Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Dec 1964, p. 18

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DID You EVER CONSIDER PUTTING THE 128 OH, LL ABNER-SHE AN'ME WOULDA MADE. MUCH CHUMMIER SISTERS-IN- LAW THAN: ME AN' THAT £7 LITTLE ANNIE ROONEY I DIDN'T SAY THAT-- ALL I SAIP_ WAS IT AIN'T-AS PURTY AS THE SEED COMPANY GALENDAR ON OUR. Zn KITCHEN WALL HE ASKEP ME, DIDN'T HEF AND |'VE ALWAYS BEEN TOLD THAT LITTLE KIDS SHOULD TELL THE TRUTH! JUST SAID "ITS NICE OR SOMETHIN'#/? Z JUST GOTTA REMEMBER TO GET SOME FLEA POWPER J/ © King Features Syndicate, SECRET AGENT X9 | © King Fentures Syndicate, Ina, 1904, World rights mesrved. 1-3 Cam. Ani TAXI SERVICE. IT /{ SURE SHOULD BEA GOOD | BEAT MEANS OF MEETING |: FLYING PEOPLE THROUGHOUT | THOSE PANA' AND FORD RECRUITING AGENTS, | TRI- GOOD, EH? MOTORS, YOU'LL SELL PLANES, . / YEAH, RENT THEM, RUNA pg & F THE TIME HAS COME Now 70 pay OFF THE DEBT....BUT I CAN'T PO rT. MICKEY MOUSE NO MATTER WHERE LOL, IT ace JULIET JONES : © King Features Syndionte, Ina. 1964. Se Wald ade ones, WATSON, ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL ASSEMBLES A TELEPHONE~BUT EXPERIMENTS IN LONG- DISTANCE TRANSMITTING FROM BOSTON FAIL. | 1M GOING TO === WHAT IS IT? WHAT AM | DOING WRONG? )p 1 NEED A REST, WATSON. BUT BELL CAN'T RELAX. IN BRANTFORDONTARIQ) BUYS ALL THE STOVEPIPE WIRE IN TOWN. MY PARENTS' [Toronto Telegram News Service AT HUNTING WOLFS COMMAND, THE CHEYENNES TURN ON THE LONE RANGER «++ indicate, Ine... 1964, Wie > THE LONE RANGER J} © King Featioree Sy TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton _ CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo 'WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROU-TV Channel 8~--Rochester | CFTO-TV Channel $--Toronto .. CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie TUESUAY EVE. é--Night Metro 2:00 P.M, 5:00 P.M. 11:30 PLM. 9--Abracadabra "N--Family Theatre 9--Pierre Berton | 4--Password 9--Five O'Clock Matinee |8-2--Tonight Show 2-Loretta Young 8--Superman | 6--International Cinema 2:30 P.M. | 7--The Early Show 3-<The Saint 9--Four of A Kind $3--Fireball XL--S | 8-2--The Doctors 4--Five O'Clock Show WEDNESDAY | 7--Day in Court 2--Woody Woodpecker 00 ALM. | Shores coupe 5:30 P.M. |11---Schnitzel_ House rarer ney é--Music Hop doNews: Miss Helen | >--Super Bingo 3--Aquanauts 4--Captain Kangaroo 3:00 P.M. 2--Tales of Wells Fargo 8:30 A.M 9--People in Conflict ' 2 Wes &-2--Another World : PO if eiaos 9%--Romper Room 7--General Hospital 2--Today, 1964 9:00 A.M. 63--As The World Turns ¢ 9--Playtime with Bobby 4--To Tell The Truth 6:15 P.M, 7--Dialing For Dollars 4:30 PLM. 4---Headline News 4--Mikes Carnival ; tthe 2 li--Funhy Company Chuck Healy Movie 9--Its Your Move 9:30 A.M, 8-2--You Don't Say. Ed Allen , 7--The Young Marrieds Father Knows Best 63--Take Thirty 10:00 A.M, 4-Edge of Night (--Super Bingo ; 4:00 P.M. | &-2--Make Room For 9--Mickey. Mouse Club Daddy 8--The Match Game 7----Girl Talk 7--Major Adams, Trail- 6-3--Metro School master Telecast 6-4-3--Secret Storm 4--News 2--Captain Bob 10:30 A.M, 4:30 P.M, 11--Father' Knows Best 11--Wild Bill Hicock 9--Bingo 9--Sea Hunt &-2--What's This Song | 63----Razzie Dazzle 7--Price ts Right 4--Leave It To Beaver | 6-3--Across Canada WEDNESDAY €VE. 4--| Love Lucy 5:00 P.M. : 11:00 A.M, 1l--Family Theatre -- --Searlet Hill 9--Five O'Clock Movie | 9--James Beard Show &--Superman 4--Search for Tomorrow | 7_Early Show | 63--Forest Rangers 4--Five O'Clock Show 2--Peter Potamus 5:30 P.M, 8--Leave If To Beaver 63--Music Hop 2--Tales of Wells Fargo 6:00 P.M. 2--Today 1964 | 6--Live and Learn 3--Provincial Affairs 6:15 P.M, 4--Headline News 3-T.V. Derby 6:30 P.M. 11-9-4-3---News; "Weather 6--Elwood Glover and Sports | 4--News and Weather | | 3--Popeye and Pals | See ern ey 12:15 P.M. | 7---M-Squad 4--Speaker of the House | 4 across Canada 12:30 P.M, 9--Theatre $-2--Truth or | 6:30 P.M, |. 11-9-6-4--News; Weather, Sports 8-2--Huntley-Brinkley News 7--M-Squad 6--Across Canada 6:45 PLM. 1l--Family Theatre 7:00 P.M. 9--The Littlest Hobo 7-6--News, Weather, Sports 4--Car S4, Where Are You? 3--Candid Camera 2--The Detectives 7:30 P.M. 9--Let's Sing Out 8-2--Mr. Novak 7--Combat 6--On The Scene 4---Many Happy Returne 3--Wendy and Me 8:00 P.M. M--Special Movie 9--Petticoat Junction 63--Jack Benny Show 4--World War | 8:30 P.M. %--Red Skelton -2--The Man From U.N.C.LLE 7--McHale's Navy | | 6-3--Danny Kaye Show | | | 8-2--Concentration | 7--Message | 6-3--Friendly Giant | 4~--Andy of Mayberry | W:15 A.M, $3~--Chez Helene 11:30 A.M. li--Albert J Steed | % Toronto Today 8-2--Jeopardy | 7--Missing Links 6-3--Butternut Square | 4--The McCoys 12:00 NOON 8-2--Say When 7--Surfside 6 4--Red Skelton Hour P.M, 7--Tycoon 9:30 P.M. 9--The Virginian 3-2--TW--3 7--Peyton Place 6-3--Front Page Challenge 4--Petticoat Junctiion 10:00. P.M. 11--That Regis Philbin 8-2--Bell_ Telephone Hour 7--The Fugitive 6-3--News Magazine 4--Doctors and Nurses 10:30 P.M, Other Voices 11:00 P.M. 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2-- News Weather and Sports 1:15 PLM, %--Metro Final 6--Viewpoint 6:45 P.M. ll--Family Theatre-- 7:00 P.M, | 9--The Farmers Daughter | 8--Richard Diamond | 7-6--News, Weather, Consequences 4--Search for Tomorrow | 3--Noon-day Report 12:45 P.M, | 4--Guiding Light | Honeymooners 1:00 P.M, | 3-12 O'Clock High Vi--Lucky Score | 2--Death Valley Days | &--Matinee | 7:30 P.M, | 7--Atternoon Show | 9--Sports Hot Seat | 63--Movie Matinee 8-2--The Virginian 4--Meet The Millers 7--Orzie and Harriet | 2-Mike Douglas Show | 63 Provincial Affairs | | 63 | | DONALD DUCK } 1 | OKAY, BUT THEY'RE \ | | FAKES AND THERE'S A LAW AGAINST 'EM! | | FORTUNE | | || TELLER || || MADAME } | CROSSWORD ACROSS | 1, Vestige 6. Large bundles 11. Projecting roof edges 12, Muse of lyric poetry 18. Once more Carried on, as war Licit . Foreman Exclama- 9. tion 21, Type measures 24. Candienut tree 25. Mars, or Saturn 27. Toil 30.-An inclined trough: 2. Large roofing slate 3. Topaz h bird 4.Covers (the ceiling), as with plaster 5. Serf 6. Laments 7. Inland sea: Asia 8. Loiter Summer: Fr. 10, Turf 16. Breach 17. Light wood 18, City: Neb, 19, Cavalry- man's weapon Yesterday's Ancwor 40. Portion of a curved line 41, Italian pronoun 43. Russian . Liberated fighter . Aquatic plane bird 44, Un- Otherwise divided Distress 45. Man's signal nickname Weight var. 2 > 31. Hebrow $ 8 10 1:30 PLM, 4--Segregation 11.Mid-Day Matinee 7:45 P. 4--As The World furns 11:20 PLM, 7-4--Late Show | 6-Mr. Fixe" THAT WAY / GRANDMA TAKES KIDS WITH HER STRANGERS ALMOST EVERY- | DON'T NOTICE WHERE SHE GOES 18ers ---- Lo wiF SHE STARTS \" TALKING TO | HERSELF } UM / WONDER WHAT t 'SUPPER YONIGUY.? "pe Ae Ey COULD FIX LIVER ani MUGGS AND SKEETER DECEITFUL AS TO TELL THAT < \ DECEITFUL! | K_ LITTLE FAT GiRL. AT THE PRE ITS T wasnt} [YMEAN YOU ACTUALLY BEING '\ |THMK SHE 1S PRETTY? SHE WAS AS PRETTY AS SHE COULD BE! | By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD., .| a drug he prescribed for hyper-| Every case of cirrhosis is not YOUR HEALTH Liver Cirrhosis Is Not Hopeless : At the first warning of cirr- Dear Dr. Molner: Bruises re- hosis, victims should have cently began to appear on my|, ( body and my doctor said they|Teatment, and . correct their were the result of sensitivity to|eating and drinking habits. tention. After extensive tests he | hopeless. Further more found that I have cirrhosis of the liver, but not in the sense that most layme think of it-- The liver, unless damaged too incurable severely, has great powers of Is it possible to arrest the dis-|/ecovery. : ease by good diet,' vitamins,) In your case, I would need eto.? Some of my friends claim|more data to come to a conclu- there is no cure for: cirrhosis.|sion as to the full nature of the Is this true? --D.G, idamage. Sensitivity to the drug No, it's not true, however, in|could very well. have been a some advanced cases of cirrho-| factor, There may or may not sis, it is too late to do more/have been: other elements in- than slow down the damage,|volved. Clotting capabilities o and the progress of the disease|'he blood can- be altered it cannot be anything but down!some cases of liver disease, anc i "bruises" result because when there are different types month 33. Coin: Port, 34, Swiss river 35. Music Y note 36. Flowerless 2i plant 87. An extra lining for acoat 18 THE OSHAWA TIMBS, Tuesday, December 8, 1964 CONTRACT BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individual Chempionsbip Pley) West dealer. North-South vulnerable. West North East South Pass 1NT Pass 26 Opening lead -- ace of clubs. The impetuous bridge player. who plays first and thinks after- wards must occasionally pay the penalty for his folly. Bridge is not the sort of game where you can play mechanically and still expect to get the best re- sults. There are just too many variations of hands you can hold and situations you can face to rely solely on experience to guide you automatically tp the right bid or play. For example, take this hand where almost anyone might go wrong. Let's say you're East and South arrives at two spades on the bidding shown. West starts with the ace and another club, which you win with the king. It is certainly not difficult to realize that West has no more clubs and that you can give him a ruff. But if your thinking stops right there and you impulsively returm a club, declarer makes the contract. South loses three clubs a spade and a diamond, and winds up making two spades. You can tell from looking at dummy that this result is cer- tain once you return a club, South is sure to make eight tricks if you choose this line of defense. But you can also tell from looking at dummy that there is a good chance of beating the contract if you resist the club: return at trick three. What you should do instead is lead the ace of diamonds and then continue with a diamond. If you do this, South must go down. He cannot do better than lead a trump at this point; which you win with the ace. When you now lead a club, West ruffs, and when he then returns a diamond, you ruff, giving your side its sixth trick and defeating the contract. You than apologize to partner for having failed to give him the club ruff earlier, He gave you such a scornful look when you led the ace and another diamond that you had _ better try to placate him by apologiz- ing for your stupidity. OTTAWA BEATEN . ITHACA, N.Y, (AP)--Cornell University whipped University of Ottawa 10-3 in hockey Tues- day night. Three brothers, Douglas, David and Robert Fer- guson, paced the Cornell attack' with a total of four goals and four assists among them. Corn-| ell is 3-0 for the season, Ottawa) 4-1, ' SALLY'S SALLIES gee "Is that the only game you brought home after a, whole week of hunting?" "MILL STREET" VARIETY STORE MILL & OXFORD Open 7 Days of the Week 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. . COLBORNE ' GROCETERIA Colborne St. at Church St. 728-6341 . OPEN ---- DAILY 'TIL 10 P.M. Seven Days a Week 39. S. Pacific island group 42. A yellow eG @ Fresh Fruits © Vegetables © Meats fruit 46, Constel- lation 47, Fishing net 48. Meager GZ 49. Bordered DOWN La + 1. Beverage 12-8 there is some bump or injury, small blood vessels break and the blood does not clot quickly enough. Some of it escapes. into the tissues to make a_ visible "bruise."' Since your doctor has stated categorically that severe cirr- iosis has not yet developed, hy be so gloomy? Why not ac- ept this good news at face value? Rely on the fact that the liver, given a chance, does recuperate remarkably, The obvious solution is for you to discontinue the medica- tion at once (I am sure this al- ready has been done) 'and then follow the two rules of caring for your liver: Avoid alcoho completely (because it speed up accumulation of fat in the liver, leading to cirrhosis) and eat a reasonable, balanced diet. FREE DELIVERY ERNIE CA FREE DELIVERY "It it's LUMBER, call our NUMBER" "PHONE 725-1121 53 ALBERT ST.

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