Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Oct 1964, p. 8

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® THE OSHAWA TIMES, - Wednesday, October 28, 1964 'Royal Visit TV Coverage: '$270,000 », OTTAWA (CP) -- The CBC fadio and television coverage of Queen's visit to Canada in- ; ed a total staff of-some 400 rsons and a budget of $270,- , State Secretary Lamon- tagne said Monday. In a written Commons reply for Percy Noble (PC -- Grey North), the minister, who re- Parliament for the works. of the television and ra- dio services and the interna- 'tional service. The CBC assigned 196 staff- 'ers to Charlottetown, 13 to Que- bec City and 154 to Ottawa for the three phases of the visit, "Mr, Lamontagne said. In some cases the same staff members 'worked in more than one place. In reply to another question iby Wallace Nesbitt (PC -- Ox- ford), Mr. Lamontagne said the] CBC employed 15 commentators to cover English and French radio and television services at the Olympic Games in Tokyo. The total number of CBC em- ployees in Tokyo for the Games was 31, he added. Old San Antonio Plans 'Hemisfair' SAN ANTONIO, Tex. (AP)-- Long notd for its fiestas, this Spanish-American city wants a fiesta to top all fiestas on its 250th anniversary in 1968. Plans centre on an $85,000,000 Hemisfair -- hemisphere fair-- to salute all the Americas: San Antonio, a city of 700,000 peopl where the name Rodri- guez appears as often as Smith, is a centre of inter-American culture and trade. Congressman Henry B. Gon- galex said two years ago it would be fitting for the city to be host for the first 'fair of the Americas." His idea now is well past the talking stage. Money has been raised and a staff hired. Backers want nothing short of the Seattle world's fair of 1962. Earlier this year voters over- whelmingly approved the largest bond program in the city's history--a $30,000,000 is- sue geared mainly to support Hemisfair. NEAR DOWNTOWN The fair will spread over an 85-acre urban renewal area on the fringe of downtown. It is bordred on one side by the Alamo and on another by La Villita, a cluster of buildings of the original San Antonio. After a 1@4-day run, the fair will leave to the city a $10,000,- if ual completely satistied with@ny - fresh meat you buy fro . / Yee / m LOB I LAWS ot Thee Flovour Goodnece/ PRICES EFFECTIVE OCT. 28, 29, 30, 31 SPECIAL! ONE POUND ASSORTMENT HOSTESS BISCUITS SPECIAL! 40c OFF REGULAR PRICE 1-LB, CELLO PKG. 39: SPECIAL! LEAN LOIN PORK R aN ' ip eth i@ MAZI UG AE A 9 i Biel ables Si ENDERN N VANANS \ ' "MEAT, N \ 000 convention centre, exhibit areas, an inter-American trade institute, stadium, military mu- geum and library. Any profits go RIB END 34-LB. AVER. KING SIZE PKG, URF perencent ia rides ioniewesceddeavins END : m LB. 34-LB. AVER, LB. C centre CUTS or CHOPS LB. to the city. Every country in the western hemisphere with the exception of Cuba will be irivited to build @ pavilion or exhibit area. Hemisfair, with its 85 acres, will be larger than the Seattle fair, which covered 74, and smaller than the New York fair, which has 550 acres. Construction is to begin in 1965 or 1966. Informal Talks On Freer Trade OTTAWA (CP)--Informal dis- cussions but not formal negoti- ations are under way between Canada and the United States concerning freer markets in each other's country for auto- mobiles and car parts, Finance Minister Gordon said Tuesday. Replying to questions by New Democrat Leader Douglas, Mr. Gordon said that when there is anything specific. to announce he will make an announcement in the Commons. Mr. Gordon said that officials of the two countries "have been discussing possible extensions or changes in the present plan, _in case they are needed." Mr. Douglas asked whether the government is preparing any legislation 'to protect labor , and management from disloca- 'tion which might result in | changes in tariffs on automo- 'bilés and car parts. Mr. Gordon said the question 'was hypothetical but Labor Minister MacEachen has been giving some thought to the sub- ject with labor department offi- cials. ISRAEL IN SPACE JERUSALEM (AP) -- Is- rael's national committee for space research is expected to launch a series of weather rock- ets into the ionosphere in 1965. The launchings will be part of the 'International Year of the Quiet Sun," a project of the in- ternational committee for space ' research. PUDDING and PKGS. PIE FILLING TOILET TISSUE... 2% 49 JELLO rows: ...... a 37 BARTLETT PEARS. 2-77 63¢ CREAM CORN ..2:% 37 SPECIAL! ROBIN HOOD CELEBRATION CAKE MIXES......2 > SPECIAL! HEINZ COUNTRY GOOD : 4 a 45: CHICKEN NOODLE SPECIAL! Boston Brown with Pork in T.S. 2 tis le SPECIAL! SKIM MILK POWDER INSTANT MILK-0..... *¢ 99. ER... = PKG. FROM SUNNY CALIFORNIA! SWEET & LUSCIOUS! RED GRAPES Seay NEW CROP FROM FLORIDA! AYLMER BEANS y] POUNDS 29° SPECIAL! MEATY PORK SIDE SPARE RIBS SPECIAL! LOBLAWS. COUNTRY STYLE PURE PORK SAUSAGE ......... SPECIAL! PENNYWISE BEEF BURGERS ris connie 1» AQe se eaaelerestenmeeseae : us. c HOSTESS Halloween KISSES:1i:%:d De McCORMICK'S SHELL-OUTS............... WESTONS B.B. BATS. ...... @ HALLOWE'EN SHELL-OUTS @ BOX OF so nacs MIN 9 teeeee CELLO ee | © B9« IN SHELL WILLARD'S ASSORTED Chocolate Bars......"titr:" BG« BEAVER PEANUTS 50's cE Halloween Suckers "1; 39e vit 37 « IN TAXI 723-5241 OSHAWA'S Newest x Offering Safe, Courteous Sétvice 46 King St. W. Oshawa White Grapefruit GARDEN FRESH! Brussels Sprouts es 39: al al EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS r WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 120's PKG. LOBLAWS RED LABEL TEA BAGS X1 COUPON EXPIRES NOV. 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE GIANT PKG. SPiC & SPAN X8 = COUPON EXPIRES NOY. 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE PKG, LOBLAWS PROCESS CHEESE SLICES PLAIN, MIPPY O8 PIMENTO X17 COUPON EXPIRES Nov. 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OnE TUsE LYPSYL X26 COUPON EXPiRtS NOY. 4 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'ONE 15-02. PKG, "BETTY CROCKER BROWNIE MIX X33 COUPON EXPIRES NOV. 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE PKG. DIXIE CLUB FROZEN PASTRY OR PIE SHELLS '%A4) «COUPON EXPIRES HOY, 4 al EXTRA STAMPS al EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS GOOD SIZE WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 4-02, JAR SKIN CREAM NOXZEMA %2_ COUPON EXPIRES NOV. 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 1-48, CELLO PKG. BLANCHED SALTED PEANUTS x9 «COUPON EXPIRES NOV, 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 16-02, JAR CHEEZ WHIZ X18 COUPON EXPIRES MOV. 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF "ONE 9 FL. OF, JAR CHIVERS OLDE ENGLISH ORANGE MARMALADE X27 COUPON EXPIRES NOV. 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 8}-OZ. PKG, CEREAL TRIX X36 COUPON EXPIRES NOY. 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 12-02. PKG. VENTURA FARMS FANCY FROZEN FORDHOOK LIMA BEANS } COUPON EXPIRES NOY. 4 49. | al EXTRA STAMPS ds EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS dh EXTRA STAMPS 2h EXTRA STAMPS ON HALLOWE'EN! DON'T FORGET THE KIDDIES! SHELL-OUT with APPLES WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 7-0Z. AERO TIN on HAIR SPRAY X32 «COUPON EXPIRES HOV. 4 POTATO CHIPS X10 «COUPON EXPIRES Wo, 4 ONE 4-07. PKG. DESSERT TOPPING MIX DREAM WHIP KI® «COUPON ExPines NOY. 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF "ONE 8}-0Z. PKG, post SUGAR CRISP X28 COUPON EXPIRES NOV. 4 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 11 FL. OZ. STLE HEINZ, KETCHUP X37 COUPON EXPIRES NOV, 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 16-02. PKG FARM HOUSE FROZEN BANANA CAKE 346 «COUPON EXPIRES NOV, 4 al EXTRA STAMPS I EXTRA STAMPS ds EXTRA STAMPS 2) I EXTRA STAMPS I EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 25 FL. OZ, TIN ST. LAWRENCE CORN OIL %4 = COUPON EXPIRES NOV. 4 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 10 FL. OZ. TIN LEAVER PIECES & STEMS X11 COUPON EXPIRES NOY. 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 7-02, TIN CARNATION WHITE SOLID FANCY TUNA X20 COUPON EXPIRES NOV. 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 20 FL. OZ. TIN DOLE SLICED PINEAPPLE X29 COUPON EXPIRES NOY. 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 15 PL. OZ. TINS CHEF BOY-AR-DEE SPAGHETTI SAUCE X38 COUPON EXPIRES NOV. 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 12's PKG. SACHETS BOVRIL XAT COUPON EXPIRES NOY. 4 al EXTRA STAMPS rk EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS Ik EXTRA STAMPS I EXTRA STAMPS @ FROZEN FOODS -- AVAILABLE IN MOST MARKETS @ GRAPE JUICE....2. 2x. 69 GREEN PEAS... 1... Ale 12-FL. OZ. TINS 5 SPECIAL! 400 BRAND FANCY SPECIAL! LOBLAWS "KITCHEN PRIDE" AVAILABLE THURS., FRI., SAT. ONLY PUMPKIN PIE......... vcs SPECIAL! LOBLAWS "KITCHEN PRIDE" CHERRY PIE ........... GACH 39 4D WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE ECON, SIZE TUBE MecLEANS TOOTH PASTE XB COUPON EXPIRES NOV, 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF: TWO 10 FL. OZ, TINS ussys FANCY PEAS 'X12 COUPON EXPIRES NOV, 4 "WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 32 FL. OZ. STL. FOR DISHES GRAND LOTION X21 COUPON EXPIRES NOV. 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 14-02. PKG, KRAFT DELUXE MACARONI & CHEESE DINNER X30 COUPON EXPIRES NOV. 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO SUPER SOFT X39 COUPON EXPIRES NOY, 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 48 FL. OZ. TIN SAICO SWEET RECON. ORANGE JUICE X48 «COUPON EXPIRES NOV. 4 of EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS Ki EXTRA STAMPS ki EXTRA STAMPS di I EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 15-OZ, AERO TIN ar BON-AMI X64 = COUPON EXPIRES NOV, 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF THREE REG. SIZE. BARS WOODBURY'S PINK BEAUTY SOAP R12) COUPON EXPIRES NOV. 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 15-OZ. BAGS SPRATT'S MIXED OVALS DOG FOOD X22 COUPON EXPIRES NOV, 4 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 12 FL. OZ. JAR ROBERTSONS BLACK GURRANT JAM X31 COUPON EXPIRES NOV. 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 12 PL. OZ. JAR CORONATION HOLLAND CRISPY ONIONS X40 COUPON EXPIRES NOV, 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE BUNCH DELICIOUS BANANAS 249 «COUPON EXPIRES HOV, 4 Q EXTRA STAMPS 2) EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS ds EXTRA STAMPS ks EXTRA STAMPS ks EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 32 FL. OZ. JAR SWEET MIXED. BICK'S PICKLES X7 COUPON EXPIRES NOV, 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 26} FL. OZ. CTN. DOMOLCO MOLASSES X14 COUPON EXPIRES NOV. 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 14-02. CELLO PKG. SELECT FANCY SHREDDED COCOANUT X23 COUPON EXPIRES NOV, 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF * ONE 2-18, TIN See. HIVE CORN SYRUP X32 COUPON EXPIRES NOV. 4 (WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 12 FL. OZ. JAR AYLMER PURE BRAMBLE JELLY X41 COUPON EXPIRES NOV, 4' WITH CoufON & PURCHASE OF ONE 3-18. PKG, ONTARIO 'X50 =©COUPON EXPIRES NOV, 4 SPECIAL! LOBLAWS LEMON er RASPBERRY JELLY ROLL... uc. 3Oe di dy EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS ds EXTRA STAMPS Ki EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 18-07. PKG CHERRY MILL KIS COUPON EXPIRES NOV. 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 8 FL. OZ. TIN RONSONAL LIGHTER FLUID X24 COUPON EXPIRES NOV. 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 15 FL. OZ, JAR THANK YOU SPICED WHOLE CRABAPPLES X33 COUPON EXPIRES NOV. € WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO PKGS. OF 6 ENVELOPES MOTHER PARKER'S HOT CHOCOLATE X42 COUPON EXPIRES NOV. 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF Two HEADS LETTUCE X31 COUPON EXPIRES NOV, E s XTRA TAMPS 2) EXTRA s TAMPS dh EXTRA 5 TAMPS 25] EXTRA STAMPS dh EXTRA WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY CUT ' LOBLAWS OLD WHITE X16 COUPON EXPIRES NOV. 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 20-02. TIN 'AYLMER PUMPKIN: PIE FILLING 2S COUPON EXPIRES NOV, @ WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 16-07, PKG. BETTY CROCKER SQUARES BUTTERSCOTCH MIX X34 COUPON EXPIRES NOY, 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 9 FL. OZ. BTL. LAVORIS X43 COUPON EXPIRES NOV. 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'ONE PKG, FRESH PARSHIPS STAMPS '252 COUPON EXPIRES NOV. 4 e TILL 9 P.M,

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