Mi THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tucedey, November 10, 1964 A Sewing-At-Home Tip When Stitc New fashions fabrics and ideas, plus a variety of won- derful ene Se ets, give the cue to the vast army. of home sewing enthusiasts, Stretch fabrics are increas- ingly important, especially for children's clothes, informal eportswear and casual things. ' A visit to the notions depart- ment of any store is a revela- tion in the many smart gadgets to make creative sew- ing not only easy but downright pleasant. To obtain best results'in sew- ing etretch fabrics, use nylon thread advise leading thread mills. It will "give" with the fabric. Then, all that is needed is care not to stretch the fabric while cutting, sewing and pressing. Scissors and shears are vi- tally important to the home seamstress. In the stores is a mew version of pinking shears. The improvement is a_ ball bearing pivot which permits a ease and efficiency PRESSING PROBLEM The pressing of seams, darts and other areas of a garment as it is being constructed is an- ether major job in sewing. Just introduced is a press cloth that's a double job--one side muslin, the other wool. The extra thickness provides for ironing over zippers, button- boles, etc., and is especially good for top pressing because the muslin side retains the moisture while the other side redistributes the steam evenly. ' Among other "tools of the érade"' now or soon available at motions counters are the new backings for self-covered belts and buckles. These backings, available in are washable, hing Stretch One series is aceite, which makes it the ideal backing for many fabrics. Something else to delight home sewing practitioners, who aim to turn out a professional looking suit, is the 'chain weight. It was first introduced by Chanel and placed on the inside. of the back hem of her jackets so that they would "hang" perfectly. The chain weight consists of a flat 24-inch link chain in a golden finish such as is used by master tailors now every- where. And now these jacket chain weights are available at the notions counters of stores everywhere, too. Home _ seamstresses, espe- cially beginners who are start- ing to acquire some of their basic sewing supplies, will be delighte" to find they can pur- chase several such aids pack- aged on a single card. One assortment, for instance, includes a 5-inch scissors, a tracing wheel and a seam rip- per. Another includes a -7 - inch scissors, a. needlsthreader, a thimble, a seam-ripper and-a tape measure. There's also a carded assortment with such sewing machine aids as oil, two bobbins, lint brush, threaders and a screwdriver set. Packaged appliques are also among the new sewing items at notions counters this season. Designs now available range in scope from embroidered wool motifs to delicate floral batistes, monograms, nautical and nursery designs. These can be a source of great inspiration to the home sewing sorority. With such aids, it is easy and inexpensive to give garments a} chic, individual accent. many widths, Lamp-Lighting Experts ppcens at end proper placement can eorrect a condition revealed in @ survey, which showed that measly 80 per cemt of the homes in our country are poorly lighted. And when the lighting is ade- quate, lamps make X possible for the American homemaker to paint her home with light and @o add to its beauty. COMPARATIVELY EASY With the wide range of styles, @esigns and prices available in lamps, homemakers should find comparatively easy to up- grade their lighting. Standards for good lighting eal for at least five portable Jamps--as distinguished from ix. tailed fixtures--for the living foom and main bedroom, two or three in each additional bed- room, plus one lamp for each 4 to 5 square feet in other rooms of the house where the ends of good vision and decoration must be. served. - d Light from portable lamps is needed for specific visual tasks, Subjects ing areas should come from portable lamps. Lamps" put the light where it's needed specifically, as well as contribute generailly to the light- ing of the whole room. Why five lamps per living room and master bedroam? Be- cause one lamp can. adequately light only a smaill area--about 4 to 5 square feet--and only in- clude one © serious activity re- the proper bulb wattage and switching for the job at hand. PROPER WATTAGE Those taking small bulbs up to 100 watts are for dressing ~MRS. JOHN VIVASH _ Golden Jubilee Chapter IODE MRS, JEAN CARDINAL Federation of French Canadian Women MRS. GEORGE MOSS Home and School Council table and night-stand use, Sin- gle-switch floor and table lamps should have at least 100 watts, preferably 150 watts. With table lamps, the over-ail distance from the floor to the bottom. of the lamp shade should usually be no more than 40 to 42 mches. The height of the ta- ble lamp therefore depends on the height of the table on which it rests. So-when you shop, take along a tape measure to make sure lamp heighis ane suitable for MATCHED PAIR | In rooms requiring four or five lamps, there should be at least one matched pair, located so that they have some rela- tionship to each other, such as on a pair of end tables or on a dining buffet. general light than do opaque shades, which are useful | for dramatic effect and for desk lighting. Whichever you select, try to whoose a shade with a white im- side surface for maximum light reflection. Make sure that. the placement of bowls and bulbs in the lamp is such that the light source doesn't shine in the eyes and create glare. HOUSEHOLD HINT To bleach yellowed white wool, rinse in a dilute solution of hydrogen peroxide solution of hydrogen peroxide after laundering. HALF DISPLAYED Of the 27 paintings by Rem- brandt in the Louvre Museum in Paris, oy about half are on display. The others are stored 7 A WiC Nothing Sisarter LADIES' HI-STYLE SHOES 12.95 to 14.95 At... Collins Shoes 119 Brock St, S.. Whitby Open Fri. 'tii 9 P.M. : Tramshucent shades give: more FOR ALL OCCASIONS Whether it's a personal gift, o wedding, Banquet or thot social event, flowers odd thet extra speciol touch to the occo- sion!. We can supply beoutiful flower e@rrangements for any ond olf occasions. And Remember Flowers wired ony- where oat FTD, Reed's FLORISTS PHONE 728-7 386-7-8-9 163 BLOOR W. 28 SIMCOE NORTH A Lovelier, Homey and Comfortable Atmosphere with = | =i _FIRE SCREENS i rte =: Wu, cos wi : ] A and FIREPLACE EQUIPMENT from LES EVENISS SALES such as reading and sewing, as well as to eliminate sharply contrasting pools of light and shadows -- a lighting condition that is all to prevalent and is harmful to vision. LIGHTED ILLUSION The mumber and position of amps im a room can make it geem larger and also permit the maximum space to be utilized. Experts state that at least half of the light in general liv- DRAPES Custom or -- M. &C. DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES 723-7827 74 Celina Street The quality name of "BROOKS" in fireplace screens ond accessories is your guorantee thet you are buying the very finest in fireplace equip- ment . .. both in style and rugged construction. May we suggest you visit owr shop et 15 Prince Street and see the items now on "-- Your orders will be token care of promptly. 10% OFF FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY ON ALL FIREPLACE EQUIPMENT © FIRE SCREENS bd ~ WOOD or COAL GRATES © STANDING FIRE SETS @© ANDIRONS ~@ BERRY LOGS thot ore 5 life-like, actually seem to be burning) WE WILL MEASURE AND INSTALL BUILT-IN FIRE SCREENS TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS _ i) t t ? i LY 'L I! ia "Where Satisfaction is Guaranteed" LES EVENISS SALES 4S: Prince St., Oshawa 725-4632 "Serving Oshowo ond Area Over 12 Yeors" say i ty wagte 8. OR we Geet eo ee 2 oe Oe eee