Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Nov 1964, p. 5

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niin = sn ag ae IN WHITBY COURT Ajax Resident Gets Damages of $10,643 WHITBY (Staff) -- Damagesjthe plaintiff, told the tn the amount of $10,643 were awarded to an Ajax man-in the Ontario Supreme Court at Whit- by. Wednesday for injuries re- ceived in a car accident two years ago. ' George Anthony Hickey, 15 Edward street, suffered multi- ple fractures to both legs in Oc- tober, 1962, when a car driven by Ronald Baker, 53, of Wych- wood avenue, Toronto, pinned him against the rear bumper of his auto. IN CAST TWO MONTHS Following the accident, T. V. Kelly of Oshawa, counsel for court, Hickey was in a cast in the Oshawa General Hospital for two months, and has since suf- fered pain and inconvenience from the injuries. A jeweller, Mr. Hickey lost considerable money both in his business, and in medical ex- penses, Mr. Kelly said. Out of pocket expenses were estimated at $5,143. Dr. R. A. Gill, 300 King street west, Oshawa, _ testified Mr, Hickey's fractures between the knee and ankles had weakened both legs and caused great dis- comfort. The left leg was s0 Agree To Omit Ajax from Address BROUGHAM -- The Post- master General of Canada has responded to a recent resolution of Pickering Township Council lr the name "Ajax"' on ckering Township mail by stating that letters addressed to street, number and place (i.e. Bay Ridges, Fairport, etc.) then 'South Pickering, Ontario" rather than 'Ajax, Ontario" will be acceptable to the Post Office. "There is no such place as South Pickering,' commented Councillor Don Waring, who was of the opinion that "Pickering" or "Pickering Township" should be the name used. "We have to compromise," said Councillor Hubert Wank. "I think the main objection is the idea that our mail will bear the name Ajax. Obviously if we call it Pickering we are going to confuse all the other areas." "T think the Postmaster has taken cognizance that this is a growing area," stated Council- lor John Campbell, "He has visualized that there is going to be a South Pickering Post Office eventually. I think he has taken a liberal attitude towards it." "But there is such a place as WHITBY PERSONALS The 4th Whitby Scouts are holding an "Open House" this coming Friday at St. Mark's United Church hall. There will be displays by A and B Pack Cubs and also the Scout Troop. Two Scouts, David Smith and Ross Gibson will be presented with their An invitation is extended to all interested parents and friends. Friends of Peter Gieben, 182) Elizabeth crescent, extend their) best wishes on the occasion of| his birthday being celebrated) today. Larry Newton, Brockville, 1s| a visitor for a few days at the Smith residence, 909 Bayview] avenue. | Pickering Township," argued Deputy Reeve Mrs. J. MePher- son. 'By calling it South Pick- ering I feel it is starting a divi- sion of Pickering Township." "If designation of South Pick- ering is going to split the Town" ship," retorted Councillor Wank, "We're in a pretty shaky posi- tion. I think a delay of one day in mail is a serious thing. I think if the Post Office can de- liver in 24 hours, we should not postpone it." "J don't care if my address is Shangri-La," continued the Councillor, "I would like to keep the same address, and avoid de- lay and confusion." A resolution was passed that} "South Pickering" be the desig- nation 'on all mail to Bay Ridges, Fairport, and the other centres in the postal delivery service area. Mrs. McPherson and Mr. Waring opposed the resolution. Members Asked For Clothing WHITBY (Staff) -- Fourteen members and seven visitors at- tended the St. Mark's United Church Women Unit No. 4 meet- ing, held at the home of Mrs. R. G. Grobb. The leader, Mrs. R.:W. MacCarl, welcomed all present and thanked the host- ess for opening her home. It was reoprted visits were made. Members were asked to bring clothing and yard goods at the general meeting of Dec. 1, these to be Queen Scout badges.|sent to Africa. Rev. Thomas Fleetham Greenwood will be guest speak- that 17 of) Anglican Church Ruth WA held THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, November 26,1964 § severely injured, he said, it was first feared amputation might be necessary. 'An ardent hunter and fisher- man, Mr. Hickey said, he could no longer go into rough coun- try because he didn't feel sure on his feet. Defense counsel Gerald L. Rooke argued Mr. Hickcy, while his injuries were serious, had made an excellent recov- ery and would continue to im- prove. The minor disability, he said, does not interfere with his business. He asked court to assess damages under $6,000. "We have here," Mr. Kelly concluded, "'the case of a man, aged 47, who cannot adjust to sudden disability the way a younger man could." West Rouge Water Supply Very Low BROUGHAM -- At a Pick- ering Township Council meeting this wetk, it was reported with alarm that the supply in the West Rouge water system at the moment, was limited to 48 hours. Reeve C. W, Laycox: stated that the township engineer had reported that one could walk out 50 feet into the lake with rub- ber boots and not get wet. Lake Ontario's level is reported to have dropped six feet, and if it drops another estimated three feet during the winter months, the situation could become ser- ious. indeed. The township engineer, P. Poulsson, offers a: solution by connecting the . West Rouge water system with the Bay Ridges system, but this would | Townships To Remain BROUGHAM --_ Pickering Township Clerk L. T. Johnston, who was instructed by council to learn, if possible, what was in store for municipauities un- der a rumored regional govern- ment, came up this week with information from a responsible official in the Department of Municipal Affairs whose name could not be disclosed. He predicted that regional government would not take place for a long time, but that there would be permissive leg- islation in 1965 for county gov- ernment. Mr. Johnston's infor- mant thinks that main township services will go to county grad- ually; health, assessment, wel- fare, planning, main roads, with tax notices from County with IBM equipment. Municipalities will ask to have services taken over. They will not be forced from the provin- cial level. When interrogaaed, the offi- cial related that if Pickering Township needed a new buiid- ing, build it, keeping in mind that the present departments will gradually go to the County. Townships will net disappear for many years. Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club Scores The winners and high scores of the games played py the members of the Whitby Dupli- cate Bridge Club were: North and South--Mrs. Hun- ter and Mrs. McGillivray, 127; Mrs. Bonnetta and Mrs, Murty, 121; Mr. and Mrs. Weiis, 121; Mr. and Mrs. H. Baker, 118; Mrs. Spratt and Mrs. Wilson, East and West--Mrs. Beaton and Mrs. McCall, 11244; Mr. and Mrs. Hutcheson, 112; Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin, 106; Mrs. Baxter and Mrs. Love, 91%; Mrs. Barron and Mrs. Butt, 91%; Mrs. Pringle and Mrs. McIntyre, 91%. not solve the immediate emer- jgency. He reeommended that japplication be made to Metro for.an emergency water supply. A resolution was passed that the engineer be instructed to take the necessary steps to find if he could get an emergency water supply from Metro To- ronto. "The situation is serious," said Councillor Hubert Wank. "We can no longer talk in terms of costs." Ruth WA Plans Christmas Party WHITBY (Staff) --- Mrs. Peter Bird chaired the well attended meeting of St. John's OPEN until 9 p.m. fine traditional HOMES 3 and 4 BEDROOMS TREES on every lot built by Robert McEwan Ltd. sold by Olive Howe Realtor ATHOL ST., WHITBY 688-8981 OPEN until 9 p.m. Friendship Topic For Devotional WHITBY (Staff) -- Whitby Baptist Church Women's So- ciety for Christian. Service held its meeting with president Mrs. Ken Cullen in the chair. After a short business meet- ing, Mrs. Murray Detlor led the devotional period choosing "Friendship" as her topic. Following the closing prayer the ladies enjoyed a time of games and fellowship, Lunch was served with tea hostess, Mrs. Douglas Dair and her com- mittee. The next meeting will be Dec. 22. OPENING SPECIAL (8 x 10 MOUNTED) E Child's Portrait $2.00 Denis Studio PH. 668-3442 ae REINS THE CORNER GROCETERIA 204 Brock St. South 668-3583 Factory Clearance | SHORT END SALE With Christmas just around the corner, now is the time to get the gift for the man in your house that is just a little bit extra special, This week we are featuring a pre- showing of end pieces of fine English Wor- sted Suitings. We will have the actual bolts of cloth here in the store, Each bolt con- taining only enough material to make a suit up to and including size 44 chest. The value of these suits is'up to 89.50 per Because this is a factory clear- ance of short ends, we are abla to offer these two piece tailored- to-measure suits (any style) to you fm for just... 69.50. This means a uy, veal savings to you on a Top JS Quality Suit. ORDER THIS WEEK FOR CHRISTMAS DELIVERY MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE e WHITBY PLAZA WHITBY PLENTY OF FREE PARKING OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 P.M. SPECIAL THIS WEEK STEAKS or ROASTS 75° Porterhouse Ib. . 19° CABBAGE 2 -- 25° WE DELIVER Boneless Round or Rump Roost Ib. at the home of Mrs. Gordon REVERSIBLE BLACKBOARD en strong tubuler stand. complete with chalk ond eroser, Reg. 7.95 OUR PRICE BLACKBOARD and PEG DESK Steel Frame Construction Fold-a-way seat, Reg. 8.95 OUR PRICE 7.49 er at this general meeting and Kyl |will have as his topic "Christ-|*¥\°- " Plans were made for the ac -- . ; 4 ' Christmas party for the "Little e annual meeting date 1s\Helpers" and their mothers to the first Tuesday in January.|he held Dec. 15. A film will be It will be a' pot luck supper) shown and gifts presented to the Miss Winnifred Boys, chair-| children. The party will close man of the library committee) with a tea for the mothers and asked that study books be turn-| children. ed in by the end of December. | Members of Ruth. Group as-| Mrs. Fred Ollen-Bittle, chair-|sisted in serving tea and at- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jenkins | man of nominating committee, spent Tuesday in Scarborough) reported that Mrs. R. W. Mac- as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wil-/Car] will be leader again for liam Mitchell before their de-|the 1965 term. parture for Vancouver wherr) 44,< farl -Fairman led the they will establish residence. | worship aervice on. the..theie iA Christmas Meditation" based Bobbie, son of Mr. and Mrs. on the three wise mnen. Lawrence Brown, is celebrating ; his fourth birthday today. R. G. Grobb showed slides of a trip to Iceland, Norway, Swe- Mr. and Mrs, Otto Jewell andjden, Denmark, Germany and their daughter, Patricia, attend-|the British Isles. These were ed a family dinner last Sunday|accompanied by his commentar- at the home of Mr. and Mrs.|\ies. Lloyd Jewell at Hartley. Lunch was hostess, assisted by Mrs. Ethel Taylor and Mrs. M. G. McCarty. A social hour followed. Miss Noreen Jimmo, 408 Per- ry street, is convalescing at her home after being a patient at the Oshawa General Hospital| for the past week. Her friends wish her a speedy recovery. | or NEW PHONE LINK JOHN'S, Nfld, (CP) -- James Gibb, Burlington, will|Public Works Minister J. R. be the guest of Mr. and Mrs,|Chalker made the first long dis- Charles P, Jardine over the|tance call from here to Flow- weekend. ojer's Cove on the west coast of Newfoundland's Great Northern Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Howard,| Peninsula, Previously, the only 506 Brock street south, have re-|connection with the 50 Flower's cently returned from a three-|Cove subscribers and fewer week trip to Prince Edward)than 2,000 persons in 14 other Island where they visited rela-|communities along the St. tives. 3arbe Coast was by telegraph. served by the -- |tended at the Ruth table at |which handmade novelties were sold at the annual bazaar. Pro- ceeds from this table will be used to purchase articles and materials for the Dorcas bale The Bible study was conduct- ed by Mrs. Eric LaTrobe after which refreshments were serv- ed by Mrs. Gordon Kyle and Mrs, John Fawcett. | AN APPLE A DAY... Most apple eaters munch for the enjoyment they get from eating an apple, but experts say this is not the whole story. The American Den- tal Association has endorsed the apple for its natural ability to clean teeth. We grow 15 different varieties of apples. Come and select your favourite right from our Cold Storage. The next meeting will be Jan. 18 with the installation of of- ficers. COLD STORAGE PLANT OPEN FOR RETAIL SALES MONDAY THRU' SAT. 8 A.M. - 5 P.M. waste. & ye SFaoshriew SUCCESS-ORIES USS MEN'S | FFVE sHoP Whitby 129 Brock St. S. Evening Shows Start at 6:55 & 9:05 ~ Feature at 6:55 and 9:15 | ea ne | eet or ae | BROCK WHITBY ls that aint-down-. yet gal... in the must-see movie! UsninkaBle L HANSON, viROCOLOR DEBBERE WHITBY IN THE NEWS Those interested in submitting news reports, social ftems and advertising in Whitby are invited to call. the Whitby Office of The Times Telephone number is -658-3703. CHRIS DENNETT, Whitby Office Manager | PHONE 668-2091 RED WING ORCHARDS 2% Miles West of Whitby on No. 2 Highway at 'The Big Red Apples" STROLLERS All. steel construction, complete with canopy and shopping bag. Reg. 3.98 CHRISTMAS - SPECIAL Bernat Mohair Wool OOOH! So many wonderful Gifts For Hunting For Fishing For Golfing For Archery For Gardening For Mother ond the $1.00 witt |] hold any purchase 'til Christmas PORTSMAN' CORNER 103 BYRON ST. S. WHITBY plete with 2 patterns. . 6.95 x LARGE WHALE CORDUROY --*f SPECIAL 45" wide .... yd. 1.98 BROCADES from 1.95 to 10.00¢ ya, BRITISH ROYAL SEAL TWEEDS HAND KNITTED--Stoles, Slippers, Mitts MINK HATS. Chosen skins ANNE'S FABRIC SHOP 113 BYRON ST. SOUTH WHITBY, ONT. OUR PRICE Other models in stock to 9,95 STUART SCIENCE SETS Complete with instruction book, test tubes, and harmless chemicals for many. experiments. Our Low Price of 1.47 ELDON ELECTRIC RACING CAR SET Thrills ond spills of the big road races, includes 6 volt Power Pak, 2 Ferrari type racing cors, remote tontrol rheostet, track and excit- 22.50 OUR LOW LOW PRICE BIG BRUISER As Advertised on TV PRIC 13.97 PRICE SERVICE STATION : 8 levels, p' with all DOLL from 'masonite ond steel by far the CARRIAGES acre an Ye by Gendron end Thistle--all ot greatly OUR PRICE reduced PRICES STARTING 5 At ae. FOR THE JUNIOR FISHERMAN ROD and REEL easy to use closed face spin cast reel, Con hot backlash, Comes complete with ul ment line, strong gloss fishing rod with steel guides, Just right for Junior. Reg. 7.95. OUR PRICE CHILDREN'S SKI SETS complete with cable harness and poles, All sizes in stock. Starting ot 8.95 @ set Budgies, Talking Strain -- Canaries -- Hampsters -- Tropica! Fish -- Pet Supplies G&PoRTSsMAN CORNER 103 BYRON ST. S. -- WHITBY ROR ROTE BE ROP AT ORE SE TE TIES

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