THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, Jenuary 2,1965 § Pentecostals Plan Services BOWMANVILLE Special emphasis on the 'Challenge of the New Year' will be plac in both services in the Bowman- ville Pentecostal Church. Pastor Kudra will be speaking at both meetings. Themes of interest to the general public have been chosen. Rev. Kudra. The sermon topics for the worship service and the evening evan- golistic meeting will be:"The pen Opportunity" SPEEDY STUDENT. LONDON (CP)--Jairus aji, a 16-year-old Indian boy, has won a classics scnolarship to St. John's College,. Oxford. Jairus, who will study Latin) Eth and Greek, tive vocal style, has. starred in amination course at an aston-|a total of 12 Broadway shows-- ishing speed. He worked his|from "Girl Crazy" to "Gypsy." way through a Greek primer, whieh is supposed to take: nine months, in 10 ' 'S DOZEN el Menman, of the distine- \Speaking Contest Dates Arranged barred but the penaity for using them will be left to the judges; Lake Ontario Steel To Double Capacity By BRIAN McCALL 'growing construction industry, Their annual furniture show is) WHITBY (Staff) -- One of the|will stream continuously from|scheduled for the spring, when newest local heavy industries,|the rolling mill. |buyers from all over the coun-) Lake Ontario Steel, will more; Before the addition of the sec-| try will be shown the new lines. than double its present capacity|onq furnace, the melt shop could) The show is not open to the early in the new year. not supply enough steel to oon 4 aay and is held in the com- BOWMANVILLE -- The Dur- ham County Trustees' and Rate- 1 payers' Association's Public|pupils who have passed out of Speaking Contest, 1965, will start|Grade 8 are not eligible to com- je contests in thejpete. A pupil who has won a schools, early in the New Year. first prize in a former county, or Semi-Final Contests will be heldjdistrict contest, is not eligible. in three centres, and the final) The two highest winners in county. contest will be held in\the Durham County Final Con- Orono United Church Feb. 23 atitest to be held at the Orono § p.m. . United Church at 8&8 p.m. on) Darlington finals will be at)Tuesday, February 23, will take the: Town Hall, Hampton, Feb. npte part in the District Zone 3 Con- 2, at 8 p.m. The Semi-Final Con-jtest in Havelock in the auditor- test for Cartwright, Manvers|ium of the Town Hall March 27 and Darlington will be in Black-}a¢ 1.30 p.m. stock Community Hall Feb. 16 at 8 p.m. The Semi-Final Con- ASSOCIATION EXECUTIVE test for Cavan, Clarke and Hope} A. A. Merkley is the president will be: held in Howard Jordanjof the Durham County Trustees' Public School, Port Hope, on thejand Ratepayers' Association; same date. Miss Vera Jobnet, is vite ~ president and Cecil Morrison invited to these services to en- CONTEST RULES Oe the secretary-treasurer. \joy this fine Christian music' The rules of competition for; phe directors ace: Ontariojand singing. the contest are: Length fin aining School for Boys, Bo --------------= pn ee Nk TOWN OF WHITBY The addition of a second elec-|the rolling mill in continuous|pany showrooms in Toronto. tric arc furnace will boost the} 9, i peration. Many new lines of upholste! a cai vat 'The "heats" of steel comingjfurniture are planned for 1965, year. : Per'trom the furnace were stock " \piled over night in billet form Construction of the new fur- mace is under way and is ex.|and thon reheated'in the roiling coats to be completed early in 'ebruary. The plant, which has been Door of and "A New Life or a New Leaf, Which?" | Special music will be pro- vided in both services by Pastor and Mrs. Abraham Kudra, Beau- tiful hymns will be selected to be played with a Hawaiian flavor on the double-neck elec- trie Steel Guitar and the Ham- mond Organ. The crowds have doubled and tripled. The public is cordially and those that meet the approv- al of the buyers will be soon on display in retail stores. | The company has streamlind their and many new time-saving machines have been installed. More people than ever before will be on the company payroll during the coming year. Salory te commence, $4,200.00 per anhum, pension. plan, -- tol and medical plans in effect. ies to commence as soon os i "i LG QUANTRILL, Chairman, Personnel Committee, Town of Whitby, 405 Dundes St. West, WHITBY, Onteric. | "The reheated billets are roll- led in long continuous strands operating on two shifts, will and the finished concrete re- swing into a three-shift, 24-hour-|inforcing bars are. loaded on per-day operation. |trucks and shipped to market. ROGER G. CONANT | Both furnaces will use 44,000 100 MORE WORKERS | volts of electricity, but the plant This expansion to the three-\engineers do not anticipate any ADD WAREHOUSE | shift system will mean employ-|iocal power shortage. | sshaiate ia Caste wi mit. Is onor il ment for 100 more local work- pas ji ' 4 ISKLAR FURNITURE lion cubie foot warehouse will) speeches, _Tainimum five min-|vanville, John Bain; Cart| Scar Furniture entering its be completed the near [aA ager Gordon Conant, #2, 8 tempting and notes are nt EMS iste Ms Drape, : ll year under the full) 7 . iGreenwood, is one of the and notes are not Ce-\pei!; Darlington, Mrs. Draper, | proximately 325 men and pammeggersr provided by their ahbagen lig a ny for two t0| ontario barristers opiates as \Mrs. W. Yellowiees, 7. Mc- women. new addition. sng f : . m's Counsel. Manager 01) |Guirk, Miss Vera Johnston; The huge furnaces will be in The Sklar brothers are looking) The new warehouse will dara tatiand for Honey: Maitland Gould | petsekein lll, Roy Turner and operation seven days per week|forward to a full year and rec-|be used for produce and empty oj; Controls Limited, of Leal : lK. Weller; Clarke, Mrs, J. Cas- and bar steel to provide an everiord production figures. \can storage. side, he is a son of a former| , |well, Mrs. S. Hallowell; Cavan, species --_ - _ ei ------ --~lattorney-general and premier "Quee Couns |. Hamilton, Mrs. W. Kennedy, Ontario. n 8 e J. Gillen; Hope, W. Jordan, Mrs. | WHITBY | L. Mills; A. Peters and A. Car-) aay |e Grafting Method ie ha a sno anata xe. eo Announced By Surgeon visiting with daughters' and families, Mr and Mrs. Claude Schembri and) ATLANTA, HOUSTON SHO ers. The plant, when in full three- shift operation, will employ ap-|first full BOWMANVILLE -- A_ former Conant is a son of Mrs. Gordonjresident of Bowmanville was D. Conant and the late Hon. Mr.|among the 107 Ontario barris-| Conant. He received his educa-jters who were appointed as! tion in the Oshawa schools and|Queen's Counsel during the later at the University of To-| weekend. ronto and Osgoode Hall. Maitland G. Gould, of North Bay, was born and received his A native of Oshawa, . Mr. Family Monuments | Ga. (AP) -- Ajwhich a strip of skin is trans- Mr. and Mrs. Leo Montebello,;method of skin grafting by will return to her home shortly|which a surgeon can cover after the new year. three square inches of body ferred from one part of the bedy to another, Tanner and| lan associate performed 37) During the Second World War he served overseas and was wounded in action. Following education here prior to receiv- ing his bachelor of arts degree at the University of Toronto. He One, ime, Created To Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS. | LTD. MONUMENTS Sale Starts Monday, January 4th ALL MEN'S & WOMEN'S SHOES GREATLY REDUCED SALE 7.98 to 9.98 his discharge he resided for a time in Ajax and was an officer in the Ontario Regiment in Osh- awa, surface with one inch of skin| grafts on the patient. Sheila, daughter of Mr. andjhas been announced by an At-| Tanner. started looking for a Mrs. D. E. McLean, celebrated|lanta surgeon. way to get more use of the skin} her birthday Jan. 2. The method involves cutting available in each case. years in the north. nae ki a pattern of slits in the skin and) He said he decided to try; Mr. Con ant was recently! ---- New Year's weekend visitors stretching it. v cutting the skin and stretching|named as returning officer for at the home of Mr. and Mrs. pr. J. C. Tanner Jr., \wholit. The result was development|Ontario Riding to take the vote} \later graduated from Osgoode |Hall and has been prominent in| the legal profession for many) two rounds each with his prother, Ray Patterson, and| Save up to 50% Reg. 16.95 te 18.95 SALE 8.98 to 11.98 MEN'S CLARK Save 25% Reg. 23.95. te 25.95 SALE 17.95 to 19.50 MEN'S OVERSHOES & RUBBERS Save 20% MEN'S DACKS Save 20% i 318 DUNDAS EAST Lewis Moase, 605 Rossland road, | i i i i | described development of thejof an. instrument that works|in the next federal election. __|Joe Shotgun Shelton. Chuvalo Miss Muriel' Goose, Toronto.|iments te improve skin graft-| | ! New Year's day dinner guests|ing after prolonged treatment| GOES THROUGH RINGER SPORTS BRIEFS } "I SNOW BOOTS and Mrs. Leslie Cross and fam-{burns over 60 per cent of his|i" @ plastic covering, rolled| | ily, Mr. and Mrs. William Moase| body. through a bladed wringer, taken TURF WRITER DIES) | TOWN OF WHITBY SAVE 30% Searboro. ss Berane Pain vps ~ ag as Van-|Jerry McNerney, 56, veteran) SALE rimented for a full it f The Courier Jour-| Callers during the holidays =| D P r r a 6.28 to 11,88 the home of Mr. and Mrs. runk jormed the first such graft on|Thursday in. a downtown res-lf Extra trucks will coll ur Christmas Trees with ays a human in July, 1963. The re-|taurant. He also was president) " boca ect your Chris " er, Hubert Corrigan and Miss I your regular garbage. Hanora Corrigan of Detroit, . |said. 'The grafts, in addition to| Association, an organization he Michigan. ine covering triple the space, al-|helped create. slits, eliminating accumulation Windsor, parents of Mrs. Louis MARLBORO, N.Y. (AP) -- T. EDWARD, Chairmen Petryshyn, were their i' Sanitotion Committee were: Miss Violet Spier and/method, said he began exper-|like a washing machine ringer.| ~~ lie trainee te Bolten, Ont 668-3552 LADIES' |. : . OVER-THE-SHOE were: Mrs. Elsie Goose, Mr.'of a patient who had suffered| Skin to be grafted is placed) and family and Don Murray, Using the normal method. in|°y,0nd Stretched. LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) -- CHRISTMAS TREE PICK uP Reg. 8.98 to 16.98 sal i earn RA Ts eae . summer on animals and per-|nal, died of a heart, attack| ; Joseph Corrigan were his broth- jsults were excellent, Tanner|of the National Turf Writers' | |lowed draining through the| WEEK OF JAN, Ath to 8th Mr. and Mrs. Keith Etcher, OPENS TRAINING during the festive season. AJAX (Staff) -- At the last/! fluids that often occur in guests | Magistrate Court of the year in|® nee grafting. Floyd Patterson, the former . Pickering Township Dec. 31! sats said more than 100|\world heavyweight boxing j A lheld at Ajax by Magistrate|haten Moog been treated with\champion, opened training five William, son of Mr. and Mrs.|Harry Jermyn no one cameline rs : Doctors in Chicago,|days earlier than planned Wed- William Phillips, underwent sur-|forward to plead their case. Ip A versity of California,|nesday for his 12-round bout gery at the Sick Children's Hos-| 1314 §. McGahey, 47, of uke University and Laval Uni-|against' Canadian George Chu- pital, Toronto, ensllit vahey, 47, ol|versity in Quebec are using it,|valo in Madison Square Gar- Don Mills, pleaded guilty to be-jhe said. lden Feb. 1. Patterson sparred, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Pickard|!"8 drunk in a public place. Con-| ae chines shal | sgn Nem 'Year's weekend niabic, Gort Hanne of ore]. CASH FOR Nam | Welland, the guests of Mr. and i LA | | Mrs. John Bordnyck. 'the accused had been found pe Taig os ae cineett OUR LONG YEARS \ Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose viihaln (abaen on Dee. 30. -- "ong Ft yet hse 7 Heine sida OF EXPERIENCE IN ] : s. L 30 p.m, . ry forme > and children, Wayne, Brian and! Robinson said that McGahey\T'an gan yika and sn Si THE PLANNING ) Gail. visited in Renfrew during|had been unsteady on his feet)Tanzania. A N D HANDLING OF ESTATES CAN leohol. | ----- ve TaN SKATE BE OF REAL VAL EXCHANGE | TO YOU. " 97 | Teg victom sronrsuans | AAW Thus 103 Byron St., S. ae WHITBY ESTABLISHED 1889 North Whitby United Church Welcomes all visitors to worship in this friendly \church held at Palmerston Ave. School. \ Church Service -- 11 A.M. Sunday School -- 11 A.M. Student Minister: MR, TOM YORK Choir Director: Mrs, M. J. BAIN CHILDREN'S OVERBOOTS Save 25% Reg, 3.98 Save 20 to 40% On All SALE us SLIPPERS LADIES' & TEENAGER--FLATS--SANDALS REDUCED 305 Brock St. S. Whitby and smelled strongly of The accused had been lodged in| the holidays, the guests of Mr.| and Mrs. Thomas Plazek. : \the cells at the Whitby Police St. Mark's United Church) Station overnight. : Women are holding their gen-) mcGahey told the court that eral meeting Jan. 5 in the form|)e was a diabetic and an alcoho- of a pot luck supper. Rev. John\i. 'He said his car blew up on Smith will be the speaker. ; the previous Monday and he had */gone to the hospital to get ad- F | mitted. 1 McGahey said he had been a Jr. armers patient at the hospital previous- : ly and they had told him to |come back if he ran into' any 0 ompete |trouble. He said he would at- In Contests ied guilty he would have to sen- tence him and proceeded to give UXBRIDGE -- Several Junior him a minimum, fine of $10 or Farmers from Ontario County|an alternative jail sentence of | will be competing in the various|10 days. The accused paid the! inter-county competitions being fine 25 to 668 ~4901 tempt to get admitted after court. | Magistrate Jermyn told the|t |accused that since he had plead-| FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 Brock Street North held at the Toronto Conference, Saturday, Jan. 9%. David Hawthorne, a member of the Brooklin Junior Farmers, Thirteen speeders, trapped by) the Ajax radar, were fined a! total of $168 when they were) found guilty in absentia by Mag-| 918 AM--'Faith Ti REV. DELOSS.M. SCOTT, Mi SUNDAY SERVICES nister dings" Broadcast, C.K.L.B, QWDAY ano TUESDAY JANAs5 == SUPER SAVINGS will be competing in the public 'Tale Jemyn. eins speaking competition at 9.30 a.m. Margaret Miller, Sharyn Jones, and Mary Jean Jamie- BAHA'I! son, all members of the Brooklin Junior Farmers, will compete WORLD FAITH in the ladies trio competition at 10 a.m. site a PUBLIC MEETING 1350 on your dial 9:45 A.M.--Why Not Make 1965 a Bible so a POWER Parfet: GRAIN FED BEEF 11:00 A.M.--Morning Worship and Praise Pastor's Sermon: "OUR BLESSED HOPE IN 1965" } 12:00 NOON--JANUARY COMMUNION SERVICE 7:00 P.M.--Evening Sermon and Song "The Pastor Will Preach" WEDNESDAY EVE.--8:00 P.M. In the male quartet section, Bruce McMillan, Ron King, Ken, Skerratt, and. Ralph Honey, all) members of thePort Perry Jun-) ior Farmers, will~compete at 12.20 p.m. At 3.15 p.m. the On-| tario County choir, made up of| members from all clubs in the| county, will take part in the! choir competition | The musical entries from On tario County are under the direction of Mrs. Grace Hast- ings, Port Perry. will be held at the 1.0.0.F. Hall Brock St. S. Whitby, Sundoy evening ot 8:15 P.M. Ce ¥& SIRLOIN je PORTERHOUSE % WING Be | FACIAL TISSUES f EENEX Boxes of 200 SAVE MID-WEEK SERVICE OF PRAYER, PRAISE AND BIBLE STUDY "THERE'S ALWAYS A WELCOME AT FAITH" POWER SLICED BREAD e EVERYONE WELCOME ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. M. Smith, BA. B.D. Miss tia Newton, Deaconess Mrs. J. L, Beaton, A:R.C.T. EMMANUEL REFORMED REV. GERRIT REZELMAN 403 ROSSLAND ROAD WEST Refreshments served BROCK One Complete Show Each Evening Whitby _ For This Program - Starting at 7:30 | AMERICA'S MIGHTIEST ADVENTURE l| METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER and CINERAMA present 10:30 A.M. ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 2 P.M. DUTCH SERVICE 7 P.M ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron at St. John Rev, W, J. S. McClure, B.A. Minister Mrs. P. N. Spratt, Organist 9:45 A.M,----Sunday School 1-1;00 A.M "SHIPS THAT NEVER SAILED" First Kings 22:48 Nursery; care and sunior Congrege; tien during Divine Worship 11 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP "The Unmopped Journey" SUNDAY SCHOOL 9.30 am.--Junior, Intermediates and Seniors. Nursery, Kindergorten, vimary, Junior Congregation Woz LOAVES | Sie 9 ALL POPULAR BRANDS CIGARETTE ¢ 11.00 a.m nfant Core, + WHITBY BAPTIST (Cothorne Street West at Centre) Minister: REV JOHN McLEOD Organist Mrs. W, ©. Summers, A.7.C.M. é 9.45 AM ~ BIBLE SCHOOL SERVICES CARTON of 200 save40* 11 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP COMMUNION SERVICE 7 P.M, GOSPEL SERVICE Prayer Meeting--Wed. Jon. 6 at 7:30 p.m. WITH AN ORDER OF 83-00 OR OVER.... LIMIT 4 CTN. PER CUSTOMER RPO RETTIG ARE eT / HR bb bbb bb batt aOR bb bob ib ab bt tae SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30