Sete SWE ia thlidee ah oh dh di 26 7 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednendey, Movember 11,1966 ~ 1 "Times Action Want Ads Cost Little ... But Pay Big In Results" Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. siete to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 10C--Pets and Livestock |16--Femate Help Wanted |17--Male Help Wanted IBUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY| papappmramg "(ame Zee' | iti | "es Sunflower Seed ey Permanent posi- Fine Cut Grains 2 APPLY Peanut Hearts BURNS JEWELLERS iiding Trades Instruction ; i " , oe F. RICHARD BLACK, OD, ia6 ce, 2 ae j __ Bird Feeding Stations 20 cok N. 'CEMENT WORK ONTARIO 7aeaisi. soem Telos Couns Purity Dog Meal WALKS, STOOPS, DRIVING _ [Painting end Decorating | anaes y ) $8.45 cwt. CARILLON TOWERS LOORS, CURI ne - PURINA DOG CHOW Costume Jewellers to the fal dea of your experienc B. McLEAN SCHOOL SAND, A MASTER DIET 1965 Miss Canada Pageant. which we will hold | hold, strictly PAINTERS -- PURINA KIBBLE MEAL The company of opportunity confidential. leon Mode! puaat ce ' . for six charming women wro phone calls a" hb a eae eect comes fe M NEAT yh g6er3215 Whitby docx J. T. Kellington Repairs & Remodeling ROAD TESTS ARRANGED 875 Florell Drive - MEAT: LOAF BABYSITTER, middle aged woman pre- TH gro ete: WILGON ond BURROWS, Cherie Ac ae Dual Control Cors or phone M4 HORSE MEAT & GRAVY pote y Sake OES Bt Seer onary wae belie § cup- Licensed Instructor 728-1367 Spm, Telephone 728" aegis Oshawa, Ontario East, P Fi 1D. wisn, CA; G. Edmond p H Ronald FD. Wien CAs boards, doo, patio, carports, | Automatic end Stondord | _-__ 7S 0 SOF ¢ Coper Smith Co. |eanrrime canvaser '8 good, ; : or two hours Z- sen ere, OE Gat| Ne Nee te |Oshawa 728-6934 [eae me | Finn te ¢ er cl A Setino test -- isis es rie, ADL AND SL, Wilord of Odds. Free esti- =| Reseanill Seteion 1,000 BEES Ione of Bast of7¥) eae satay ararssee" item" wa: ee Som' heiee. olopaone ap aren Must be experienced rade Bulld- 4 -9 103. . eis ; her own home. Telephone 725-1665, Sa oii Ty, Mages Whitby Driving School |iAave yet soda 'eurtzcn Pome mean, BOY proms rock | [etn eh i ik ad ig A I Cnterte, 75s EP. og FOR ALL YOUR J.. A, OSTERHOUT--Owner [ed in plastic. T 78-5242, ONE ae f f -- a ner BEAUTIFUL, baby bud Feady for) Lake Vista area, After 5, call 728-3670, line v o OF HONEY, PEANSYLVAXIA) | |training, talking striae way Mrs. f ed --A Orn Antiques HOME REPAIRS Penta Controlied Cors: -- |Plumbing and Heating sie res we | | Broad, 114 Elgin East. pine yng By igh pany Benefits to 'en. Pctclstalahe hehehe eae ONE Z Wel dats mend a y Three in school, while mother in hospital.) ----Good RiGOEN CORNER -- Ate, Fol] Bathrooms Kitchens | Fully Uiceneed ond Inered. [A SYPAS, Shc cena ny nr Sent, Ga, "hoes, Seca etches rb Conditions and sold; glass, chins, lamps, small Garages Rec Rooms bloodlines. Stu ices. Boarding, Quar- furniture. Ashburn, Ontario. DIAL 668-4176 Estimate tree. Dial 723-1191, J. Foley. : i oodlines. Stud services. Boarding, QUat-| LARGE refrigerator, good working cond B. WILKINS 1010 Dundas E., Whitby [Atiovon Mein, iron ture uie,| Well Drilling--Digging __ | 10--Articles for Sole ee eae ee CALL C. TAYLOR Barristers GARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton. sby machine POODLES -- Minlatui istered, 375. SABY SITTER to mind three children In ; MACKEY and BAILEY, Barristers, Soll- 728-3307 WARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, | Baton, Seaver iran Son Tee a einch. tile, W." Word, 204" Chestnut Tone Craft Pairk Co, |=: Telephone 666-4105. myhome. 'day week Cal 'ier € pum, CROVEN LTD 26% King Mh eaete 3 107, next, Chewa shopping Centre, T2812. Rug-Upholstery Service Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or_ 660-300?. 19 oni Ww 723-4922. WILL BOARD horses in Courfice ares. 725-7603. A jose ; ie ud i elephone . WOMAN to do cleaning va di is PH ean notice iain King soired| Quality Ca ntry LILUAN Sth Ton Aceoiley Pre 1--Women's Column | 100's rolls. prepasted 'paper Ww. week, Lake Viste ares, References, Tee| Whitby 668-3325 Shaw and General Repairs School, Kinderdance, Frideys, Saturdays, HAWA PERMANENTS on special. Page Talr-| Reg. up to $1.95. Sdle price 11--Articles Wanted phone evenings 725-1572. Alauiel Masonic Temple, 723-7253. OS dressing, 39% Pine Avenue, Telephone] co" WANTED TO BUY -- Piano, In good age ise i fly Bt in god iterations, rec rooms; cul s ' i home wy boordh, fear calling '" Janitor Service CLEANERS Personal All Paints 20% Discount a ae an eee sg son Lansdowne area. Telephone ESTIMATOR 2 ir worthy. Best ae North, See cera | ae © wail tiles, arborite etc. Satis- ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast sco HOUSEWIVES! Fast eco. Rug and Upholstery (Formerly Preston's) PIANO WANTED, repair , RELIABLE LADY We cern tw 7 hire faction guaranteed. nomical celling, wall cleaning. Work done Gearing. At our store en area. Nie Seen Pee In children's own home. Household aut, Moveable metal partition MS) bt MCKOY 725-8576 | wort sceremins terme te or in your home. rege Ped dati been ! HAVE A SECRET |= Live In or out. 'Telephone 728-2993. manufacturer offers oppor MURDOCH, icitors, No- ay U6, | CENERAL REPAIRS, carpentry, heme Money To Loan CALL 725-9961 wa, Nov, 23rd, WE PAY MORE 12--Articles For Rent Gey wok, frPerienced bookkeeper, five| tunity for a man with exper Beene Mia "solielior, and Notary Pub: || Free psacoell iron plan i ovonene PAYMENTS roo HIGH? if you have va|civied. "Pree, eatimsie. See eur Fonvrh ed Fal sar iain alee tee SELL FOR LESS ADGITIONAL. parttime orist's figure models Experience cations to train as company credit I'll lend you up to $5,000 to ' P " : lic, The Catario. client parking | Prone 723-6045. nent halt'or less for consoll-|'or re-covering. Dalton Upholstering, 75) ointment, Buying or selling used fur- RENTALS sary. Bec ~ Perticulars | 'nciaig estimator. Permanent, full West, Oshawa, in P . ; FMA ANG YMA Barair_a 1 aan Sorc ir rerogig'" tre ok at any, Na PU. Te ee aaa | ELECTROLYSIS vellor Cieck hate | or All: KINDS ize want. Keeiiind 4 dele sgh ng ae Eat Binge, ras Mortgeges faogern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe 8. Call 723-4641 164 Bond W.--728-4401 SANDING MACHINES -- 17--Male Help Wented Taleuieis Clins tnd aviator rr HOME IMPROVEMENTS, roofing, 728-6451. Free estimates. M/ Oscillating sanders, dlec sond- Pp 'QC: Herbert $. Hyman|eavestroughing, carpentry work, Sainting RS-UPHOLSTERING by experts. Estab- 4 GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Sol so. Rs Ss Bric Sr, ah. NEED MONEY? lis Workmanship guaranteed Te Years. LEN PULLAN waits asi 9 po bigue pay rn ee Sere ere SHIPPING 942-6500 ors. ¢ etc, 114 King Street East. Dial FOR TRENCHING gre corneiate -onetc id Free estimates. Credit padee! pibeseed (English Tailor) exaco Furnace Fue' on sm DEPARTMENT Residence : J. M. Greer,|tank installations, ail materials L re-bullt. Furniture re-fini G Stove Oil FREE Burner Ser- PLUMBERS TOOLS ae ias.aseey Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCI, a a net aa aor. 0 ee YOUR Uphoistering Company, 267 Dean Avenue.| CUSTOM TAILORING vies "blue czat" J Cannel Pipe cleaning rads, pipe. vise ae 5 TV SERVICE Ba. ye ge 8 it and Dress Alterati ) et-Solvay Coke, tripod, pipe wrenches, pipe lelper for ipper in T mrogetona, Rec, reame, Pree eimetes./ TO REMODEL YOUR HOME? |REUDHOLSTEN on (ole rorature| ott ond Ole Mending Wood. BUILDING SUPPLIES, | cutters, pipe threading dies, lene. growing furniture Loy anaes fl. TO_ BUY A COTTAGE OR Free estimates. Whitby. 668-5753 or SAWDONS' toilet auger. C cence, good wi teady Ca CAR? 668-5376. 10 PRINCE ST. 728-5311 store. Can be single or br ita rtage LIMITED PAINTERS EQUIPMENT -- Y employment. middle-aged married: Phone Collect Taronte man. Must be strong and = nsportation to Toronto, ig 4 ena' oy gt ES "as ors pond ge oe Sales and Service Caonenis Road oee arriving for seven (Whitby) Stepladders, aluminum exten- LE 5.3137 hie Let's discuss, without obli- |washers and ranges, Free Can ee i steel scaffolding, compres- willing worker, HOSICK TELEVISION SGARANTEED 'repairs to all wringer! o/clock, Phone C. R, Rines, after 6pm) O44 Brock S 668-3524 sion. ladders, ladder jacks, FS avin CARTAGE, : 1742. NE knowing the whereabouts of ' for] Oshawa, whiy. Reasonable rotes. Fully} gation, your financial plans: [72 Hidde a sors, spray guns, wallpaper Permanent full-time i- cloned ore wr Gur 10" to 15 yeor lona- leotic Somice > IMMER mc venti tamesstrcattins| JANSSEN'S COUNTRY | °Stecmer" eopouting: "blow | tiem with good stort LA LONDE, all types as --_ Bay| term 2nd mortgage with low Ld 372-9997 after 5 p.m. DRIVE-IN FRUIT MARKET torches, propane torches 9 ing MAN Ridges. 839-4191. «_| interest and small repayments |SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt service) ----~-- = ET é 4 : salary and all usual h 4 for on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street ALL WOOL double knits, made to mea: . si : WELDING EQUIPMENT Fea v7 . bi fits Good with pleasant appearance and Building Materials Caterers Mey prove much easier West, Whitby, 668-2563, sure, All Kinds of wool sweaters, pull-) Host of imported fruit, veget- ringe benetits. OP- | personality to act as host in your budget. pid Ladies, ent children: For appoint bles, apples sold by the | Acetylene welding outfits, | portunities for advance- | new Cocktail Lounge. Week- ends, PONTIAC INN, under new 4 Surveyors bushel. Excell in 200 amp, electric welders. McCULLOUGH by Be eae tones ne rooms bo CORONATION i. FILM and TROLLOPE, Ontario Lend Taek St srU0T -- oll paintings, bur- rie sestoeank wok to BUILDERS EQUIPMENT coe ments Seen 201297 oF 723: 3 Surveryors, 111 Elgin Street East, Phoneliace art lessons, models. Open eve- . Lassi th Apply to: Apply LUMBER Co. LTD. rs INVESTMENT __ [zs ning Saturdays 225 Brock North, Benidbns's. W. __ 728-9429 -- Pr tc BS po Mr, J. OWEN, Shipper GENOSHA HOTEL A good tg Duy sil your L Trade Schools SA ee GoD bed S08) tic vibrator; eir compressor, Tio Aaa eentes fer farm warm, building moterials, BIALEK, DR. €. 8, -- Denial Soran, CO). LTD: 8--Hunting hardwood' hchen' 'Chairs "cavenport| jack 'hammers, hand trowels, CHERNEY'S 3 este scr-neasosmex ience using plans ond specifie 1070 SIMCOE NN. |sesiinen adam us") A cancion bie Comoory | ATTENTION [Sante Suara" "= gt commana ae, Sat aces] vot, mums, cavebl eae | FURNITURE WORLD | ag a and baby's crib, eer sain for vice sale.) ers, steel scaffolding, electric Dressmokii In Oshawa area call iaon, For Information| Moving out of town Hi nerator, ramset, power fol- peiha ns; SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD, MEN pleese felephone 7262000 or Whitby 668- er ers, electric h ror mas- o king Soon tae also suits, coats, dresses, aitere- 360 King St. West 2090. TYPEWRITERS: adders, cashiers, dupli-| onry saw, building jacks, ions." Reesoneble 'rates. Call cater Whitty! 793.2265 (after hours 723-7996) 17 to 49 10--Articles for Sale gators, cheque writers, | comptometers.| mortar mixers, mortar boxes, | | MEN'S AND BOYS' LOOK SMARTI All Kinds of dresamaking ' ice, Larg foet terme' 'New| chain hoist, miter saw, elec- WEAR DEPARTMENT __ [ities for ambitious individual. Serine tee see| "Mt Time in Canada |Heavy Equipment!" c EARANcE apesrene =-| bande fe" sond nate oe ee ne ; struc a specielty. Mrs. Tamar Whitey. 6-572. 15 Year Oper ators Beams 8" x 8", 20 ft. |fure. sltchannel antenna, installed, $80 ais MA N A G F R chard, with some "knowledge, Of cate LADIES, THINK THRIFTY! Alterations, Are in demand for bull- lengths. Be Street, 728-8180. 1 , : Times Clawsitied Advertising Department. rie or wo ees 2nd Mortgages dozers, scrapers, motor. ea hg iia Boal oe For protesiona 'or heme ie ™ Sh STAN'S Is Lid Rene oe - Female me . . | Solat 2" x.Bi%s, 12 fe lorgths : ort Perry, 965-7165] Sharpening intals Ltd. ai Mrs. Vogler. 11 Henry Jenry strest, Whitby, Whitby. CORONATION es ee Pees Jot 2" x6" 12 ft, length Seed cobain Gia te ae ee 223 King St. W.. Oshawa K = M A R : Supplies nvesiment <0. "fc. | ed by top instructors right | ' "* seti°G: | BARGAINS for babies! Sorina flea erio|_ PHONE 723-3224 : a The foremost Canadian Pub- | cn the equipment. Don't Belt 25% OFF mattresses, $7.8 | chrome high chairs, : Must be experienced and COLLECTOR BLUE VELVET SOD lic Co. in the field, now | delay --- erquire now. crits, stroliers,| Taping -- Weddings taped qualified to manage this large PART TIME rockers, walkers, ibs, Supplied and Laid. oe nn Fag sige Oi Write giving name, add- Apply Poultry Farm -- [Sees "users Furniture 20"Chureh| and recorded -- Master of | . volume department. Field Sod, Nursery Sod and ress and telephone num- say CARRIAGE, while and diver, con-| Ceremonies work, P.A. sys- For established monthly debit. g References essential, s mortgages. Borrow what you verts Into car bed and collapses wee erences essential, i gt ng bag ide- | eed on the security ef your | ber: of G. E. SCOTT 1 |yery 00d contin. Original 'price $79.1 te™S, tape recorders, tapes, Experienced not needed. Car " y Aoecor SROs. home -- Repay in small | NATIONAL SCHOCL OF | Hwy. No. 2 (Halfway between. {Selling $25. 728-1056, donces, intercoms -- Hi-Fi Apply K-MART COMPLETE LANDSCAPING monthly payments over 10 Oshawa and Whitby) COAT -- Sapphire Beaver Lamb (full] equipment. essential. For interview write Cal Frank Brink, Hampton 263-2710. HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING 15 HEAVY EQUIPMENT vt OY' ______liength), size 18, In good condition, $i00.| *a4/pment. Hwy. 2 and Kendalwood Rd to years. OPERATION OLD gun wanted, telephone 725-8183. Peed Whitby 668-5023, Gudaeon Associates ' giving phone number +g: R.R. 4--Bloor E. 723-9020 For full details, call BABY CARRIAGE, as new, $28. Tele) GUNS -- Bought, sold. Traded, Repaired A . Personnel Office or * ' Classified Rates : BOX F3 phone ot Ars Gun Shep, é Bond's. we ae] Sound Equipment PHONE 728-7331 P.O. BOX 8&6, TOP SOIL -- FILL SCHOFIELD-AKER Out of town enquiries Invited. WINDOWS, se 7 xe Ideal for, opreae. a WAROWOOE: 723-5121 ae 4 4 mv WOOD, lengths, my SOD Limited TV--Radio Repairs Delivered Oshawa, Bowmanville 623-2869, 2. ws Ingle cord. Dial ras281 etter POSTAL STATION "N" 360 King St. West FONE Ca rl Uisoest aiectoels| ROXATONE--Gobylarger--atow--ame| Brides, Bridesmaids, gowns, | FINANCE COMPANY. | toronto 14, ONTARIO 723-116) TV TOWERS. _ |frairatente ime sart atc ete $2, eee eT] Sint acles, white fx for, | MUNG ONS." Lan Ret Batahe For Salo er _$14, z +. " g IMMEDIATE i ea 'a' ir OSHAWA MORTGAGE it King Sivek ves, asic <""" °"|THREE ROOMS of furlvre ms, Ne| shes, cutlery, | alosses, | grams offers great opportun- , P |. monthly, chur fp 2 GARDEN CENTRE LOANS and Antenna Repair we BUY, sei ngriyson tate ved | pi Cal's, 424 King West, E591. -- irs, ch run- ity and rapid odvancement. 18 'Suite Apartment . ing, Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street] SIRI'S coals and skilecke}, goad conditio g vee. bey erie, Na. tone vou I loon Hing Be SARGEANT'S RENTALS Balconys, Broad South, 723-1671. 10-121 man's winter coat, 40, Apply to become a branch manager. LOAM and GRAVEL M for first mortg ca<_ TRIO BEDROOM SUITE SALE--Splece sul, se ee ee 463 Ritson S. 725-3338 | APPLICANTS must have high On Liberty Street WASHED STONE, FILL 99.88 up. Floor ne na is:| PRIVATE sale Of household » | WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, waikers,| school or comparable educa- Ben well planned building is Excavating, lots levelled, Cpe eextoagee continued lines! "Ey fc Barons' a Tugs and drapes, 'Telephone reducing machines, y va cich foo, Supe pplies.| tion, good appearance and be LOADERS, TRUCKS FOR No charge for valuations TELEVISION TELEVISION as nasecia it sivuc LY. KILLING ontls for sale and tent.lGanaeu cad corking plocs for rem] ers, to comune import HIRE Mortgages and Agreements ture, including alt" channel. antennarin-|Aulomatic. Cluster. Fly 'control. 'Try 'be: Ye block from General Mators north plant,| ant responsible position, BEATTY H AAULAGE purchased, stalled and 'queranteed by, experts with(fore you buy! Call 668-2200. 115 Mary Street. Telephone eae "| OR Moneys for second mortgages 171 BOND ST. E.; OSHAWA [Telephone 0s1a TANK. 1-000 gallon, sultable for oll, 98%-| CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church| !f you have finance co. ex- living and dining room, Me- # Fast sei aisle runners, Cleve Fox Rentals, 312 i ; 5 ra and refrigerators, 725-2156 nie 728-5143 POOL TABLES, 11 models, from $139.50./BuY AND SELL -- oot ami forniture| Simcoe Street' North. Call 723-2414." perience you pave: of. sioe! ony Hid Major Poo! Equipment, 690 Drake Street, lent opportunity to b of . or oe MERION. KENTUCKY M. F. SWARTZ pelle USF. Arter, hours, 725-3661. Peeahere aa binnwe Seo, only. Srety | HALL ng ee Etivale earns eo blanch pan within 3 information contoct Bil Aide 26) SUICE EXTRACTOR sale, all makes, a cents to 12 months. lor 725-1186 or 525-2887, BLUE GRASS Bib Kind St. East TV TOWERS [Erecsemonstration.'sot'them work anal tara typewrier adaiogs aching, as] ies. Lite Bustoros" Rent, as2ii%e" W. T. LAMSON : awa, Ontario Soe oe a emcee Siren' Oshawa |'EM electric typewriter. 723-4434, ENTERTAINING -- Fifly fo one hundred Apply D; Rees, Real Estate Ltd SODS 723-4697 Economy and MEUNENGR 'ecoraon for tale, AT con |SEOROOM SUITE -- 2, mata me |peme? Oehawe Tennis cue "er bar], Superior Finance Ltd. 67 King St. E., Oshawa Deluxe dition, Telephone 725-7177. refrigerator. stove. 264 Huron street.|Facilities, bar, Kilchen, parking, Rea- 17 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa " Mortgage Money Priced to suit your budget [point deluxe refrigerator, and Frigidalrel vacuum repairs, all MOVING into apartment! Must sell Hot-| P! sonable rates. 723-2140, LIST WITH range. In splendid condition, Telephone : on3,|14---Employment Wonted Available TERMS ARRANGED fast Fleming Vacuum: 'nt pany SITTING G position wan wanted by 17- TIRE STEVE ZURBA INSPECTION WELCOME "ALLGREEN" NURSERY SOD GROWERS NEW, two 307 x S44" storm windows, | Pickering. old girl. HL PA wood frames, 3%" x 519%", ONCl A Vine ap @BLLING& duenlliee" oe ' oper, Townline N. 6 mile neth of | Low. Interest OSHAWA TV far oittie matt af cathe aurine on peuung: ras ten guain res vce Mie. Ber] | SERVICEMAN | ACTIVE REALTY eiastibieD 2 pam. day. previous Tauton Villoge 725-9674 SUPPLY LIMITED he Hal pica, 1 Brew a a MATURE lady would like work as a| For Tire Sales, Tire Repairs LIMITED pone lee eet, Wem track laa Gt per yore] Vouatlon, Arranged BLUE SPRUCE G) Koster, 16 fo 7 fee! 10A--Market Basket ----_|or'ween 73siin. Ut" OY and Service 728-5157 EANCELLATIONS AND Delivered. "25-0697, atieee eri law wat 361 GIBBONS ST. pe hs = ter. ree Noe oe : 16--Female Help Wanted Experience preferred but con- FURSERY SOD, out dally; sand loam AND DISTRICT , IES" and Teens' fall dresses, skirts, 6--Female Help Wan' sideration and training will Box WSRER RENTAG -- mc, |pnsygieve Armand Se," SUMMER PROPERTIES 728-8180 ----_--scetea' 2 Fahoome] | BEEF, QUARTERS: be given to on olert ond em- | | PRIVATE: SALE bes Si GARDAI haben wits eeranely Gale VACANT LAND CHROME SET, table end four chairs,| Hinds 50c, Halves 44¢, PART TIME ious individual who desires f BA i chen mat oe poe lee Telit keen ae Telephone 723-2355, Fronts 36c ¢ ryptr oaeranik permanent empolyment. room bungalow. Popular N.W, we accent, no liability In respect of TE Members Ontario FURNITURE -- 3 rooms, new quality it Company paid pension, hosp- area, Newly decorated, spaci- + vodlg <_ ' song NS get Piha aan ee eens Tae ae Mortgage Brokers Association aN. TOWERS furniture enly $299, Includes lete| Free Cutting and Wrapping . ilization and incentive bonus ous living room cothedral bedroom, tivi kitchen es. i ; warding such replies, however caused And Aerial Service Pay only $2. weekly." Unbeatatie. Yalvel for freener, Call for are among the many benefits ceiling, newly built TV room a pip: ea | ° 5 to 6 pm. Thurs. ilable. ond den. Carries for $104 The Bima wit nl be gpa 2 SUMMERLAND | souTH END T.V. [fr fm fares tse 725-3223. REAL ESTATE OFFICE |" "sppLy IN PERSON TO ° monthly including tres REGULATIONS TUTORING SECURITIES ED. PARE, PROP, ida hed gg A large' tble, buf and APPLES -- Mocs, Courlands, Spy, HOURS 5-9 P.M. MR. E. N. HARRIS, Mgr. iAL 725-446 illi ix chairs. Cost $365, $250. New} Secors. Maybelle Orchards, one mi . $1600 DOWN buys this five-room bung: The Oshaws Times will not be re LIMITED 480. Phillip Murray fahogany bedroom suite, Cost $375, now|north of Whitby, No, 12 Highway. : a B. F. Goed rich low with attached garage, Full pre only ay ' 728-6879 $25), and. otver fovaehosd Srticles, ADpiy CABONG, Greised Gran Teady, Sia Ibs. Monday through. Friday. $ with one ge. Call S. ments submitted Academic Tutoring College. 112 Simcoe St. North 35 John Street from 5-9 p.m. and up. $2.80 each. Delivered. Telephone] cot irdcy 12 5 St re Hyman Real Estate Limited, 7.4246. writing, not for more then one inser; | All ages, grades, 'subjects. | __Oshawa. Ontario - 725-3568 __ TV SERVICE USED HABERDASHERY, furniture and| 7258304. turday noon to 5 p.m, @) eaivate GAiN Ve Easgien rive fan of any fora single inser. | Reading, Math, English |#IRST AND SECOND morigages. Sale glass show casés. Phone 725-2330, ORDERS for freezers. Roasting chickens, : 88 'King St. West Sena. Cale ade pivinonts Telsnoies Han ef' the givertizement'"io which | Science, etc, From student's Sareements purchased and sold. Hennick DAY OR EVENING BABY CRIB, large site wi matiren:|4, 1s, -- $128 gbelivery on 10 or more Write Box 438 Oshawa, Ontario 725-0658. : error occurs own textbooks, private or ; , Sarristers, 31 King Street in good condition, T Brook-| Telephone Osh Ti The Oshawa Times reserves the right | oro : Soest, 723-7202. 728-5286 fin "essabon, 10B--F v's Col shawa limes NEW four-bedroom "home, with, aitachee to classify advertising' according to . : PRIVATE ond corporate monies for all WANTED -- Old model Winchester vife,| "0B--Farmer's Column [ive tours dally, experienced woman Fooms, stone front and builtin stove and - Foun Be paplor esvertisameis ACADEMIC a one purchased. ga a Brean | OSHAWA T 725-8183. MANURE FOR SALE, $6. per load. De-|!or Phi girs oul Re ee DRIVERS oven are a few of the extras, Trades doch and Victor. (See "Barristers." ELECTRONICS i" TELEVISION, new picture tube: |livered. Telephone 725-4394 or 723-7330, Sermeovur ABs News South Tolceeenel| WANTED Call S. D. Hyman Real Es sible for TUTORING COLLEGE also wringer washer_ with pump. BeIM|DEAD 'and crippled farm sfock picked] 725-0907, hhuet' be ak lane 38 es fate. Limited 720-606, which the pec o's ve occupies. - CA 723 7 Per th very good condition. Telephone 728-1742. i Legge 22 wee yrs rgwill Fur Fy DRUG CLERK, clan" cemired bee ai years io dN ng) Bg interest and 'taxes. "| Mon RUSSIAN SQUIRREL jacket, size 14,|yrone. | Telep! jampton, U rf ake Rook Box 627 Osh- older. poor ss home _ close schools yy rane a LL 6701 The cost of this N O W almost new, $100. fur. T License _333-C-64, co" Tne ce we APPLY bey um, pen, gest gions se | 'sume no liability of advert awa Times, Classified Advertising De $1,000, Now time any inaccuracies in any form are con- ad, daily for one i ; Vtlacad COB CORN, $30. fon, me pended dani Earl Solter: at 790-9474 or 7259052 even tained therin . LEARN TO DRIVE $ ) 3 3 Service Calls Till GIRL'S three-piece winter coat set, size| Telephone Paul Vanek, Hampton 2 || REPRESENT @qauly Counsellors' finest UNITED TAXI ings, Paul Ristow Lid. eg King. street Classes now in session ot Too small Any advertisement cancelled before ot 3X. mauve and black tweed, grey furl 5 ac tics. Elegaft Christmas gifts, Mod- 143 King St. East Bast eat charged > e to be noticed? ' y grey cosmetics. ristmas gifts, ing S| le" hm Oshawa Driving School - You're reading It 9 P.M. teal ss dane on mca 10C--Pets and Livestock ae y Phoneleactory supervisor With abiliy Yo e6-|BUNGALOW, Maple "Grove, four teasonable rates, standard ' now T.R.1.O. Televisi TWO SNOW TIRES, 560 x x 590 x 600-13",/TOY TERRIER puppies, eight weeks,/----------___________________liyst sewing machines small shop.|situated on large lot. All conveniences. IT'S EASY TO PLACE A aid eanornts -- : 'RU. Television also cartop, for compact car, good as|two males, $20. each; two females, $15.| WAITRESSES required, 4 to 11 end 11 to|Write fully first letter, Gating qualifica-|Nezr Number. Two Highway. Bowman TIMES ACTION WANT AD nih dy Adalat Musical Services 728-5143 new. Phone 728-1174, Brooklin 655-3244. 7, shifts. Apply Mr. Campbell, Genosha tions and salary expected to Post Office! ville 623-2869 or 723-5180 after 6 p.m. Professional instructors. ORGAN "BELL", winter coat (oirl's) size| POODLES, minlalure, healthy jpuppies,| "ite! Box _235, Oshawa. ____| FOUR bedroom family home, brick, north cat > gg Direct 728-0091 DANCE MUSIC R. ond &. Music Sorvica cry Vy, TOWERS, 2 antennas, also. re:| 12 fur linings white skates, size 87 buiky|aprieat and sliver: champion sired, males ROMAN fer _.cleening, every morning: |ORUMMER WANTED ter young Greve, tnd, cloes fo echssle, Low dowte sermons - corded occasions, | pelrs. work guaran! le Dean|sweater, size ; U ertyia females, regis m ies. three or ir rs, ly. App! in play! pavi rive, gan. 2 OSHAWA'AND WHITBY | Brown, 728-434 ~ Avenue, Telephone 725-0500, Jereases, 12-14, Phone 723750.) " phone Port Perry 945-2960, |Uancaster, 37 King' Street' West mmugie with vome rock eel au Pain stsimeni arS7 ater & 3 '