Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Jan 1965, p. 14

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WEDDING ALBUM A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The 'Oshawa Times Woman's Page. Forms are available at The 'Oshawa Times office. Early publication of this wedding 'record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and 'a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as 'possible after the ceremony. You are asked to submit the 'names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the Wemen, 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, January 28, 1965 'social editor either before or ddi the day after the w Nicol-Starr In a full choral ceremony fol- lowed by nuptial mass, Joan Mary Starr became the bride of Robert Joseph Nicol in the Roman Catholic Church of St. Gregory the Great at noon on Saturday. The bride is the daughter of the Honorable Michael Starr and Mrs. Starr, Oshawa, and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. William Walker, Oshawa, and the late Mr. Robert Nicol. Monsignor Paul Dwyer offi- ciated and present in the chan- cel were the Reverend A. G. Quesnelle. and the Reverend J. C. Pereyma. The altar boys were Edward and Joseph Marks. William Kinsman directed the mixed choir. The bridegroom's three solos, "Panis Angelicus'" .and 'Oh Virgin, Oh Mother". Mrs. El- mer Gibson sang the solo in the Kyrie Eleison and Mr. Roy Haber, tenor, Mrs. © William Kinsman, soprano, and Mr. Robert Mills, bass, sang the Bendictus from Ganss' Mass in B flat. Mr. Driscoll also includ- ed the Agnes Dei (Bizet), Jubi- late (Mozart) and The Heavens Are Telling (Haydn) in his in- spiring background of the ser- vice. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a formal own of ivory, pure silk peau le soie with detachable train. and appliqued motifs of re- ered by side-fastening, short, crisp veils to match. tions, and Mr. both of Toronto. Receiving in St. |Auditorium for a semi-formal dress of pink ribbon jwas in a beige lace and satin ijacket-dress with a_ hat | handbag. trip to Montreal and Vermont berry suit with an A-line skirt, jacket. Annual Reports | Follow Supper For M. Hart Group Burns, with 18 members and trains to the hem, were cov- elbow- length capelets and their head- dresses were triple bows and They carried Victorian nose- gays of pink and white carna- Mr. William Nicol, Toronto, was his brother's best man. The ushers were Mr. Ross McKin- non, Galt; Mr. Frank Banwell Frank Fitzpatrick, Gregory's the wedding dinner, the' bride's mother wore shell re-embroidered llace, appliqued on satin, with ' : __ |scalloped neckline and elbow The pre ont choir mas: |length sleeves; a small match- ter, Mr. Jack Driscoll, provided) ing satin hat. and an orchid the wedding music and. Mrs.|corsage. Mrs. Walker assisting, ; ' of sister, Miss: Anne Nicol, sang} shaded swathed tulle. She car- Ave Maria",|ried an orchid fastened to her The couple left on a wedding and on their return will reside at 385 Mary street. For travel- ling, the bride chose a cran- matching hat and a brown fur f The annual pot luck supper of|myn; The bateau neckline and brace-|the Margaret Hart Group of St.|Donald; Mr. and Mrs. Eric let sleeves in the fitted bodice |George's Women's Guild, was|Henry and many were edged with seed pearls/held at the home of Mrs. J. J.|Oshawa and SOCIAL & PERSONAL Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Telephone 723 - 3474 for Women's Department Roscoe, all. of Hamilton; Mr. Michael Mucha, Mr. Peter Her- cia, Mr. and Mrs, J. B. LaBrie and Mr. and Mrs. William Hut- lchinson, all of Toronto; Mrs. J. O'Gorman, Timmins and Mrs. Wilfred Cahill, New Liskeard; Dr. and Mrs, Michael Zaritsky, Mr, and Mrs, T. Zaritsky, all of St. Catharines; Mrs. Dorothy White, Mr, and Mrs. Chris Da- moff, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mo- zewsky and Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ley Steban, all of Toronto. The play "Life With Father", opening tonight at McLaughlin Collegiate Auditorium under the direction of Mr. James Pal- mer, has as its principle play- ers, Allan Rutherford, as Fa- ther; Martha Broersma and Kathy Konopacki, on alternat- ing nights, as Mother; Joe Koene as eldest son and Terry Phillips as Cora. In the play the whole family had red hair, so each member of the cast visited a local beauty parlor and had his or her hair dyed red, Q Mr. Ernest Marks acted as master of ceremonies at the Nicol-Starr ' wedding reception and Dr. Robert Starr proposed the toast to his sister, the bride. Among the greetings re- ceived was a telegram of good wishes from the Honorable John Diefenbaker, Leader of the Op- position. Members and friends: of the Oshawa Chapter of the Royal Canadian College of Organists went by chartered bus to the CBC studios last week to see the taping of the Juliette show which proved to be a highly en- tertaining experience. Miss Judith Drynan is home} from Calgary for a short visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Drynan, Mary street. Miss Drynan who received ex- cellent reviews of her leading role in "A Taste of Honey" is at present rehearsing a role in "The Golden Goose', a play for children, sponsored by the Al- lied Arts Centre at Calgary. After its initial run in Calgary, "The Golden Goose" will under- take a limited provincial tour. Among the many guests who attended the wedding reception for Miss Joan Starr and Mr. Robert Nicol were Judge A. C. Hall and Mrs. Hall; Mayor Ly- man Gifford and Mrs, Gifford; Mr. A. V. Walker MLA and Mrs. Walker; Dr. Matthew Dy- mond, Ontario Minister of Health and Mrs. Dymond; Crown Attorney Bruce Affleck Mr. Harold MeNeill, execu- tive director of Simcoe Hall Settlement House and Boys' Club gave a talk on the pro- gress of Simcoe Hall and its various activities from the be- ginning to the present at the January meeting of St. An- drew's United Church Women. St. Andrew's UCW Installs Officers For Coming Year Beach Pyjamas Vogue of the '30's Back on Parade PARIS (Reuters) manse, Mrs. W. J. Wells; nom- inations, Mrs. William Siksay; membership, Mrs. C. W. Row- den; press and publicity, Mrs. §. G. Werry and units; program, Mrs. W. G. Burns; social func- tions, Mrs. C. E. Yule; stew- ardship and recruiting, Mrs. R. I. Mark; supply and social as- silk beach pyjamas, the 1930s. --The Jeanne Lanvin collection opened at the Paris spring fashion show today with wide-legged printed reminis- cent of the lounging fashions of sistance, Mrs. W. F. Manuel; pianist, Mrs. J. L. Pegg. Unit 1 was in charge of the meeting which opened with a social half-hour, Mrs, D. I, Mac- leod presided. Mrs. C, W. Row- den thanked the speaker. Mr. Morris held a memoriam service and Mrs. Alfred Austin read the devotional theme 'See the Light". After a brief business meet- ing, the Reverend John Morris installed the 1965 executive as follows: Honorary president, Mrs. John Mortis; past president, Mrs, J. L. Pegg; president, Mrs. D. I. Macleod; third vice-president, Mrs. John Carnwith; treasurer, Miss Marion Davenport; record- ing secretary, Mrs. S. G. Werry; Designer Jules Crahay shows them with long unfitted bodices tied on one hip with a floppy bow and worn with jauntily tipped sailor hats. Basic silhou- ettes at Lanvin have not cast out the "straight and narrow" but give skirts a new lease on life with split seams and flying panels, Crahay shows these seven- il ails PAE wow eighth length tunie panels on dresses and suits accompanied by a brief waist-length bolero jacket. Loose panels are often con- trived with deep inverted pleats. They are open at the sides, front and back up to the waist- line and swing into movement when the models walk. Newest looking suits feature contrasting patterned fabrics in an identi- cal medley of colors, Geometrical tartan woollen suits have silk blouses printed with polka dots or small ab- stract designs. Crahay carries the tunic theme through into other silhou- ettes with circular skirts, Un- derskirts established at the same' length as last season neatly cover the knees. Um- brella tunic skirts flaring from the waistline are buttoned onto the underskirt with big buttone spaced between the deep flares around the hemline. PIONEER GOLFER Mary Queen of Scots, in the 16th century, was the first woman to play golf. SHOE MODEL ston Gigantic Mid-Winter SALE Still Going Strong! MODEL ston 55 King St. East Free Parking In The Rear @ corresponding secretary, Mrs. W. G. Watt; Christian citizen- ship, Mrs, W. C. Paynter; com- munity friendship, Mrs. J. C. Bentley; co-operation in Chris- tian and ar ony 4 education, Mrs. F. A. Getz; finance, Mrs. Alfred Austin and Mrs. Harold Tonkin; flowers, Mrs. KR. E Moore; literature and commun- ications, Mrs, A. W. Armstrong; St. Andrew's Unit 4 -Guests At Supper Prior To Meeting The annual meeting of the Storie in the form of a buffet) supper. } The meeting was conducted by the president for the coming year, Mrs, A. J. Parkhill. . Mrs, Donald Storie read the minutes and Mrs. Randolph Mock gave the annual financial' statement. } Members were reminded of) the congregational dinner to be At Christmas time the Allied Arts Centre presented a drama-| tization of the old fairy-tale) "Beauty and the Beast' in) which Miss Drynan_ was others from|' di | surrounding and Mrs. Affleck; Mr. and Mrs. T. K.> Creighton; Magistrate Harry Jermyn and Mrs. Jer- Mr. and Mrs. Harry the PTET? = DINERS BEWHISKERED | \district. | _|ther discussion concerning year-| held Wednesday, January 27,! and donations of food were ac-| TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THEJANUARY THAW ON PRICES IN deg eet S| wf? GREATS DEEPSLEEP SALE cepted. The annual Garden Tea, | June 2 at Stonehaven is the| project forthe year. After fur-| ly activities in the group, the} meeting was adjourned, and a % SAVE $30 ed embroidered Alencon lace, en- .G ' l¢ . > : Bes érusted with seed pearls andiane' theta hg page ky A guest of honor at the starrs| 4 Gee ARY Oat chant 5 bah hour was spent playing| bugle beads, embellished the| mer. member Mrs Kenneth| Nicol wedding was the bride's!+, toed. Her cats keep her busy bagi | skirt. The overskirt in rich folds| Mason, who is returning to the|Maternal grandmother, Mrs.| Ranging from sich sophisti, On nenee of the, Sroup. Mrs. was lace -- banded at the waist-| croup, 8 {John Zaritsky of St. Cathar-| cated ailiall as & "ir 4 |Parkhill thanked the hostess, Hine and flowed into a long|~ Mrs. Austin Hiltz presided for ines. Others included the Hon-|Burmese to common-or-tile tom| Mrs, Donald Storie, for her hos- ge A jewelled ? b6 held/tne business meeting which fol-|O'@ble John Yaremko and Mrs.| cats, she first became interested |Ptality in -- her home for} r fingertip veil of bouffant||>.eq and i Yaremko, Toronto; Mr. and|j, the feline: : the evening and assured her of! \lowed, and thanked the hostess in the felines after she attended the enjoyable evening which was on the superb SIMMONS DEEPSLEEP* mattress tulle illusion and inside her crown she wore a wreath of! range blossom from her mo-| her's bridal headdress. She) carried a Victorian nosegay of} fed roses and white carna- \for entertaining the group for this enjoyable 'supper party. Following the reports, which showed a successful year, Mrs. Hiltz expressed her thanks to Mrs, Harry Robbin, Highland), cat show six years a y | s six } s ago here. |Creek; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh\three of the animals are ail Latimer, Scarborough; Mr. and/jowed in the house, the re-| Mrs. Lewis Delpulsi, Montreal; mainder have separated quar- |Mr. and Mrs. Michael Husik,/ters in the basement or in the spent. Sohn Ovens, 0.D. | Reg. Value $79.50 Now $4.9°° Hone, |the members for the help and, Mucha and Mr. and Mrs. Wil Grimsby; Mr. and Mrs. _S.|backyard. Miss Jill Marks was maid of honor and the bridesmaids were Miss Gloria Sworik and Miss Marsha Marks, all of Oshawa,| and Miss Joanne Zaritsky, St. Catharines. They wore formal gowns of voltage blue Holiday silk, shot| with mauve. The decollete neck-| 4° lines from which fell panel South Simcoe H&S 43rd Anniversary | Marked At Meeting, Sonth Simcoe Home and School Association held its 43rd anniversary recently. The following past presidents were welcomed: Mrs. Fred Wil- liams, Mrs. Bert Fry, Mrs. Robert Lewis, Mrs, Aubrey Mc-| Conkey, and Mrs, Wesley Mer- ritt. Former teachers present . were Miss Agnes Strickland, Miss Hazel Barrie. The speaker, introduced by Mrs. J. D. Cortney, was Mr. David Savage, manager of the Plaza Theatre, He spoke on "Movies and Your Children" which was much enjoyed. Members donated money to- wards new cutlery for the 43rd anniversary. Mrs. Robert Lewis presented Mrs. Bert Fry with her past- president pin. Mrs. Aubrey McConkey cut the birthday cake which was served to the members |co-operation given during her period as group leader. Mrs. J J, Burns presented the following slate of officers which was ac- cepted; Past president, Mrs. Hiltz; president, Mrs. A. L. Powell; vice-president, Mrs. J. A. Mitchell; secretary, Mrs. Angus MacDonald; | treasurer, "|Mrs. D. J. Crothers; telephoning committee, Mrs. W. P. Whit- tington, Mrs. W. H. T. More- house, Mrs. R. J. Brown, Before taking office, Mrs. Powell thanked Mrs. Hiltz. for her untiring efforts during her presidency and a hearty round of applause followed. Mrs. Hiltz distributed tickets) for the Guild Bridge, to be held in the parish hall Feb. 15. The next meeting is to be held Feb. 26 at the home of. Mrs. W. P. Whittington, FAR FROM HOME SASKATOON (CP) -- Despite outdoor. temperatures 20 de- grees below zero, a lemon tree jis flourishing here--1,500 miles from its native soil. Mrs. James Lennox, who has had the tree three years, takes no special |care of it and this month picked a lemon 9%4-inches around. Austin|~ HOUSEHOLD HINT Use cold tea for watering house ferns. Once a week is} enough to keep them perky. \liam Wladyka, all of Port Hope; | |Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Macfar-} llane, Seagrave; Mr. and Mrs.| |A. Poloz, Mr. and Mrs. Ross} OPTOMETRIST 8 BOND ST. £., OSHAWA PH. 723-4811 nag kg It's bullt you can't do better! Slipped Disc Pains Nervous Headaches CHIROPRACTOR 100 King St. E., 728-5156 Ronald W. Bilsky, p<. | REGULAR TO 19.98 DIAMOND Guaranteed perfect and insured against loss, J BLUEBIRD Diamond and Wedding Rings USE YOUR CREDIT!!! URNS EWELLERS let cupid be your valentine WEDDING 50.00 20 Simcoe North 723-7022 Open Fri. Til 9 pm. REGULAR TO 25.00 REGULAR TO 35.00 Crepe Suzette, Crepes and many o FINAL CLEARANCE OF WINTER 12 1D Choose from a wide selection of one, two or three piece styles in Double Knits, Wools, Sizes: Juniors, Misses and 2 Sizes OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Open to 9 p.m. Thursday & Friday There's never been a better time to buy the top grade DEEPSLEEP mattress with its high standards of quality and comfort, construction Is outstanding! 'or supreme comfort with over 400 exclusive Adjusto-Rest® coils. The smart woven stripe cover Is sleek and attractive. And the superb Deepsleep Is Lip onde to stay neat and new looking or many restful years} This Is the buy SAVE A TOTAL OF $60 when you buy the matching box spring -- also only $49.50--and get even longer mattress lifet SAVE $30 on the Deep- sleep DeLuxe Quilted, tool Regularly $89.50, NOW just Pd (size 3'3"' only) > SAVE "40 SIMMONS Dreamsleep Quilt Continental Bed mattress, box spring and legs all for only $ An excellent bed, eémbining good. fooking comfort with a really easy-to-own rice! Choose from 3 smartly s g50 led Vinyl _ headboards (extra). EACH |fm| 27 EACH down', from 4 1 ADD AN EXTRA ROOM: 2 SIMMONS MAYFIELD Hide-A-Bed* Sofa oe. @n elegant double value that serves day and night with equal comfort, Open the Mayfield and you've got a full width, full length Siumber King* mattress--worth $59.50 In itself~a top rated Simmons comfort value, Select from an excellent erray of colours and patterns... all decorator chosen, Prices start 'way 99°° EACH ther fabrics, OUR OWN BUDGET TERMS 63 KING STREET EAST FURNITURE COMPANY PHONE 725-3514 2%

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