Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Dec 1964, p. 18

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Fectaree Syndicate, Sam, P94, Wold ighte meeerwel WLUCK J-AH | TINY YORKUMI! OH-998/- SOME GALS HAS ALL TH GA DONE LOST INTEREST IN YO'V'-GO BACK TO YALE /7 OH=HBAVEN FORBIC!/ WE KNOW SOME COMIC ARTISTS ~ THEY DON'T LAUGH ALL. THE TIME= THEYRE ALWAYS MOAN- ING ABOUT THEIR DARREI 4) ASC LURE Bala 12-4 A FBLLA'S GOT TO PROTECT HIS IMAGE. COME faces PAULIN Oe tie fT REA Ly CHOLLA COME Hi OMEF YOU GOIN' TO KILL UPJEVERY LAST|[ ARE You GoIN' ON SOME MORE CHOLLASPAWE. Rit MAXROYE, CHOLLA? "BOON HES CURED.AND TAKES A POSITION AS LANGUAGE /) ATA THE DEAF IN BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. FOR SECRET AGENT X93 - FRIDAY EVENING 5:00 P. TlMovies =~ 7--Movie -- "Gun Bro thers" 6--Thierry La Fronde 4--Movie = "Let's Go avy'? 3~Yogi Bear 2--Magiila Gorlile 6130 PLM, é--Music Hop 3--Rawhide 2--Tales of Weils Fargo 6:00 P.M. &The Candidates and the Issues S--Today 1964 6130 OM. 114-43--News; Weather) Sports #2--Huntley-Brinkiey News P--M-Squad é--Across Canade. 6:43 PLM. NieFamiiy Theatre Cont'a 100 P.M. 9~The Flintstones @--Honeymooners bist 4g Weather, 4--Peopie Are Funny 3--Wagon Train Dodie Gillis NW P.M §--Andy Griffith @2--Internationa) ime 7--Jonny Quest 6--Wendy and Me 4--Rawhide 6:00 P.M Combat %--Double Your Money 7--Farmer's Daughter 63--Country Hoedown 6:30 P.M. McHale's Navy $2--Bob Hope 7--The Adams Family 43--Mr. Broadway 4--The Gntertainere 9:00 P.M. Ni--Jamboree %Dick Van Dyke 7--Valentine's Day 130 PLM. li--No Time for jean 9--Movie: All the Young Men @2--Jack Benny 7--12 O'clock High 10:00 P.M. i1--That Regis Philbin $2--Jack Paar 6--Ben Casey 4--The Reporter 3--The Untouchables 1:00 P.M. 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News; Weather Sports 7--Movies -- 'Paratroop- or"; Agent" GRANDMA MUGGS AND SKEETER LA SHES ALWAYS WRITING KISSES OM PAPERS I _© King Festoren Symticate, tac, 1964. World Aglite smerved 115 P.M. Metro Fine) Viewpoint -- Night Metro 32--News and Sports 11:20 P.M. 4--Movie. -- "The Crim ton Pirate' SATURDAY $:00 AM Ti--Musicale a 8:30 A.M. @-2--Three Stooges -7--Farm and Home Hour 4--Senta Claus 9:00 A.M. li--John Bradshaw 9--Cartoons 4--Fun To Learn 9:30 AM. En France eta 7--Popeye 2--Hercules 10:08 A.M. li--Albert J. Steed 9--Kiddo §-2--Underdog 4-Quick Draw McGraw 10:30 A.M. %--Toastmaster Junior Auction 6-2--Firedall XL-8 7~Annie Oakley 4--Mighty Mouse Playhouse 00 A.M. %--Jonnny Jellybean 6-2--Dennis The Menace 7--Cartoons é--Cousin Bill 4--Linus The Lion Hearted T--Heckle and Jeckle" {| 11:38 AM. i--Wrestling 7--Matty's Funnies hans | 4---The Jetsons 3--African Patrol 2--Fury 12:00 NOON 9--Wish You Were Here 6-2--Exploring 7--Bugs Bunny 6~Robin Hood 4--Sky King 3--Country Style 12138 PLM. li--The Sonins 9--Bingo Bowling 7--Hoppity Hi 6--Yogi Bear 4--My Friend Flicks 1:00 PLM. li--Hobby Time with Jane Gray 9--Movie $-2--Autry - 7--Magiciend 6--Wrestling 4--Rurel Review Western Jamboree 1:30 PAM 7~Top Star Bowling 4--Flim: NPL Today 2:00 Pm 11--OHA Junior ""B' Hockey Hamilton vs Fort Erie aa ised eg Golf 4-NFL. Football Rogers 2:30 P.M. 9--HI-Time $-2--College Football 7--World of one 6-3--Soccer: England vs Scotland 3:30 P.M, 9--Wrestling 4:00 PLM, il--Hawkeye 7--Wrestling 63--Bowling 4--NFL Football 4:30 P.M. li--Wrestling %--World of Sports 1i--This Space Age its | &3--Bugs Bunny SATURDAY EV®. 6:00 PLM. li--Strikes and Spares 9--Mr. Magoo j--Early Snow 6--Country Time Wrestling 3--Teen Time . 2--Quarterback Club 0:30 Pm. \i--Polka Party 9--Johnny Quest é--United Nations Re view 3--Ripcore 2--Pic-A-Polke 6:45 PLM. «Weather: 7:02 PLM. Star Route 9--Voyage To The Bottom of The Sea $3--Beverly Hillbillies 4---UB Round fabie Pane ne PM. '1--Ciub 1) Dance warty 8-2--Flipper 7--Quter Limits |6-3--World TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6~Toronto WGR-TV Channel 2~Baffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo WKBW-TV Channel 7---Buffalo WROU-TV Channel 8&--Rochester CFTO-TV Channel 9% Toronto .. CRVR-TV. Channel 3~Barrie 118 PLM. li--Block Buster Con tinued 9--Metro Final 8-2--Saturday Nigh? af The Movies Nighi Mire. 11120 PM. T-43--Late Show 6--Sports 11:30 P.M. o--Answering Service ¢--Feature Showcase SUNDAY #100 A.M 4--Popeye's Playhouse 2--B'wana Don +130 aM 'Italien Journal 7--Supercar 2--Capt. Bob 10:00 A.M. \]--Carasello 8--The Bible Answers 7--Rocket Ship 7 6--Metropolis - 4---Lamp Unto My Feet 2--Church invitation 10:30 A.M 11--0.H.A. Jr, A 9--Portrait 4--Uncle Jerry's Club 2--Catholic Hour ties AWM, 9--Meta Presents &This ts The Lite 7--Holy Mass 6--Music From Chicege 4--Chureh Service 11:30 AM Hockey ¥---Spectrum $--The Christophers 7--Distovery (2100 NOON 9--Italian Album TV @--Felix The Cat 7--Challenge Sunday School 4News; Weather Sports The Answer 12:15 PLM 4--Americans At 12:30 P.M. li--Pleasure of Lite &--Mr. Wizard 7--Bullwinkle é--Live and Learn 4--Face The Nation Work 3--Cartoons 2-Pamily Playhouse 1:00 P.M. 1i--Continental Miniature 9--Bud Sherman Snow 7--Directions '65 6--Heritage 4--Film Featuretis 3--Fury 1:98 PLM. 1i--Spotlight 9--House on the Hill 7--issues and Answers 63--Country Calendar 4---NFL Football 2:00 P.M. 1i--Club 11 Dance Party 9--Theatre of Sport 4--NFL Football 2:30 P.M. 7--Dialogue 2--Doctors at Work 3:00 PLM. | 7--My Little Margie 2--Bowling 3:30 P.M. 8--Popeye 7--The Deputy | 4:00 ©. Ni--Dennis The Menace 3--Bowling 4--NFL Football; Second Game 4:30 P.M. 3--Take a Chance 4:00 P.M. 9--Academy Performance -2--Mr. Magoo | 6:38 P.M. | |s-2--Kentucky Jones } t--tLawrence Welk Show 63--NHL Hockey Detroit | At Toronto | 4---Gilligan's Island | Comedy 9:00 PM #-2--Movie 4--Mr, Broadway | 9130. P.M | iN--Debut -- Z Cars | 7---Hollywood Palace | 10:00 P.M. | 9--The Avengers 4--Gunsmoke 0:18 P.M. 63--Juliette 10:30 P.M. | 11-Biockbuster | 7--Jimmy Dean. Show 10:45 P.M. | &3--Sports Unlimited | 11:00 P.M. | 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News) | Weather; Sports 1i--Tiny Talent Time 9--Punch and Johnny 6-3--Sports International 5:00 PLM. N--Famiy tneatre 9--After Four §-2--Wild Kingdom 7--Wrestling $3--Show of Shows 30 P.M 9--Telepoll 6-2--G.E, College Bow! 6--Time of Your Lite National Velvet _ 0100 P.M 9--Flipper J--dig Show of Wee 6--Stingray 3-77 Sunset Strip | 2 -Meet The rress 6:30 P.M. 11--Rawhide 9~--Walt. Disney 6--Candid Camere 4--Pro Football Report 1100 Mm. 63--Patty Duke Show | 4--Lassle 1:30 P.M, li--Mevie Special HE WAS "TELLING SPIKE! NOTHING IN we JOINT 16 PING! al? TM AWRLILLS ENTLEMEN! 18 THEOSHAWA Times, Fridey, December 4, 1964 CONTRACT BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' |Individuel Championship Pley) TEST YOUR PLAY 1, You are declarer with the West hand at Three No trump North leads the jack of hearts, How would you play the hand? @KQ2 we Ag £ i 2, You are declarer with the West hand at Five Diamonds, North leads the jack of clubs. How would yoy play the hand? 63 eaQ Asi. |% w pl 9642 A $item Pl Sea 1. The proper method of play " |is to win the heart with the ace and cash the A-K of diamonds, If both opponents follow suit, proving that the diamonds are divided 3-2, continue with a dia- mond, discarding the king of hearts on it. Regardless of how the opponents then choose to defend, the contract. is certain to be made. If it develops that the dia- monds are divided 4-1, you shift your attention to clubs, cashing the A-K and hoping for a 3-2 di- vision in that suit. If the clubs are divided 3-2, the of hearts will provide the entry to cash the clubs and make the contract, Note that the diamonds should be tested before the clubs. If you were to play the clubs first and it turned out that either ents had four clubs and t diamonds, it would then be too late to recover by attempt- ing to establish the diamonds. Dummy would become squeezed when the defense cashed ite clubs. 2. This is an easier hand to play than the preceding one, which, incidentally, was com- posed by Ewart Kempson and Paul Lukats and published in their excellent book of problems, Single Dummy Plays. Win the club, draw as many trumps as necessary, cash two more clubs and then play the A-Q of spades. This sequence of plays assures the contract re- frag of how the North- jouth cards are divided. Who- ever wins the spade will have to return a heart or yield a ruff? and discard. If the heart return comes from North, only one heart trick will be lost and the hand is over, while if the heart return comes from South, a finesse similarly assures the loss of only one heart trick. The trap to avoid is the spade finesse. This play would lose the contract if it turned out that South had the king of spades: and North the K-Q of hearts. There cannot be much point to taking a finesse which jeo: pardizes a cont: when there is a method Of play available that guarantees it 100 per cent. FORMOSA'S PEOPLE The island of Formosa, sep- '\arated from China by 100 miles of sea, has a population of al- most 12,000,000. SALLY'S SALLIES ACROSS 1, Foreman 5. Box scien- tifically 9. A manor court 10. Story 11. Man's name 12. Banish 14, Conjunction 15, German river 17. Mend 18. Wayside hotel 20. Audience 21, Tellurium: sym, 22. Bodies of water 24, Headland 27. Binding 29. Greek letter 32. Northern [GAT TIS Mol WINi SI Od (oie "MILL STREET" VARIETY STORE MILL & OXFORD STs. Open 7 Days of the Week - - 10 A.M. te 10 P.M. constella- tion 34, Ger. river 35. Territorial 52, Additions to SeestlAt Eskimos Pa With Cavities EDMONTON (CP) -- Eski- mos, apparently, once needed dentists like a hole in the head. Now they get cavities like ev- eryone else. Dr. C. H. Carley, a senior federal government dental of- ficer, said in an interview that the Eskimo once existed on a high-protein, low -, carbohydrate diet. His teeth rarely decayed. NEED Mortgage Money? McGILL "is Doy or Night - 728-4285 HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S , OL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS But now, many Eskimos eat the same refined high-carbohydrate foods as other Canadians--and po i paying for it in cavi- ties. Dr. Carley is one of six dent- ists employed by the federal health and welfare department to work in the vast area of Northern Alberta, the Yukon, and the Mackenzie district of the Northwest Territories. Two of the dentists, including Dr. Carley, work out of Edmon- ton, the others are stationed in the north. E. J. Beauchamp Consulting Professional Engineers 257 Simcoe St. S. Telephone 728-7868 Civil & Stractaral Engineering and Building Design.

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