AN AGE-OLD CUSTOM The photographer has caught Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nicol in the traditional act of cutting the wedding cake together. The bride is the former Miss Joan Mary Starr, daughter of the Hon- = orable Michael Starr and Mrs. Starr, Oshawa, and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. William Walker, Oshawa, and the late Mr. Robert Nicol. The wedding took place in St, Gregory's Roman Catholic Church last Saturday. --Aldsworth Photography THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Rely on your own efforts to get things done now. Don't de- pend on of co-opera- tion from others, no matter how sincere they may seem--espe- cially in the a.m. Don't make drastic changes in projects now running smoothly and don't launch new projects, Stick to routine--and conscientiously. FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is ~o birthday, your horoscope icates that you can make fine gains within the next year, even though you may have to work a little harder to achieve them. Use of your extraordinary intelligence and foresight should attract the attention of superiors in your occupational field and this could lead, not only to career ad- vancement, but also to financial betterment. : Best periods along these lines: Late April, May, August, Sep- tember and November. Be con- servative during the first half of April and during November, however. And use October to consolidate all previous gains, since your next good cycle along these lines will not occur until January, of 1966. Those engaged in creative en- terprises should do extraordi- narily well this year. Late April, late June and late July will be noteworthy where remance is concerned and those of you who are single, may find yourselves altar - bound during the. latter month particularly, Don't put-much faith in March, May or Oetober romances, how- ANN LANDERS Some Single Men Would Welcom Dear Ann Landers: We are two widows in our 60's who must work to support ourselves. We both dislike shop jobs, clerking and the like. What we enjoy most (and do best) is cooking and housekeeping. What would you think about us getting jobs as housekeepers for unmarried men--either wid- owers or bachelors? At this stage of life neither of us would want to take orders from a woman. We are both respectable ladies. with grown children. Please give us your opinion,-- S AND A Dear & and A: You say you do not want to take orders from e This tame bachelors or widowers who will let you take over. I'm sure there are men around who would welcome the arrangement and more power to you if you can find them. Dear Ann Landers; Will you settle an argument which has been going on and on and on? My husband says we should keep the car doors locked at all times. He claims this should be done as a safety measure, to be sure the kids don': fall out, I say the car doors should not be locked, that kids should be taught not to lean on car doors, and that disciplined youngsters My father, who was a well- éducated man, always told us that in case of an accident it is better to have the car doors open so the person can be thrown free of the wreck. Please print your reply and settle the pool in f AND H and H: I consulted my friends at the National Safety Council and this is what they told me: Car doors should be locked, The person who is thrown from a wreck is about 10 times like- in the girl and I am sick of It.|lid over this girl and I've told The first thing Ira does whenjhim unless he straightens he gets out of bed in the morn-jaround he must move out o ing is call her on the phone. Then he goes to work. The minute Ira comes home he calls her again, gulps his dinner and runs to her house. He stays there until all hours of the night, I can't understand why her mother allows it, The girl is still in school, On week- ends he spends every waking minute over there. When I ask Ira to do an errand for me he says he hasn't you've lost control. | must keep the arteries of com- munication open in an effort to funnel some sense into your ison's head, Be friendly and sympathetic, Don't drive him out of the house or you'll regret it. Some special counseling from a clergyman who understands boys could be lier to be killed or seriously in- jured, A locked car door, plus @ seat belt, can and does save thousands of lives every day. So lock up--and buckle up. (P. §. Your father may have been well-educated, Dearie--but on other subjects.) Dear Ann Landers: My 18- year-old son is breaking my heart. Ira was @ considerate, well-mannered boy until he met this girl six months ago. Now we can't agree on what day of the week it is. do not fall out of cars. His whole life is wrapped up a woman, I strongly suspect you don't want to take orders from a man either. What you would like is a couple of nice, ever. Some misleading influ- ences may prevail. Travel. opportunities are indi- cated in April, June and August but, generally speaking, this may be a year when you will find yourself somewhat home, bound. A child born on this day will be optimistic and tolerant of others; would make an excellent STOREW journalist. *% 50% OFF IDE SALE CHILDREN'S WEAR Sizes Infants' to Girls' 14 yjojulN|G#A|cIE|s OSHAWA SHOPPI NG CENTRE ne 'Satin Umbrellas 'On Stately Handles iNew For Evening By PEGGY MASSIN PARIS (Reuters) -- Umbrel- tfas designed especially for the "smartest evening occasions are a feature of Present Paris 'fashion trends. They are in- pired by the movie My Fair Lady. } The French Umbrella Federa- #tion has set out te prove that "this utilitarian aceessory is no longer the cinderella of a well 'o-ordinated wardrobe, The new- st umbrellas are as formal as) sa man's white tie,.and as fes-| #tive as a carnival costume. Covered with waterproof satin or brocade, and lined with pleated chiffon or Beauvais em- broidery, they have long stately "handles made of rare woods, Schiselled metal, tortoise shell, Reitman' jebony, topped with a silver head twined with ivy leaves worked in relief, Other copies of antique handles are solidly paved with multi-colored jew- els, or studded with pearls and rhinestones. FINDS IT SHOCKING jdress designers, clothes. "When a woman is going to the opera or a ball, she would not dream of wearing sports shoes with her evening gown. jewelled handbag, and wears long white kid gloves." Why then, argues Cardin, do women consider that one um- brella is suitable for every oc- casion? The wrong umbrella is a false note in the harmony of the costume, he says. The handles of Cardin's new umbrellas stress the beauty of afur, or jewels. z One evening model comes up mith @ slender shaft of black! natural. woods, polished to the lustre of marble, ---- HER E SMART | Pierre Cardin, one of the most| avant-garde of the Paris top| insists it is) shocking to see "just any old| umbrella" carried with formal) She carries a fragile satin bad | CLEARANCE | | | 1 . - - > * ' = Hand ee ee t eee E -eeeeeeenewe eee $2 Special midwinter news of Ardena Hand Lotion! Now 16 ounces for jus with leak-proof dispenser releases exactly the right amount of Arden superb chap-preventive lotion smooths, softens and whitens the skin Ardena Hand Lotion in Blue Grass fragrance delightful to have on al] you want now at limited time only CITY WIDE 8 KING ST. €. OSH PHONE 723-2245 ROSSLYN PLAZ, ALSO STORES IN BOWMANVILLE AND WHITBY PLAZA Elizabeth Arden Midwinter Special giant 16 ounce size how FREE Lotion 95 t 2.95. The plastic bottle a Hand Lotion. And this in a single application, either June Geranium or is so easy to apply, so hand. Be sure to order this special time, 2.95. DELIVERY 530 SIMCOE ST. S. PHONE 725-3546 728 4668 | AWA re 33 WOMEN SPECTACULAR SAVINGS OF % To @ SPORTSWEAR @ DRESSES @ GLOVES @ HANDBAGS SAVE ON @ DUSTERS SHOR 60* All first quality merchandise @ HATS @ SLEEPWEAR @ CHILDRENSWEAR (At most stores) Open Friday until 29 Simcoe Street South 725-6221 9:00 p.m. REITMAN'S ~ Oshawa TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS FABULOUS SALE NOW! Shopping Centre en Thursday end Fridey until 9:00 p.m, 725-4361 useful, Get it promptly. LAST LET GO!! TERRIFIC BARGAINS at Jayn - Modde Dnrassos BALANCE OF WINTER COATS and SUITS Reg. 49.95 ALL VA PRICE to 189.95 Beautiful 'AFTERNOON and COCKTAIL DRESSES Including Weels, Crepes and Loce UP TO NOW % OFF $55 ALL FALL & WINTER got _ ime, He has flipped his IMPORTED KNITTED SUITS UP TO 65,00 95.00 HOUSECOATS Nylon Quilts - Vecama Brocades and Velvet From 12,98 to 39.95 now ALL % PRICE HA Hg A Tailored and Dressy. | PANTS up to 39.95 TS SKI JACKETS up to 55.00 Beautiful secon, onLY 00) ALL AT %4 PRICE SEE OUR RACK OF §10.00 VALUES Up to 29.95 ALSO ... Our Famous SALE TABLE of LINGERIE; BRAS, GIRDLES, SWEATERS, Ete-- Y, PRICE or LESS Values Up To 39.95 . .....:. Jayn - Modde Dnrossos 77 King St. E. NOW Opposite The Genosha Hotel HARLEIGH SUPPLIES (Oshawa) LTD. NNUAL DRAPERY SALE CONTINUES! : 5 Over 3,000 yds,, of Cot- tons, Prints, Patterns, Plains, Line ns,, Arnels Rayons, Scotchguards, ete. ALL COLORS PRICED BY THE YARD OR CUSTOM-MADE SPECIALLY FOR "YOU #8 OUR WORKROOMS. Big Savings In Store For You! REG. SALE PRICE COTTON KITCHEN PRINTS 1.79 1.27 yd. COTTON KITCHEN PRINTS 1.59 99¢ yd. ACETATE and RAYON SHEER 3.95 1.99 yd. ACETATE and BOUCLE TEXTURED 2.95 2.22 yd. ACETATE and VISCOSE 3.59 2,29 yd, ARNEL TREE DESIGN 3.95 1.99 yd. LINEN (FLAX) 3.95 2.29 yd. AND MANY, MANY MORE --~ WELL OVER 100 PATTERNS AND COLORS IN ALL FREE MEASURING SERVICE Harleigh supecies Open to 9 p.m. Thursday and Friday OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE West Side Next to Jack Fraser Store