Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Dec 1964, p. 10

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YO THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, December 4, 1964 SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITCR 'Everything From Soup To Nuts' JUNIOR "A" hockey action last night produced a couple of interesting results. Up in the Liftlock City, the "Petes" scored their ninth-straight home-ice victory and this one was @ 5-2 win over the Niagara Falls Flyers. The win moved "Petes" up to within one point of the second-place Flyers in the standings--and they've played one less game. The Lift lock City boys got off to a shaky start but it was known that they were picked as one of the better teams in the race this year and so fully expected to finish up near the top. Down at the other end of the ladder, Montreal Canadiens won a 5-3 gate over the Red Wings right in Hamilton and that two- point' gain created a three-way tie between these two clubs and St. Catharines, at the bottom of the heap but still only one point behind the Kitchener Rangers. Montreal is in Kit- chener tonight and along with Generals playing Niagara Falls in Boston, the weekend action Sunday includes Oshawa at St. Kitts; Marlies in Montreal (those Habs will be tired, eh?) and Petes are in. Kitchener. NHL PLAY last night came up with a couple of 4-2 scores. Detroit Red Wings maintained their grip on the top rung by turning back Boston Bruins while Montreal Canadiens moved into a tie for second place with the Maple Leafs, by beating Toronto, in Montreai, where they 'had a 4-0 lead midway ---through the' third stanza, -With--Rangers continuing their de- termined bid to qualify for the Stanley Cup playoffs, this sea- son's NHL scrabble has become tight and interesting, right in the first half of the season and such a condition will add zest to the real mid-winter activity. x x x x FOOTBALL still manages to rate a little ink, on the Cana- dian front, thanks to the situation where everybody is- waiting to-see just who the Toronto Argos are going to sign, to guide the Double-Blue ship in next season's stormy seas. Jim Champion, defensive coach of the B.C. Lions, was in Toronto this week for an interview with general manager Lew Hay- man, who merely reports that it was a normal interview and that "nothing was resolved'. Champion has indicated that. he is definitely interested in the post. But one would have to take Frank Clair's most recent statement with just a grain or two of salt, Having signed a new three-year contract with Ottawa Rough Riders, Clair is quoted as having said that he "really hadn't seriously considered switching to Toronto Argo- nauts". If that's the case, all we can say is that he went to a lot of trouble to. make sure he was in Toronto in plenty of time to see the Grey Cup game! x x x a CURLING: -- The annual 3-day bonspiel staged by the Oshawa Golf Club got underway yesterday and several local rinks, both from the "host club" and from Oshawa C.C., sur- vived the early play in the main event. Don Campbell, of Avonlea, who skipped his rink to win. The Bank of Montreal Trophy Jast year, is back to defend and he, too, won his open- er. However, Jackie Parker (the same of football fame) was _ defeated by Normie Ward's Oshawa C.C. entry. Play con- tinues today and concludes on Saturday. They have 36 en- tties, with almost all of the "neighboring" clubs represented as well as some from places such as Kitchener, Burlington, Trenton and Barrie. 36 RINKS ENTERED Oshawa Golf Club's annual three-day bonspiel got under way here yesterday with a full triple-draw entry of 36 rinks, representing such clubs as Bow- manville, Whitby, Trenton, Port Perry, Burlington, Kitchener, Barrie, Toronto Avonlea, Mis- sissaugua, Cumberland and both of the local curling clubs, in- cluding 11 rinks from the host club. Don Campbell's rink from Avonlea, winners of the 1963-64 event, are back to defend The Bank of Montreal 'Trophy, premier event award, and they got off on the right foot yester- day morning with a win in their opening, game. Jackie Parker's rink from well, the Toronto Argo football star losing his first game to Norm Ward's entry from The Oshawa Curling Club. Along with Ward's foursome, other Oshawa C.C. rinks to sur- vive the first round were those skipped. by . Roy Sawyer, Al Preston and Clair Peacock. Rinks from the host club to win their first games in the main event were those skipped by Gord Furey, Doug Langmaid and Gor! Hare. BANK OF MONTREAL TROPHY First Round CUMBERLAND OSHAWA GOLF |G. Moon, Ted Reed, |) Trenouth, Lloyd Short, |F. Jones, Frank Simpson, J, Moffatt, skip 14. Bruce Bradley, skip OSHAWA C.C, Sam Jackson, Cec Stephenson, Eldon Kerr, Don Holden, skip TRENTON Linton, MacDonald, Sears, Birkbeck, skip BOWMANVILLE P. Kowal, H. Lapp, Stew James, W. Houston, skip 12; OSHAWA GOLF K. Mackie, W. Henry, T, Landers, Gord Furey, skip Canada Cup Golf Tourney Bogus Event LONDON (CP) -- James L. Manning, Daily Mail sports BIDDY BASKETBALL Blue Bombers Hold Lead; White Aces Stay Close Simcoe Hall (Eastview) Biddy|Frank Davis and Peter Neal| Basketball League's leading|played a strong game. Blue Bombers had their: hands -- Bid full when they took on Red Tre'ters, whom: they just beat 6-3, to maintain their unbeaten record of six wins and one tie. Second-place White. Aces also had their troubles; when they Standing game. TROTTERS NOT SLOW tangled with last-place Purple| Red Trotters, coached by Don) yi) profit. Hawks, but Aces won 6-3. Green|Thompson, took on the league Devils walloped Gold Kings 114.) close, excitin le KRAWEC BEST 'DEVIL' | A pao Alex Krawec was the Green| Devils' "'sharpshooting hero", | rotters leading Blue Bombers in Bia commentator, says the Canada Cup golf tournament is becom- ing "little more than a big busi- ness investment' and may soon become '"'a bogus champion- ship." Manning, in a report from Maui Island, Hawaii, scene of this year's tournament, says it will soon fall short of the ideals of the late John Hopkins who offered it in 1953 to promote lgood will through golf and jnamed it the Canada Cup be- lcause Canada was host to the Mike Black netted the Purple first tournament. Hawks' three points, while Peter DePratto, Jim Zarowny and Joe/of Maui will get little out of Simiana each played an out-|the match and suggests that He says players and residents only big business executives-- |members of the organizing In- ternational Golf Association-- "The population of Maui Is-} nd is only 35,000 and 90 per jcent would not-care less about) an exploitation tournament} Toronto Terrace didn't fare soj¢ Oshawa Golf Club's Three-Day Bonspiel OSHAWA GOLF D. Campbell, Jack Glover, Art Rowden, Gil Darlington, PORT PERRY . Jemmett, H, Carnegie, B. Beare, S. Beare, WHITBY Lund, Bradley, Cranfield, Anderson, skip WHITBY E, McKim, R, Evans, C MacKay, Clare Rich, skip WHITBY A. Harvey, G, Brown, R. Taylor, A. Morrison, skip raed " AVONLEA OSHAWA GOLF Dyson Brooks, Hal Butler, Bob Patte, Dr. J. Brock, skip OSHAWA GOLF D. Stiles, D. Wilson, Tom Prest, A. W. Armstrong, skip Soe R, A. iM. A OSHAWA GOLF B, Cureton, Tom McDowell, B, Ross, Ted Chenier, skip OSHAWA CC, J. Hunter, Hec Campbell, Jing Souch, Chas, Peacock, skip ;: KITCHENER J. Forbes, R, Forbes, J. Innes, B. Clarke, skip TERRACE W Crouter, C, Shore D. McDonough, Jackie Parker, skip BURLINGTON R. Husband, R. MacKinnon, T. Kindree, M. Carter, skip J, bedden, D. Sullivan, Vv. Ames, P, Laurence, skip .. OSHAWA €.C. J. Kerr, Alex Mackay, Ken Contin Norm Ward, skip ae OSHAWA C.C, J. Piper, Rich Vesey, Latry Heftfering, Clair Peacock skip 10; Problem LONDON (Reuters)--The re- call of Bobby Charlton to out- 5|side-left in the England team _|to play Holland in Amsterdam next Wednesday again spot- lights England's problem posi- tion. Charlton's return is in itself no surprise. What is a little odd is that Charlton, in_ brilliant form for Manchester United at inside - forward, should be brought back on the left wing. He is the third England out- side-left. in five matches this season. Peter Thompson played against Northern Ireland. But England team manager Alf Ramsey believes he is a far bet- ter player on the right flank, though his team Liverpool plays him on the left. Alan Hinton, who appeared in one International two years ago in an earlier effort to solve the problem, played against Bel- gium and Wales. New Draft Idea Is Major Chore MONTREAL (CP)--Clarence Campbell, president of the Na- tional Hockey League, said Thursday there is merit to a proposal by the Canadian Ama- teur Hockey Association for a potting eight of his team's total two points, which were not an-|not for the good will of the peo- universal draft of over - age junior players. "We think the proposal has enough merit to fully consider it,' he said. '"'But that doesn't | _In the first 60 seconds of play,| golf,' Manning writes. "So this|mean to say that anything is Bruce Berry nettedjjs going to happen.' "We have recommended He 2\Gord, Lofthouse, WHITBY R, Dougtar, K, Zimmerman, Richards, Hodges, skip A Aa OSHAWA C.C, Wilf Pascoe, Alex Nathan, Lorne Goodman, Al Preston, skip . 8 OSHAWA GOLF H. Smith, Syd Hopkins, OSHAWA GOLF H. MacDonald, R. Gibbs, Al Cay, Herb Robinson, PTS a ar OSHAWA GOLF C, McAdam, Bill Ruddy, B. Fields, Eric Henry, ke Canadian Heads TRA |, NEW YORK (CP) + E. P. |Taylor of Toronto, owner of Kentucky Derby winner North- ern Dancer, was elected -presi- dent of the Thoroughbred Rac- ing Association at a meeting here Thursday. He is the first Canadian to hold the position. Taylor. suceeeds Robert P. Strub, president of Santa Anita Oak Crawford, course near Los Angeles. skip 5 The TRA, formed in 1942 to OsHAWA GoLF | Provide thoroughbred racing |with direction, purpose, control 'and unity of effort, is an associ- BOWMANVILLE D. MacGregor, Geo. Stevens, Al Rundle, F, McGee, ana ok P. TAYLOR Doug Langmeid, skip. 1% OSHAWA C.C, L. Beaupre, Bruce Caverly, ' OSHAWA C.C, Chos. Tambiyi, R Smith, Bus McCullough, Les Eveniss, skip .. MISSISSAUGUA C. Allan, G, Towill, B, Herron, J. Hickey, Ted Wildgoose, Roy Sawyer, * skip . ae |} OSHAWA GOLF B. Clarke, D. Kirkland, Chas. Mcliveen, Gord Hare, skip .. . 16 BARRIE 5. Emms, R, Simpson, F. Pearson. G Needham, skip BURLINGTON Robbins, G. Watts, QSHAWA C.C, W. Wilson, C. McCarten, Jim Naylor, Dove Lander Ted Bastedo, G. 9 ENGLISH SOCCER Inside-Left Still Russ Humphreys, D. B. Carlyle, M. Jones, K. Wilson, skip ation of 50 American and Cana- 3\dian racetracks. Included are the Woodbine and Greenwood ~ljayouts in Toronto, Fort Erie, Ont., and Assiniboia Downs in Winnipeg. Greea Is Big Help To Jimmy Brown CLEVELAND (AP) -- Jimmy Brown has a corker of a run- ning mate in Ernie Green--two Now Chariton is back. good reasons why Cleveland Browns stand first in the Na- Position Aj League play on Saturday after- Z\inoon saw Celtics continue their Oshawa Major Basketball undefeated spurt, with their fourth-straight win, with a 37-35 triumph over second-place War- riors. lar doybleheader, Lakers came from behind to defeat Pistons 44-37. WARRIORS MAKE IT CLOSE The first half of "the big game" saw both teams miss on good scoring chances, due to the pressure and the grim checking employed by both teams. The tooth-and-nail tus- sle saw them tied at 23-23, at the end of the first half, with Jim Brady scoring eight points for Celtics on fine set shots while Pete Killistoff of the War- Celtics Unbeaten In Major League In the other half of the regu-) 'In the second session, Lakers finally broke loose to smother Pistons with John Rajkovic hooping an even dozen points and Goddard notching 10. Brian Jenkins scored eight in this half, for the Pistons. LAKERS -- L, Planke, 12; B. Goddard, 16; B. Souch, J. Rajkovic, 14; B. Johnston; P. Edmondson, 2 and B. Gardiner. Foul shots, 10-out-of-19. PISTONS -- L, Horne, 8; C. Debona, 4; B. Jenkins, 13; C. Williams; -J. Buzminski; L. Heholt, 2; Wayne Haas, 10 and W. Clarke. Foul shots, 5-out-of- 12. This Saturday afternoon, Cel- tics meet Lakers at 1.15 p.m. and Bullets take on Warriors at 2.00 p.m. riors matched this total with his jump shots. In the second half, misses on good chances were still in vogue, but with the score tied and only a minute left to play, Lionel Kelly, with lay-ups, drove in four points to put Celtics in front and. the best Warriors could do in reply was a two- point basket by brother Dave Kelly. CELTICS J. Brady, 10; Bill Jepma, 10; L, Kelly, 5; M Boivin, 2; C. Wayling, 8, B. Robinson, 2. Foul shots, 3-out-of- WARRIORS -- D. Kelly, 5; J. Crozier, 2; R. Jacula, 8; B. Byranuck, 5; R. Suddard, 4; Pr. Killistoff, 11, Foul shots, 5-out-of- 13. PISTONS OVER-HEATED In the second game, Pistons started out like a ball-of-fire but perhaps were "'too hot', as they suffered a cooling out period in the second half, as. Lakers struck back for a_44-37 win. In the first half, Pistons struck for a good lead of 18-13, paced by Wayne Haas, with his jump shot. Bob Goddard kept Lakers 26 WEAR NUMBER tional Football League rushing Since the Second World War)department. 26 different players have worn| The Browns have churned the Engiand No. 11 shirt. Only|1,904 yards, with Brown person- the two inside-forward positions! ally accounting for 1,288, also have claimed a greater number tops in the NFL. of players but their total is) But coach Blanton Collier boosted by the fact that several|csays Green's performance this players, for example Ivor Bro-|season has kept defensive units adis, Johnny Haynes and'Jimmy|from keying on his big fullback. Greaves, have played at both! Green doesn't capture the inside-righi and inside-left. spotlight as much as his famous It is interesting that Charlton|running mate, but he has been (42 games at outside-left) and|consistent. Tom Finney (32) who have made mest appearances in this position are not natural outside- lefts. Charlton prefers inside- forward and Finney won fame first as an outside-right and many believe that he would have been an ever bigger asset to his country as an inside- or centre-forward. The scarcity of left-wingers is not conf:ned to the England team but occurs at all levels in England. Don Rogers, the tal- ented Swindon winger, for in stance is a constant target for English League first - division scouts. Bert Head, manager of Swin- don, a struggling second-divi- sion club, has turned down bids of more than £30,000 from New- castle and Chelsea for him, Sheffield Wednesday and Spurs are other clubs said to be in- terested. Yet Rogers is only 19. Your Satisfaction 7 MEN'S GIFTS WITH EVERYTHING IN THEIR FAVOUR... SAM ROTISH it Is Our Aim within reach. pee ces | | OSHAWA'S ONLY | Master Gunsmith 28 Years of Experience OTTO SCHWARTZ 167 Simcoe St. $. Call 723-6921 telescope re-modeling guns. New and ac- Custom work, repairs, mounts, re-stockii rifles, shotguns, hei end used, Ammunition cessories, Shirts and Ties Dressing Gowns Pyjamas Complete Selection of Sweaters Men's: Jewellery Plus Many Other Gift Items. MEN'S WEAR King St. Eost 725-2433 OLYMPIANS FETED © WASHINGTON (AP)--Presi- dent Johnson saluted 109 Amer- ican Olympic Games medal winners at a White House lunch- eon Tuesday in a_precedent- shattering recognition of the sur- prising showing the United States made at Tokyo. This is the first time that American) Olympians have been honored | with a White House luncheon. | North Bay Juniors - Edge Native Sons FALCON BRIDGE (CP)-- North Bay Trappers defeated Garson - Falconbridge Native Sons 6-5 in Northern Ontario Hockey Association junior A ac- tion Thursday night. The win gave the Trappers a two-way tie for first place with Espanola Eagles. _ Roger Bowness, Ron Burman, Ron. Webb, .John Barber, Rich- ard Magnusson, and Greg Lewis counted one goal each for North Bay. : Frank Hamill and Germain Ruel fired two goals each for the Native Sons, while Tim Morris got the other. STUCK? DON'T KNOW WHAT TO BUY M'LADY 4 FOR CHRISTMAS? Let our experienced stoff help you with such suggestions as sweoters, blouses, Sportswear, ete, or@.. Gift Certificate 2 BLACK'S Ladies' Weer Ltd, . BAD BOY DEFINITELY 5 Year Guarantee made by Beatty, Free food' plan, Free delivery, PRICED FROM SELLS FOR LESS! FREEZERS - 21 CU. FT. $198 R.C.A. VICTOR 3-WAY HOME FM/AM _ Radio, Changer, 23' TV all Cabinet. Free Home Service. VALUE ei hota a es 4 Speed Automatic in one Walnut THEATRE 333:% $479.00 Hond wired circuit, former. Swin-out chassis, Convectaire Fidelity tone audio system, 23" BIG SCREEN TV full power trans- Up-front tuning, AGC circuit. Cooling, 1 98 -* With trade WE ARE OPEN INCLUDING WEDNESDAY 'TIL 9:30 P.M. FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE Everybody Knows the Place--Bad Boy--King St.. E. 728-4658---4659 EVERY NIGHT -- Konica EE j, filters, slide projectors, movies, tripods, utility begs, films, + + « many ideal gifts. FULLY AUTOMATIC EUMIG P8 NOVA PROJECTOR A Masterpiece of European Craftsmonship ony 119.88 Truly @ fine comere --sherp £2.8 coupled range finder --Fully ic electri eye meter, Press and forget. --Sturdy construction. --Complete with hand leather carrying case. SPECIAL for consideration. But you can't As for the competitors, thejeven imagine the enormous |prize money is 'mere chicken|problems involved. It's going, to led throughout the 'first half. | With seconds to go in the half |feed to American-circuit play-| take a lot of work and study, Sie Catia: the \Trotters' Sigfried Phlanzer was|ers."" jand we are in no position to Thavile' seach. we "2 4 with awarded a foul shot, which he| Manning says the seven di-/implement anything like it their Sitharniare." tate est sank for one point. rectors of the IGA include ex-}now." Wik ik Gin That Linon amine Biddy League top-scorer Tom ecutives of a giant tourist firm,| NHL clubs now have draft s eg safe Horruzey, of the Bombers. was|2" airline, a firm that owns|rights to 17-year-old players. Not to be outdon#® Bill Mc-| scoreless as the Hawks nicaedas land in: Maui and a firm that|The CAHA proposal calls for a Bean, coach of the Kings, shift-|fully shadowed him vist Blue has invested more than £3,000,-|universa! draft by all profes- ed his defence line in the sec-|Bombers' big scorer was Greg 000 ($9,000,000). in island hotels| sional clubs of players over 20, Kit, with all six points, in the ond half and stopped the Devils' | Kit, v and resort centres. Gt ok eee' eee winning sweep, but time ran out |' ¥'": before they could press home| TOP SCORERS many winning plays. Henry | Tom Horruzey, 43 _ points; Chyb and Bill Broom each| Greg Kit, 20; Bob Lipa, 16; Rob scored two points while David|Detvent, 16 and Bill Broom, 16. Pullock accounted for the Green|,,. schedule for Dec. 5: Red/ Devils' otlier tires points. |Trotters vs White Aces; Green? Devils vs Blue Bombers and HAWKS SCARE ACES swered until the first half of|ple." ad y roan xe -- ie Gold | play was almost over, then by P gs down to defeat, 11-4, in 8) Bombers' Greg Kit game which the Devils control-| g : All Cars Carry Our GUARANTEE KELLY DISNEY USED CARS Ltd. 1200 Dundas E. Whitby 668-5891 BUDGET TERMS DROP IN ELECTRONIC FLASH No more bulbs to buy. Uses pen- 40-50 wett flashes per set. 1/1000 sec. 19.88 Flash Duretion .... 100's of Cameras See our Famous Neme selection of comeres and equipment for Chit THE HANDCRAFTED COLOR TV The Quality Goes In Before The Name Goes On WILLIAMS' Electronics "Oshawa's Leading ZENITH Color Television dealer | The Distillery that's noted for Pe A contemporary model -- designed to fit per- fectly with any modern setting, well-aged Canadian whiskies Gold Kings vs Purple Hawks. Last-place Purple Hawks held y AGUE § u second place White Aces to a 3-3 EN LEAGUE Se tie at halftime, but the Hawks WLT Pts.) could not hold the Aces, coached|Blue Bombers 6 0 by Bill Jeffs, who pressed for| White Aces 5 their three winning points. Green Devils Robert Dervent was the Aces' | Red Trotters top scorer with four points and Gold Kings t Eric Wiggins netted two, while' Purple Hawks ) should have the oldest whisky y~ This special Canadian Whisky has been quietly aging in charred oaken casks for eighteen long years. From a Distillery noted for its older whiskies this is the oldest and finest. WISER'S DISTILLERY LIMITED, BELLEVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA, GIST. NO. 1, PORT NO: 2E. available in Canada 1 3 4 5 NO MONEY DOWN > BUDGET TERMS @ Hockey Stick ond Puck 99¢ © 16" x 36" Hockey Game 4.99 @ Stock Car Racing Set Special 15.99. @ Model Planes, Trains ond Cars JOHN G. BRADYE 4 | | Respectfully Requests Your Continued Support for RE-ELECTION Alderman Your Interests Aru His First Concern RADY som MODEL T2020W 379.95 H Bu | igs We have: 'y i New lightweight slim 19" portable in stun- ning 2 tone color cab- For Decorating: © Holiday Floodlight 4.29 Christmas Tree Stand 69¢ Extension Cord 9 feet 66 Christmas 15-light set 3.19 Christmas Wrap 12 assorted rolls 1.44 Christmas Carol Record 1.35 (Hi-fi and Stereo) Butane Cigarette Lighter 2.95 inet. MODEL M2000C .. 229.95 Other models start as low as 179.95 TRADE-INS ACCEPTED WILLIAMS' ELECTRONICS SALES & SERVICE 1218 SIMCOE ST. N. WE SERVICE ALL MAKES ee) irestone-- STORES ikii¢ FIRESTONE TIRE & pre od 'COMPANY OF CANADA 725-6566 For good values in well-aged whiskies: Wiser's De Luxe, 10 years old: Wiser's 101, 6 years old: Wiser's Old Rye; 5 years old: Wiser's Special Blend, 4 years old, Wiser's Oldest makes a very distinctive Christmas gift! 725-2905

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