Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Dec 1964, p. 31

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faced ai ey eins "--_ sae a Ee Ge eg Se & ' a Wickes, 88, one of the world's| §8T. 7 : en Serie 2 1004 rolled over. = "oH #4) Bomb Banners wean Sosesbeeake tel ees cee eee eee . Thomas Johnston, 32, Welling- ; noisseurs of 18th century VANCOUVER (CP) -- Rcd tis ton, Ont, his wife, Margaret] March By Museum), Rome-Ambassador Augustolrrench art and porcelains. -- |Muscovites and three Vancow WEEKEND DEATH TOLL , Gould, 20, Oak Town-|2°2", 29, and Francis Ferring- : Rosso, 79, one of Italy's most! xitchener -- Mrs, J. D. C.|verites are embarking on a two. r hip, and Faye' Ann Schroeder |' 18, Milford, Ont., in a two-| TORONTO (CP) -- About 75)Drilliant diplomats in the yearts!rorsyth, 72, director of the a ff" at Newfoundland|17, New Hamburg, Ont., of car.(°2! Collision near Wellington, 15!persons ignoring bone - chilling|°™vee" the two world wars! john Forsyth Company Lim- Traffic Accidents Sea meno pouoig' nics, couh ot Belv," [eater 'eng polce bay ay Giese ied Kichnt. r, 65, Barrie, i , Spokane, -- Spencer Nofa|park ee Sratne." oe hospital of injuries suffered at marched infront of the Royalliliness. Harris, president and general toba, Saska eer ba : day night when struck by a carjOntario Museum Saturday urg-| Washington -- J. Normanimanager of the Pacific Coast bia each Claim , pest ed fatality-free. Donald Allen Murray, 56, injon a Barrie street. ing Canada to take the initiative|Lodge, 65, retired director of|Baseball League. of 'chess ives reThe survey does not include a fire in his trailer in London,| John Harkins, 56, of West-lto end the war in Viet Nam.|the U.S. Veterans Administra- a ng France -- Antoine industrial or natural deaths,|Mt meath, Ont., in a head-on bi me The Combined Universities|tion Service, former Associated|Cerdan, 54, brother of the late CANADIAN poise fire and two carbon|known slayings or suicides. Thomas Lafrance, 21, Ottawa,|Sion near the Ottawa valleyicampaign for Nuclear Disarm-|Press staffer and war corres-|world middleweight boxing i, PRESS (death by The Ontario dead: when his car stalled on an in- lege ae Lacitaite, 16, Clar-|2™Ment sponsored the sign- pondent. champion Marcel Cerdan; in a for at Boy peg 23 of 27 fatalities fatalities] Ontario led the provinces with terchange ramp in Ottawa and oD *e "trock carrying demonstration, which} Newport, R.I.--Forsytheltraffic accident. across 14 deaths--11 on roads, one in SUNDAY was struck from behind by an-ence Creek, Ont., when struck began at noon with about 26 iatinkt fod isso the weekend. a London, Ont.,-trailer fire © William Kinaschuk, 34, Newjother car. by a car at Clarence Creek. participants parading along A survey by The Canadianja girl and boy found dead" by Toronto, when struck by @ car FRIDAY Qucen's Park anil Bloce eiveat, : ai Press from 6 p.m. ey eg a parked car|while changing a tire on High- SATURDAY Scott Matthews, 4, RR 1 St.l"me CUCND said last week , TE LI ITED midnight Sunday local times|near Stratford. way ss in western Metropolitan] Brian Craig, 21, Burlington,|Williams, when struck by a car|inot Gt wouldn't aeinls Wes 3 . M .also included one drowning, one| Quebec reported eight, traffic!Torontl. Ont., when his car left Highwayloutside his home near Simcoe. Metropolitan Toront o police ' eommission order requiring po- e lice approval of all signs car- A t ts ried in' public .demonstrations. : oin men The bylaw prescribes a $300 ~ for failing to notify the po- ice, Police took no action during HERE'S WHERE TO FIND GIFTS"FOR EVERYONE! (4 Bi Sener ee John Pocock, secretary of the Toronto CND, said a letter had : : been sent to police prior to the , ' ¢ parade, but had not said what . ; the signs would carry. He said * Ps : i they received no reply from the , F Gee , commission. FR. 4 : BYLAW CRITICIZED ¥ The CUCND said that the by- law is an attack on the right ; é of free expression '"'which is ; A . fundamental to a democratic Rhy, society." ; ' Some of the signs read: "Re- convene the Geneva conference ' on Viet Nam"; "a Canadian : initiative for peace in Viet ; " Vaca that all foreign - roops from Viet Nam." For Him jFor Anyone Trees and Trim For the Home For the Family Those in the group included : : ean cut, None) Grade, "Reasonable George Johnston, a poet and Herbert Cooper, B.A. John A. Whiteman Howard Forder fresh cut, No. ¥ Grade. Reasonable B E! j TM. AS , DAD been asking for e GIFTS FOR THE prices. Apply 200 Court' Street. ETTER CHRIS SKATES thes son tiga 4 ee et ty ue mae ks | ee ee ee HOBBYIST EHOICE pruned Scotch "and Sprice PROGRAMMES NEW and USED pegg teoes ageute oily yeors experience in commercial wide experience in the selling tensive real estate experience " Model Automobile, Alr- [behind Durno's Service Station, 574 T.V, Towers $50, up SOLD and EXCHANGED ; eater ieticlizing in ihe com. field and is well known in in farms, land development ONLY 21.95 at el ufomobile, M King Street East. The museum demonstration| "¢ ; i The a Ing Stree! SHAWA T.V. Al - mercial and investment field. He © Bowmanville and Oshawa. He = and investment properties, MILLWORK AND plone, Boot Kits. The Bie- [inna ecm tame aa| 9 a ai was co-ordinated with similar) j¢'a graduate of the University of has recently possed examina- Prior to 1960 he successfully BUILDING SUPPLY gest Selection in town. shaped Pine and Spruce trees, freshly SUPPLY LTD: BICYCLES and TRICYCLES demonstrations in Montreal and Toronto cing his valuable exper tions prescribed by the On- operated his own dairy form 1279 Simcoe N. 728-6291 POLLARD ENRISTHAS TREEST Vi on cngz| 361 GIBBONS 728-8180 Acely Bena ee |, ln a a ianet Radio & Television Service {corner of Park South at Hill- BILL LEASK DRAYTON CYCLE - side. Pine spruce. one or 1,000, 723-7088. although squad cars and motor- POOL TABLES 11 models 153 Simcoe S. 723-9512 | Free_detivery. keendantaacasit i eae a a ES RARER SE er EE NO. MONEY DOWN CHRISTMAS fies cog art by tard REFLECT A MOMENTI 6 .moniths payments deferred| Pine: Pree deivery Whitby or" Osh whiner a SOMETHING . . . THE WHOLE with up to 4 years' td pay, INDIA HANDICRAFTS = ie FAMILY WILL LOVE MSGR CANABA'LYD. | For your Christmas gift sel- (N0,,2, SPRUCE, ad Sn, Pg MIRROR | BABY BUDGIES 690 Drake St., Oshawa ections, may we suggest this 509 Bloor Street East. Telephone MAKE A Wonderful assortment of 725-9151 yeor a handcrafted gift Foal. Free Gelivery. GREAT GIFT rare species and colors. -- : E ' i i I h ] Atter hours 725-3661 | fron, "ana wood 'coffee | CHRISTMAS TREES MRS. T7BROAB rh: : M ay | help you * brass and wood coffee bei gag © hoagie doll SCOTCH PINE POLISHED PLATE 114 Elgin Eost 723-9767 carvings, silver jewellery, ite Bick &: die ra ' a RSAVINGS $ | s Senng my ve, | Sommrestgacavete | GLASS MIRRORS | Sune TO PLEASE! y. . wg set your accessories, speed and and many other beautiful : ST. JOHN'S With silver backing that's Guar- ¢ ; . had os : , - custom equipment. 24 hr. and exclusive pieces. ANGLICAN MEN'S CLUB = janteed for 5 years. AO Sere re i O ay e, towing. For Appointment LLOYD ELLIS SHOES x ° ppo oS -- Oval and Rectangular ' ¥ « A is CHRISTMAS TREES 49 King St. W., Bowmanville 4 1600 KING E, 728-7791 PHONE 725-2987 FOR SALE . |-- Plain and Ornote 623-5941 i Madam? (10% off with this coupon) No. 1 Pruned Scotch Pines. Good color. Apply to: -- Wall and Full Length Shoes, Slippers for the Family xa MRS. SADIE HAMILTON |-- Mantie and Vani Use Our Convenient THIS YEAR GIVE HiM| GIVE Pca 2-9 ie and Vanity Se FLYING Thot Lasting Gift Phone No. 1 Ring 16 JUST IN TIME FOR GIFTING... "A Gift Certificate" ; For Ba apiigtng es fra | YULETIDE GIFT 25% OFF ELMER'S Government approved school. PORTRAIT "The Christmas St Aircraft rentals also available. IN OIL & TRIM SHOP ODD SIZES fol rte oa b sig YOUR .. . "ONE STOP wi ifts Galore J. V. AVIATION Sittings Arranged ot your CHRISTMAS SHOP" For the Finest in Mirrors See. « . a : gift problems? Drop Honger 2, goons Municipal sis amines Features: ny | top bey 4 into Elmer's Bargain House d fa, Municipa' trees, gift wrap, table : Alrport, 'Stevenson Rd. N. CLARK STUDIO on iF door TR VERN GLASS Sf oltt Mane he oe 728-3191 325 BROCK NORTH fancy candles, garlands, family, : WHITBY -- 668-4497 indoor-outdoor lights, out- Simcoe N. & Wayne Sts. , door figures, Santas, bulbs, E L M E R ' S ' bells, ete. Telephone 728-6214 Want-Ads Don't seasick Si sider! ci kG BARGAIN HOUSE Cost--They Pa CHRISTMAS |RUNDLE GARDEN eg sient ence ye GETS CENTRE LTD. we Ey ig ehh we ASSORTED ROSARIES 1015 KING E. 725-6551 4 " Closed all day Monday Lod he! ST. JOSEPH'S MISSALS 'THE FESTIVE LOOK 253 BLOOR ST. E. New ond Used $5 to $18 Shop in Warmth! Vadiant Cleaners PORTABLE AND ar ett a ' Oshawa Shopping Centre FROM... 'STANDARD .25 to re erie Seay 725-1023 ' .25t0 $13 | For @ 725102 SANTA'S PACK TYPEWRITERS Levey aa ert © * CHRISTMAS TREES Pick-up _& Deiivery FOR ALL THE FAMILY One: \eor quarénies oh oll Crucifix and Nativity Sets Gill gray) machines PARKVIEW * LIGHTS SMITH BEVERAGES Jenkins Business VARIETY STORE : sale ard Ounilenr LIMITED SLIPPERS Machines 98 OLIVE AVE. f Authorized Bottlers: for ; FLOWERING HOUSE * 8B feet i] (Sales & Service) Mrs. V, Bachand, owner ig alt PEPSI-COLA CANADA LTD. Cole Veni wot Was OPEN EVENINGS Open daily 'til 10 p.m. Mums, Poinsettas, and ( slippers Christmas morn 728-7783 725-8232 Cyclamens Crush International Limited and every morn, : 750 Farewell St., Oshawa 2 Locations to... TELEPHONE 723-1011 * Complete range of sizes, J. A. Janssen & Sons ~ - styles ond colors, The Safe Way BIGGEST one IN LTD. 843 King W. 728-9429 ! Al Preston's Sunoco To Celebrate Simcoe St, North THE HOLIDAY SEASON BURNS a co. LTD. HOT COFFEE TO EACH Ride with CERTIFICATES) son nas | "it" ieee thee ons Bh PONIES for sale. Will untid ON LOT Osttawa's Most Modern Taxi ol Alia Al eo Solve Gift Problems Nursery Grown i io Holiday Food i JUICB EXTRACTOR SALE! -- All Pruned Scotch Pines _| makes. ors (02, _ demonstration, | See pane hore. oem WI oe ae them com f j Also Spruce & Balsam --|3na" cones grinders' Buy now' *ravert| $2.50 each. Telephone 725-8304, ee Suni Shop 24 Prince sal Easily . . . efficiently . . . and 6 ft. -7 ft. - 8 ft. LIKE ARMCHAIR pleasingly for everyone on SPECIAL... "STAR LINE" SHOPPING ? Chri ing List! 97c - 1.50-2.00 Phone 668-3311 your hristmas Shopp ng Sprayed any color ona he yall Sooner For details on Giff Packs For Nominal Charge. all '64 models by your of SELECT APPLES The gift that lets "them" choose is always @ welcome gift ! CHRISTMAS Elna dealer. RED WING ORCHARDS amcmaseecrean™ "| Sree vane | Stzstsseit [cones | Luxurious Kleenex Dinner Napkins § Oshawa Garden Centre PLANTS FOR CHRISTMAS FOWL Available in denominations of ... _ 1259 Simcoe St. N. 723-1161 Litz Processing "a 25 es 1.00, 2.00, 5.00, 10.00, 25.00, 50.00 OPEN EVENINGS CHRISTMAS Plant g eC O obey IU, FOU, UU, SU, EMU, 29-0, SV: Glori Poinsetti: ia! and 100.00 For Him or Her Colourful cries _ "Mie Ae : Beautiful Azaleos 117 Bloor St. E. 723-4722 FOR THE MOTORIST PRICED FROM Your holiday table will never look more beautiful! Candlelight, . : eae CHRISTMA ie : \ : ; EATON'S UPPER LEVEL Give a gift wrapped $3.00 to $15.00 Bbc ! je i ae exquisite china and a luxurious frosty-white Kleenex Dinner CUSTOMERS' ACCOUNTS OFFICE Ontario Motor League Order Now for Delivery Later on and delivered. ' Napkin at every setting make all the difference. Kleenex Dinner Membership . PHONE 725-7373 For information REED'S Florist ° FRANK HOAG Napkins are so wonderfully soft and strong too. They're 3-ply. Rossland Road West : os Cajl 728-8334 OSHAWA -- 728-7386 "Dial 725-6837 thick. One napkin lasts the whole meal through. Also keep a supply sad economical Kleenex Luncheon Napkins @ ONLY 3 SHOPPING DAYS TILL CHRISTMAS @ handy. Kleenex is 8 registered trademark of Kimberty-Clark of Canada Limited

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