Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Oct 1964, p. 11

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© She Emergency Numbers "Hospital 723-2211 Police 725-1133 Fire 725-6574 Ostyarwn Sines OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1964 Second Section City. and district features, sports and classified advertis- ing. M. Starr To Oppose Flag Report OTTAWA (Special) -- Oniario Riding MP Michael Starr said here Thursday he will oppose the report of the special flag committee when it comes to a vote in the House of Commons. In an interview with The Times' Ottawa Bureau shortly after the report was tabled in the House, Mr. Starr said that he was for a distinctive Caha- dian flag but one that would in- clude the Union Jack, the Fleur de Lis and a Maple Leaf. "Neither the original three leaf design of the government, nor this single red leaf design of the committee depicts any of Canada's background and tradi- tions. I will oppose the commit- tee report," Mr. Starr said, He sald the new flag could easily be mistaken for the flag of Peru which had a coat of arms instead of a Maple Leaf in its centre. This, he said, de- stroyed the theory that the Canadian flag should not be mistaken for that of any other country. He also said that he favored only one flag for Canada, in- stead of the Maple Leaf flag plus the Union Jack to denote the commonwealth connection: | 'The report means that. the Red Ensign is gone and the Lib- DOUGLAS FISHER, Secretary-Manager of the Oshawa Chamber of Com- merce, officially tendered his left, resignation during a meeting of the Chamber at Hotel Gen- osha Thursday. Mr. Fisher will be leaving his post here to.take up his new appoint- MAJOR FRED LEWIS, commanding officer of . the Salvation Army in Oshawa, was the guest speaker at the monthly meeting-of the Cath- - olic Men's Luncheon Club Thursday. Major Lewis, left, is seen as hé was welcomed by Chairman Dan Riordan, right. Looking on is Terry O'Connor, centre, who intro- duced the speaker. --Oshawa Times Photo erals have pushed the Union Jack on to us. If we have to have a second flag, it would be much better to recognize our Main Project Is Approved own Red Ensign instead of the flag of another nation," Mr. A $500,000 watermain con- |Starr argued. struction project in the south- west section of the city was ap- proved Thursday night by the Oshawa Public Utilities Com- mission. The watermain will extend from the water pumping .sta- tion. at Ritson road and Guy aevnue to near Stevenson's road at a point in line with Wentworth street where it will connect to the existing water- main, Bruce Annand, PUC mana- ger, said today he expected work will begin in about one week, He said the project will Fellowship Would Asks Parents Improve World _ |To Instruct | i } More inter-denominational fel-jlead a more fruitful life, he Children \ Aowship meetings between leaid. ve Protestants and Catholics were; Major Lewis said alcohol is a! urged Thursday by Major Fred | disease of the mind and body.| , " | instruct their children on safety ge omgrqcanaptagg acelin NEEDY ASSISTED | while they are on their shell-out Speaking at a meeting of the| 'I received a call-one night| rounds Hallowe'en night, says Accolades and best wishes were heaped on Douglas 'Doug' Fisher by his 'bosses' at a luncheon here Thursday. His 'bosses,' Oshawa's Cham- ber of. Commerce members, were paying tribute to Mr. Fisher, who is leaving them as general manager, and thanking him for five years of service. Mr. Fisher resigned this month, and will leave Nov. 15 to take charge of the Lake Erie Regional Development Associa- tion. In this new capacity, he will be dealing with the councils s Thief Leaves | He was critical Cd the action \of Liberal Grant Deachman of Empty Handed ancuiey, a member of the A thief, who dropped in at a/flag committee, who -- local BA service station, left|#" inside story of the commit- empty-handed when he found no tee's deliberations before the re- cash box port was tabled in the Com- Monty Cranfield, operator of/mons. He said this was a Monty's BA station on Simcoe breach of the committee mem- street south, told police Thurs-|bers' oath to remain silent until day that his place of business|the report was tabled. He said Parents have an obligation to el | CELEBRATING a ae Congratulations and best Ph Co wishes to the following resi- oto ntest | BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- Peter Tomlinson, 56 Queen} Pupil Suff upl u ers dents of Oshawa and dis- . trict who are celebrating Elbow Injury street, accidentally shot him-| | self in the shoulder in his home their birthdays today Mrs. Mary Lailey, 64 Burk A Grade 8 pupil at Ridgeway|here Thursday night. St and Gordon Mg¢Collon, 22 |Public School, Bernadette Brad-| Police. Chief Bernard Kitney| Bruce St, who shaw, 13, suffered sever bruises|said today Mr. Tomlinson told} his birthday Thursday when involved in an/police he did not touch the trig-| Phone 723-3474 jaccident when bicycling to|ger of his .22 calibre rifle. school. Police believe the rifle was Bernadette was treated at the| dropped on the floor. advice is: every child is | | | | | Horticultural Society will be) secretary-manager, said, 'You | held in the main auditorium of|have made a success in your |the E. A. Lovell School, Mon-| work here in the Oshawa Cham- jday, Nov. 2, at 8 p.m. | ber because you came well pre- celebrated | In conjunction with the meet-| pared for your position. I re- yesterday: jing, a photographic competition|gret very much that you are jwill be held including seven | Jeaving us and would like to classes for colored slides and|thank you on behalf of this jone of a colored snapshot. The| community for the splendid GO BIG TIME |prize winning pictures will be|work which you have done. Your {Oshawa General Hospital for} Mr. Tomlinson, police said,| 4shown, to. those in attendance, |new job," he said, "in Western 0o|bruises to her left. elbow which|was listening to his record) An Oshawa group, the Du-|at the conclusion of the judging.| Ontario, will be a challenge and .00|was injured when the left rear|player at. about 8 p.m. when|Kanes, led by Frank Pollard) The evening will be filled 'in|I know that you will succeed in n holy oa' traffie|Was entered Wednesday night.|he would not be at all surprised Catholic Men's Luncheon Club,|from the Oshawa Police De- motto lhe -- Petes Police said that the thief broke|if disciplinary action. was not Major Lewis congratulated the|Pattment informing me _ they)§ i y Diet. F a window of an office which is|taken against Mr, Deachman, Knights of Columbus for spon-|had found a man in the gut-|Police dep . " R ive aital i | side of the building and entered : ; y . kind about a year ago which| home, fed him black coffee and Sree. ako poh _ the service station through an- take about 20 weeks to com.| four Suir sat dat pio was attended by men of, both) put him to bed. an interview. "Cosmetic make-| ther window plete. Money will be raised those of the Municipalities eo faiths. "When he awoke he told me up should be used instead of| The pop cooler in the building mainly through debentures. : . "When we can haye fellow-|he had been a doctor in Ottawa pif A Truants His work here will be carried hard to see through and create! as disappointed Mr Cranfield S. | Local political candidates 1n ai ra lak glial agg better world." tm "jalcohol and dope he had lost| 5 possible hazard." |\said**that ~he 'fad taken all i jthe Deceniber election will be! , ume the titl of secmstare: He said the Salvation Army|his practice, his home and his)" Go. +ante Tane said children) money from the cooler before} Forty-three cases of irregular|able to advertise on city buses bees ager theese yh "ie will be Celebrating its 80th an-|wife had left him. |when canvassing for UNICEF] Closing and illegal absences from Osh-|The PUC, in committee last! ger, e . ; " | 4 ; . ; baie} tomotive Museum. month. into the Harbor Light Centre in ; night in the station," he stated, |by the attendance officer during |yertising space for candidates | Aut 7 THROUGH STOMACH |Trorente, a place that is devoted| Street and cross at intepsections| "and for the past few weeks | September. | Warae' teantare for 175 tons of ney srg fa itoneg Fogger Bo a aoe cart nl pn oT 96 grb Poy ras and| have been taking the cash box) Two charges were laid in|stoker coal were opened by the| ress of the Oshawa Chamber Constable Tane s "onst cabinet in the building" Police!sters for 'being an habitual/Annand was authorized + a ; bys hae pe pp [Ween 8 man is well fed,/Ottawa. He is once again Witiew Moring will visit cut also said that the door of the truant", lantitna sid. select the best. Pen beet er Irn eel ath then you can talk to him about 1 apart ho rigs| and he icity schools to talk to some 1,000 -- had been opened by the) Tne attendance officer also in-|der according to quality and) regret. religion. | ~ c : children on special safety educa-|'"¢!- vestigated three break-ins at/price. In revieweing the progress of | 2 Oshaw : : r wer ue ie een a Souder on ree Police also ask that drivers aoe |$435,925.64, were approved by| meree, Mr. Crone said that Mr. er to rehabilitate the personjhelp' any destitute family no ---- careful Hallowe'en the PUC, pater vas leraey Sea back to his own church andimatter what creed or religion.) Ties Panes Automotive Museum but. the your own" Oshawa. chamber had more than ~ doubled in the past few years. MAYOR GIFFORD «Mayor Lyman Gifford, in of- Total $111,670 The Greater Oshawa Com-)W. J. Clark , munity Chest is nearing the} s72dsrd icicle Seles and Service half-way mark codes auch & caoulin at Gn tur" hecenid. "1 took the man| "They should remember to in- under construction on the south Two Charged. ship like this we cag' have. albat-because.of fis addiction to|M2Sks as masks are sometimes| Was pried open bul the robber grow ts work here wil be niversary in Canada next) "I succeeded in getting him) 244° their traditional treats|. "I never leave money over-|awa schools were investigated|night, approved the use of ad | Supervision of the Canadian his stomach. ""Poday, that man is back in home instead of leaving it in a/Juvenile Court against young-|Commission: Manager Bruce| over the past few years and an- The Salvation Army does not He seid the Salvation ATMY,| tion on Hallowe'en. The incident-ds under investi- schools. | October. accounts, totalling) the Oshawa Chamber of Coth- "Drive as if fact that the membership of the Oshawa Chest ' The meeting of the Oshawa) fering a tribute to the retiring in its annuail|Mary's Studio Photography ARVVAHHAsS campaign for funds, Robert] pecison, Marware Branch, executive secretary Cyr's, Restaurent said today $111,670.85 has been| {ows Cortes Bar collected, The objective is $275,-|oke Produce 900 | Mi ir. and Mrs. C. A. Lamon | Miss S. Langmaid Proceeds from a steamarama} Oshawa Discount House TT4 "4 , | J. Wilson Signs and washerama Saturday' at) 2. Mls) wdin and Television 3833888333833 $8.5583 Chamber} ment with the Lake Erie Re- gional Development Associa- tion November 15. Mayor Lyman Gifford, right, is seen as he congratulated -Mr. this new vocation. You will be doing business with rural rep- resentatives, as well as urban folk, but in dealing with rural people I suggest to you that you must not expect to get an answer to all your questions in a hurry." He intimated that rural people listen today and act later. "But, remember this, when you get your answer it will be well thought out by capable people." "IT want to also tell you," he said, 'that your successor will soon realize that he will have a difficult position to fill in follow- ing you in the job of Secretary- "fanager of t' > "shawa' Cham- ver. H. Robi , former pr of the:chamber and. chairman of the 'Automotive Museum Committee, referred to the time oe pea Fisher on his new aypoint- ment. Looking on, centre. is Ke1 Crone, president of the Oshawa Chamber, --Oshawa Times Photo Secretary-Manager Honored By Chamber man and is naturally susceptible to the challenge and that is why he is leaving us. "I cannot help but feel," he said, "that Oshawa has been better off for having in our midst the Fisher family, GIFT PRESENTED R. D. Humphryes, vice-presi- dent of the chamber, in making a presentation on behalf of the membership to Mr. Fisher, said that since the intimation that he was about to resign has beeti announced tributes had, been pouring in from various sources regarding the splendid job that he had done with the Oshawa Chamber of Commesee and the City generally. "I want to add my thanks and to say that T agree with everything that has been said because it has. all been good." when Mr. Fisher was engaged | to fill the position in Oshawa. "We had a lot of applica- tions," he said "'and I realize that we were very fortunate to get Doug Fisher. Many compli- ments have come to us regard- ing the operation of the Oshawa Chamber of Commerce over the years and they have all been very pleasant. "The Canadian Automotive Museum," he said, 'had been a tremendous success in a very short time." "It is a credit. to Oshawa and is receiving out- standing recognition all across Canada--it provides great pub- licity for the City of Oshawa." WARM TRIBUTE Geonge Rodgers, treasurer of the Oshawa Chamber, paid a warm tribute to Mr. Fisher, complimenting him on how he had projected 'the image of the Oshawa Chamber-- He is a man of restraint in- various difficul- ties and I submit to you that he has "won friends and influenced people," With regard to his leaving Oshawa, Mr. Rogers said that the retiring secretary-manager is still a comparatively young In presenting Mr. Fisher with the gift Mr. Humphreys said - "You have displayed great wis- dom and sagacity and this is a token of esteem from all your friends." In reply Mn, Fisher said he appreciated very much the many compliments that has been tendered him and assured the members that all the credit was not due him but due to the officer personnel. "They are the ones who sho 'ld get the credit. Then, too, I shall always remember the work of the chairman and mem- bers of the various committees. They are the ones which have made the chamber what it is today and I shall always re- member thé voluntary work on their part that has been given so freely. "T am sure," he said, "that the work that you have done and are still doing is bound to make this a. still better com- munity in which to live. I can only say 'thanks again' to the lovely City of Oshawa." Mr. Crone, on behalf of the gathering wished Mr. Fisher every success in his new en- deavor. United Rent-Alls, corner of Wil-| angus Graydon Carpet Co. Ltd, 2 iv Miss H. G. Batty son road and Olive avenue, will reek Lance att Veriély be donated to the campaign. The | Neirs Hardware Employee c » Sim-| Parkway Television Keystoners group from the St lore Ean coe Hall Boys' Club is in Charge) pojaris Restaurant of the project. Lakas Lunch Limited Palm Cigar Store Latest donations follow: 3.00/Leger, 33, of ae street, passed over her arm. p.m. night with an appearance onjshow: pictures which he took 7s.0| The accident occurred at the} He was transferred from Bow-|the Dave Clark Show at Toron-| while on vacation with Mrs. 2.00/intersection of Stevenson road|/manville Memorial Hospital to|to's Maple Leaf Gardens. Raye|Bradbury last summer when Ledpes and Annapolis avenue, The child|Oshawa General Hospital where|has been on such shows as/they visited in Florida. 5.00 cycled home following the acci-| he was treated for shock, given|Music Hop and the group has! A welcome is extended to any xo op dent and was later taken to hos:|an x-ray and a blood trans-|been offered a recording con-!non - members who wish to 15.00] pital. 'fusion, 'tract by Tamarac Records. lattend this meeting. 70.00| Wheel of a car driven by Jean|the accident occurred. Me was|and featuring sinber Bobby|by a member of the Society, 416 Elizabeth|due to report for work at 11/Raye, go big time next Monday|William Bradbury, who will Pj k j Li Adams Furniture Co. Lid N. H, Edgar and Son Limited M. Collis Furniture Company H, Barker |R.-L. Whittington Gabes Appliances 15,00) Ritson Centre 5.00! Glecoff Ltd | Siecor Ltd. Employee 3.00) Handy Bar 4.00) Jean Anderson. Hairdressing 60.00) Modern Grill , 2.00/ Stan Starr Furniture | 2.001 pars. A. S. McLeese .00 | 1.00! Previous donations $110,900.35} $2! Total to date $111,670.85 Simpson Sears Employees Davidson Shoe Store Davidson Shoe Store Employees A. Rich (Al's Bi-Rite) Cooper Sm 'h Company Cooper Srrith Co. Employees Woodlyn Beauty Salon Woodlyn Beauty Salon Employees Ww. R. Carnwith Evans Food Store Bathe Park Confectionery Corner Grocery Conlin's Grocery Singer Sewing Machine Singer Sewing Machine Employees 5.00 4 5.00 ves 00 5.00} 5 1 10.00 |Oshawa's new bréwer's retail | warehouse in the Oshawa Creek area has halted work on the al- most completed: project. Fred Beckstead, secretary of the Building and Construction Trades Council, said today, 'we are fighting for a-contract for 2.00 00 W 00 00 00 3 5. 25. A picket line thrown around} The Oshawa National Em- Mrs. E. G. Snowden * P, Jaricki Grocer H. Little of G. Puckett J. A. Armstrong Electric College Hill Market Spring Bros. Furniture Co. Ltd. Spring Bros. Furniture Co. Ltd. Employees ' 10 5.00 2. 5.00 15.00 5.00 10.00 Workshop Will | Discuss Welfare A'welfare workshop at Hills-/ dale Manor next will bring together welfare offi- cials from the 17 municipalities in Ontario County. Herbert. Chesebrough, . Osh awa welfare administrator, said today matters relating to wel- fare will be discussed and new legislation will be reviewed dur- ing the all-day session. ' Several speakers, welfare of- ficials in the county, will dis- cuss various aspects of welfare.| The workshop is sponsored by Oshawa and the County of On- tario in conjunction' with the Welfare Officers' Association®home, 41 Sandra street." 21.00} --s 2.00) | 5. = Hunter Safety | 'Course Planned | Would-be hunters can bone} up on the requirements for a jhunting licence at a training course to be held Monday and Wednesday. Ron Heard, a hunting safety instructor for the Department of Lands and Forests, said to- Wednesday day that the six-hour course will cover the use Of weapons, | types of ammunition used in| hunting, game knowledge, game} laws, hunterdarmer relation-| ships, ¢ompass and map read-| ing, and rules for survival in| wild areas. ] He said that he will be assis- ted by David Axhorn, also an instructor for the Department. Mr. Heard stated that the last) course he ran was attended by 35 students. 'All these interes- ted in attendirig," he added, "may telephone 725-4325, or communicate with me at my 7 eine ss TOUR TIMES PLANT the pressroom left to right are Robtrta Crawford, editor of the College Newspaper, | Oshawa toured The Oshawa Shown looking at a mait in The Cedar Sentinel, Brain ve JOURNALISM STUDENTS Times yesterday afternoon to Jurianxa, Herbert Flynn, Don Melashenko, Bob Hillier, and Edward McMackin. --Oshawa Times Photo. hs A group of journalism stu- dents from Kingyway College sce a newspaper in operation, 2 the two laborers working on the job. The contractors, James Kemp Lid., of Hamilton, have refused to sign the agreement we currently haye in force with the Oshawa Builders Ex- change," he stated. A spokesman for the com- pany, Bouglas Robertson, said today. 'I had not heard about the picket line but I am not surprised. The building is sub- stantially completed and will be handed over Noy, 15." Mr. Beckstead -stated electri- cians, plumbers, carpenters and | painters were manning the pick- et line. "This is a legal picket line," he said. "'The men began to picket at 6 a.m. today and | will keep going until the matter jis settled." TRAFFIC DEATHS TOKYO (AP) -- Traffic acci- dents are killing, more than 35 persons a day, a record rate in Japan. Up to the middle of October, the traffic toll this lyear'-was 10,100 lives, police NES Office Gears To Pay Benefits ployment Service office has en- gaged extra staff to cope with the payment of unemployment insurance benefits to laid-off workers of General Motors of Canada Ltd.. who return to work next week. J. W. A, Russell, UIC. branch manager, described the _pay- ments of benefits as, "'a monu- mental task,"' and outlined new arrangements made to cope with the task. "The arrangements relate only to claimants who will be reporting back to work at GM," he stated, "and who ordinarily report in person for pay: to their union committeeman. "Those claimants working on the day shift who have not re- ceived some payment of un- employment insurance benefit since the commencement of the lay-off, are requested to report to the local office after shift completed, as follows: "Those whose reporting day is ordinarily Monday or Tues- day, report after shift on Mon- day. "those whose reporting day is ordinarily Wednesday or Thurs- day, report after shift on Tues- day. "Those whose reporting day is ment/ordinarily Friday, seport after at the local Oshawa office." shift on Wednesday." ' INSTRUCTIONS ISSUED - "Commencing Monday, Nov. 2, those claimants working on the night shift are requested to report to the local office at their regular time and on the same day of the week as they do at present, regardless of the fact they may have been given a reporting day that would occur in the following week. "Those claimants working on the day shift who have already received some payment of un- employment insurance benefit sinee the commencement of the Oct. 2 lay-off are requested to complete their report forms -- attached to the back of their reporting 'booklei--for the week or weeks for which they have isaid, not yet reported and hand them NION ADVICE Albert Taylor, president of Local 222, United Auto Work- ers, added his advice to Mr, Russell's remarks. "The report in person claim- ants must make sure that the Yes - No questions are answer- ed on the 489 UIC slip in the back of the book before report- ing, he said. ; "Night, shift workers who re- port during the day will be paid, in cash," he added, "'and day-shift employees who report as per the above schedule will be paid within two or three days by cheque. "Special payment officers have been drafted to meet the extra demand on the local office,' Mr. Taylor stated, U

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