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Mclntyre Hood, supported by a wealth of per- sonal experiences gained dur- ing his years on war service and as a newspaper correspond- ent in London, England, brought to the members a vivid word- picture of the memorable high- lights in the life of the man mourned today. Kiwanian "Mac," at the out- set of his. address, ..reminded the club members that his topic for the day was to have been "Robert Burns, the most be- loved of all Scotsmen" and said "but now, I find myself speak- ing about the man who, I firm- ly believe, will go down into history as the greatest of all Englishmen, Sir Winston Churchill." ' Qualified to give his fellow- Kiwanians a more personal in- sight into the life and charac- teristics of Sir Winston Churchill, through having had opportunities to meet with and speak to him, Kiwanian "Mac" dealt briefly at the outset with some of the highlights of Churchill's early military career and participation in politics, ALWAYS FOUGHT BACK "One noteworthy thing about the whole career of Churchill," said the speaker, "was that he had become accustomed to fighting back from disaster." Following his initial term as Lord of the Admiralty through 1911 until after war broke out in 1914 and later as minister of munitions, in the cabinet of the Lloyd George government, in 1917, came the bitter years between the two wars, when "Churchill's star was in eclipse." But in 1939, when war_ be- came imminent Neville Cham- berlain called in Churchill and made him one again, first Lord of the Admiralty. Follow- ing Chamberlain's resignation, Churchill became the leader of the nation, "not only prime minister of the United Kingdom but the inspiration of his) 'ople."* A series of anecdotes, related first-hand as an eye witness, was an ideal champion for the people. They liked his cigar, his glass of brandy, his bulldog face and figure, the twinkle in his eye. They loved his humor, his bizarre way of pronooncing foreign names, and, 'above all, his indomitable courage. "Churchill, of course, did have some failings as a leader, and among these were his im- patience and his impetuosity. The qualities that made him so great in adversity, his insis- tence on fighting back at all points and obsession with at- tack, tireless energy, soaring imagination, sometimes made him propose enterprises, which, had he not been dissuaded, would have ended in disaster. The Kiwanis Club members and guests then concluded the meeting, standing with bowed heads for a two-minute period of silence, in reverent tribute to "the greatest of all British- ers -- the Rt. Hon. Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill, Knight of the Garter, member of the Order of Merit. List Duplicate Bridge Scores Oshawa Duplicate Bridge Club high scores for January 25 were: North - South -- 1. Mrs. M. R. Clarke, J. Miller, 156; 2. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Barker, 140; 3. Mrs, E. M, Culp, Mrs. G.. A. Rundle, 132; 4. and 5. J. M. Coles, Mrs. Wm. Heron, 129; Dr. C. Ferrier, R. Morris, 129. East - West -- Scores are on a percentage basis: 1. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Davis, 68 per cent; 2. Miss Gwen Whidden, Mrs. W. Thorndyke, 58.8 per cent; 3. and 4. P. Kaukonen, Mrs. M.| Kashul, 56.5 per cent; Mrs. A.} Neil, Mrs. A. Dowdle, 56.5 per cent; 5. A. Neil, R. J. Nor- moyle, 55.8 per cent. CENTRE FOR DESIGN PETERBOROUGH, Ont. (CP)| A $10,000 design centre has been opened here to encourage an appreciation of art. A conical dome of cedar shingle with! vents allows exhibitions to be lighted naturally. | highlighted the speaker's ad- dress at this point, as he told 'of Churchill's unbounded ener- gy, his example of courage and qualities of peerless leadership, through the grim and dreadful days of "'the battle of Britain." Said Kiwanian 'Mac' Hood, "these were the days when Churchill mobilized the English language and sent it into battle to maintain the morale of his; IF YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT LIFE INSURANCE people, and give them the cour-) age to stand alone against the) onslaught from the air, and to) save Britain from burning." | Extracts from his various speeches, speeches which stir- red the whole of the British' people to tremendous efforts) during that period, were recall-| ed again by the speaker, who) eommented "through them all) ran the same theme, his re- solve to attack the colossus dominating Europe, at any) point within reach. That was his) only policy, to attack where and/ whenever possible, and so main-| tain the people's courage and! offensive spirit." HAD COMMON TOUCH "Sir Winston was an orator, a poet and a sage, with a taste for splendor and good living, but who possessed the common) touch that the British people) like to see in their leaders. 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