THE OSHAWA TIMES, HE PRACTICALLY js : ; ASKED HER IFSHE | | WITH YOURSELF, Mondey, Jonuery 25,1965 19 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER 6 (Top record-holder in Masters' Individual Championship Pley) WE HAVENT BEEN PAID IN " Pip Oe WE GUT en fs = - - oe inter ands in the 1961 Bridge Olym- . pic was this one which features an unusual type of squeeze. ~~ The directed contract was six ---- to be sags and mads y South against opening lead of the queen of diam: With East showing out on opening diamond lead, and W showing out on the first lead, and also in the light of the bidding, declarer soon learns ex: actly how the opponents' cards are distributed, The hand then becomes sim- ply an exercise in good play, with South making twelve tricks against any line of defense. -- Declarer wins the diamond lead with the king and cashes four club tricks and the ace 6f hearts. He then leads the ace of spades, being careful to play the queen from dummy, at which point this becomes the position; ze gees Y tomate | BUT, AS THEY RACE FORWARD, THE ENGINEER'S eee | STRAINING FINGERS BEGIN TO SLIP + + + HERE IN THIS LET reRe On VIRTUAL THE LONE RANGER LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT THE NIGHTMARE & HA? LAST NIGHT. sore. ] fne., 1965. World rights SECRET AGENT X93 The lead of the nine of spades forces West to release a heart or a diamond, either discard bée- ing fatal to West's cause. South's play at this point de pends on West's choice. s4 If West discards @ heart, de- clarer wins the spade with the. TELEVISION LOG ae eee a pin ja 7--Ben Casey 4-Search for Temerrew ten and plays the king and an- Channe! 6---Toronto &3--The Sixties 8-2--Truth or other heart to score the rest of cue Somer | 7---Father Knows. Best the tricks. piynene 9--Toronto PIE ad ga 3--Noonday Report If West discards a diamond, ee" | Sekour due Men a ne oe " . Pe h =, the on -- "4 100 P. -- é = 42. king and makes the contra MONDAY EVENING ne easa--rowns 1:00 P.M. playing the ace and another dia- T<Pominy Tentre Woetlier aed Sperm. | N-Luay. score : mond. : 9--Five O/Clock Matinee Parent! \4 P.M. What South does, in effect, is wid OF Foanienneen. Shaw force West to make @ critical 6--World Of Nat 9--Metro. Final 'orce ve O'Clock 11:20 P.M, Theol the Millers discard defore he (South) makes 7-4--Lete Show 2--Mike Douglas Show a decision on which spade to 5:0 isan 1:30 P.M. ' play from dummy. Declarer's Ne ne 1=Mid Day Matinee entry problem cannot be solved 3 PM. @--Leave If To Beaver 11--Travellers Preview ' Me 9--Millionaire iebhis 6--Music Hop | 9--Plerre Berton a the ware ture ; until after West discards on the nine of spades. 2--Tales of Wells Fargo|s-2--Tonight Show 1 6--The H lf 2:00 P.M, Fahne COR re 9--Abracadabra 6--Karen SIGNS WITH HORNETS GALT (CP)--Bert Brown, & TUESDAY 4--Password 2--Today, 1965 6:00 A.M. 2--Loretta Young 4:18 PLM, 11--Schnitzel House a eho Spor: 9--News; Miss Helen Four of in wag oe 4--Captain Kangaroo 8-2--The Doctors PM. 9:30. A.M, 7--Day In Court 6:30 11-t--News, Weather, Sports 9:00 A.M. @-2--Huntliey-Brinkley 9--Piaytime With Uncle News 7--Cheyenne 7--Dialing For Douglas ik Across Canada Girl Tall P.M. 4--Mike's Carnival %--Romper Room 6--Loretta Young 11--Spotlight 4---House Party 3--Super Bingo 3:00 P.M, 9--People in Conflict 7--General Hospital 8-2---Another World rightwinger released by Guelph Regals, has signed with Galt Hornets of the Ontario Hockey Association Sen Mi te League. Brown, who e- gals after scoring five goals in os N--Family Theatre a--Movie is . - mre oak | gy ARAM SINTER trum gee |"! carly - season games, is 2 cease ute] iM OE MAXROY LOOKS DOWN UPON on ee Mei 2:30 P.M. native of Port Hope. He Bir ioe THA enolth = FRAO te OLIVER ee A Movie ies | tinct Intra Ii--Funny Program | : ' 21 goals for Regals last year. , cou JAKE, WOU T v tT WOULDN'T 00 FOR A MAX no) 'slivers y Fpl . 1)--Super 'Bingo : ag Vice og He ' ye aa : RIDE UP TO THE TOLIVER GATE AN' 2--Bachelor Father $--Playtime With Bobby | 63° Take Thirty VANCOUVER (CP) -- Diane BAY on. MISTER TOL! IAM ere ee ret ea-Wake Room For | <-edge of Night Gerace, Canadian high jumping oar tint OM in pAve "a Serpeants Daddy . hampion, may miss the YOUF TER sean ants |-3--Sehoo! Telecasts 4:00 P.M. c . rf ; 110 PM. | SNews a phen pga se CROSSWORD track and field season this year %--The Lucy Show | 10:30 A.M. SThe tater Gane" because of an ankle injury suf- ein 8" | ee 7--Flame. In The, Wind ; omer |{eted last August, She sprained $3--Don_ Messer's Jubilee |#-2--What's This Song |S 3-AS_ The, World Turns ACROSS 44.Go , CORMAN jher left ankle last summer dur- 4-To Tell the Truth | 7--Trajlmaster 2-Captain Bob 1. Avoid ture: Cle) jing a training session. It was a eye Ca" 4:30 P.M, 5. Narrow DOWN ; r Hs! |kept in a cast for five weeks 1--Untouchables 11:00 A.M. Jreyveal Sper flatboard 1,Reflection 2 FEMeAItets, |but failed to improve. 9--Bewitched 11--Scariett . Hill &-Bozo -- Popeye 9. Robust 2. A seraglio ROT Os} Ke SIGN CATCHER &3---Show of the Week 9--James Beard Show Be 3 SIPIOIUIS 2 4 'I've Got A Secret &2--Concentration Bibi ael) heal - -- ey SS MmETeTeI Tere WASHINGTON (AP)--Wash- ae Nog P.M. pi are ry Marbarhs 4--Leave it To Beaver , gathering 4. Napoleon's i [AIN] eI I cine ington Senators J--Ne Time For | 11:15 A.M. TUESDAY EVE. 12. Smells marshal . Baking wore Bata (Thursday the signing of Sergeants |é3--Chez Helene §:00 PM. 14; Poem general SEAISMMVIELICm |catcher Doug Camilli. Camilli <-Aney Gritty. Show 11:30 A.M, N--Family Theatre |" 18. Snoop B.A tally : was purchased from Los An- 1108 PM. Si ea Re Tsuperman" "ae? | 36 Synthetie 6. A wife ment geles Dodgers Jast fail. li--Twelve O'clock High | 8-2--Jeopardy 3--Fireball XL--S language 7. Past part 9--Care Williams 7--Price |s Right 4--Five O'Clock. Show 17. To liken 8.Greatfear 27. The Bast 33. Bestowed . "Ram ln" ee 20, Sun WL Alittie: 29.Kindofnut 35.Tobecco: |SALLY'S SALLIES &3--Mangerman 12:00 NOON &-Leave It To Beaver | 21. Exclamar mus. 80. Depart- colloq. toot | 4--The Lucy Show 8-2--Say When é--Musie Hop 18. Fish ment: abbr, $8, len 7:30 P.M 7--Donna Reed 3--Aquanauts : 15. Feign 82.Closes,as 39. B&nch-like t 9--Take A Chance . 6--Elwood Glover 2--Tales of Wells Fargo 18. Bard ahawk's seat 3--Bing Crosby Show 4--News and Weather 6:00 P.M, 4--Star Performance 3--Popeye and Pals 7--News "Central 28. ¥Forefather 19, Skill eyes 40, Fish 10:00 P.M, 12:15 P.M, 6--Generation " . 1i--Regis Philbin 4--Speaker of the House 2--Today, 1965 x 1 4 6 1 8 / Y YOUR HEALTH a = : 4 Children's Pains = pgm = «= FL Must Have Reason ; By JOSEPH MOLNER, MD _jother things that active children SS MICKEY MOUSE YOU NEVER MAKE THE GAME MISTAKE TWICE Dear Dr. Molner: For several months my 3-year-old girl has cried because of her legs hurt- ing. My neighbors say it is caused by growing pains. But in the last two months she has been crying during the day as well as at night. She also wakes up at night crying, and a heat- ing pad is all that helps her. The pain is in her knees. could this be growing pains?--MRS.|called "growing pains." L. 6 do, can become overtired. At the end of the day their muscles (especially in the legs) may rebel. The muscles go into spasm (cramps develop) as these youngsters being to relax. Sooner or later such children learn not to overtax their mus- cles. They don't drive them- Selves to the point of cramps. And that's the end of the so- V2, 4, "MILL STREET" VARIETY STORE MILL & OXFORD STS. Open 7 Days of the Week © 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. saneenentmeenene cianeiaaimmnaenna But with .three-year-olds, it's «I TIED MY OWN SHOELACES "uC rowi ing'? j | di j i Growing pains' is a term/different. These little ones still THIS MORNING | ¢ oh used to explain any sort ofjhave the good sense to sit down there could be one of the var-lafternoon?) to relieve the COLBORNE ' | | ; ; i bone diseases. There may|strain. pain in a child which is not)and rest when they begin to|!0US : ; GROCETERIA © easily identified as something|get tired. Oh, occasionally Sickest deka ar aoe se ee Cee cry, oy Gebers dh, & Chad & chi i ; and night, with a pain, som re St. rch St. else. |children of this age become too may be a congenital defect thing : Soe. Pi It does Wot hurt anybody tojtense and too tired, and have : grow. If there is pain, it means|an occasional muscle cramp|¥tich ought to be treated. Lots! te chances are that it can 728-6341 OPEN === that something is wrong. ishortly after they have been|°! things. be corrected, but the child So now let's divide the pains|tucked in bed. NO SUCH THING should be taken to a doctor for of children into two separate| But they don't wake up later} So here's my answer: examination. DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. : groups: The incidental painsjin the night crying and they]: 1. There's no such thing as} There's an old saying, "The Sev w which don't need any rere 04 ned ery in the daytime from|"growing pains." . _ |best way to duck a job is to 'en Days @ Week : and the serious pains which DO/|such cramps. : 2. Children who are too™ac-/do it." : need attention. The aching knees could bejtive can have muscle cramps, | It could be made to read, © Groceries © Fresh Fruits Children who spend all dayjarthritis. Arthritis of a certainjand the cure is to see that|"The best way to cure a med-\) © Vegetebles © Meats running, playing, climbing type (rheumatoid) can attack|they have a nap (or should welical trouble is to admit that it FREE DELIVERY trees, and the million-and-one'children as well as adults. Or'say a "rest period' in thelis trouble."