Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Nov 1964, p. 24

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24--Stores, Offices, Storage Or after hours fo AM 7-9712, Manderhill Real "Estate Ltd. wor' Page arnt lly OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE In Times Building CONTACT T. L. WILSON AT THE TIMES home want in today's Real 1 "estate For tale column, 25--Houses for Rent 26--Apartments for Rent 30--Automobiles for Sale 38--Automobiles for Sale 33--Automobiles Wanted : 38--Coming Events 38--Coming Events N _._ |38---Coming Events THREE-ROOM, unfurnished apartment. Private bath, Heavy wiring, parking, cen- jiners. Working couple trally located, Absta' Preferred. No children. Available Decem- 1. Telephone ber 2 WwHiTBY -- mre two-bedroom silouee, faun- $100. monthly. ary foci fine es, oa Adults only, Whitby 668-3591, NEAR OSHAWA penne Centre, two bedroom apartment refrigerator, buil- in stove, $100 monthly. Adults only Apply 330 Buena Vista Apt. 1. 3 ROOM basement apartment inl rent. Newly decorated. Stove, refrigerator TV antena, Available immediately. _ ©. a Apply 472 Drew St. before oe unfurnished py ie Separate bath and entrance. For mation, apply 592 Drew Street. jag Besse') TWO-BEDROOM ap: oS. BUYING A CAR? TRY =| \/ ELLMA | MOTORS LTD. KO. USED CARS 1962 Ford Galaxie COACH, 8 CYCLINDER automatic, whitewall tires windshield washers, padded dash, seat belts. A real fine automobile, Black with white top. ee Auto Wreckers want cars tor Highest prices peid. 200 Wentworth ast, 725-1181, OSHAWA AUTO PARTS and Auto Wreck- ers, 1175 Neilson Street, want cars for wrecking. Telephone 725-2162 or 723-4245. 34--Automobile Repair TRANSMISSION specialists, _transmis- sions are our fod business. 1038 Simcoe North. Phone 728-7339. EXPERT brake service and end suspension alignment. 226 ag) Street. Call 723-4233, OSHAWA ---- Centre offers expert irburetor and auto woot service, 222 King Street West, 728.0817, ; 35--Lost and Found LOST: Small black short tail dog, part spaniel, short hair, on Monday, licence OSHAWA JAYCEES BINGO TONIGHT 20 games at $20, 5 games ot $30 ---- $150 Jackpot 2 - $250 Jackpots NUMBERS 50 and 55 SUN TIME. CRUISE April 17 to 24 Travel motor coach to New York then via Queen of Ber- muda, Tours arranged. Please reserve éarly as there is only a number of spaces available. Phone or write Rowe Travel Agency Port Hope, Ont. HOLY. CROSS BINGO FREE ADMISSION Friday, Nov. 27th 20 REGULAR GAMES 18 Games at $10 each 1 Game at $30.00 1 Game at $50.00 Early Bird Game RUMMAGE SALE and SPECIAL JACKPOT $150 in 56 Nos. $20.00 Consolation RED BARN TEA CUP READING THURSDAY AND FRIDAY NOVEMBER 26 & 27th 2 p.m. and 7 p.m, at the POLISH NATIONAL CATHOLIC CHURCH 300 Court Street formerly Anglican Church Everyone Welcome SALE, Friday, November 27 at CRA, Gibb Street, 1.30 p.m. 28th Osh- 'awa Scout Auxiliary. 1487, from vicinity Willowdale Avenue and Grandview. Telephone 728-6005. YOU'LL COME BACK for more once get a taste of the easy problem gel Keston Want Ads give you, Dial 723-3492 today. $1,575.00 1961 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE SEDAN 4 cyclinder, automatic with radio. washers: etc. SHARP $1,595.00 1960 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE SEDAN 6 cyclinder, standord trans- mission, condition throughout. $1,250.00 1958 PLYMOUTH COACH 6 CYLINDER Standard. A good clean car, that will give economicol transportation, $450.00 STATION WAGON 1962 BELAIR CHEVROLET 6 Automatic with radio,' washers discs, etc. This wagon is im- 1. The money is to be bor- maculate inside ond. out. rowed for the purpose of i h $2,150 00 building and equipping three new schools containing 28 Roy W. Nichols classrooms at a cost of $518,- Used Car Lot 000, three sites for such Courtice and Bowmanville schools at a cost of $84,000 728-6206 623-2556 situated on Wilson Road North, Hillside Avenue, and Open 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. PLUS $10.00 each horizontal line. SHARE-the-WEALTH Regulor Jackpot $200 in 54 Nos. $20.00 Consolation GOOD PARKING 7:45 P.M. NO CHILDREN RUMMAGE sale, Simcoe Street United pherss Memorial Hall, Pree Novem- ber 27. 1.30 p.m. Group 6. Seuit Gocer 'al Motors. Rae further' infers mation call 728-4866. TWO-BEDROOM heated apartment, suit working couple, laundry Maciiities, teayy duty mt Immediate posses- oes ee Immediate possession on this ix-year-old, pg fenced-in back yard, living, room 23 ft. by 12. Close to . "' For further information "vargerel * Hall 721858 'Schofield Aker 'uenited, Ew BEDROOM homes with at- built-in "Bove nl ren " og =A Call hin Reai Barate Limited. 728- GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH GUILD BAKE SALE Friday, November 27th 2:30 p.m, 'at GARDEN HOMES js New concept for family living: Two and Three bedroom homes Individual patios Full basement * Pre-Christmas Offer FREE * 1965 LICENSE PLATES * 25 GALLONS OF GASOLINE * ANTI-FREEZE 20 Verdun Road after 5 tony -- Light brown male dog. Answers to "Sandy" Bfactb$ of Montrave Ave- nue, Friday, November 27. Sadly missed. Finder Gace "call 728-4897 before 2.30 p.m. LOST -- In Whitby. Full grown, pent . ginger male cat. Vicinity of Greenw: 31 King St. East pr Ey gs Valued pet. Reward, Whitby (old Alger Bidg.) <|RUMMAGE Sale, Friday, November 27, 36 Legal 1 pam, at YWCA. 199 Centre Street. NOTICE | SRR SIPERE BPO epee eer! _be Raman Cato HERE'S WHERE TO FIND erry OF osHAwa |@ GIFTS FOR EVERYONE |! CITY OF OSHAWA Toke notice that the above- mentioned Board on the 5th day of November, 1964, passed By-law Number 24 to authorize the borrowing of money by the issue and sale of its debentures in the prin- cipal amount of $708,000. SomGARTEEE: Liberty Street. South 76 -- One, two-bedroom apartment. Stove and refrigerator. Broadioom throughout. Available November 1. Phone 623-3552. MAIN FLOOR, three-room, unfurnished apartment, private bathroom, adults pre- ferred or baby only. Apply 744 Simcoe Street South (side door). TWO-BEDROOM ga = gai pr i free hot cold drapes, stove, fridge, *palcony. elevator and intercom ec bro 349 Marland or telephone 728-1544, THREE-ROOM apartment, eae deco- rated. Heat and utilities supplied. im- mediate' possession, Couple = paghleeee Telephone before 3 p.m, 728-9632. $93. MONTHLY. Five-room upper "ane refrigerator and stove, washer and dryer. Heat and lights included. Private en- trance. Near North GM main office. 725-3093, HOWARD STREET, 481; ' Two apartment, refrigerator and stove, and lights included. Reasonable 725-7577 or above address. SELF-CONTAINED one-bedroom apart ment, fridge and range. Immediate pos- session. Telephone 728-4525. KING and Gibbon area, top floor, mod ern two-bedroom, adults only, $105. Im- mediate possession. Mr. Bolahood. 728- 5123, SELF-CONTAINED two-bedroom apart- ent. Private entrance. 356 Simcoe South. _tideret. lovely "bungalow," brandnew, iow, new, Norden kitchen, fully landscaped, close to oa shopping and bus. Telephone 728- 21--Farmis for Sale "JOHN F. DeWITH Realtor Bowmanville; 14 Frank St. Phone 623-3950 40 acre form, 20 min. drive, to Oshowo, with 8 roomed brick home. All modern con- veniences. 100' x 40' barn. Pond. Paved road.' Asking $16,500. COLUMBUS, 97 acres with 8 roomed home: all modern conveniences. Lorge streom. Paved rood. NORTH OF OSHAWA, 60 acres with 7 roomed house, oll modern -- conveniences. Barn, Stream. Pond. Consider trade for house in Oshows. GAME FARM, 150 acres, brick home, oll modern con- veniences. Fireplace. Born, 2 streams ond 2 trout ponds. Asking $21,500. Terms. Rumpus room Refrig-Stove-Dryer So convenient to schools and ; shopping Location--Farewell and Poplor Sts. Rental office at site Open 2-5.30 daily H. MILLEN Real Estate Ltd. 728-1679 |RANCH STYLE bungalow in preferred| pj neighborhood. Three bedrooms also fire-| oat bathed _ ---- place and atiached garage. Calli John} THREE-ROOM ~ apartment. Kitchen, H. Millen Real Estate Ltd. | Furnished, including TV, tile floors, heat, WHITBY ~ | water provided, working couple preferred. |No children, Private entrance. immediate . Phone 728-9017. MODERN. four- large | rooms, upper duplex, stove and refrigerator, tiled bathroom and kitchen. Private entrances. Available Tele-| Dec. 1. Couples only, $110, monthly. Tele- = room heat rent. with the purchase of every NEW or USED CAR THIS WEEK-END "basement '64 RAMBLER CLASSIC One owner, 6 cylinder, auto- motic transmission, radio. Like new. SAVE $1200 WHITBY -- Lovely, three-bedroom house, attached, garage. $130, monthly, Telephone Whitby 668-3566. | SEVEN-ROOM brick house, oll furnace, large backyard, central location. Avail- able December 1, $110 monthly. Phone 723-1458, phone 723-7202 AJAX -- six-room brick house. Avair-| . a ax TWO-BEDROOM "apartment 'In triplex. reed Rote, References. Telephone!; arge living room, dining area, 2 bath- | Alex 942-1324 efter 6 p.m _|rooms, private entrance. Adults. Call GOOD FARM HOUSE on "Taunton Road| Bowman and Gibson, 145 Brock Street with barn, 25 acres pasture. References| South, 668-5823; evenings Mrs. Lee required. Henry Eikens, RR 2, Orono. | 668-4949. re ks FIVE-ROOM house with garden, imme-| FURNISHED two-room apartment, park |diate possession, $60 monthly. Apply Roy| ing facilities, close to downtown and bus. |Hall, 1 mile west of Columbus on paved | Suit couple or two girls willing to share. | road. At the house Saturday and Sunday} | Telephone )_728- 4169. |mornings. |UPPER DUPLEX --Three rooms, cen | Two 'COMFORTABLE eight- room farm|tral, oi! heated. Immediate possession. (Reuse Village of Pickering, very rea-| 728-2653. sonable rent. Children welcome. After 6] WHITBY -- Three lar _ 'ge room apartment. syeanes, Pickering 942-5449 to arrange| Stove and refrigerator optional, Suitable dees et he ___ | couple. Dial 668-5050. | IMMEDIATE possession, three- and four- bedroom house. Just completed. Brand 27--Rooms for Rent new, all maintenance included. Free park-| ing. Less than apartment rent. First| ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS choices facing water. Phone Owner, 942 Available in private home. 1600, between 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. | FOUR-BI BEDROOM country home, "near! Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. | 728-8671 |Highway 12 and 47. Immediate Posses- | |sion, Phone Uxbridge, 852-3768 after 6/ | ni |ALBERT STREET, nicely furnished bed- | room, suit refined wornan. Telephone after 15 p.m. and all day Saturday. 725-9424, | TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, suit- lable for working girl. Central. Abstainer, | Telephone 723-3330. |LARGE ROOM, completely furnished for light housekeeping. Central. One gentle man only. $10 weekly. Telephone 725-5227. |FURNISHED clean front room for two |working adults. Light housekeeping op- |tional, two minutes from four corners. Phone 725-8460, |THREE furnished rooms, suitable for |three gentlemen or couple. No excessive | drinking. Telephone 728-6387. PICKERING VILLAGE Furnished single room for two brothers or two | friends. Plenty of parking. A very nice, | clean room. Dial 942-1987. | SUITABLE for young ung couple. "Share bath land kitchen. Reasonable. Telephone 723-7749. |ROOM FOR RENT in quiet home, gentle |man preferred. After 6 p.m. apply 574 Crerar-Avenue WARM, clean, single, |room in. private | hy '61 PONTIAC | Suit gentleman. Apply 102 Elgin Street HARDTOP |USED CAR FARTS windies to make| East | trailers, also used fires. 509 Bloor Street! DIVISION STREET, 240 -- Furnished Automatic transmission, ro- /East after 4, 723- jroom. Close fo North General Motors} dio. In above everage/condi- | 1958 OLDSMOBILE four-door hardtop. jand hospital. Bus stop at door. Apply tion. Full power. New tires. Good condition. $1595 Waverley Street; and to cover the cost of capital improve- ments to existing schools at a cost of $106,000. 2. The amount to be borrow- ed is $708,000 and the se- curity therefor shall be the said debentures which shall be a charge upon the school house property and premises ond any other real or personal property vested in the said Board and upon the separate school rates. 3. The debentures are to be dated December 1, 1964, are in denominations of $1,- 000 each and are repayable in varying instalments of . principal, on December 1 in each of the years 1965-1984 both inclusive. The debentures bear interest at the rate of five and three-quarters per centum. (534%) per annum with the aggregate amount of princi- pal and interest payable in each year of the currency of the debentures varying bet- ween $59,862.50 and $60,- 875. Frank E. Shine Secretary-Treasurer Federal Building, SPOTTER' Holiday Food __ |For | Him or Her FOR THE MOTORIST Give a gift wrapped Ontario Motor League Membership For information _Call 728- 8334 For Her "STAR LINE" ELNA SEWING MACHINES ore here! up to $100 off on all '64 models' by your Elna dealer Oshawa Sewing Centre 329 Simcoe S. 728-2391 Trees and Trim YULETIDE GIFT & TRIM SHOP OUR . "ONE STOP CHRISTMAS SHOP"' Features: No. 1 top quolity trees, gift. wrap, table centres, door 'knockers, fancy candles, garlands, indoor-outdoor lights, out- door figures, Santas, bulbs, bells, etc. Shop today! RUNDLE ee CENTRE LTD. 1015 KING E. 725-6551 __ Shop in Warmth! For a selection of . 4% * CHRISTMAS TREES (will spray) LIGHTS Indoor and Outdoor DECORATIONS FLOWERING HOUSE PLANTS Mums, Poinsettos, Cyclamens 2 Locations to . J. A. Janssen & Sons LTD, 843 King W. 728-9429 Al Preston's Sunoco Simcoe St. North HOT COFFEE TO EACH CUSTOMER LIKE ARMCHAIR SHOPPING ? Phone 668-3311 For details on Gift Packs of SELECT APPLES RED WING ORCHARDS "|For | Holiday Fun '64 RAMBLER CLASSIC One owner, 6 cylinder, over- drive transmission, radio. A real gas saver, SAVE $1000 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down®Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD, SOUTH ¥_723-942) '$ ALL. CASH $ For clean cars, or trucks we deal up or down. Liens paid. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. 146 BROCK ST. NORTH Across from Royal Hotel WHITBY 668-3331 KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought. and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top quality 1960 CHEVROLET Biscayne, four-door | ~ sedan, 6 cylinder standard transmission. Custom radio, color Sierra Gold. Excel- lent condition, Phone 725-1801. | 1963 PONTIAC Parisienne convertible V8 automatic, bucket seats, console, cus- tom radio, whte with black top, red trim. | Phone 725-1801. 1963 PONTIAC Parisienne, two-door hard- | top é-cylinder automatic custom | whitewall tires. Finished In saddle tan. 725-1801. 1992 CHEVROLET coupe, partiaily =| stored, new battery, licence, $550. and drive away. est A sabe Motors, Kent) Street North, Whi | BLACKSTOCK AREA, 200 ocre form with excellent buildings, 150 ocres work- able. Stream. Asking $32,- 000. Terms. Blackstock, 100 ocres with 7 roomed home, 2 barns. Ask- ing $18,000. Terms. GIVE * * * your Party Clothes "THE FESTIVE LOOK" Vadiant Cleaners Oshawa Shopping Centre 725-1023 Pick-up & Delivery "SMITH BEVERAGES LIMITED Authorized Bottlers for PEPSI-COLA CANADA LTD. '63 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN $ SAVINGS $ on auto repoirs, parts, accessories, speed ond custom 'equipment. 24 hr. towing. "DOCS 1600 KING E,, 728-7781 (10% off with this coupon) THIS YEAR GIVE HIM FLYING TRAINING For private pilots. This is a Government approved school. Aircraft rentals also available. J. V. AVIATION LIMITED Hanger 2, Oshawa Municipol Airport, Stevenson Rd. N. 728-3191 For the Family SKATES NEW and USED SOLD on hotaa tees ag BICYCLES ond PTRICYCLES DRAYTON "CYCLE __204 Bond St. E. 50 acres with brick home, | barn. Tractor, Price $5,900 with only $1500 down. PORT HOPE AREA, 125 acres with A-1 buildings, forge stream. Close to town, Asking $43,000, Terms, PORT HOPE AREA, 97 ocres brick home, all modern con- veniences. 2 barns, Asking $30,000. Terms. HIGHWAY LOCATION, 100 ocres with 7 roomed home, bom. 4 streams, Price ond terms arranged. DAIRY FARM, 200 acres os 6 going concern, 10 cans daily milk quote. 65 heod of Hol- setin cattle. Full line of ma- chinery. NORTH OF OSHAWA, 64 ocres land, planted with Christmas trees. Asking $4,- 900. Terms. EAST OF BOWMANVILLE, 31 ecres with new born. eee orchard, Only $5,000 down CAVAN AREA, 100 acres with brick home, barn, 2 trout streams, Asking only $12,- 000. Terms. One owner: radio, automatic transmission, . chrome discs, Shorp. $2195 | |26--Apar rtments for ae A few Apurtinerite still-available in OXFORD : PARK TOWERS Oshawa's most modern apartment building. For immediate possession, bright roomy m opart- ments 2 and 3. bedrooms. Fully equipped modern kit- chen, broadloomed corridors, Elevator service, fireproof construction, Balconies, Paved parking, Situated within easy walking distance from G.M. South Plant. At the corner of Malaga and Glenn St. SEE MODEL SUITE OPEN FROM 2 TO 9 P.M, Or Cail | Guide Realty Ltd. REALTORS Exclusive Agents at 723-1121 '63 RAMBLER CLASSIC One owner, automatic trans- mission, radio, new nylon whitewall tires. Neot os @ pin. i $1695 and Crush International Limited 750 Farewell St., Oshawa TELSPHONE 723-1011 | | '62 RAMBLER STATION WAGON One owner, radio, overdrive transmission, 60 doy guor- ontee. $1675 The Safe Way To Celebrate THE HOLIDAY SEASON Ride with MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 14 ALBERT ST,, Oshawa's Most Modern Taxi complete TENDER FOR WATER MAINS Sealed Tenders properly marked 'Tender for Water Main Contract W64-1"', will be received by the undersign- ed up to 5 p.m. December Ist, 1964. This contract is for the laying of approximately 995 ft. of 8" and 1100 ft. of 16" water main in the City of Oshowa. Plans and specifications moy be obtained at the office of the undersigned upon the de- posit of a certified cheque in the amount of $15.00. Lowest or any tender necessarily accepted. J. B. ANNAND, General Manager THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE CITY of OSHAWA 100 Simcoe St, South, Oshawa | | | ~ furnished -- bed- Very central For the Home BETTER CHRISTMAS PROGRAMMES T.V. Towers $50. up OSHAWA _.T.V. SUPPLY LTD. 361 GIBBONS 728-8180 BILL LEASK SOMETHING . . . THE WHOLE FAMILY WILL LOVE BABY BUDGIES Wonderful assortment of rare species and colors, MRS. T. BROAD 114 Elgin East 723-9767 SURE TO PLEASE! A Gift Certificate from LLOYD ELLIS SHOES 49 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-5941 Shoes, Slippers for the Family Use Our Convenient Loyoway P Plan | above address 728-7902 ONE BACHELOR to make fourth, 1957 CADILLAC, sedan De Ville, Fieet- two-bedroom apartment, white «collar wood interior, all power options, body In very types condition, mechanically A-1, | worker preferred, at least 21 years old. |Call 723-6156 after 6 p.m. Private sale, apply 33 Adelaide Ave. west or 723-7605, 1954 PONTIAC sedan, excellent condition. | FURNISHED room for General Motors employee. Apply 559 Ritson Road South or Original owner. Apply 749 Albert street) after 7 p.m. telephone 723-6844. SINGLE AND DOUBLE rooms; meals if | _-- desired. Apply 25 Division Street. 1957 CHEVROLET sedan, 6 cylinder; ROOM fo: #, gentleman preferred standard transmission, excellent condi- Lael for rents pee jleman preferred. Ap- tion, Insie end out, $595 or best offer 1962, PONTIAC custom sport, two-door hardtop black with eg trim. V-8 auto- | THREE single furnished rooms for rent. matic, power steer power brakes, radio, spotless poet: Call 725-1801. 100 acres with' stream, 7 roomed home, born. Paved road. Price only. $15,000. Terms '61 RAMBLER CLASSIC Ofie owner, radio, windshield washers, reclining seats. Top Volue. $845 For Anyone New and Used -- PORTABLE AND STANDARD TYPEWRITERS One year guarantee on all machines Jenkins Business Machines (Sales & Service) OPEN EVENINGS Ud GIFTS FOR THE HOBBYIST Model Automobile, -- Air- plane, Boat Kits. The Big- gest Selection in town. POLLARD Rodio & Television Service 153 Simcoe S. 723-9512 GIVE 7 > 7 That Lasting Gift "A Gift Certificate" For A PORTRAIT "IN OIL Sittings Arranged at your Convenience. Call CLARK STUDIO 325 BROCK NORTH Bealalll Gras hada RELIGIOUS CHRISTMAS GIFTS SSORTED ROSARIES ST. JOSEPH'S MISSALS $5 to $18 CERAMIC STATUES $2.25 to $13 Lovely assortment of Crucifix and Nativity Sets PARKVIEW VARIETY STORE * 98 OLIVE AVE Mrs. V. Bachand, owner Open daily 'til 10 p.m 725-8232 not DAIRY FARM, 100 acres with 600° Ibs. ' milk quoto daily, Automatic stable cleon- er in barns. Consider $9;000 down. BEEF AND PIG FARM, 140 acres with excellent buildings. Highway location, Asking $30,000. Terms. Donald Mountjoy Guy LeBlane | Idso Wiersma Ross Davidson. | 22--Lots for Sale | We Do Not "Sell" Properties We "'Assist'" You ' to Buy *ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED} : 728-5157 PRU rere eos exorcebi tastes Borate Sete AR er eT TWO SUBURBAN lots, 100 feet X 214 feet. Bickle Subdivision. Reduced for wick sale, $2000.00 each. Call Active ealty Limited, 728-5157 -YOU CAN TRUST Times Action Want «Ads to deliver your message to all cor- ners of town in @ matter of hours. Teie- = phone 723-3492. * BEAUTIFUL fe oa low with walk . bas creek, Built-in Thor stove and Swit! catheters with van- ity; ofl heated. Excellent north east loca- "tion, close to pn ll For a closer look please' phone Walter Mittler, 728-7083 Guide Realty Ltd. Realtors, 723-1121 $2,500 FOR THIS spacious lot overlooking i the lake in ih Oshawa. Frontage 50 ff, Depth 357 ft, This lot is worth much more, © Make us an offer. Terms. 728-5103, W. 0. Martin, Realtor. £23--Real Estate Wented -- TO SELL YOUR HOME FAST...FOR CASH OR TERMS, LIST WITH _.JOHN F. DeWITH : REALTOR Bowmanville 623-3950 WANTED 200 to 500 ACRES Must hove some water. front- age | LUXURIOUS LIVING F SEE THE VISCOUNT | | | neey 15 Ritson Road South or telephone | Two FURNISHED rooms with light | housekeeping In new home. Near Shop- |ping Centre, Available immediately, Suit- jable one or two working girls. 728-6780 | after 4 (p.m. This Year Give The Gift That Keeps On Giving... An OSHAWA TIMES SUBSCRIPTION If you have friends or rela- tives who are living out-of- town, send the Oshawa Times, year-round gift that is sure to be a daily reminder of your thought- fulness, 1958 BUICK convertible, All power re- Pun ar engine. Best cash offer. Telephone 723-4328 1962 PONTIAC 2-door Pee as ee matic. $1,800, Best offer. Phone 7: 31--Compect Cars for Sale| VOLVO SALES and SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repoir ond Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road South Oshawa 728-0921 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD, VOLKSWAGEN Sales and Service New and Used Cars 334 Riston Rd. S. 723-3461 Open Evenings 1999 MORRIS Oxford, four-door, one-own- er car. Priced for quick sale, $175, Ajax, m\ 942-6086 after 6 evenings. 1960 VALIANT sedan, radio, white wails, snow tires, extra tires, Body perfect con- dition, Private. Best offer, dial 668-5152. 1963 CORVAIR, low mileage, radio, seat- belts, four-speed shift. Good condition. $2100. cash or will trade 725-4443, New VAUXHALL, 4-door, standard shifi, A-| condition. Any reasonable offer con- sidered. 725-9988 after 7 p.m. 1956 VOLKSWAGEN, good shape. $200. Phone collect Newcastle 987-4282. 1940 FRONTENAC two door stationwaaon, excellent throughout, radio. Must be seen fo be appreciated. $975 or best offer. Tele. Phone 723-9025 mornings and evenings Jonly 1955 AUSTIN Healy, wire wheels, radio |Mechanically sound. Needs minor body Tepairs. $500. Call after 7 p.m. 728-5843 33--Automobiles Wented | CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell your used ear to Ted Talk "'Cash" to the New Car Deoler and "Save" 300 GRENFELL '60 CHEVROLET IMPALA HARDTOP One owner, automatic trans- mission, radio, 2000 original miles. Shows exceptional core. $1595 1, ISAAC McKEEN, of 193 Bloor Street East, Oshawa, will not be responsible for ald debts contracted in my name, by anyone, on or after this date, Novem- | ber thet 1964, without oy, written 'consent. ISAAC McKEEN. Featuring large master bed- |to North GM and hospital. Suit couple or two gentlemen willing to share. Apply 90 Adelaide Avenue East. Telephone | 725-7819 |28--Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD, Home privileges. Shift workers welcome on second shift. Lunches packed. 723-6689. ROOM AND BOARD for gentieman Lunches packed, parking, Telephone 773-6626, 29--Wanted to Rent _ THREE. or four-room unfurnished aparl- ment wanted by November 30. Central No children, Telephone after 5 p.m 723-2464 URGENTLY REQUIRED! By family with three children. Two or threebedroom house or apartment with reasonable rent Can supply references. Please cai! 724 4295. | 30--Autome bil for | Sale TED CAMPIN MOTORS Temporary Location' Meade's Sunoco Service Power Store Entrance 588 King St. East 1957 CHEVROLET sedan, A-1 condition, standard, 6, radio, $600 or best offer. Tele- phone 728-3029. 1988 CHEVROLET two-door standard: six Radio, white walls. Nice Sere, car. Ask- ing?.$500. Telephone 648- 4517 1962 PONTIAC Laure evlinder, automatic, 1964 PONTIAC Laurentian - automatic. Radio and heater Positraction. Finted glass, inder new car warranty 23-2017 SEE OUR [72 GARDEN HOMES 1960 CHEVROLET, 2door, hardiop. Good condition. Low mileage. 6 cylinder, aute- Under matic. Very good oversized tires, Many "HOUSES extras. Telephone 723-4300. FOR RENT" |1959 CHEVROLET sedan, 6 cylinder, standerd transmission. Good nets coal GIRL fo share apariment. For informa. | tion telephone 723-6032. ° room with walk-in. closets, broadicomed corridors, im- lobby, beautifully landscaped lawns, immediate occupancy. Now -- showing for your inspection our com- pletely furnished 2-bedroom model. Suite. For information see supt, at THE DIPLOMAT WW 38--Coming Events pressive ELMER' S "The Christmas Store with Gifts Galore' Got gift problems? Drop into Elmer's Bargain House ond see the large selection of gift ideas for the whole family, ELMER'S BARGAIN HOUSE STORE HOURS: 12 noon to 9 p.m. Sat. 9 a.m, to 6 p.m. Closed all Monday 253 BLOOR ST. E. FROM... SANTA'S PACK FOR ALL THE FAMILY SLIPPERS * Busy feet will oppre- ciate these warm house slippers Christmas morn and every morn. * Complete range of sizes, styles and colors. BIGGEST SELECTION TOWN! -- BURNS co. LTD. 1 KING W. 725-4611 "Use our lay away" SUNNYSIDE PARK MONSTER BINGO 'CLUB CAMELOT + (King St. E.--one block east of city limits--Opposite "Bad Boys"') FRIDAY, NOV, 27th $1200.1N PRIZES EARLY BIRD GAMES AT 7:45 20--$20 GAMES--20 1--$150 JACKPOT--1 2----$250 JACKPOTS--2 S--.$30 SPECIALS--5 JACKPOT NOS. 50 & 54 ADMISSION $1.00 ___No Children Please _ NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY, EVENINGS 7:45. et ST. GEORGE'S HALL (Albert and Jackson Sts.) Gome $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled $160 IN JACKPOTS '57 PONTIAC Trouble free driving for only $345 SAVE ON '65 RAMBLERS IMMEDIATE DELIVERY * W etuma MOTORS LTD Authorized Rambler Dealer Bu, 340 Marlond Ave., Apt. 728-4283 GOVERNOR MANSIONS 2 Bedroom Suite Possession December Ist. Adults Only. TELEPHONE 723-1712 -- 728-2911 For Appointment 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT $115 Simcoe St. North conveniences, parking, Available February 1, CALL THE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT KING ST. EAST 123-3474 Will be pleased to give you further details and act upon your insfructions, All adults, . 1965. 725-3302 Seat belts 2,500 miles, Telephone RRR TT IN | Wilt take cheaper car as | Balance can be financed. Call Pome seTS after 5. | 1963 OLET Bel "sedan, cylinder tandard transmission, custom radio, whitewall tires, excellant condition ~ Air a: Write\to Open Evenings till 10. BOX 514 OSHAWA TIMES TWO-BEDROOM, unfurnished abariment Private entrance. Available Decernber 15. ARE YOU MOVING to Montreal or Wind sor? If 80, and you want your home sold, eal Bi Johnston, Schofisid-Aker Real Estate, 722-2265, 723-1282 THREE-ROOM apariment. Centrally lo Telap Telephone, 725-1801 1961 PONTIAC Parisienne, four-door hard- top V8 automatic power steering, power brakes, power windows, custom radio, cated. No children, please. Available Decernber 1, Apply 219 Albert Street, two-tone fe on one owner car Telephone 725- 100 NONQUON RD. 729-7351 TED CAMPIN MOTORS Door Prize $15 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 SHAW sutd Wrecking Co., ais bought, perts for sale. Sh oy Hisaasg Is bought, 89 Bioor Street east 725 SINS FAIR, Bae November 27 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9.30 p.m, St. Matthew's "Anglican Church, Wil- son Road at Hoskin,

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