Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Dec 1964, p. 27

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Christmas Show Results Listed . BROOKLIN (TC) -- The fol-/Mrs. E. Green. ; lowng are the results of the| Wintertime arrangement, us- Show held Nov. 30|ing dried materials -- Mrs. E. by the Brooklin Horticultural|Green, Mrs. Healey. ' Society. Christmas table centre --Mrs. Christmas corsage -- Mrs. L.|E. Green, Mrs. E. Acton, Mrs. Parrott, Mrs. N. Anderson. L.. Parrott. living mate- Christmas door decoration --| Terrarium, us Mrs. R. Healey, Mrs. G. Long,'rials -- Mrs. E. Green. Christmas corsage -- Carol Crawford. Christmas door decoration -- Carol Crawford. Christmas table centre -- Carol Crawford. The T. Eaton Company tro- phy 'for the highest number of points gained by a member over the year was won by Mrs. E. Green. The second prize, donated by the Robert Simpson Company, was won by Mrs. S. Lockyer. The annual meeting and pot- luck supper will be held Janu- ary 19 in the Christian Educa- tion Building of Brooklin United Church, All those members and friends of the Brooklin Horti- cultural Society will please noie this temporary change of date! At the Dec. 6 service of wor- ship, at Brooklin United Church, Rev. G. A. Mundy titled his sermon, concerning a commer- cial Christmas, 'Unto You 1s Born This Day a Saviour." The senior choir sang the anthem, "'O Come, O Come, Emmanuel". -- Willan, under the direction of Music Director Rowland McCord; while the junior choir, led by Mrs. G. Mundy, sang "Sing with Joy"-- Thomas. CHRISTMAS EVENTS The following are the events for the Christmas season: Sunday, Dec. 18, 10 a.m. -- White Gift Service - conducted the Sunday School. 7.30 p.m., e CGIT candlelighting serv- ice, assisted by the Explorers and the Junior Choir. Sunday, Dec. 20, 10 a.m., Christmas Communion; 7.30 p.m., Christmas Carol Service by the Senior Choir. Thursday, Dec. 24, 7.30 p.m., Christmas Eve Family Carol Service. © On Sunday, Dec. 6, Rev. L. R. Laird spoke on the subject, "Mary's Prayer," at Meadow- crest Baptist Church. Commu- nion was held following the morning service. At the 7 p.m. service Rev. G. Barton and the Ladies' Trio from the Centra] Baptist Seminary were guests. The following are the special events to take place during the Christmas season at Meadow-, crest Baptist Church. Dec, 20, at 11 a.m., Dedicaiton of Infants; 7 p.m., Christmas Concert -- a play entitled, "What Christmas Means to Me" presented by the Young People. Dec. 24 -- "A Night of Christ- mas Song." Dec. 31 -- Fellowship Night. Junior Farmers Elect Officers BROOKLIN -- Brooklin Junior} Farmers held their annual meeting in the township hall, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, December 9, 1964 97 ° son, Claremont, was electec president of the boys' club anc Sharon Jones as president o the girls' club. Officers for 1965 of the boys club will be: past presid oresident, Evelyn Jones; prési- lent, Sharon Jones; vice-presi- Jent, Mary Jean Jamieson; sec- etary-treasurer, M: Mill-. 'Tr; "county 'directors, -- Jones and Sandra Carson. Murray Jones; president, Mur. tay Carson; vice - president. Grant Jones; secretary, David Hawthorne; treasurer, John Wil- son; county directors, Murray Carson and David Hawthorne. Elected to the girls' executive Brooklin, Dec. 3, Murray Car- for the coming year are: past Butter Make . Up In County FRESHEST PRODUCE OBTAINABLE! _ JUST ARRIVED! CALIFORNIA NEW CROP! SEEDLESS NAVEL ORANGES LARGE SIZE Doz. 79 FINEST VARIETY FOR HAND EATING! JUICY ... EASY TO PEEL! Cus SIZ! boz UA E GARDEN FRESH FROM CALIFORNIA! SNOW WHITE HEADS! CAULIFLOWER ONTARIO. GROWN! RUSSET BURBANK VARIETY! IDAHO TYPE! BAKING POTATOES ............... 10-Ib BAG LOBLAWS PLUM PUDDING i 1, SALTED PEANUTS..:::.. 49: 1-48. * CARTON seeee 1-LB, IN FOIL TOASTMASTER 63° 2-LB, IN FOIL LI Bread Stuffing: 2 9¢ esr2d" BEAVER SALTED MIXED NUTS 14-07. ] V.P. TIN a The farm economies and + statistics branch of the Ontaria Department of Agriculture re- ports the production of cream- ery butter in Ontario County in October was higher than in the same month of last year. : A total of 82,264 pounds of the product were produced during the month in the county. This - compares with a production of 82,186 pounds in October, 1963. © / The make in the county durs ing the 10 months of this year totals 929,932 pounds. This com- pared with 864,331 pounds in the same period of last year. The report states the make in Durham and Northumberland Counties in October of this year was 222,676 pounds. This come pares with 273,324 pounds in Oc- tober, 1963. The make in the 4\counties during the 10 months of this year was 2,616,592 pounds. The figure for the same Bob Timbers Wins Potato Club Award . UXBRIDGE -- Bob Timbers, Mount Albert, was the winner of the Ontario County 500-Bushel Potato Ciub this year. The score : is based on yield and quality. He used Kennebec variety. His estimated yield in bushels per acre was 823.0. Walter Kerry, Port Perry, RR 1, was in second place with a Si yield of 843.0 bushels. He used the Sebago variety. Don Harri- son, Zephyr, was if third place with 763 bushels per acre, also with the Sebago variety. There were 18 potato grow. ers, wh) took part in this high yield competition this year. The average yield for the 18 grow. m\ers was 571 bushels, The 500-Bushel Potato Club Competition was brought to a conclusio1 with a banquet in the Sandford Community Hall Dec. 3. Walter Savage, RR 1, Uxbridge, chairman of the 500- Bushel Potato Club, was master Of ceremonies. Russell Morrison, director of the Provincial Soil and Crop Improvement Association, and Double Your SPECIAL! LEAN SOLID MEAT BONELESS LOIN PORK ROASTS .. SPECIAL! MEATY PORK SIDE SPARE RIBS... . 47° SPECIAL! SEE COUPON FOR EXTRA STAMPS Sliced Ham 34-or. pkg., Beef 34-oz. pkg., Turkey 3-oz. pkg. BUDDIG SMOKED MEATS ... SPECIAL! PENNYWISE If not completely satisfied with ANY fresh meat you buy from LOBLAWS ALL THREE PKGS. FOR 79: SEE THE FINE SELECTION OF Loblaw Proten" Beef Cuts Available Denver - Manhattan - Belmont - Boston - Niagara Harvey Meek, president of. the Ontario County Soil and b oe Improvement Associatton, * gratulated the growers on their this year. Gordon Rynard thanked the and the ladies, A film on the potato industry was shown, Lynn Fair, agricul! | sentative, pearing Hoag prize lwinners, and asked j donors of cash and merepnidios to present their prizes. Club Names Executive AUDLEY (TC) -- The Com- munity Club met in the Audley School Saturday evening for its annual meeting. The president, Bert Guthrie, conducted the business. A donation is being sent to Sick Children's Hospital. The annual reports were given. The nominating committee pre- sented the slate of officers for 1965. Charlie Clemence auctioned the. boxed lunches. Bags of candy were given to the children. The officers for 1965 are as follows: past president, Bert Guthrie; president, Aleck Rich- ards; vice-presidents, Bob Betson, Leonard Waltham; secretary - treasurer, Blanche Cendric, assistant, Mrs. L. Waltham; directors, Geo, Izatt, Bob Batty, Dick Winter, John © Ashton and Harold Guthrie; entertainment committee, Mrs, John Ashton, John Remmer, Lynda Puckrin; lunch con- vener, Mrs. Bill Guthrie; flower committee, Mrs. Bert Guthrie, Mrs. Arch Bell, Mrs, Geo. Izatt; press, Mrs. Fred Puck- | rin; auditors, William Brown, William Guthrie; pianists, Mrs. | tural repre~ . ' *REG'D USER OF T.M. |Arch Bell and Mrs. L. Walt-° ham. Sympathy of this community is extended to the Bryant family, in the passing last week of Jack Bryant, of Pickering. © Jack had been very active in, the Audley Community Club when he lived here. He held' offices of president and secre- tary, was,on the ball teams! and other sports and took lead- , ing parts in the dramas pre-: sented by the club. LB. PKG. C2 «COUPON ExPines Dic. 16 ALL COMPLETELY BONELESS & EASY TO CARVE al EXTRA STAMPS | EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS hs CHANNEL 9BURGERS MONDAY NIGHTS 8:30 P.M. -- PLUS -- DAY TIME BINGO 10:30 to 117 A.M. LOBLAWS TV BINGO EXTRAE EXTRA STAMPS STAMPS A eco 5 STAMPS EXTRA Seed 4 5 WITH COUPOM & PURCHASE OF ONE 4-02. JAR PETROLEUM JELLY VASELINE C10 COUPON EXPIRES OFC. 16 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONS 15 FL. OZ oT, CLEANER PINE-SOL ) al EXTRA STAMPS dh EXTRA STAMPS dS EXTRA STAMPS STAMPS al EXTRA STAMPS ik EXTRA STAMPS di di STAMPS 00 EXTRA STAMPS ks EXTRA STAMPS ds EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 1-18. TIN PASTE WAX C14 COUPON EXPIRES OFC. 16 ff WITH CouPON & PURCHASE oF ONE 14 FL. OZ. BOTTLE ANTISEPTIC LISTERINE C4 = COUPON EXPIRES DEC. 16 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF Ont 4's BOTTLE ASPIRIR WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 14-07. AERO TIN GLUE SPRUCE GOOD-AIRE COUPON EXPIRES DEC. 16 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 10-02. BOX (WITW COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 48 FL. OZ. TIN ST. WILLIAMS wi pecrin RASPBERRY JAM Cll «COUPON EXPIRES DEC. 16 (WITH COUPOM & PURCHASE OF ONE 40 FL. OZ. TIN SIMONIZ VINYL LIQUID WAX: C13 COUPON EXPIRES DEC. 16 C7 «= COUPON EXPIRES DEC. 16 EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS 1 a WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 1-418, PKG stwee SHORTENING C34 COUPON EXPIRES DEC, 16 OLD WORLD TRADITION WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE BUNCH TASTY BANANAS AY COUPON, ExPiRES DEC:.16 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE KING SIZE TUB BRYLCREEM cis «courON expmes DIC. 16 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 1-18. .J's PKG, BLUE BONNET COLOURED , "MARGARINE C35 «COUPON EXPIRES DEC, 16 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 12 ML. OZ. JARS WHOLE CRANBO CRANBERRIES C24 «=<COUPON EXPIRES Dic: 16 ONE 24 FL. OZ, STL. LQuID IVORY DETERGENT C2 COUPON EXPIRES DEC. 16 x8 COUPON EXPIRES DFE. 16 26 0 7 ¥) ¥ DON WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE PKG, PROZEN DRAGON GHINESE Foods CHY «COUPON Expines DEC. 16 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF THREE BANDED PKGS. HAM, SELF ond TURKEY SMOKED BUDDIG MEATS C40 COUPON ExPrRES DEC. 16 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 24 FL. OZ, BTL, LiQuID VEL DETERGENT 21 COUPON EVPIRES BEC. 16 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 8 FL. OZ. JAR PFEIFFER THOUSAND ISLAND OR €39 COUPON EXPines DEC, 16 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF * ONE 34-02. TIN SANI-FLUSH 28 COUPON EXPIRES DEC. 16 * ONE 24 PL OF. JAR PURE ORANGE WETHEY'S 'MARMALADE C27 =<COUPON EXPIRES DEC. 16 €22 COUPON Exrines DIC, 16 €30 COUPON EXPIRES DEC. 16 STAMPS : I STAMPS dh WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 24 A. OZ OTL. WELCH'S 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OME 3}-07. TIN MILLIONNAIRES WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 7-02. TIN FANCY WHITE SOLID WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE 6-02. PKG. "BETTY CROCKER ALMONDINE or ITALIANO WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 12 FL. OZ. JAR BABY KOSHER WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE CELLO PKG, FRESH MEAT PIES . Co BRISLING SARDINES €32 «COUPON EXPines DIC. 16 EXTRA STAMPS SOVEREIGN, TUNA C1® «= COUPOM Expres bet. 16 EXTRA STAMPS ROODLES CIT «COUPON Exprnes Bec. 16 McLARER'S DILLS C23 COUPON etPrnes Dec. 16 EXTRA STAMPS EXTRA STAMPS TOMATOES C43 COUPON EtPREs DEC. 16. PRUNE NECTAR EXTRA STAMPS SHOPPING CENTRE STORE NOW OPEN WED., THURS., AND FRI, TILL 9:30 P.M. - DOWNTOWN STORES OPEN THURS. AND FRI. T L 9 P.M. WONDON 0 ONTat® Camapa

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