Mr, Douglas Beal, University, of Western Ontario, London, On- tario, will spend the holiday season with his parents, Mr. Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Turner, Rowe street, will spend Christmas with their daughter, Mrs. Ronald Hotston and Mr. Hotston, Picton, Ontaria. Mr. and Mrs. James Savery and sons, David and John of . as' guests of Mr.' and. i Ontario, will be the ' rs. Laurence Savery, Carnegie : mae Mrs. Grant Beal, Norwood rt, Boxing Day guests of Dr. and Mrs. H. R. Rowsell, Jasmine jereseént, will be Dr. and Mrs. H. C, Rowsell and family, Guelph, Ontario, mmemenee of Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Pea- cock, Simcoe Street north, w: be or oe ea cock an jaughter, Ww Miss Betty Peacock, rovonte, and Mrs. stock, Ontario. avenue and Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Naylor, Montrave avenue. RCE Mr, and Mrs. Daniel Fleming, i f te et Fe Dee tera as Yuletide guests at the home Mrs, R. J, Cordick, Mclaugh- lin boulevard, will spend Ch er, | mas da . L. K. Williams an . Wil- liams and family, The Kings-: way, Toronto. eREewenE lor ta a nurse r) 'ospital, Lon- don, Ontario, will jay the Yuletide season with her moth- er, i J. 8. Hyslop, Chevrolet | Street, | ea Miss Barbara Broadbent, ween's University, Kingston, ntario, will spend the Christ- mas vacation with her parents, Clare Bartley, ario. Now is the time to come into our stores end browse ground for Christmas . . Decorate your home with @ fashionable permanent center piece . . . For the Coffee toble . .. the Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Broadbent, Lauder road. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Britten, Thomas street, will have as their Yuletide guest Mr. Arthur Sheil, student at Divinity Col- lege, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario. Miss Ruth Britten, Brampton, Ontario, will be home for the Christmas vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Britten, Thomas street. Mr. David Morris, who is studying at the University of Western Ontario, London, will end the Yuletide season with | little decorations ore just lovely . . . the door Swogs will make your home soy "Welcome". able Michael Starr, Member of Parliament for' Ontario Riding, after the longest par- liamentary session on record, He is seen hete with Mrs. Starr as they place their gifts beneath the tree. --Oshawa Times Photos THE MANY aspects of Christmas festiviti + provide # welcome break for the. Honor- FULLY RECOVERED from last year, the Squire of Syden- ford and Mrs. Gifford count - their blessings with every the serious illness that was~ ham Farm, better known as spatkler they" edd to their sneaking up on him this time Oshawa's Mayor Lyman Gif- Christmas tree. Women 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, December 24, 1964 THE BEST WAY TO SAY "MERRY CHRIST- MAS' to your loved ones in ether places whether weer or fer, lb te tend © Christmas Gift of We ee > i FW Gifts by Wi start ot $6. Miss Shirley O'Neill, Toronto; | Mr. Paul O'Neill, Galt; Mr.| and Mrs. Victor O'Neill, Brant- iord, Ontario, will be holiday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, P.J. O'Neill, Eastmount street. g "At This tr Season Of Goodwill... Mr. William Gordon of Water- loo University College, will be jhome with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Gordon, Hortop} ' street, for the Christmas vaca- tion. - FLORISTS LTD, DOWNT: 23 as 'simcor nonTH 728-7386 165 iM oy Scitech AA cate thoughts of good friends and happy associations kindle | cheerful glow to Christmas vacation with their|Hamilton, Ontario. Miss Christine Maher, nurse- . 9 "4 |parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo J.) maseocee in-training at Pembroke Gen- light the way into |Connolly, Athol street east. | . jeral Hospital and Mr. Austin | Mr. and Mrs. Roland Hager-| Maher and Mr. Peter Maher of _ |man, Emerson avenue, will have|Toronto, will spend Christmas Mr. Jeff Mcllyeen, who is at-jas their Christmas guests Mr.| with their mother, Mrs. L. P tending Queen's University,|Wesley Brice and Mr. Fred Maher, Westmount Avenue. _ : |Kingston, Ontario, is home for|Brice of Toronto, | cnietiiines |the Christmas vacation with his| | parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A, Mc-| samen | Mr. and Mrs, R, G. Joyce Yuletide guests at the home|someryille avenue, will have hii a Kh llveen, Oshawa boulevard north. | lafiseye 74 : ey of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rose,|as their guests for the Yule- |Highland avenue, will be Mr./tide season Mr. M pe Mr. Daniel Hilts, Queen's Uni-|Ray Frost, Don Mills, Ontario; | ge) ry and denckae eaten <i enennen versity, Kingston, Ontario, is , ; Mrs, E. R, Frost and Mrs. A-/) yonkers, New York. spending the Christmas vaca- Mr. and Mrs. John W. A.| Miss Monica Connolly and Mr.} Mr. and Mrs. Garnet White, |Michael Connolly, students at|/Sherwood avenue, will be Christ- the University of Western On-|mas guests of Mr. White's par- tario, London, will spend thejents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. White,| his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Morris, Arthur street. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wright, ood street, and Mr. and Mrs. dward Read and daughters, Heather, Pam, and Penny, of ca 3 a - Lacs d Pent FURNITURE - INTERIORS Brampton, Ontario, will be guests at a family party to be | : OS ( held at Blackstock Recreation} ~~ Centre on Boxing Day. For Christmas Gifts To Beautify CORRS ME Your Home the new year." Me Receiving congratulations to- day is Mrs. T.H. Everson, Gilmore Place, King street east, who is Observing her 97th birthday. A small fam- ily party is being held and surrounding Mrs. Everson will be Mr. Stanley F. Ever- son, Mrs. W. J. Salter, her son and daughter, and Miss Evelyn Everson, her sister-in- law, all of Oshawa; Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eadie, Grooms avenue, will have as their Christmas guests Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Eadie and family of Montreal, Quebec. Las ioal | Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Jackson, | Herbert avenue, will haye as/ tion with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hilts, Oshawa boule- yard north. REELS Rose of Peterborough. | eee Miss Sandra Nayl tudent ' i pd iss Sandra Naylor, studen Mr. Paul Gibbens, University/at Victoria College, University of Western Ontario, London,} ; é r ncot,/of Toronto, will spend the Ontario, will spend the Christ-\Christmas vacation with her Christmas Day guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Travell, Centre street, will he Mr. and Mrs. Orville Ashton, Lois and Charles, of Enni- skillen, Ontario. MEET Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Fran- cis, and family Taylor avenue, will be Christmas Day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred James Russell, Adelaide ayenue west,| will be Yuletide guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Judson and family of Toronto, Ontario. The Reyerend David Currie, St. Joseph's Parish, Toronto, will spend Christmas Day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E./ Currie, Mary street. | of King, Ontario. |. MpeEwews | Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Daig- leish and family, of Toronto, will be Christmas Day guests of Dr. Daigleish's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dalgleish, Frederick street. H Mr. Gilbert Dalgleish of Scar- borough, Ontario, will spend the Christmas vacation with his rent's, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas algleish, Frederick street. Mr, and Mrs. E. A. Colvin, King street east, will have as their Christmas guests, Mr. and Mrs. William McKay, Tor- onto, and Dr. and Mrs. Phillip Samis, Jill and Mark of Mont- real, Quebec. menennes Holiday guests at the home of| Mr. and Mrs. Melville Smith, Burk street, will be their daugh- ter, Mrs. Norman Pickering and sons, D'arcy and Jason, King- ston, Ontario. PROOONLY Miss Carol Saunders, Univer- sity of Western Ontario, London, is at home for the Christmas vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Saunders, Osh- awa boulevard south. Mr. Barry Bassett, who is. at- tending Carleton University, Ot- tawa, will be home for the Christmas vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E, A. Bassett, Bessborough drive. Mr. Douglas Lioyd and Mr. William Lioyd who are attend- ing Carleton University, Ottawa, will spend the Yuletide vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Lioyd, Central Park boulevard north, Miss Nancy L. Malloy, student at Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, is home for the Christ- mas vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Malloy,| King street east. | Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Glover, Glencairn street, will have as their guests for the Yuletide season Mr. Claude Sowden, Port Hope, and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Smith, Richmond Hill. Mr, and Mrs. F. R. Young, Grierson' avenue, will have as} their Christmas guests Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Young, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Daniel and family, Whitby; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Young and family, Etobicoke; and Mr. and Mrs. Bert John-| stone and family, Burlington, Ontario. mas vacation with his parents fi *)parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Mr. and Mrs. J. H, Gibbens,'Naylor, Westmoreland avenue. Burk street. | MRR NEE AEE EE The R 4 aM Ww ; ne Reverend an ts. Wes- Miss Barbara Holmes, College jey Herbert, Simcoe . street of Education, Toronto, and Miss/no;th, will have as their Christ- Carol Holmes, Queen's Univer-|mas guest Mr. Herbert's sister, sity, Kingston, Ontario, will/airs, Edwin Towner Deane of spend the Yuletide season with) -poronto. their parents, the Reverend and| Mrs. N. T. Holmes, Keewatin| avenue. } | Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Watts, perc td |Simcoe street north, will spend ' Corletenas Day piece at the| se eT eh Goughicr, ome of Mr. and Mrs. J, H. ' Hi y Gibbens, Burk street, will be: ro, i fomiy of Vere) Mr. and Mrs, J. L. Hoffman and} ; family, Mr. and Mrs. V. E Gibbens and family, Orillia, On- tario and Mr. and Mrs. B. Morrison and family, Peter- borough. Mr. Kenneth Bunner, Victoria College, University of Toronto,| will be home for the Christmas! vacation with his parents, Mr.| nd Mrs. Dwi oF hat tls ee ae F. Bunner,i yin be Christmas guests of {Mrs. Christof's parents, Mr. MEMere ts gay and Mrs. J. H. Joyce, Somer- Mr. Albert Walker, MPP and) "il@ avenue. Mrs. Walker, Northridge street, Pet os | will have as their Yuletide) Mr, and Mrs. Walter Best |wick, Sunset drive, will have as | their Yuletide guests Mr. and | Mrs. Winston Bestwick and fam- ily, Orillia, and Mrs. Frank Bunce, Bolton, Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Antony Christof| d son, Gregory, of Weston, | Mrs, Ewart A. Everson and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Ever- son, all of Montreal and Miss their Yuletide guests Mr. and) Mrs. D, W. Cordy, and daugh-| Gladys Jackson, Toronto, @ niece. cutahth aeRO | Yuletide guest at the home! of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Riehl, jOsler street, will be Mr. Hugh Cameron, Jr., St. Thomas, Ontario. | Miss Mary Lou Famme, stu-| dent at Western University, Lon- don Ontario, will spend the Christmas yacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Famme, Somerville avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Blen- cowe, Central Park boulevard south, will be Christmas guests of Mr. Blencowe's family of Aurora and Newmarket, Ontario. y AREER Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ellis, Toronto, will be guests of Mrs. Ellis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Fletcher, Adelaide ave- nue east, for the Yuletide sea- ters, Janis and Lesley Ann, of) Barrie, Ontario. | Mr. Robert Coulter, Univer-| sity of Western Ontario, London, will spend the Christmas vaca-| tion with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Graham - Coulter, Brook- } side drive. Christmas guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Hubbell, Cadillac avenue south, will be Mr. and Mrs. Donald MclInd- less, Lynda and David, of Toronto. | Personal Home Decorating Service NINETY-SIX KING ST. EAST Miss Sophie Holmes. of Ottawa, Ontario, will be the Christmas guest Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Creighton, King street east. son, | : NEW | LARGER LOCATION ir lewis 3 optical i 10% KING ST, WEST Phone 725-0444 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT Mr. Devon Biddle University) Mr. Robert Glover, Queen's/suests: Mrs. Walker's mother) Par, gone hye of Toronto will spend the Christ-| University, Kingston, Ontario igjand sisters, Mrs. E. Jeffery and fice donee avemin ail ta ; i i is parents, Mr. an rs. bi Jd « de Be »| ; , ; Ha pln Cee seassaea ney ta ee Gincsaiee street, Jarvis sireat. and family, Port Perry; Miss Olive Wallace. Guelph, Ontario, OOSCOCOL | gene and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hanna | Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Broad-| Mr. and Mrs. Melville Smith, and family, Ottawa, Ontario. lent, Lauder road, will have as|Burk street, will be Christmas | Ps | their Yuletide guests Mr. and| weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs, nd << Ales \Mrs. B. L. Garrison and fam-| Norman 4 Pickering, Kingston,| : : Lawrence ; J Moore, Lori A lily, Belleville, Ontario, | Ontario. | on Aun eng Jennifer MOROCCO | | |Don Mills, and Mrs. Anne Poorer is | |Smith, Toronto, will be Christ- | | ; ja, mas guests at the home j Mr. Robert Bradley and Mr. Mr. Peter. Moffatt, Victoria) sqq Mrs. Frank Taylor, Ser | Phillip Bradley, students at the College, University of Toronta,| tice, Ontario fay | |University of Western Ontario,|will spend the Christmas yaca-| miles London, will spend Christmas|tion with his parents, the Rev-) | with their parents, Mr. and Mrs.\erend and Mrs. J. K. Moffatt. We wish you merriment and the many joys of ie giving and receiving, at 4 this happiest of holiday seasons. May this truly. be A CHRISTMAS ANGEL CAME TO STAY Natalie Pollyanne Marmara was born three years ago to- morrow. She was -- is -- and always will he the special Christmas present of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marmara, Cubert street. Her grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Mar- mara, Paula, Malta and Mr. and Mrs, Paul Bugelli, Osh- awa. Her great-grandparents are Mrs. Rose Waite, London, England, and Mrs. Felix Bugelli, Zabbar, Malta. --Phote by Hornsby |George Inksater, all of Paris, |Bruce Bradley, Simcoe street! north. | | Meee Dr. and Mrs. J. P. G. Maroosis, King street east, will have as their guests for the Yuletide season: Mr. and Mrs Harold Rickwood and children, Wary, David and Susan, Miss Beatrice Inksater and Mrs. | | | Ontario, and Miss Florence Ink- sater, Toronto. Mr. John Sproule of MeGill University, Montreal, Quebec, will be spending the Christmas vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Sproule, Wood- lea avenue. Simcoe street. ER EE | Mr. and Mrs. Dwight F. Bun-| ner, Hillcroft street, will have) as their Christmas Day guests: | Mr. and Mrs. John F. Bunner and family, Minesing, Ontario. | MERA Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lorimer, | Mary street, will have as their! holiday guests Dr. and Mrs.) John Lorimer and family, Lon- don, Ont. | PROG Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mc- Laughlin, Carnegie avenue, will have as their Yuletide guests Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Matheson of Mount. Royal, Quebec. Infants to size "Iny | YOUNG FASHIONS You'll love eur: selection from Budget Accounts "The Best Costs Less At' 14 ited YJO]UjNIG, yoga OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 222 BOND WEST WE wish to thank you for your good will and hope your Christmas is a merry one. RUDDY ELECTRIC OSHAWA 75 RICHMOND WEST a Christmas to remember, With our best wishes we want to express our warm appreciation of your kind patronage and good will, We sincerely hope that eur cordial relations will long continue. } LADIES' WEAR Lid. 72 Simcog North 725-1912 MEN'S WEAR Lid, 74 Simcoe North 723-3611 et