frilies® Ave) © King Feterm Sedan bee, 1964 Work caghtn seeerved, (GSMS eAve) I WANT TO TESTIFY AT >. BEFORE. HE REMOVES THE THE. TRIAL OF GOLD SPIKE. AND |-sUiP/- RINGO, WHO DROP DEAD, MAY I HAVE. ONE KILLED ME/r } LAST WISH, CHIEF ? HMM I~ HAVING THE CORPSE-10-BE TESTIFY AT HIS OWN MURDER, TRIALISA BIT UNUSUAL~ 1% \ fara. Coppa] ALIVE AND SAFE! NOW I BELIEVE IN MIRACLES,/ COMING IN FROM THE OLD QUEEN NOW, SS MRS, TIGER! CAPTAIN STRATTUS = WAIT UNTIL ANNIE ES YOU HERE !! BOOKS ARE HEAVY 4] BUT 12 HATE TOA pri) TRY To Live Loh ouTa Some NUBBIN WHAT HAPPENED 10 YOU, UGH4 IS IT SERIOUS? MY LANDS! WHAT DID SHE GET MAD AT YOU ABOUT rights reserved. "© King Features Syodrcate, Ine, 1964. World > King Features Syndicate, bat, 1964 . World righte revered. GOLD 1S MY DUTY! MINE, DO.YOU HEAR? / MANAGER, #1 THEN PANCHO! THR , I, AS GENERAL AVE RELIEVED YOU OF DUTY, UNDERSTAND? JANE ARDEN DINNER HERE AGAIN TOMORROW NIGHT conse YOU HIDE ACROSS THE STREET, le CSV te wae 3 \) SS VLL SEE THAT WE HAVE | WELL... T/LL KNOW WH, MAN YOU SHOT? AT WANT HOW AMI.TO } WHEN WE COME OUT THE DOOR. HE/LL BE THE ONE VILL KIS, MICKEY MOUSE GRANDMA MUGGS AND SKEETER GOOD PIE, THE KIND®LIK ISN*Y IT? . GRANDMA USED TO MAKE,/" YOU CAM GAY \/.., GHE HASN'*T MADE THAT AGAIN... A PIE FOR AT LEAST YES! EVERYTHINGS FINE AND GRANDPAS HERE... ASLEEP ON THE DIVAN... «+ JUST PLAYING MY RADIO... DOING HOMEWORK... AND. BAKING COOKIES! a ee se St ag a (i te een eg a fa ad THE OSHAWA TIMES, 15 Saturday, November 7, 1964 CONTRACT BRIDGE By 8, JAY BECKER record-holder in Masters' West dealer. East-West vulnerable. NORTH "oR Kw765 EQs83s res WEST EAST' THE GIANTS UN 1886,CHURCH BES RING OUT ACROSS CANADA £ sere eh CITED A CHRD -- Fi CANADIAN TO BE SO ELEVATED 3 v= 9842 os K109652 @Qse | yee $idoreas "by om Qio I5 : &>o >on - keen > The chief purpose of tae emptive bid is to make it cult for the opponents to arfive at their best contract. At same time, though, the Lagred who preempts generally scribes his hand sufficiently well-to enable his side to find its own best contract. THE LONE RANGER THE SCHOOLHOUSE WE NEED/ Ze-- HERES THE MONEY YOU "A ANOTHER NIGHT | . STAKED ME 70, BOYS! AND THERES LIKE THS, PRANK, 4NOUGH LEFT OVER TO BUY ROCKTON , ANP YOULL WAY TO PREVENT HIS TELLING OTHERS. ABOUT p HS SYSTEM? SECRET AGENT X9 This deal comes from a mul- tiple team match. At nearly all tables West opened the bidding with four hearts, What happen- ed after this varied consider' ably, depending on how aggress- ive the North and South players at each table were. As can be seen, it is not at all clear that North should step into the bidding over four hearts, and, in fact, most of the North players passed, After East also passed, it was likewise unclear as to whether South should act -- though, in practice, most of the South play- ers either doubled or bid five diamonds. It is not unusual for such problems to stem from an open- ing preemptive bid, and, more often than not, the player who preempts with a proper hand will show a profit for his enter+ prise. If the opponents have the better hands, as frequently hap- pens, they will nearly find it difficult to land-in the right spot. if a8 ¥ while teammates at another table bid and made five diamonds SATURDAY EVE. 6:00 P.M. Wi--Strikes and Spares 9--Mr. Magoo 7--Early Show 6--Countrytime 4--Wrestling 3--Teem. Time 6:30 FM. Ni--Polka Party 9--Johnny Quest 2--Pic-A-Polka 6:45 PLM. 9-6-4-3--News; Weather: Sports 7:00 P.M. Wi--Star Route 9--Voyage To The Bottom of The Se 63--Beverly Hilibillies WW--Debut -- Z Cars 7--Hollywood Palace 10:00 P.M. 9--The Avengers 4--Gunsmoke 10:15 P.M, 63--Juliette 10:30 P.M. Ni--Biockbuster 7--Jimmy Dean Show 10:45 P.M. 63--Sports Unlimited 11:00 P.M. y Weather: Sports =~ 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News) 1:15 PLM. N--Block Buster Con- tinued 9--Metro Final 8-2--Saturday Night at The Movies 6--Nigh) Meiro 11:20 P.M, 7-43--Late Show 6--Sports 11:30 P.M. 9--Answering Service. 6--Feature Showcase SUNDAY 9:00 A.M. 4--Popeye's Playnouse 2--Cartoons 9:30 A.M. '--Italian Journal 7--Supercar 2--Capt. Bob 10:00 A.M, 1--Carasello 8--The Bible Answers 7--Rocket Ship 7 6--Metropolis Lamp Unto My Feet Church Invitation 10:30 A.M. Vi--O.H.A. Jr. A Hockey 9--Portrait 4--Uncle Jerry's Club 2--Catholic Hour 11:00 A.M. 9--Meta Presents &--This is The Life 7--Holy Mass 6-4--Church Service 2--Frontiers of Faith 11:30 A.M. 9%--Spectrum 7--Discovery 8--The Christophers 12:00 NOON 9--Italian Album &--Felix The Cat 7--Challenge 6--Sunday School 4--News; Weather Sports 2--The Answer 12:15 P.M. 4--Industry Gn Parade 12:30 P.M. 11--Pleasure of 'Life 7--Bullwinkle 6--Live and Learn 4--Face The Nation 2--Family Playhouse 1:00 P.M. 11--Continental Miniature 9--Bud Sherman Show he 4-UB Round Tabie Panel 4--NFL 7--Directions '65 6--Heritage 4--Film | Fury | 1:30 PM. | 11--Spotlight | 9--House on the Hill 7--I\ssues and Answers | 63--Country Calendar 4---NFL Football 2:00 P.M. 1l--Club 11 Dance Party 2:30 P.M. 7--Dialogue 2--Doctors at Work 3:00 P.M. 7--My Little Margie | 2 ling | 3:30 P.M, | 7--T! Deputy Football 6--Time of Your Life 4--NFL Football | 3--National Velvet 6:00 P.M. 9--Flipper 7--sig Show ot Week 6--Stingray 4--Twentleth Century 3-77 Sunset Strip 2--Meet The Press 6:30 P.M. 11--Rawhide 9--Walt Disney 6--Candid Camera 4--Prd Football Report | 7:00 P.M. 63--Patty Duke Show | 4-Lassie | 7:30 P.M. |1l--Movie. Special | 9--Mr. Novak &-2--Disney's World of Color | 7--Wagon Train 63--Flashback 4--My Favorite Martian 8:00 P.M. 643--Ed. Sullivan 8:30 P.M. 9--Man From U.N.C.L.E, 7--Broadside 8-2--Bill Dana Show 9:00 P.M. 8-6-3-2--Bonanza 7--Mov! le 4--My Living Doll 9:30 P.M. li--Desilu Playhouse 9--The Lucy Show 4--Joey Bishop Show 10:00 P.M, 9--Miss Canada Pageant 8-2--The Rogues 6-3--Antigone 4--Candid Camera 10:30 P.M. 11--Bill Dana Show 4--Whal's My Line 11:00 P.M. 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2---News) Weather, Sports 11:20 PM, 7-4-3--Late Show | 2---Award Theatre | 11:30 PLM. 11--Travellers' Preview 9National News 6--Human Jungle "MONDAY 8:00 A.M. 4--Captain Kangaroo 8:30 A.M, 1i--Schmitzel House §--Romper Room 9:00 A.M, ' | 9--Playtime With Bobby 7--Dialing For Dol.ars 4--Mike's Carnival 2--Mike Douglas Show 9:30 A.M, 11--Ed. Allen | 7--Father Knows Best | 10:00 A.M. 11--Super Bingo 8-2--Make Room For Daddy TELEVISION LOG , CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffalo WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel Rochester. CFTO-TV Channel $~--Toronto .. CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo 7--Girl Talk 6-3--School Telecasts 4--Calendar 10:30 A.M. i--Father Knows Best Bingo 8-2--Word For Word 7--Price Is Right 4-1. Love Lucy 11:00 A.M, 1--Sceariett Hill 9--James Beard Show 8-2--Concentration 7--Message 63--Friendly Giant 4--Andy of Mayberry 11:30 A.M, 11--Albert J. Steed 9--Toronto Today 8-2--Jeopardy 7--Missing . Links 6-3--Butternut Square 4--The McCoys i 12:00 NOON "| 7:30 PA, | 4:00 ©. | 8-2----Say When Club 11 Dance Party | 44_ Th 7--Maverick $-2--F lipper | prey Ae je onnee | g--eiwoed Glover 7--Outer Limits | 4--NFL Football; Second) "News ano Weather pant Fg show | oeme | 12:15 P.M jackle Gleason Show | 4--Speaker ef the H 3Take a -Chance | 4:30 PLM. i) as Pk oe N--Tiny Talent Tim 12: .! Saseieny Pevio 1 S01. Bilko : Breit barr. Magoo' rmance 63 "Sports International) 82--Truth or : 5:00 P.M. Consequences 8:30 P.M. i 4 4---Search for Tomorrow #-2--Kentucky Jones N--Famuy, sheatre 12:45 P.M. 7--Lawrence Welk Show |,%--After Four 4--Gulding Light 63--NHL Hockey, §.2--Wild Kingdom 3--News, Weather, Sports 4-Gilligans Island | 7--Wrestling 53--Show of Shows 1:00 P.M. 9:00 P.M. 11--Lucky Score &-2--Movie 5:30 P.M. &--Matinee 4--Mr. Broadway 9--Telepol! 7--Afternoon Show 9:30 PLM. |8-2--G.E. College Bow! | 4--Meet The Millers 6-3--Movie 2--Mike Douglas Show 1:30 P.M 11--Matinee and Horse Races 4--As fhe World Turns 2:00 P.M. 9--Abracadabra 4--Password 2--Loretta Young 2:30 P.M. 9--Four of A Kind 8-2--The Doctors 7--Day In Court 6--Loretta Young 4--House Party 3--Super Bingo 3:00 P.M. 9--People In Conflict 8-2--Another World 7--Genera\ rospital 63--As The World Turns 4--To Teh The Truth 3:30 P.M, 1--Children's Program 9--It's Your Move 8-2--You Don't Say 7--The Young Marrieds 6-3--Take Thirty 4--Edge of Night 4:00 P.M. 9--Mickey Mouse Club 6--The Match Game 7--Trailmaster 2--Captain Bob ™ 4:30 PLM, 11--Dennis The Menace 9--Sea Hunt 63--Razzle Dazzle 6-43--The Secret Storm 4--Leave It To Beaver 3--Popeye * MONDAY EVENING 5:00 P.M, \l--Family Theatre 9--Five O'Clock Matinee 8--Superman 7--The Early Show 6--World Of Nature 4-Five O'Clock Show 2-Yogi Bear 5:30 P.M. 6--Music Hop | 2--Tales of Wells Fargo 6:00 PAM. | 6--Karen | 4--News With Van Miller | | 2--Today, 1964 | | 6:13 P.M. | 4--Sports with Check | Healy | 6:30 PLM. » Weather, | Sports | @-2--Huntley-Brinkley | jews 7--M-Squad | 6--Across Canada | 6:45 P.M. N--Family Theatre | &-2--Huntley Brinkley | Report 7:00. P.M. the North-South cards. ' Perhaps the most interesting of the many different results occurred at one table where the bidding went: ! After East had gotten over the shock of winning the trick with the queen of hearts, he recover- ed in time to return a club at trick two. West ruffed, of course, and the apparently cer- tain slam went down the drain. ABOLISH COUNCILS DAMASCUS (Reuters) -- Mil- -Jitary councils and national se- curity courts in Syria were abolished. Thursday in a decree issued by the presid coun- cil. The military were formed on July 18, 1063, follows ing an abortive coup attempt. National security courts were formed in April last year. "MILL STREET" VARIETY STORE CROSSWORD ACROSS 2. Bedding 23. Any 1. Inquires material precious 5, Large tanks for animals stone 9. Greek 8.Measureof 24, Tongue portico distance: spoken 10, Mine India by entrance 4. Perched Christ 11, Foremost : Worth 25..A as 12. Rabbit . First man tropi fur 7.4 gratuity fruit = + 14.Girl'sname 8. An 26. Apple EVIRIE REL AMIS ES | 15. Total alcoholic seed Yesterday's Answer amount drink A 16.Compass = 11, Distant family 32, Musical point 13. Approaches pet instru- 17.Tocorrect 15, Pig pen 30, Mackerel- ment andrevise 18, Abundant like 33. Golfer's 20, Turkish 19, River: fishes aid | title So. Am. 31, Under- 85. Morsels 21. Cold 20, Melody shot 38, Digit 22. Coffin 22, A ship- water- 89. Youth 23. an board bed wheel 40. Verb form in Israel 26. Sounds, FY 25 [* Ys |e [7 |e UY, asacat 'LA 27. Great Lake ] 9 Wj 10 Y | 28. Clamor v, 29. A wit " Wy [3 13 30. Crest of 4 feathersfor |!+ UGE WY us | the h B4. bem 7 18 [19 WY 20 85. River: 4G Y ta] "Daeraine ALLEL Z 36. Metallic 25 [24 [25 YY 26 rock 27 (//,28 MSA wiweue brt-+-L-MA | Ae 39. Immense lod GY Y 30 41, Particle ame | YY | | ZF . Luck: 5 31 38 G 39 [40 tren V//)41 Lh 42 Y 44, University Y, Yy Y, eae V7A48 44 Y 1. Apart LA Li Li : ; ite SINGER DIVORCED been divorced, Lee testified in court here Wed: nesday that her LOS ANGELES (AP)--Singer .,|Peggy Lee, 44, and her fourth husband, Jack Del Rio, 39, have F after a mar-|Wednesday in a 'three riage of eight months. They separated last June 15. Miss bant-leader husband refused to support her THREE TRAINS CRASH PARIS (AP) -- Five railway employees were killed and seven other persons injured - train smash-up just outside Paris. Of- ficials said four cars of a mail train derailed near the station lof Acheres, An express crashed into them, derailing the steam locomotive and several cars. 9--The Addams Family | although she was convalescing!| Another express train from the 8--Movie ae Weather, Sports from a respiratory illness a the time of their marriage, t|opposite direction smashed into the wreckage, nt bas Gi INE g MILL & OXFORD STS. Open 7 Days of the Week 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. SUNNY SPAIN! ANDALUCIA Cen. $557.90-- 17 days, PALMA Cen. $586-- 17 days (4 days extensions epprox. $28.00). Includes: Air fore from Toronto, Ist class hotéls, all mecls delux Extensions' to. Yengler end Canory ions Islands. wes CALL 728-6201 . Four Seasons Travel ERNIE CAY 7, DOORS ° SASH 4} and ROOFING FREE DELIVERY "It it's LUMBER, eoll eur NUMBER" PHONE 725-1121 53 ALBERT ST. ' FORMAL WEAR Rentals Morning. Suits --. Tuxedos inner Jackets Mink Stoles -- White Fox Furs DUNN'S 36 King East and the Oshawa Shopping Centre 723-7611 - 723-1371