20--Real Estate for Sele RESALES IN AJAX 20--Real Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Sale W. 0. MARTIN 20--Real Estete'for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, November 11,1964 27 20--Reol Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale 22---Offices, Stores, Storage "ava ser | HY MILLEN BOLAHOOD BROTHERS -- Insurance --. PPING CENTRE | oat os cepts ai SOLD! You cam have this sign on your home within a few days, by xontacting me at once. Hig oe your phone and call Nosles. "Ronkine ot 728- Shas 728-3682 and we ean talk it over. INCOME HOME $11,900.00 Hard fo find, but, here It is. 10 rdom income home on main floor has large modern kitchen, living room, 4 bed- *roms, 3 pe. bath. Separate entrance to attractive 4 room opartment, with 3 pe. bath. Be suré to inspect and make an offer. Ask for Mr. Rov Yeo ot 728-5123 or 725-2217. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $17,900.00 Six yeor old ranch brick bun- iow with attached garoge, oti on a large profes- sionally landscaped lot. Well planned living and dinin room. Fomily size kitchen with many extras. Asking $3,- 50000 down poyment or of- fér. "Call Mr. lrwin Cruike shanks ot 728-5123 or 728- $205. GRANDVIEW AREA Almost new 3 bedroom brick bungalow. All storms and screens. Near Donevon High og bye only $14,600. Call idword Drumm at 5.8193 or 998-9945, BOLAHOOD BROTHERS LIMITED 101 Simcoe North Open Every Evening Priced $4,900.00 Ten Acres North Whitby ot No. 12 highwoy, Low down 'payment. en BILL MILLAR * 725-1186 '_W. T..LAMSON "Real Estate Ltd. "BILL" HORNER "\. ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 728-5157 Real Estate Limited 9 Bagot St. 728-1679 OSHAWA, ONTARIO GLENECHO (Rossland Heights) 4 bedroom, tri-level, 3 wash- rooms, large living room, room, spaci- ous entrance hall with hong- ing staircase into living room. BESSBOROUGH DRIVE A levely 3 bedroom home with radiant heot. The at- tractive -- -- . 4 , ate pe org io Will. bind scape, Paced to sell ot $17,- NORTH END Are you interested in a good home situoted Me r] = neighbourhood, 6 rooms, fire- ploce, broadioom, new oil furnace, large lot. Excellent condition. LAW AVE. Spacious ranch style bunga- low with 3 bedrooms, separ- ate dining room, lorge living foom with fireplace, laundry room off the fomily size kit- chen. Beautiful new rec room with built-in cupboards and bar. NORTHRIDGE ST. 2 storey 4 bedroom home with attached gorage. Beau- tiful bok window in the large living: room, separate dining room. Asking price only $18,- 550,00 MAXWELL VILLAGE A truly beautiful and differ- ent home, prestige all the woy through, A kitchen -- thot would delight ony woman. Extras include air condition- er, broadioom, built-in ap- plionces ond many others. Shown by appointment only. Priced ot $35,000.00. Oshowo's first GARDEN HOMES. Two and three bed- room dwellings with in- dividual recreation rooms now renting from $110.00 month- fy, Syd Goodfellow John Kitchen Loreen Kellett Charles Smith Phyllis Jubb 723-7335 723-3788 723-3770 7288254 723-3240 PRIVATE SALE -- mgt bedroom bu: BUILDING LOTS OSHAWA Serviced, ready to go, Wil- son, Farewell, idl ge Avenue area, widths KEITH PETER Realtor 728-7328 103 King Street OSHAWA. aos DISTRICT 2 Storey Semi T130 aaf 3 pa lot $89. care principal, -- and taxes, perty is in _excellen : ines tion, Coll Bill irvine '728- 2868. GLADSTONE AVENUE pg furnace, sulael ce: dition, asking $11,900,: Cail Earle Allen 725-7782," FAR FROM NOISY TRUCKS AND TRAINS Modern - spacious well de- signed ---- nice large kitchen and dining rooms, 4 good bedrooms, attached garage, Over 4 acres of pro- ductive soil. Call Robert Johnson 728-2548, $19,900.00 OWNER TRANSFERRED Beautiful 6 room home just outside the city, on large lot, extra large attached double garoge, broadioom, -- builtin stove and refrigerator and many other extras. included in price $112.00 per month carries, including interest, principal and taxes at 64% %, only 3 yeors old. Call Art Donaldson - Evenings 725- 9882 and Days 728-7328. SOUTHMEAD Lots of room for one family on one floor, all brick, Close to school, shopping end bus. This is a chance to get some- thing good and still have money left over, Phone Bill Ratcliffe Dial Brooklin 65 direct - 655-4457, DYMOND DRIVE Immaculate ranch home about 5 years old,. spacious living room about 27 ft. in length, builtin stove and oven extra 2 piece bath, large nice- ly landscaped lot with rockery patio and more thon ample shrubbery, Must be seen to be appreciated, Call Rolande ~ Tierney 725-5207. " OPEN HOUSE WEDNESDAY 2:30 to 5:00 P.M, Drive out King St. West to Thicksons Road turn south to open house sign. Bungalows and split levels, all with at- toched goarge, tiled bath, 2 & 4 bedrooms, living room, room dining end ultra om AB 6 Sg 728-7328 or 'onted - Bujlding lots any quantity, for cash, Informo- tion, North Shore Realty Company Ltd., 725-3560 112 Simcoe St. N., Oshowe Toronto 925-6073! three- oe. In Hill oe. a Senity 'Cimted, 720-51 two-pieci off ma: bedroom, Pv med windows, tel ie chen, separate dining room. Car; . Oni Active | $2,500 down, 720-798. Owner leaving city. Call OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS | ACTIVE|® REALTY LIMITED 728-5157 $1000.00 DOWN Modern 5 room Insul Brick Bungalow in really good re- poir, Oil heating. Lot 66' x 132', LY aw $8,900.00, Call 728-5157 now. COTTAGE SEVEN ROOMS Located on Loke Simcoe, Beoutiful sandy beach. All furniture and boat included. Owner wilf take cor, mort- gage or lot as down payment. Call 728-5157. $13,500.00 Modern 5¥% room brick bun- golow with attached garage. Very good lot. Well landscap- ed. May be seen by colling 728-5157. $9500.00 OFF BLOOR STREET 5 room bungalow. Very mo- dern kitchen. Hardwood floor- ing. Modern oil heat, Suit- able for older couple. Dial 728-5157. NEW $16,900.00 6 room bungalow with car- port, Split level design. Cer- amic tiled bath, lalk-out basement, 6% % N.H.A, fin- ancing, VACANT BESSBOROUGH DRIVE in Ansley Subdivision. This is "GOOD Pn Can be WE HAVE Call y8-$197 , pais anytime THE KEY". to-nite. Vickery Bell | GUIDE REALTY LIMITED , Realtors 16 Simooe St. S. AND ZONED POR HAIR- DRESSING. PARLOUR with 2 piece washroom. P: ed at only $13,500.00, $5,800 FULL PRICE Cozy. small home here for the 4 retired couple or small fom- ily. $1000 down payment and $75 monthly carries. . Cen- trally located yet giving you seclusion. Nicely decorated and cleon. It won't last. ;$2,000 DOWN And the balance on.one N.H, A. mortgage, 5 large rooms in this 3 year old brick. bun- galow on a nice lot. Quiet residential orea, very close to schodis, churches and shop- ping. N.H.A. RESALE This 3 bedroom brick bunga- low with its fully finished re- creation room, tiled 4 piece both,' equipped with storms end screens, landscaped and hedged yard. Represents one of the finest home values ot only $13,900. COFFEE BAR Only. $3,200 full price for this Well equipped business, small but profitoble near bus station downtown, rental of building only $70 per month. Call to inspect. COUNTRY HOME Bungalow containing 5 rooms, exceptionally low taxes, the garden included fruit trees and grape vines, Newly in- stollied pressure system and furnace on % acre of ground, Asking only $9,500. 'LARGE HOME. 8 room brick .home Gaaictena 3 Rien WHITBY 3 bedroom' brick home with nicely . finished recreation room, built-in china cobinet, bookcase and room divider. 2 murols, aluminum storms ond screens olf round ond basement. Poved drive, yard completely fenced with chain ond 'wood fencnig, well land- scoped with lots of shrubs. yrnee! be og to be oppre- joted, and iced at only $12 300 with ety 000 down, N.H.A. RESALE 3 bedroom brick bungalow in choice north-east location, Oil heated close to. schools. Not too much gardening re- quited here, N.H.A. mortgage corries for $68 monthly, A GOOD INVESTMENT Almost 3 acres and home on Ritson Rd. North. Good level land' and nice elevation for future developments. onytime. 6% N.H.A. RESALE APPLE HILL 3 bedroom brick bungalow with 'large family kitchen, Just 6 yeors old. Forced hot ait oil heating, Corries for $97.00 « month, P. 1, & T, VACANT LOT Vegont lot on Port Perry Road, 120 x 200, price at only $1,800. COMMERCIAL LOT East of Oshawo, lorge comer lot, priced oat 'only $6,300. Must be sold os soon as pos- REALTOR 728-5103 . 767 Simcoe Street South hago ee ore 0 a to Owner on- Hom and schools, 2g to sell, SPLIT LEVEL ol $12,800 "ay conven- ceptional value ot this low us an offer, COMMERCIAL King Street East, excellent location for a business, A well posed house now on the pro- gorage. Full ofl ps il $15,800. FOUR BEDROOM Immaculetely clean, 2 storey , with oil heat, 4 piece bath and 2 bedrooms on main floor. Large kitchen, All this for only $9,900. Terms, taxes only $175. WHITBY Large 4 bedroom home, fea- turltg 28 foot living room, 30 foot family room, 2 fire- places, on a beautiful spa- cious» lot. Asking $4,000 down, with NHA financing. BUILT-IN GARAGE Older 4 bedroom home, new- ly renovated, new forced-oir fed furnace, lovely lot, close to schools, bus and shopping, FOUR PLEX This is an older apartment building, shows excellent re- turns, ~~ be Low asking price, poyment. $19, 000 "vith wit 000° down, SPECIALS Grocery store in North end with: living quarters, Voriety store with equipment and living quarters complete for only $12,80 Several good building lots In the city. ond suburbs, For particulars coll 728-5103 or 728-9714 ERCOLE FOREST KEITH PETERS Realtor 728-7328 103 King Street Eost $14,500 Exceptional condition second floor, TV tower, $13,900 7 room brick, walking dis- tance to downtown, living room, dining and kitchen on moin floor, 3: bedrooms and both on second floor, lorge room on third floor, .extra toilet In the basement, gor- oge ond privote drive, $13,500 Brick bungalow obout 5 years old, 3 bedrooms, forced air oil heating, ond screens. $11,900 Spotiess brick bungalow in west end location, oi! heating, gorage, nice lot. $7,900 6 room home, nearly new olf furnace, garage, Y% acre lot, 15 minutes from Oshowo. $5,800 Cash ries run Mee central. Act fost, 400 foot frontage on Taun- ton Rd. $2800, OPEN HOUSE Thursday 2:30 to 5:00 P.M. Drive out King St. West to Thicksons Rd. tum south to open house sign. Bungalows ond split levels, all with at- tached gorage, tiled bath, 3 and 4 bedrooms, living room, dining room end ultra mod- em kitchen. 728-7328 or 725-4162. Art Donaldson Bill Irvine 725-9882 728-2868 728-2548 Bill Ratcliffe 655-4457 Rolande Ti 725-5207 loceted, bedroom Be large lot, oil heat, joa price. Terms to suit. Make ° W. OSSIE MARTIN 728-5103 or 723-5905 _ cluminum storme LTD 723-2265 (Over A Quarter Century of Service BROOKLIN in bathroom, gorage with asphalt drive, This home even has the large verandah thot @ person can sit out on of enjoy. Only $14,500, So call now. JUST LISTED PRICED TO SELL FAST Central Pork Blvd. South, most attractive 5 room brick bungalow with carport. area, Asking $14,700, $2,900 DOWN 6% N.H:A, RESALE Only $102, per month buys this lovely brick resale. As- phalt drive, bock yard com- pletely fenced, and front lawn hedged. Close to schools Call now for appointment to see. $13,500 Centre hall split level solid brick home with large living and dining room. Finished re- creotion room plus extra beth. Only $102. per month including taxes. NEAR ANDERSON HIGH SCHOOL This lovely three bedroom brick split entrance bungalow is only 4 yrs. old. Has all the extras one could wish for such as custom finished re- creation room, two-piece bath with Vanity just off recreation room, Plenty of extra closet and storage space, asphalt drive with large carport. Only $16,900. with substontial down poyment. HIGH SCHOOL AREA "Situated on Rossland Rd: West neor McLaughlin High and the new Catholic High. Large ranch bungalow with attached garage and floor to ceiling stone fireplace. A beautiful setting among ce- der ond apple trees. Back yard completely fenced with steel Lundy. fencing. Heating system is oi] hot woter base- board type which is econ- omicol as well os comfortable, Call now for appointment to inspect. SACRIFICE Owner has been transferred ofter having this custom built bedroom home completiey decofeted, landscaped and finished with mony. extras, Only require $4,500, down 80 call now. PARKLANE AVENUE Just listed. This comfortable 5. yr. old brick bungalow with paved carport. Two baths I- 4 pc. and 1-2 pc, Completely finished rec, room with bar. Lot 60 x 132' with privete patio, Listing price $16,900. with reasonable down pay- ment, LAW STREET Would you like a home with @ lorge kitchen that you eot in, plus a dining room, This three bedroom bungalow with fireplace: in living room. hos just been listed. Yes it has re- creation room patio, double carport and asphalt drive. Reasonable down payment re- quired, For your assurance of the finest home money can buy, Be sure H. Kassinger is the builder OPEN DAILY 9 A.M, to 9P.M. Bill Johnston 728-1066 Charles Choytor = Marg. Hall 723-1358 Steve Macko 728-5868 Moible Boudreau 728-2233 Margoret Lee 723-2894 Irene Brown 725-3867 Allan Thompson 728-2870 Reg, Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 360 King Street West Free, easy safe parking SCHOFIELD-AKER. For full porticulars call 723-2265 Southwood Park AJAX HEART OF AJAX H. GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE BROKER Phone 942-3310 ofter 10 p.m: John. Makorohuk 942-2152 tenis Be bedroom apartment to METCALF REAL. ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E. _ 728-4678 MOHAWK STREET Luxuriously appointed and well cared for ranch bunga- low in quiet well established Prestige locotion. The many refinements added such as - broadioom, built-in stove nat- ural stone fireplace, rec room with bar, aluminum awnings, attached garage with closed- in finished breezeway will af- ford many years of quiet com- fort. Well situated on a la and exceptionally well land- scaped lot, Asking $25,000, ANSLEY ESTATES. . Loceted deep in the heart of an area fine $30,000 range homes, this beautiful 3 bedroom bungelow will pro- vide excellent accommodation Double attached ved drive with " radiant ment. HURRY inthis oreo this can't lost . Seven room 1% storey home converted to two opartments. Bottom rented at $85.00 and RITSON RD. S. Lorge 6 room 2 money News % attractive rug brick, Only 000, down to one mort- ae carries for $70 monthly with taxes $189.00. VACANT NORTH END Lovely 5 room home in pre. ferred north end, Large well landscaped lot with trees, hedges, ete. $2,000 down payment will move you in tomorrow. Listed ot $12,500, OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL NIN& Dial 728-4678 Bob Johnston Dick Barriage Joe Moga Ken Hann Jack Osborne ond . DUPLEX--NEAR O!NIEL top at $80.00 - Asking $15,- 500. : LOT 71 ft. x 210 ft, Priced $1,700 ZION AREA Good level residentio! neor schools and bus. Contact BILL MILLAR 725-1186 W. T; LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. 67 KING ST, EAST lot: WELL CONSTRUCTED 1% sh if can Olsens Realtor. jorey brick home, three bedrooms, two u) » a the room,» kitch bedroom room, orien low Seg Asking call Wes. FOR LEASE FACTORY 17,000 SQ. FT. ment 1, Marine Apartments, Pickering -- Splendid | for labor. One storey, cement floor, heated. Truck high loading level. Possession January Ist, For information apply BOX 43] Oshawa Times OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE In Times Building CONTACT T. L. WILSON AT THE TIMES F A T 23--Houses for Rent Mal LARGE HOUSE In cory, 26 miles heed pele ie ba! per month. References SOR RET TESS Ta WT Sonia a a5-acre farm in centre of house and -- bulidings. Two SES for rent, three bedrooms jax, good 'elephone Oshawa 723-7473. backyards, Avaliable now, Central- 668-5645 after each, 1] mee Telephone boilding. oly. Apply. Apartment 2: came : etal November 16, no children, Apply Aparte ATTRACTI FURNISHED. ROOMS Deer oe in poe A agin 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 Siaae er one ce hee ne LA = by Grete Street or 'call 4 SINOLE AND DOUBLE roomy meals W AND desired. Apply 25 Close to Tounoen phe jose gin &. Telephone eases ee §!home for Fetired. $100 monthly, '7 Stouffville 640-1110, Bie CELY home from les ream Ter Ghe ae 1 to May 1. Apply 305 Elmgrove Avenue. ROOM and board, py or tri IMMEDIATE possession bedroom new, all mal Ing. Less than choices. facing water. Phone 942-1600. three house, just completed. Brand Included, Free apartment rent. First Soe, men anes, Al Game and four-|Phone 723- ree park: 27---_Wented to Rent to MODERN deluxe 3-bedroom home, elec- ic hea' broadioom, picture window, Orono 2228, patio. Phone spring, M00 10300 'eeres. Write Oshawa Times. 0 24--Apartments for Rent A few Apartments still available in OXFORD PARK TOWERS Oshawa's most modern apartment building. immedicte possession, bright roomy modem opart- ments 2 ond 3 bedrooms. Fully equipped modern kit- chen, broadloomed corridors, Elevator service, fireproof construction, Balconies, Paved parking, Situated within. easy walking distance from G.M, South Plant, At the corner of Malaga and Glenn St. SEE MODEL SUITE OPEN FROM 2 TO 6 P.M. Or Call Guide Realty Ltd. REALTORS Exclusive Agents 'dt 723-1121 Shale Ae Ne ceed 29-----Automobiles For Sale IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A BLONDE . . DON'T READ THIS AD IF YOU/RE LOOKING FIR A GOOD USED CAR... THEN ¢,. KEEP READING * $10 DOWN WILL DRIVE AWAY ANY CAR ON OUR Two LOTS _ * 40 CARS TO CHOOSE FROM LUXURIOUS LIVING SEE THE VISCOUNT 300 GRENFELL Featuring forge master bed- room .with walk-in closets, broadloomed corridors, im- pressive lobby, beautifully landscaped lawns, Immediate otcupancy. For rental infor. mation see supt, ot THE DIPLOMAT 340 Marland Ave., Apt. 111 728-4283 TWO-ROOM apartment, In kifehen, utilities Included. two willing to shere, Apoly Road |. Telephone 17. TWO-BEDROOM apartment, refriger: oe St laundry facilities free, paved par! Seoitecony. Immediate possession, Tele- phone 723-7187, GOVERNOR MANSIONS 2 Bedroom Suite Possession December Ist. Adults Only, TELEPHONE 723-1712 -- 728-2911 For Appointment rs furnished, sink Suit one or 343 Ritson northwest area, $105 monthly. wi TWo-BED ROOM iment, complete ith range, refrigera' pator 'and drapes, cén cb Te, located. $110 monthly, *reiephone TWO-BEDI ent, in ment building, Pl oy it monthly. only, T ' uptodate, Ls pag Getarmer | rooms, $85 monthly, red| Phone 728-6094. ed ag og th room _ with it Pavele ng Wromes," THREE - room unfu Private bath, heat and LIDDON ava central, three unfurnished. Tele- bath" Phone irnished ent. hydro, Private en- ad Oe CASH TRADE, TERMS * 2 lecetions to choose from 146 BROCK ST. 'N. 612 BROCK ST. N, Ask for "Little John' 668-3331 668-3332 TED CAMPIN MOTORS Temporary' Location Meade's. Sunoco Service Power Store Eritrance 588 King St. East KELLY DISNEY USED. CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY -- 668-5891 Cars bought ond sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top quality . 96a Buick Lasabre 2-door hardtop, Power steer- Ing ond brakes. Rodio, ete. Call Whitby 668-8705 ofter. 6 pm. TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS | (All Mote, god Node |s) CALL 725-6553 14.Al fue St. Tap PENNY-WISE leriey By ALICE BROOKS ' SIZES rs Please friends with pretty accessories -- ¢asy-crochet of string, or jiffy cotton. . Five to crochet--e ach ebout } Pattern 7419; covered with or without clothes. ping, hose hamper, tissue-roll cover, tray. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) for this pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care af The Oshawa Times Needle- craft Dept., Oshawa, Ont. On- tario residents. add ic. sales fax. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. First time! 3 FREE PAT-|¥' TERNS in big, exciting 1965 Needlecraft Catalog! «200 de- signs--smart stoles, jackets, hats, toys, afghans, linens, everything! Send 25c. DELUXE QUILT BOOK! 16 complete quilt patterns--pieced and applique, for beginners, ex- perts; Send 60c. now Want-Ads. Dont' * Cost -They Pay Lloyd Williams We lood . Wilson {! Horner Pouline Bea! Steve Zurba Hertha Kirk sible, It will poy you to call how for more porticulors, , SIMCOE ST. N. About 28,000 sq. ft. of vo- cont lend. Z MIA Land MIB with frontage of approx, 440 ft. extending from Sim- cod St. in @ rapidly develop- ing selection of Oshawa. OPEN DAILY FROM 9 A.M, to 9 P.M. Water Mittier 728-7083 Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Lucas Peacock 725-4330 Edith Gifford 728-0768 Nick Siblock 725-5701 L. §. Lefoy 655-3821 trance. Newly decorated. Suit working couple. Apply 268 Huron Street, BEDROOMS, December 1. immacu- late gpg Drive frp, ol Sony, parking, story, range. ¢ 'one eld OK. shih. Tele (ARSE sri FIVE-ROOM bungalow, with basement Eorle Allen 725-7782 seerreret 4 egents please, Cash, 29 NEW N.H.A. HOMES Hillsdale Terrace E, of Ritson Sell Fast Under $500 "Winter B Bonus off Summer Prices RANCLIFFE DEVELOPMENTS LTD. SEVEN 1965 MODELS Priced from $15,950 Down Payments from $1,790. tess $500 winter bonus, ARMSTRONG HOMES $14,500 MODELS OPEN DAILY 9 A.M, to 10 P.M. Floodlit for night. viewing H. GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE 942-3310 ofter 10 P.M. Phone John Makarchuk -- 942-2152 SELLING Bowmanville 623-3950 GUY BELL : 1 NEED three or ig ag age ACTIVE REALTY desperately. | have cash ne Bey ent buyers, Call Bill vgtnton LIMITED 728-5157 Cave Lid TWENTY new homes located in the North-West and East end of Oshawa, on fully serviced lots, storms and Ph ochgg |decorating, built-in stoves and cluded $. D, 4284. SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. VOLKSWAGEN Sales and Sérvice New and Used Cars. 334 Ritson Rd, 'S. 723-3461 Open Evenings. VOLVO SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE $I TCRSORS Aisa beaioons brick bunge- ow neat south GM, bain 4 Let rive, large lot, Private. $14,500 $2500) phon down, 728-7484, INCOME North, ull on this one, fate Limited. adults only. Avall- Whitby 668-4864. YOUNG CASUAL By ANNE ADAMS Band neckline looks so young, smart above the carefree swing of the gored skirt. Choose cotton or @ bright blend for work or play. PRINTED PATTERN 4818; Half Sizes 14%, 16%, 18%, 20%, 224, 2414. Size 16% requires 3% yards 39-inch fabric. FIFTY CENTS (50c) in, coins (no stamps, please) for this pat tern. Ontario residents add 2c sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, 8TYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- tern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. NEW! 300 sparkling designs, |of my peved driveway, oll heat and 15 exciting tashi ion aad fabric | | Ein cence Ehoaw elon. Buk tale se Uta pg plus coupon for ONE | Corson, or Walter Mittier at Guide Realty >A N -- any. one| Ltd. Resitors, 723-1121. law choose! Send for new *Fall-/'* 10 ACRES, Nash Road, owner moe te Winter Pattern Catalog, BOG {siiicitee Siege" Oras eS on! § SM tn eal "Ee TWO-ROO Ret, nenera Tenet Reasonabi SOW on «, merintae for balance $73 per halo Large -room brick| KING and Gibbon area, home, double "age, way ah rps @ak| ern two-bedroom, "ans ait "te flooring, new oll furnac gad mediate possession. J and Simcoe. Street ares, en 'Bin Sonne 8 ston, Schofield Aker, 728-1066. 21--Real Estate Wanted TO SELL YOUR HOME FAST ss fon wan OR TERMS, LIST WITH JOHN F. DeWITH!: REALTOR i *s OOM unfurnished, woariment, Tigh faa - ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 48 Simcoe Street South 728-5157 SELLING CALL DON HOWE Real Estate 725-7732 SACRIFICE SALE -- Ci Oana - rane clean, unfurnished artment jeated thy pe (upstairs) W aerial, "t3 month Suitable for one ember 26; Sowrmensitte 6i2.9780. oo General Repair and FURNISHED 'Apartment, 4 tooms, $95. Auto-Electric Service rooms $110, Quiet 'aulte, pret preferred. 449 Ritson Road South hosly 496 Simcoe North, Apt. 5, Oshowe 728-0921 WHITBY: One = SPOT CASH Bungalows, split levels; 2 storeys,, garages, carports, Kenneth C. Tome 723-1121 built-in Bt prog storms, Beit screens. any other extros, Roy Flintoff 725-3454 Directions: From Ritson Rd. Tony Siblock 725-4362 es on Ba gprs eo R. A: Young --«-723-7183 ollow model signs to Leon Menitivn - 725-8068 | $0les Office. Open 9 a.m, to Steve Englert 728-5581 | Also choice Resales from $13,300 Jeon Peacock 725-4330 Exclus! Emest Mueller. 728-0208 mnie Agente : H. Griffin Real Estate Broker 723-6431 After 8:30 p.m, call 723-4134 THREE scour. 'and bath, modern, pri- vate entrance. Working couple preferred, 314 Jackson Avenue or 725-0210, LARGE three-room artmnent, sfov ett on wife has s> and the broadioom in halis aed stairs. | am gon Aker Ltd," 728-10 23 Offices, Stores, Storage in ii NHA fi e+ he cal 'lipertons, ie a Pe i ear some, @ nance i, jenson, a! ai Mymen Reel Estate Limited. Tn Rae ar 16h. Por car' storage only. Phon For full particulars, ¢ali GUIDE REALTY LTD. ¥723-1121 new coving if! gl et llg y 658-0560, PAID FOR frigetator, close to shopping 'contrer b+ down. Liens paid. off. DODD MOTOR SALES e- , ished, out: oe: i ove Miilebie fer anh oe 723-9421 ye its FURNI nel Vi Melton 723-5804, Tiree - temi-attached eS ane Se converte. Ecet (hear dear)" after ee eee: rely 3 Eee $135 monthly. Heat and lights incluaed./29--Automobiles For Sale roe iat Erceaot 'Auqpon. Phone mn (Continued on Page 28) Good clean tors, Trade up or aimee included, $85 monthly, Telephone} 314 PARK RD. SOUTH. tw ' ly 200 King Breet es' truck, or best offer, room end bath, cellent v4 hunting or fishing. ane 8 SIX + room lower duplex, three bedrooms. } .