Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Nov 1964, p. 21

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Youths Admit Liquor Charges AJAX (Staff) -- Four Toronto youths pleaded guilty to infrac- tions of the liquor control act in magistrate's court here Thurs- ye Joseph D. Roy, 21, was fined $25 and costs for having beer in 'a place other than a residence and $50 for supplying beer to minors. Robert McDavid, Lorne William Adams, all 18, pleaded guilty McDavid and Carl to charges of consuming. Man Freed Of Assault AJAX (Staff) -- A charge of David Gold- stein, 49 of Kingscourt apart- ments was dismissed by Magis- trate Harry Jermyn in Ajax assault against Magistrate Court Thursday. Paul Fillion, 21, of the same address as the compalinant, told the court that he had been dis- rent relapse. with Goldstein cussing his apartment manager when the assault occurred. Fillion told the court that he had been $39 in arrears and that Goldstein had been telling his neighbors to tell him to pay his rent. Fillion showed a_ black eye as the result of the fight He struck him. Goldstein testified he asked Fillion to days previous. He claimed Goldstein struck had pay the rent which had been promised seven said that Edward Livesey and Kenneth Kingston, both of Toronto, were fined $10 and costs each when found guilty of failing to report an accident. Davis McDonald, who told the court he "lives off my guitar," was sent to jail for five days when he was found guilty of having liquor in a place other than his residence. Magistrate Jermyn told the accused to take his guitar with him. Witnesses said that the wind- shield of an auto driven by David Dollimore, Kingscourt Apartments, Ajax, was almost completely frosted over. He was assessed $20 for making an im- proper left turn,, John B. Graine, Belleville, was fined $100 after he pleaded guilty to impaired driving on Highway 2. Sgt. B. Box of the Pickering Township Police De- partment testified he observed Graine's vehicle almost strike the bridge in Pickering Village. Hugh Johnston, 29, of 55 Ad- miral road, Ajax, pleaded guilty to impaired driving. Johnston was charged on Nov. 12 after he struck a parked vehicle on Admiral Rd. and moved it 51 feet causing $750 damage, Ajax Police Constable Paul Stevenson said the accused's breath smelled of alcohol and there was an empty whiskey bottle in the front seat with him. Magistrate Harry Jermyn fined him $100 and his license will be suspended for six Desk Set Presented ORONO (Staff) -- W. Frank Rickard, County, was honored by the ciation, at a dinner Thursday night, ' Telegrams of congratulations from Prime Minister L. Pearson, Paul Martin, Minister of External, Affairs; David Kroll and Keith Davies, national organizer for the Lib- eral Party of Canada, were read to Mr. Rickard, by Glen tion. The Honorable E. J. Benson, Durham, were fog attend. ciation, Head table guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hughes, John James, Mr. and Mrs. Hare, Mr, Mrs. Honey, and Mr. and Mrs. Rickard. HEAT VS TV SHEEN, England CP --When Rev. John Phillip, vicar of St, Luke's church, church heating system, televi- sion pictures in the area shrink to the size of a postcard. The parish council has complained to the electricity board and months. asked for an increase in power. ex-MP for Durham Durham County Liberal Asso- B. | ti Senator Hughes, president of the Dur- ham County Liberal Associa- minister of- national revenue and Russel C. Honey, MP for bound in Ottawa and were unable to A desk set was presented to Mr. Rickard from the associa- tion. His wife, Clara, was pre- sented with a bouquet of roses by Mrs, Percy Hare, president of the Newcastle Liberal Asso- and Mrs, Roger Kirkpatrick and turns on the Orono (Staff) -- Progressive Conservative leader John Dief- enbaker, was branded a 'False Prophet' Thursday night by Roger Kirkpatrick, president of the Port Hope Liberal Associa- on, Mr. Kirkpatrick, addressing a dinner honoring W. Frank Rickard, ex-MP, said, false prophets appear in a_ party when that party is desperate. "The leader of the Conserva- tive Party, is one of these, and is trapped by his own people, who haven't got the guts to get rid of him. individual to be true veniences," he said. MUST GUARD PARTY "Once a man is elected, the responsibility continues. must guard the party against temptation. The temptation of introducing ijegislation with the sole intent of snaring votes, must also stop the party from becoming involved in gimmicks and also against cliches and false proph- "The individual ets. to his party or it is nothing. He must servé at election in spite of personal problems and incon- Liberal Party Concern Is For The Individual Mr. Kirkpatrick also told the gathering that the prime con equal but in value only. SET OF RULES He a set of rules. cern of the Liberal Party is the individual and thatall men are "Liberals must keep this idea in mind and have faith in the ability of man to thrive There is a collective action to keep society and this is governed by 'These rules are: fair play; provisions made for those who find themselves victims of this action and also collective action to | aay security for individ- uals. "In the United States today they have' this problem. The Far Left sacrifices economy to provide protection and stability. "The Far Right, distrusts everything, and help and pro- tection must be provided. Liber- -|als must avoid these troubled waters. CRITICIZE INDUSTRY LONDON (Reuters) -- Brit- ain's steel industry -- due to nationalized by the new Labor government -- comes under fire for overmanning and other fail- ings in an official report pub- lished here Thursday..The iron and steel board labels the in- dustry's over-all productivity as "unsatisfactory," calls for staff cuts and spotlights weaknesses THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, November 20,1964 9 Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club Scores The winners and high scores DEAD FISH Huge areas of the Indian Ocean are covered by millions of tons of dead fish, believed Came by oxygen-starved wa- eh To.) of the games played by the members of the Whitby Dupli- cate Bridge Club were: North and South--Mrs. Hun- ter-and Mrs. McGillivray, 10814; Mr. and Mrs. Wills, 106%; Mrs. Spratt and Mrs. D. Wilson, 9814; Mr. and Mrs. Winter, 96%; Mr. and Mrs, Goodwin, 88%. East and West--Mrs. Cubb and Mrs. Maundrell, 103; Mrs. Pirie and Mrs, MeCutcheon, 99; Mrs. Bovay and Miss Bovay, 98%; Mrs, Conlin and Miss G. For- syth, 93%; Mrs, Carnparea and in its record of modernization. Mrs. Reid, 91}. 723-5241 OSHAWA'S Newest Texi, Offering Safe, Courteous Service 46 King St, W. Oshawa "It is the responsibility of the OLD WORLD TRADITION Se LONDON CREAM LONDON WME AT (NITED LONDON @ ONTARIO CANaoa NEW WORLD PERFECTION has the BIG CHOICE in weather-defying ER FODTWEAR Fillion had threatened him and had threatened to "shove his fist down his throat." Goldstein claimed it was Fillion who had: struck Mr. Goldstein first. Magistrate Harry Jermyn dis- missed the charge. Sign Request Turned Down HAMPTON (Staff) -- Darling- ton Township Council, Thursday, decided to turn down a bid by Imperial Oil Limited to erect a ( sign in the township. The oil company had made application to the council to erect a sign 100 feet long on Lot 35, Concession 1, advertis- service centre on High- at the Waverly road ing its way 401 out-off. Councillor Carl Down ae was against signs being erec' anywhere in the township and would not vote in favor of a motion granting permission. Councillor Richard Gibbs that the Jmaperial Oil lawyer that council is not prepared to amend its zoning bylaw so the oil company can erect @ sign on Lot 35, Concession 1, in Dar- lington Township. A ( He Of G PROUDLY EXPORTED VATURED AND BC ANADIAN eRe a aunadas ae By (ft TO MORE THAT TITLED IN TLE WHISK Y at VWhikie Vv 50 COUNTRIES HENLEY [ ISTILLEHILS LTO IT'S HORROR FOR SAFETY IN U.K. LONDON (AP) -- A horror campaign against Christmas traffic accidents swung into action in Britain today. Its main slogan is 'don't ask a man to drink and drive." Using massive posters and | a spate of TV commercials, its aim is to shock. One poster shows a small boy crushed beneath the wheel of a crashed automo- bile. Another shows sprawled beside a battered car. Television spots show cheerful pub scenes punctu- ated with sounds of screech- ing tires and closeup pictures of mutilated crash' victims. Transport Minister Tom Fraser, announcing the £500,- 000 ($1,500,000) cam paign, said: "These films and 'posters are bound to cause contro- versy. I make no apology for that. "We want to change the whole social attitude to drink. We hope to encourage social restraint on drinking 'and . driving. And we hope to make it easier for a driver to say no to a drink without loss of face." : Last year Britaig-had 132 traffic deaths during the four- day Christmas accidents a girl | holiday. | Fraser said drinking was a | factor in more than half the | a A tremendous offer . . Hi-Fi Radio, Record Players .. till February, 1965. ® Bring in the BIG picture i | | 2 GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING i . and so timely! Select the major appliance you wont for Christmas and receive as on additional Free Bonus Gift your choice of such valuable items os Tape Recorder, . and in some cases even a fully automatic CLOTHES DRYER. Visit our store now and see just how YOU can obtain 2 gifts for the price of one. No Payments FOR THE PRICE OF tt name tn qa (7) lat word in styte MODEL 23-743, THREE-WAY COMBINATION Housed in the one exqui- site cabinet are three wonderful sources of entertainment -- TV, radio and stereo. 24-tube, hand-wired TV chassis. Power transformer, Immutron, Big 23" picture, 13-tube radio: AM, FM and Multiplex, 10 push-buttons. Fully-automatic Garrard AT-6 record changer. 6 speakers. @ Bring out the FULL sound 33 33, EASY ON Textured plastic overshoe cuffed with fluffy bunny fur, Adjustable strap ond snap-on fastener. White only in full children's sizes 4 to 12. POP .sccee 10. VERNE Smooth nylon snowboot with a front slide fastener and deep mouton cuff. Fleeced wool lining, 'Vulco' sole. Re- sists salt ond water stains. In block or brown, sizes § to 9, 7.98 PRs 0b oe 20. SUBURBAN BOOTS Lightweight rubber boots with: net cotton lining, slide fastener and eorrugated rubber sole, Full sizes 6 to 13, medium and wide widths, Black only. Also Pointed Toe Style Available. 27, GIRLS' PULL ON BOOT Smooth "Elk" tradename glove leather with elasticized strap around top, Pile lining and col- lor of shearling (sheepskin), Mouided rubber sole in black or brown, Sizes 5 to 10 including» half sizes in 8 width only, Pair 6.95 9. BEAUPORT Wedge heel snowhoot of simulated leather (vinyl) and lined with shearling (sheep- skin), In block or brown, full sizes 5 to §, 7.98 31. LINED OVERSHOES Brown rubber with fold-ever tongue end adjusteble strap. Fleeced cotten lining and shearl- ing (sheepskin) cuff, Felt insoles, Children's 6 to 12 An 8" high simulated leoth- er (plastic) snowboot with nylon pile lining. Black and brown in full sizes only, 6 to 9, 6.98 PILE: 5 6 04:60; EATON'S MALi LEVEL, DEPT, 238 16. HEAVY DUTY SPLASHER Slide fastener, obout 10' high in black rubber with carrugated rubber soles and 18. LINED PULL-ON BOOTS Pull-ons in brown rubber, Werm rayon pile fining. Corrugoted rubber sole, Stee! HURRICANE BOOT Exclusive with EATON"S! For children--o boot that pulls on over the shoe and fastens tightly with strap ond buckle Ke 6 i Ph mae Pole 2.4... 3.99 PHONE 725-7373, 4. STOVE PIPE 15" shaft boot of waterproof Royalon (vinyl) on low stack heel ond lined with nylen pile, Corrugated rubber sole, In block, wox toh er red, sizes 54 to 10. PHONE 725-7373 21, SLIDE FASTENER OVERSHOES Washable wyter-renallent qvien fo. ee i ket oe tae sizes, ium i uber 0 2 98 a 28. WARMETT BOOT Dver-the-sock boot with hems Tayon pile lining, Nerperene it insole, round . Rubber top ond sole. Brown only in child- ren's and Junior sizes, Black in Flot heel. to 9, Medium wi PO occ 22, ONE BUCKLE OVERSHOES Jersey bay tig with fleeced cotton lining, Full si 1 in on Hing and ' ' : on lining. Rubbet We sixes peaeereneeye 25. LOW RUBBERS THREE STYLES 23. STORM RUBBERS Black nylon and rubber uppers. Sizes & te 12 including holf sizes. Norrow, medium ond wide widths. Rubber soles, heels. Warm fleeced cotton lining, Full sizes 6 to 13. EATON'S MA&s. LEVEL, DEPT. shank rubber heels. Full People's sizes 6 to 12, 7.95 36 SIMCOE ST. NORTH We'll take care 'of Your Man this Christmas CLOTHING FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN 4,98 ear with the FLEETWOOD COMBINATION ABOVE... Your Choice of @ AUTOMATIC DRYER Magnificent hardwood cabinet. 67" wide, 18144" deep, 3034" high. @ 30" AUTOMATIC RANGE @ TAPE RECORDER REE ie @ 19" PORTABLE TV FREE --. 10 Stereo Records valued at $49.80 with any TV - Stereo Combination We Need Your Trade! , . . Comparable Valuable Gifts On All Major Applionces NO PAYMENTS TILL FEBRUARY, 1965 Pair ., Pal cciscs 237 PHONE 725-7373 BOOT TRAYS Manufacturer's Special Offer! @ Give your floors a break this Winter--use these rubber boot trays, approx. 272 x 172". @ Built-up ribs allow footwear to air and dry, @ Available in grey or sandalwood, 5 EATON Special Price, each ......seseyeeevece Continental STEAM BATH @ MASSAGE @ EXERCISE e HEAT T for l aches and pains (rheumo- tism etc.) @ Registered Masseur Call 728-2460 or 725-2109 16A Ontario St. OPEN THURS, & FRI. TILL 9 P.M. APPLIANCES CLOG RUBBERS Low -- style, Sizes 6 to 13. Pointed toe. Nar- row, medium, wide, cotton lined. isi ae (Not Illustrated) PAIR... PHONE 725-7373 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 254 155 SIMCOE S. PHONE . 728-2151 Shop with Assurance . .. EATON'S will NOT Knowingly Be Undersold

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