22A THe OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 10, 1964 Golden Age Citizens Take Heart! Viscount Greenwood Ch. IODE . Received Charter 26 Years Ago: Start Yourself A New Career EDMONTON (CP) -- Mrs. William Woodman an_ ener- getic; ambitious great - grand- mother with an_ instinct for business affairs, is convinced that age is no handicap. She was 62 when, with a few dollars and second-hand equip- ment, she started a chick hatchery with a son. Now 80, she puts in eight hours a day six days a week supervising the thriving $75,000 business. She writes all the advertising copy for the hatchery and two years ago took a 20-week even- ing course in advertising. Mrs. Woodman attributes her Success to "honesty, a personal touch, faith and a refusal to be- come discouraged." "IT love my work and don't Mhink I would have lived this long if I hadn't worked." She admits she knew little of the business when she started, end it was "nip and tuck" for | a long time. 'TI grew with it and learned the office work as I went along. I did all the jobs in the hatch- ery, except-making the chicken boxes. This meant that, besides do- ing all the office work, she cleaned floors, put thousands of eggs on trays; took the newly hatched chicks off and put them in boxes for shipment, LIVED ON FARM 'A native of Brantford, Ont., } di MRS. LLOYD HARLOW Athert Street H-S she and her husband moved west in 1911 to a fanm in Luse- land, Sask. Mr. Woodman died in 1935 and two years later, after the depression almost an- nihilated the family assets she moved to Edmonton and rented a farm. In 1939 the famiiy bought five acres of land within the city limits and Murray, then 19, built the family home. After wartime service with the RCAF he helped his mother start Woodman Hatcheries in 1946. 'We had only two second- hand incubators then but we shipped 13,000 chicks our first year," Mrs. Woodman recalls. Now she and Murray ship 30,- 000 chicks a week throughout Western Canada in the busy spring season. Tey estimate annual shipments. at 500,000 chicks. Mrs.. Woodman did ali the of- when expansion required a ; stenographer's help. The finm employs three other men. But Mrs. Woodman is ysuaily the last out of. the office and is on call at all times except Sundays. She lives alone at the hatchery and Sunday is re- served for church and family. She has. missed only one Ca- nadian Hatchery Federation convention since 1951 and was presented with a piaque for out- standing leadership and service to the industry at its 1961 con- vention in Banff, Alta. Mrs. Robert Brandt Is At Helm Of Y's Mennettes The Y's Mennettes are wives of the members of the YWCA Men's Club. Last year their major project was a card party and tea at Hillsdale Manor. This year's activities are not as yet '| planned, Mrs. Graham Nelson is the past president; Mrs. ~- Robert Brandt, president; Mrs. Thom- as Wolframe, vice-president; and Mrs. John McReelis, sec- retary. NURSING MEDAL South Africa has issued a nursing medal commemorating the first Bantu nurse to pass her final exams in 1907. 'left with sons Arthur and Mur- | ray and daughter Marion. They | fice work until four years ago} MRS. CLIFFORD PILKEY UAW Auxiliary 27 | Legion Auxiliary Whitby Branch Have Active Year Royal Canadian Legion Auxi- liary is affiliated to the Men's Branch, The Whitby Auxiliary was founded in March, 1945 with the first president being the late Mrs. Joseph Wilson. The group meets bi-monthly, one meeting is general business and the second is a social. There are approximately one hundred members at present. 1964 executive members are: president, Mrs. Vernon Moore; past-president; Mrs, Earl Or- miston; first vice - president, Mrs. Alvin: Foster; second vice- president, Mrs. Albert Carr; secretary, Mrs. Keith King; treasurer, Mrs. Walter Norris. The main objective of the Auxiliary is to assist the Men's Branch in helping veterans and their families. Under the On- tario Provincial Command, bur- saries are offered to outstanding students who have applied and assistance is given to the Men's Branch for the annual "Poppy Day."' The Auxiliary attends Re- membrance Day and place a wreath at the Cenotaph. Money is alloted to all local worthwhile campaigns for funds. Among the most successful money raising projects is the catering by the Auxiliary to weddings and- banquets and another profitable yearly event is the bazaar. At Christmas time members volunteer their help with the children's Christmas party. Are You On A Party Committee ? Let Zeller's Shopping Service line up the prizes and gifts. Phone 723-2209 or 723-2294 or drop in at Centre and let Zeller's4 ng Service handle the prize eller's downtown store or at the Oshawa Shopping and award lists for: any occasion year 'round. You simply supply a list as general or detailed as you wish. Now is the time to organize, for instance, a Christmas party. For this you provide a list according to age, sex, such as 8 boys, 11 years old; 6 girls 9 years old and so on, and state exactly how much you want to spend. The Zeller's Shopping Service takes over, finds just the right items, wraps them gaily in tissue and labels them according to the list provided. If a gift or prize is chosen for an individual, a name tag will be used. Let. Zeller's Shopping Service do. the work and debiver the complete lot of prizes ready for giving. Contact the shopping service -- customer credit office -- For Christmas and New Year's parties and banquets. OSHAWA, SHOPPING CENTRE 723-2209 . ZELLER'S DOWNTOWN STORE SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 723-2294. Viscount Greenwood Chapter, Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire in Whitby can boast a proud record of services. The Chapter was formed in October, 1938, and received its charter, November 21, 1938. In December 1938, the Chap- ter was honored at a dinner given by the Royal Canadian Legion, Whitby. At that time the Standard was presented to the New Regent, Mrs. D. B. Coleman. The speaker of the evening was the Attorney Gen- eral of Ontario, the Honorable G. D. Conant. Mrs. D. E. Carruthers, who was one of the members of the first IODE Chapter formed in Canada, is the group's Honor- ary Regent. A post she has graced since the chapter began its work. The chapter is named after Hamar, Viscount Greenwood, who was born in Whitby in 1870. A stained glass window in All Saints'- Anglican "Church, Whitby, commemorates him. Over the years of teas, gar- den parties, theatre nights, bridges, tag days and numer- ous other functions IODE'ers raised thousands of dollars for War Relief, comforts' for servicemen, food for Britain projects, scholarships and bur- saries. After. the war members look- ed for a service project to do at home. A day camp was set up and continued in operation for many years. The chapter has presented many flags to schools and other onganizations over the years, along with book PRINCESS ELL LONDON (AP) -- Princess Margaret's doctor put her to bed Friday with a catarrhal infection, A spokesman said the princess had to cancel attend- ance at the English Folk Dance and Song Society dance Friday night. prizes and essay prizes and the IODE Nursing Bursary. Since its beginning the chap- ter has had able leadership, capable women who could eas- ily have stayed at home and allowed others to carry the bur- den of civic responsibility. In- stead, they have gone forward to grapple with the problems of today. The war has been over for many years but the Viscount Greenwood Chapter and IODE members everywhere are fight- ing a new war. The war against communism. The war against poverty and importantly the war against ir- tolerance. The chapter is trying to combat the prejudices which threaten Canadians today and looking for strength to the prin- ciples of honor, integrity and courage which have sustained the chapter in the past. The Oshawa Air Show brought a tidy sum of money which was used to further the work in Education Services and other areas of IODE work. MRS. C. D. RUSSELL Oshawa General Hospital Auxiliary RR --""JUST ONE CALL "Over 80 Years' Experience" Your local Agent. ,. ' CO. ROSS E. MILLS | LADIES ... IT'S A FACT! The BAKER CARPET CLEANING COMPANY have been restoring rugs to their original lustre for over 80 years. In addition they have every element needed for perfect cleaning of drap- eries . . . long experience, exacting skills and scientific equipment. You just have to be good to maintain such a constant, flourishing busi- ness. Why not prove it to yourselves. Call ROSS E. MILLS (local agent) . . . your rugs and drapes will be gone and back again before yau know it. So expertly cleaned too! "FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY" DOES THEM ALL" -- BAKER Cleaning *™*o. LTD.. sxsunll 80 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 728-6218 # cegepeman mannose ne iiss