- Bobbs - Merrill 'How Never To Be Tired' Is A Helpful Book Each week brings a new sup- terest in both the big and little ' ply of-books to this desk for re-| things around you, because. if view, but on our shelf we have life isn't all it should be you've an old, dog-eared volume that let too many interests die. You constantly challenges all the/can new! November is a good month to mention this fine book's chal- lenge--if energy left from va- cation is already down the drain and if fall's first ambi- tion is gradually starting to pale. This book, we vouch, will spruce things up. Get on the trail of it now. Titled How Never to Be Tired, it's by Marie Beynon Ray and published by The Company. It should be in your home or in your neighborhood library. But if you can't. get it locally, ask the hbrarian 'to order it. Once you land a copy, you'll turn over a fresh leaf on life, for among its mental push-ups you'll find inspirational lines like these: Take-a more passionate in- MRS. LORNE SEELEY Adelaide McLaughlin H-S revive' these interests, though, just as successfully as a lazy horse can gallop when he's spurred sufficiently. In the process of taking more | interest in life, start pushing} out the circumference of your life further and further. In- stead of settling for a life of | slowly decreasing activity, get. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, November 10, 1964 173A Regina Woman © |}; Aids Handicapped REGINA (CP)--Leda_ Jean Davis' started teaching handi- capped ehildren in the butler's pantry of a renovated Regina home 19 years ago. "At that time some people couldn't see the point of teach- ing a handicapped child." But since then, partly through Mrs. Davis's efforts, attitudes have changed, and when she re- tired this year she left a post She launched a campaign for = longer teaching hours for her disabled children and in 1047 won support from the board of education for a normal school : program.' She taught as many as 16 youngsters in grades 1 to 8&-- "not much different from coun- try schools." 3 In 1949 the Junior Red Cross moved to Regina General Hos- pital and she got a bigger class- room and more children. In 1953 she moved fo the Re- gina Physical Restoration Cen- tre and was given added staff. back in the whirl ef things and expand every day's activities. The more contacts and inter- ests you have, the less fatigue you'll feel. When you get' tired even) thinking about expanding your interests and contacts because you feel you already have too | much to do, remind yourself | you don't have to run around in | circles taking care of all your | | jobs and pleasures at one time. | | 'ONE THING AT A TIME Instead,. you can shove men- j tal and physical fatigue aside iby concentrating whole- | | heartedly on doing one thing at | a time as well as you can. Then | while you're doing this, act as though you had nothing else to' |; do and reject the tension and |strain that come with the | thoughts of the other eleven | things waiting to be done. | If you try to do this but still feel weighed down by personal | | cares, remember that no one { |has a problem that. someone else hasn't solved. | Finally, when you think that | you're still tired in spite ' of | everything, re mind yourself | that usually you feel "pooped". | |not because of what you do-- but because of what you don't do. With this in, mind; 'change | lack of 'action into greater. ac- tion: Then, above all, stop forever saying "I'm tired." Instead tell ' people "I feel swell!"even when it's a whopper! -}at a modern, well-equipped cen- tre. : : "I'm proud of my kids," she says. "I'm thankful I've been allowed to see my students go on to university or vocational training and then take their place in society." Her first classroom was the butler's pantry of a house use as branch headquarters by th Junior Red Cross. Classroom hours were two hours a day. "I'd go home frustrated for I felt I couldn't accomplish any- thing with the children in this short: time." BEAUTIFUL HAIR MAKES A LOVELIER YOU Specializing: Perms --Coloring -- Cutting PH. 668-3621 HI-FASHION GUIDA and DINO HAIR STYLISTS ee . toy CUSTOM MADE 'SLIP COVERS \ CALL HOWARD Neer MRS. LAWRENCE FRENCH Harmony H-S : WANT EXTRA FRENCH | VANCOUVER (CP)--Parents of 558 elementary school chil- dren have approved a school board proposal to send their children to Saturday - morning French instruction. Parents will pay a $20 fee for 40 hours of teaching. 725-3144 926 SIMCOE Ne loo Styled by Guide and Dine Decorating? Call Us FIRST for... @ CUSTOM MADE DRAPERIES @ BROADLOOM -- RUGS Z @ PAINTING-PAPERHANGING CONTRACTORS ---- @ WALL MURALS @ Gp PAINTS @ FLO-GLAZE PAINTS by DUPONT ALL WORK AND MATERIALS GUARANTEED -- FREE ESTIMATES -- TOP SERVICE DODD « SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. PHONE 668-5862 WHITBY 107 BYRON ST. S. 1 BLOCK WEST OF 4 CORNERS TURN SOUTH: