Model TPP us QJ .00 BATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT 260 PHONE 725-7378 EATON'S VIKING 23" Console Television Model TCE vw SALE, each .. EATON'S 'Chorale' Console Pianos YY PRICE! DOMESTIC ZIG ZAG @ Interceptor ti! deluxe chassis--4 transistors, 16 tubes. , i . @ Tronsistorized |.F, provides cooler operation, compoct design, greater reliability and i high picture quolity. u oma ic ewing ac mes @ New Direct Vision 23" picture tube, me Va wes @ Pre-set fine tuning---set it and forget it. You'll 'look a long way before you tind another 'buy' like this, Now this deluxe, easy to operate machine is ali yours @ Illuminated channel indicator. for just one half the regular price. It works automatically and effortlessly, making elaborate designs as easily as it eT ' straight stitches, Besides, the machine overcasts seams, blind.hems, makes buttcnholes, monograms, darns and mencs. e An ston neergentegiet irred ae : ftectivel Special features include single or versatile twin needle operation and built-in cams, Also it's fitted with sew light direct- 'Ower transformer provides Gepe operation -- effectively prolongs tube ano ee y over the needle, front mounted bobbin, dial tension control, stitch length control, reverse stitch ond much more, component life. uy your machine today, with EATON'S and-of-line savings and save every time you use it, @ Available in walnut veneers with Perma-Deep-protective finish: @ Approx. size: 365% x 30% x 15%". "299.00 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 260 PHONE 725-7373 Introducing... Haddon Hall Haddon Hall--the name recognized as the merit mark in homefurnishings--hos edd ed this impressive new piano te its family group. Canadian craftsmen have combined skill, artistry and meticulous care to produce this beautiful instrument. It possesses @ rich tonal quality to delight the most discriminating and a lively, responsive touch to satisfy both student and experienced musician, The graceful cabinets. in four styles and rich-looking finishes should blend easily into any scheme of decor, Take advantage of this special introductory price to order a 'Chorale' for your home you and your family will thrill te its musical performance for years. Colonial style in Swedish walnut finish. Keey geil 795.00. .00 SALE, each ...... nil aaa a Baia ite Oe ie te ee 115,00 French Provinciol. design in: fruitwood finish, Italian Provincial design in walnut finish, Colonial design in satin mahogany finish. Ordinarily 815.00 ond early Amercan design in maple finish, Ordinarily 870.001 Sole, each ...........5 SOARES TPES Fe EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 360 770.00 PHONE 725-7373 Clearance of Viscose Rayon Runners With Non-skid Foamed Rubber Backing While they're offered at these exceptionally low prices, choose tweedy-patterned or plain runners for halls, bed- rooms, rec rooms, etc., even for cottage rooms ond put them away til Summer! Closely-woven viscose rayon,, they're easy to look after and ore serged on all four edges to help prevent fraying ond give longer wear, And, os well as giving a feeling of extra depth, the foamed rubber backing helps prevent skidding,. slip- ping and humping. Chose the practical tweed pattern in predominant colours of pine green, mahogony, sandstone, green-brown, mocha, turquoise, charcoal (grey and black mix) OR solid colours of oronge, avo- cado green or beige. Sizes ore approximate. SALE, each: 27" x 50" 27" x 6' a x? a7 % TZ 3.15 465. 6.75 8.95 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 272 PHONE. 725-7373 Manufacturer's Clearance! Prepasted Wallpapers Becouse a noted name moker is clearing ends-of-lines we con offer this wide voriety of better quality papers at one low price, Patterns for every room--traditional , Colonial and con- temporary styles. A All washable, trimmed and ready pasted. SALE, Single EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 274 PHONE 725-7373 On Sele at 9:30 A.M. Thursdoy end only while afternoon ond after-five stylings. Good colour choice, WPRCIAL, OG 5 5 Hie Casings cies s Fp Lees vines EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, DEPT, 541 and worm lure, SPECIAL, kit .........-.--.5+45 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 261 Reg. 9.99 to 24.95! Two-light fixture (approx. 12" square) with frosted pattern. white EATON'S 'Lower LEVEL, DEPT. 377 EARLY BIRD SPECIALS PERSONAL SHOPPING ONLY (Please, No Telephone or Mail Orders) WOMEN'S SPRING SAMPLE DRESSES Specialized sizes 1414 to 201% . . . Arnels and Crepes in attractive ICE FISHING TACKLE KIT--Reg. 15.93 Kit includes tackle box, lures, spinners, lire, hooks, sinkers, y | 95 20% OFF! YOUNG MEN'S SWEATERS-- Choose from a wide range ef Woollen and Orion cardigans, pullovers and jerseys in various colours. Sizes.small, medium and large in the Di teh, fics ee 7.99 * 19.95 EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 332 YOUNG MEN'S SHOP BEDROOM CEILING FIXTURES: quantities fast ckt AS ti EATON'S Telephone Order Service Open Monday to Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday and Friday 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Wee SSTESE Pee Te ey pa