sianinetais Alcoholic Problems Are Cited At Rally. eoholic had 'taken the cure" and found sry. "The problem of alcoholism is always there," she said, "the strain is tremendous, and Al- Anon must be a program of continual vigilance." A Toronto man gaid his wife's drinking had made him bitter and frustrated, He took these feelings out on his wife which only made matters worse, and turned him into a "rotten hus- band", In the end she gave up drink: ing not because of me," he sald, "but in spite of me." COMPLETE BREAKDOWN A mother of three from Scar. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, November 9, 1964 § In. s apecch entities Al-Adétl| yh Prien frre Tee weighing and Service, a woman member|only 3% pounds, can be from Hamilton urged members| up like an umbrella, to push the organization so that more could be helped. She said they suffered from lack of pub- lie education. By now, she (old Agee > there were over ---- the world, and' 120 in Ontario alone, They had become so large several different com- mittees were exploring new fields of activity, Branches of the organization were visiting prisons and mental hospitals, working with social inners, AA groups, and public etncation in high schools. Conferences like Whitby's, she said, gave the spreading organ. ization unity, and maintained the original purity of Al-Anon. She concluded by saying the organization was as effective as the individual members, who O10 WORLD TRADITION alcohol, and that their lives had become unmanageable the mem- bers begin the Toad to wards seeing themselves honest- ly and changing their natures to combat the rifts and frustration within the home, "It's a lle. time program, and) we never graduate," one speak- er said, 'but we can keep go ing up and getting better." Implicit in Al-Aon's doctrines, the meeting was told, was the necessity of a fearless and searching moral inventory of oneself, Four standards to be aimed at are; absolute honesty; absolute purity; absolute unsel- fishness and absolute love. WHITBY (Staff) -- Groups dedicated to sparing family life the despair of alcoholism met in the Whithy Arena Sunday, Members of Al-Anon family groups from southern Ontario attending the one-day confer- ence discussed problems facing families with alcoholic troubles. Guest speaker, 'Connie' of Port Hope, told the audiencs, 'at Jast, after hundreds of years we have learned to approach Icoholism as a 4 , an what is more important, a fam- ily disease, For the effects of the alcoholic often atrike. at least three or four members of the family emotionally, physic LONDON CREAM Fanadar Chany \ONOON 0 ONtAN® camace ally and spiritually." Avanon, she said, was formed! to help in this area, They try PANEL DISCUSSIONS Two panels discussed various \horo; who said both she and her husband were alcoholics de- scribed how the growing fric- had to be warm, friendly and understanding towards the new- comers, 'whom we can help, NEW WORLD PERFECTION tion in the home led {o a com- plete mental and physical break- down, Psychiatry, and Al-Anon, she said, helped her to under- stand herself, and to become emotionally sound. Now, she said, she was able to have a good family life. ' Members agreed the Al-Anon program is demanding and re- H quired a great deal of effort. In| : $ most cases it meant giving up! : habits of a lifetime. ; O e "It's not easy for a wife," p one speaker said, "to apply dis- Ol ] e one J could do something about.|ciplined thinking and justice in- > A Peterboro woman said the|stead of nagging lectures, tears H the ae problem didn't end when the al-land confusion" H guard against BIG MONEY, slipping! COMES FROM SAVING LITTLE MONEY REGULARLY aspects of the organization and their problems under the head- ing, Al-Anon in Action, and A Family Affair, Several speakers described torment which had driven them to the organization, "The friction that arises in the home of an alcoholic be- comes {oo overpowering," a member from Toronto said, "and without a program for a way of life you're lost, Al-Anon taught me to discipline myself land f found out.I-was the only to help families and friends un- derstand what they are facing in alcoholism and to obtain a bet- ter understanding of themselves, FAMILY GROUP The Al-Anon Family Group idea, the meeting was told, is nearly as old as Alcoholics An- onymous, its sister or aniza- tion. It was formed wher close and who can help us'. Students in form 10D at the ice cream they could at a the age tickets to the = Pat Maschle, 15, rity and igh Sc ting. venty- of school drama club's presenta- Sonia Jarosz, 16, right, are Henry Street High School in ae sitting ee -- - tion of "The Admirable shown "digging-in" to the 13th Whitby were given the un- hem consum i Ak gallons. Crichton" Friday night, The gallon, es, Ht Nat recovering alconel usual opportunity of eating all This was their" reward for class sold $80.50 worth of tick- Oshawa Times Photo |ier realized that difficult family ' cero an eo : 7 Be ee, ay -------------= |velations often -persisted_even after their alcotiolics were sober i sangre REPORT IN ERROR | whitby, Mr, Riehl did not In a story on Page 5 of The attend, Times, Nov, 6, the auditor of ERROR IN DATE what living with an alcoholic jthe Progressive Conservative | ing in Satur: H M k B hd rthda Association was quoted as all one isles et The "oshawa| tte cane "4o them, the non- V " , alcoholics. @) ar 1 |!ng a touch of bumor ' to the Times stated erroneously the) 'The organization offered much election of officers meeting at | dj Port Perry. The auditor was er-| moving of patients at the Ajax-|the same group therapy found in Pickering General Hospital| AA, where members relate the speaker's experience to their would be. carried out on Nov. | 20, The patients will be moved) own, Through 'accepting the on Nov, 30, fact they were powerless over GORDON OSBORNE REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 218 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY DIAL 668-8831 n AA, Most of the groups sought to |gain a deeper understanding of | WHITBY (Staff) -- Mrs, Fran-jand buggy. I can see it all now) 5, ces Jackson celebrated her)... and every day was a party jroneously identified as Gordon 100th birthday to the sound of|for us," f apg Po gll agganrngg oct pie music hitby's Fairview! g§chool was a log cabin which) \"" ' Lodge Saturday her own! seldom ran for pn than six|*bove, was Edward Ryzek of music. |months at a time, "but you had Playing an accordién, as she|to get an education somehow." has done for 83 years, she sent) 'You don't really have to go a "sweet melody" floating from|to school to learn," she main-| her room A-17 down the hall of|tained. "You should get your the woman's section. Despite framework there, and then lis-| the fact' she complained of be-|ten, and read, and -- learn) ing tired she belted out two of throughout life." | her favorites, "How Firm the! while her eyes are dimmed! Foundation," and "I Know\she still loves books, and has! Whom I Have Believed," someone read to her whenever Asked about modern tunes,|its possible, Open an account she replied, "What are the mod- ern tunes? They're nothing like the old ones. You don't have the. sweet melodies any more . . + like those Scottish ones."'| A delicate child she's never had particularly good health, she said. Her last serious oper- ation was at 92. She brushed aside questions Ruth Snudden--Nick Van Den Broek--Clare Shank--Ike Perry at Victoria and Grey and save a little EXCELLENT LOCATION FOR: FAMILY HOME -- WHITBY Palace Street, Whitby, walking distance to centre 'of town for the whole, family, 3 spocious a Ne dining room, living room and a roomy kitehen, This lerger modern brick home with 60' x 142! lot may be just whet you ore looking for with recreation foom in basement ond other interesting feotures, Full price $14,900 with around $3,000 down, She admitted she had to go|about the modern generation, easy on the accordion now be-|or any of the four or five she's cause her shoulders and arms | lived through, saying she wasn't bore a few signs of age. |going to start judging people at "T"m old and I know it,' she her age. said. F . |ALWAYS CONTENDED stunts -- vs tscetaend ey 3 just thankful for coming * through this far, so long. I've RISES AT 10 A.M. hever wanted for anything in) "I got up around 10 a.m..., |MY. life, I'm contented always."| they let me have breakfast in| The day was an occasion at} bed... at 12.30 I had ate with/Fairview Lodge, the first cen- the others in the dining room,|tennary in its history. In the V'll nap when I feel tired, and|dining room the old residents chat with my relatives, and go|stood as she entered, clap-| to bed between 6.30 and 8 pan." ped, helped er eat her cake, She was holding ards there was a room, now cluster-|Singsong and more sweet melo- court in her|and = afterw: it little efi with bunches of flowers, par-|dies from the past. | cels, and telegrams from the| Arte you proud, she was ask- Queen, Prime Minister. Lester|¢d? Pearson, Premier Robarts and| "No," she replied, "why on from every pay! REGULAR SAVINGS WITH IN- TEREST COMPOUNDED HALF: YEARLY WILL SOON GROW TO 'BIG MONEY' FOR THE THINGS YOU REALLY WANT OR NEED, Fan VICTORIA and GREY TRUST OWEN SOUND MEAFORD ORILLIA CANNINGTON WHITRY LINDSAY PETERBOROUGH BELLEVILLE KINGSTON 308 Dundas St. W , Whitby PLUMBING & HEATING SHEET METAL WORK @ INSTALLATIONS @ REPAIRS @ SERVICE AUTHORIZED CONSUMERS' GAS DEALER K-MART SHOPPING AND S.D.A, CHURCH Nearby thie 12 yeor old stone ond frome bungalow on Kendalwood Drive between Oshowe 'end Whitby, The cosy open stone fireplace with the worm crackling fire gives an atmosphere of hominess to this 3 bedroom bungalow thet you will enjoy. The lot is 100 by 208' with gorden and small fruit trees. Taxes are low. Full price $16,800 with $3,000 down ond $100.00 monthly, You may have on extra lot here to reduce your urtt cost in. this fast growing orea, 3 BEDROOM BRICK -- WHITBY -- EXTRAS And total price only $13,200, This smooth finished recreation room, outside fenced in. ploy oreo, 3 section painted bosement and all rourd warm cosy living } mes is Log | offered Health Minister M. Dyjond. On|earth should I be?" et an attractive price for @ quick sale, Stort living with @ low 6% mortgage, Poyments her dresser door the three | only $96.00 monthly, incuudes toxes, maple-leafed design of the earl- BIGGEST RUN | a ier proposed Canadian flag Was) Grayling, Mich., claims the hanging. = -, ¢ {World's longest and fastest to- Oh, that," she said, "Iipoggan run, with toboganners neither like it nor dislike it. I)reaching speeds of 100 m.p.h. really don't have much say, d0|along the 3,000-foot course. I?" Mrs. Jackson: was already -| a ~-- of three when Canada! was born, ~ One-Stop DECORATING Born in Hope Township, the SHOP daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Rich- Wallpaper and Murols Cat's Paw "twin-grippers" do the trick! not only positive non-slip safety under foot, but longer wear at the point where the wear is greatest, Canada's most ler hee! by far, Have them put on all your family's shoes soon at your Cat's Paw shoe repairer, By the makers of famous Cat's Paw & Cot-Tex Soles CATS PAW PICKERING -- 3 BEDROOM BRICK -- $12,800 Neat bungalow with large lot on Hiley Ave. is being socrificed for a quick sale, This spacious 11 by 17 kitchen is @ delight to any owner with a large fomily Nice start on recreation room will take only a few hours to finish, You must see this attractive home before deciding on your home purchase, $2,000 down poyment, WHITBY BAPTIST CHURCH BUILDING On 68 by 162 comer tot could be utilized for ony other church group wishing to have @ central location, Possibly @ lodge hall or some commercial venture wishing an economical heodquarters would snap up this solid brick 88 year old building, Property is well kept with steam heating plant, 2 washrooms, kitchen, Sunday School room ond some class rooms, Full price $33,500, YOUR CLP AND SAVE For WEEKLY REFERENCE! Sports CALENDAR This Programme Presented By The Local Business J Firms of WHITBY and DISTRICT! THIS WEEK'S SPORTS EVENTS HOCKEY METRO JR, "BY LEAGUE Seturdey, Nov, 14, Brampton 7 Ups vs Whitby Dunlops, Whitby Arena ot 7:00 p.m, Friday, Nov. 13, Whitby will play Markham Seal-O-Woxes in Markham, Sunday, Nov, 15, Neil McNeil Maroons will host the Dun- nies in Toronto, WHITBY INDUSTRIAL HOCKEY LEAGUE League action commenced yesterday at the Whitby Arena, Three games ore played every Sunday ing ing at 7:30 p.m, Anyone interested in playing with the league contect R. Schell at the gome 4 WHITBY MERCANTILE HOCKEY LEAGUE Sunday, Nev, 15, et 12 noon, Royal Hotel ve Arena Sunceo, Sunday, Nov. 15, at 2:00 p.m. Kelly Disney ve Ottenbrites Men's Weer. SKATING AT WHITBY ARENA Public Skating every Wednesday and Friday night. Wednesday, 8:00 p.m, te 10:00 p.m.--Adults only. Friday, 8:30 to 10:30 p.m.---Aduts ond Children. Seturdey afternoon skating for children under 14 only, BADMINTON The Whitby Badminton Club meets at Henry Street High School every Monday end Thursday night . . . New members welcome GEORGE'S - FINA SERVICE Licensed Mechanic Free Check-Up Enjoy Carefree Holiday Driving PICK-UP & DELIVERY 668-4232 932 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY The Plumber ard Bullied, she still remem- bers the pioneer life, It was a time, she said; when tea was poured out of cast iron kettles, when the first sowing machine! was a marvel, and when she and the rest of the 12 children Custom Draperies could have the time of their CLL, Points and Vernishes lives, | Broadioom and Rugs LOTS TO BE: DONE | Flo-Gleze Colorizer Points "When I was about five my ' father was clearing land in a DODD & SOUTER forest and building a house for aE r us, We all helped where we eer Contre Ltd. could then and there was a lot| Phone 668-5862 to be done. Then we got a sow- | 107 Byron St. $., Whitby ing machine and later a horse! W. C. TOWN FUNERAL CHAPEL LTD, Ample Parking Facilities Ph, 668-4247 128 BROCK ST, N. WHITBY Quality Material & Workmanship save profitably at high interest rates Now Open. . Dennis. Studios WHITBY You don't: have to ploy @ sport to be @ good sport, 110 Dundas St, E., Whitby 668-3410 STAFFORD Brothers Lid. Monuments + + » of Distinction 668-3552 Whitby ED. JEFFREYS @ Janitor Service @ Window Cleaning WE SPECIALIZE IN OFFICE & FACTORY WORK 120 Lupin Dr, Whitby PH. 668-8658 GOOD SPORTS Support home town sports, HOME TOWN SPORTS SUPPORT THE LOCAL SUPPLIERS OF FUELS and BUILDING SUPPLIES SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMITED 244 BROCK ST, $. DIAL 668-3524 WHITBY, ONT Portraits - Weddings Children (Home & Studio) PH, 668-3442 ON SPECIAL SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Interest calenlated on mininmm monthly balance, Withdrawals on demand. Evening Shows Start at 6:55 Last Complete Show at 9:05 ON REGULAR SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Chequing privileges; no charge on reasonable mamber per month, Prepaid envelopes for deposit by mail. f CANADA PERMANENT : CANADA PERMANENT MorTGAGs CorPORATION Oshawa Shopping Centre - J. w. Froud, Manager Whitby Tile Centre 106 BROCK ST, $, WHITBY Tile - Linoleum - Corlon « Sheet Vinyl - Broadioom « Pittsburgh Paints, ete. Phone 668-5331 COXIE'S Bargain Centre New and Used Surplus Stock 125 BROCK ST. N. WHITBY MARTIN'S ESSO SERVICE Hwy. 2 at Thicksons Rd, Licensed Mechanie peg won Jag eee e 'epaire Tune U e Brakes Relined Exhaust Systems PH, 728-5641 Tune-ups. Recommended. As Adult Entertainment wQ / wh