Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Oct 1964, p. 3

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Symphony Due November 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Damage Is $500 In 2-Car Crash CITY AND DISTRICT Firm Is Fined Musie lovers of Oshawa and district should not miss the Osh- awa Symphony Orchestra con- cert Nov. 10 at the UAW Audi- torium, The Bowmanville Chor- al Society will appear as guest artists under the direction of Hugh Martin. The choir will sing the first group of numbers mostly unac- companied but the highlight of the evening will be the presenta- tion by the choir and orchestra of two medley, 'On Stage with Cole Porter" and "Silhou- CONDITION BETTER Robert John Hodgkinson, 10, of 339 Pine avenue, who was struck by.a gravel truck last Friday night, was reported to- day in an "improved" condition in hospital. WRONG ADDRESS The Mrs. Mildren Barrette re- ferred to in Saturday's page three story ("Dance Hall' Fra- cas Arouses Ire of Court") does not reside at 67 Banting avenue, as stated in the story. ette". Other choir numbers will Simcoe street north, suffered an bruised knee in an accident on King street west near the Brew- ers Retail Store at 8.05 p.m. Saturday. driven by Lawrence G, Pelling, 29, of 19 Poplar Plains road, To- ronto, and Joseph Herman Bas- que, 34, of 536 Phillip Murra: avenue. Total damage was esti- mated at $550. Windsor avenue, was treated for Janet Robertson, 20, of 338 Mandatory $200 Ashmore Paving Ltd., a Gat- tard Road - Whitby Township abrasion to her forehead and a Magistra' Friday for failing to remit em- ployee income tax deductions to the Federal Government. The money was supposed to be in the hands of the National Revenue Department June 16, Tax Officer Roy Rothwell said. i S09 en ga ceive 02 UN! nisheed for it, Mr. es Police said the cars were Gem MacLean, 12, of . 202 AT OSHAWA AND DISTRICT The annual banquet of the presentation of trophies to the Oshawa and District Soccer outstanding soccér clubs, and Association was held Saturday for individual achievements night at the UAW hall. High- by soccer enthusiasts. Photo light of the evening was the shows Ald. John Brady, left, include "Everyone Sang" Charles Vale; "The Jolly Shep- herd" by Glen Fraser and 'He Watches Over Israel" by Men- | delsohn. | The overture is the "Poet and |Peasant" by Von Suppe, to be followed by Haydn's 'Surprise |Symphony". The second half | will include selections from Gil- {bert and Sullivan, a group of \Irish Dances and other well | known selections. GM Awarded SOCCER BANQUET SATURDAY representing His Worship tion, and Terence, V. Kelly Mayor Lyman Gifford, as he centre, president of the Ontar- was welcomed by James Gard io Football Association. right, president of the associa- --Oshawa Times Photo Male Chows |Rhino Hide Heard Here A large crowd gathered at McLaughlin Collegiate Audito- rium Friday to hear the con- cert given by the Schneider Male Chorus. Seen Big By CARL MOLLINS TORONTO (CP)--Two heavy- Such numbers as the 'Battle weights, both literaily and in R tat? terms of political experience, whalubten Contr" HBr we lare locked in electoral struggle plauded ; for the punishing job of mayor The old Spiritual "Dry Bones' Toronto. : was presented with accompant- Philip Givens, 42, and Allen ment of a variety of instru-Lamport, 61, both bulky 200-| ments. pounders with experience in the Conductor Paul Berg turned|Mayor's chair, are campaigning the baton over to an assistant|in earnest for election Dec. 7 director, Mr. Fred Lehman, and|after a year of sparring in city Mr. Berg, together with pianist |council, where Mr. Givens is Mr. Jack Houston, performed a/ mayor and Mr. Lampurt is sen- resounding duet at the piano|ior controller. accompanying the Chorus in; Both are well aware that the "Marching to Pretoria." jjob they want as chief execu- * Lighting played a part in the|tive of Canada's second-biggest Four Contracts OTTAWA Motors Products of Canada, Oshawa, has been awarded four "Mike" Lik Mike" Likes s s Visits Here contracts by the Department of Defence Production, it was an- (Special) General] bruises to her head, face and neck at Oshawa General Hos- pital and then released. She was a passenger in a car driven by her father, John A. Rabid Skunks Wer e Reported | MacLean, 40, which was in colli- | sion with another vehicle at the Two rabid skunks were dis-| intersection of Ritson road north covered in the Oshawa area| and Rossland road east at 5.10 over the last few months, an | p.m. Sunday. Oshawa Health Department} The other car was driven by quarterly statement has. re-|Gordon Albert Wilson, 21, of 384 vealed. Elmgrove avenue. Total damage According to the report, no in-| was estimated at $550. volvement between the animals| No one was injured in a three- and humans or pets was repor-| car rear-end collision on Simcoe ted. |strete north near Robert street The Department pointed out,|@t 3.55 p.m. Sunday. however, the danger of rabies|_ Police said the drivers' were | and warned of the risks. |Frank Hector York, 22, RR 2) |Bowmanville; Thomas William These risks are compounded, C it said, in urban areas where| LOW'y: 19, 322 Celina | street; dogs are allowed to sun at} and James Muzik, 19, 70 Fish, ? | street, | large (as they are in Oshawa oaiimaten "a was | for six months of the year). pease A ; vealed. . - Motorist Fined $100 And Costs from a picnic in Oshawa Aug. 2, fi John Marchand, 48, was involv-' ed in.an accident and charged|por with drunk driving. ' |duced the charge to impaired |driving and fined Marchand $100 jand costs or 15 days. awa PD investigated the inci- dent on Taunton road. himself to be in Toronto when | questioned. Ltd, resulted in a one-year sus- sentence for a former As he returned to Toronto Magistrate Harry Jermyn re- Constable Gary Patton of Osh- Marchand, he said, believed Need surance and real estate after attending exclusive Upper Can- ada College. He entered poli- ties in 1937. He was elected alderman 1946-48, controller in 1949-50 and Michael Starr, Ontario riding | nounced here by industry minis- MP, likes coming home on'ter C. M. Drury. | weekends, During the current second ply of passenger vehicles in the session of Parliament, which} amount of $19,439; panel trucks has been sitting a record 175/to the value of $12,990; station days -- he hasi't missed once.|wagons valued at $12,928 and |That may also be a record. truck chassis and cab to the then mayor, resigning in mid-| "After 12 years a pattern has | value of $11,674. iterm 1954 to become a Toronto|been established,» Mr. Starr) The contracts are among 142 jtransport commissioner, told The Times Sunday. "Peo-|unclassified defence contracts In the last municipal election|ple know I'll be home weekends| for $10,000 or more awarded by itwo years ago he polled the sec-|and they know they will be able! the department in the latter half |ond-highest vote total after Mr.|to communicate with me." |of September. Givens--85,391 to 87,051--among| He added that there is usually; ~ --. --"\ | Nobody is predicting the out-| city. And, naturally, he is happy| |going for him but Controller|]'ye been able to come home| Darwin Kunkel, who had lost The contracts are for the sup-| 19 DIE IN COLLISION | F sdebinkighes (AP) -- Nineteen i villagers were kill ine| janimal appears healthy, thel others were 'slates ered rabies virus can be present in\cunday when a truck carrying saliva four or five days before| thom home from market was in. | symptoms appear. volved in a collision with a rail- | The Department urged in the| way engine. ° Children are warned by the |report to shun any wild animal, |dead or alive. Even if a live | NEED A NEW... OIL FURNACE? Call PERRY Day or night 723-3443 jreport that all animal] bites be/-- jreported to it immediately upon'!= discovery, and suggests that = pets receive rabies shots each = year. rv anette inert TOMORROW ! vce sateen Ra 3 KILLED IN RIOTS KHARTOUM, Sudan (Reut-|= ers) Three persons were) killed in new demonstrations | = here Sunday night, Tanks and) = army units patrolled the streets of this tense capital. Hundreds | = |were reported arrested and a ROYAL WINNIPEG BALLET Accompanied By Orchestra Tuesday, Oct 27th 8:30 p.m. performance, especially a light-|city (after Montreal) demands|Lamport, a spectacular cam- nine candidates for the four po-|an invitation for him to attend | I ses Licenc jcome Dec. 7 with much confi-| to be with his family. |dence. Mayor Givens has a rec-| "The House hasn't had a Sat- every weekend," said Mr. Starr, |his licence for an accumulation He usually flies to Malton|of points under the Points De- sitions on board of control. a banquet or function in the Is Fined $50 jord as an able administrator) yrday sitting this session so from Ottawa Friday nights and merit System, was caught driv- to hospitals. large number of injured taken |" PLANNING A... © BANQUET © CONVENTION © MEETING FirstClass Facilities For 20 to 400 Guests Quality Service Experienced Staff RESERVE YOUR FUNCTION NOW! McLaughlin Collegiate Institute Stevenson Rd. N., Oshawa 723-4641 returns Sunday night or Monday |ing without it Sept. 30 . | morning. As a result the 21-year-old) NEED Mortgage Money? Real Estate McGILL *..i« 'Day or Night - 728-4285 || Tickets: Adults $2.50 Students $1.25 Available at SAYWELL'S BOOK STORE and BOX OFFICE vue Ue EE " Elizabeth Fothergill, 79, of 498 Simcoe street north, was repor- ted in satisfactory condition in Oshawa General Hospital with) multiple lacerations. | She was a passnger in a car) driven by her sister-in-law, Mrs. | City Students At Seminar Louisa Garrett, an O'Neill stu- ed cross shining out during the|the gyrations of a social but-|paigner, has fooled the experts singing of the 'Battle Hymn," |terfly combined with the energy|in past battles by turning a lik- and throughout the German folk|of an overworked corpvration|ely loss into a victory. song "Gute Nacht" the lights| chief. be dimmed on the entire stage, ex-| 'You need the hide of al . Mr, Starr said the flag de-|Richmond street east man was cept for purple floods on the/rhino,.the stomach of an 0s-| City Woman bate may resume in the Com- fined $50 and costs or 30 days back-drop. : trich and the stamina of aj} mons this week but noted that|here Friday, and had his licence Sound effects carried the au-/bull," says Mayor Givens, who} debate on departmental esti-|suspended for an additional 12} oe ae oem peta -- last anager when In Hospital <a ae eae supply could pe by Magistrate Harry) ' ald Summerville died of aj continue all week. Jvermyn : | and sighing lament echoing/heart attack at 48 before com-| hl "It is a dilemma," remarked) throughout the auditorium, the| pleting the first year of his two-|_ COLUMBUS (Staff --An Osh.) "18 & Clete, a the flag| apel broken atthe end by waves|year mayoralty erm," "lana woman, was beeplalzed\ tion," He sd Conserve "- the concert the chorus ae sy Fo land for Sunday in a two-car head-on| tive members on the flag com- was entertained. at Christ Mem-\mayor for 2% terms in 1952-54, Tash & mile south of here at the/mitice wilt Hot even discuss hap- é *lintersectign of County Rroad 2|Penings with their fellow mem- orial Church, where refresh-|appear to thrive in the grind ; | bers | ments were served prior tojing pace of an office that over- and Whitby township's 6th Con-| : boarding the bus for the return/sees the annual expnditure of °Ssion. tip to Kitchener. Tentative ar-| almost $200,000,000--more than rangements have already Denmark's annual budget--and made for their return to Oshawa|the direct employment of 6,300 in May, 1066. persons. 55 DROWN STARTED ON BOARD RANGOON, Burma (AP) --| Pry ve Pig a ~~ he Fifty-five people were wned|the Spadina garment district) ~. j etn 9 ferey, beet hie wah worked tis way through was ths § paumuane sy an menged wreck and sank Fri-|University of Toronto and law)" m, cher cay was driven by day on Sittang River 200 miles|School, entered municipal Poli-| witiam J, Neill, 23, of 305 King -- ee agg the board of education) street west, Oshawa. He was the . The . i was said age canaune Controller Lamport, longtine| HY coempens ee Meee ee and a police escort of six, 'resident of the high - income aoe Reary d - Rosedale district, turned to in- after treatment. Constable Gary Fellows of the Ontario provincial police Whitby | detachment, the investigating of- ficer, said the Fothergill vehicle |was northbound and the Neill car, southbound on County Road |2 when the collision occurred | Members of the Kustom car club of Oshawa assisted police in clearing traffic at the ac- cident scene. "WIN SCHOLARSHIPS ROBERT CROTHERS north, won a General Foods Scholarship and the Welling- ton Maths Scholarship and is at Queen's University. Rob- ert Crothers, 311 Leslie street, won the Douglas Scholarship He too is at Queen's. HOWARD GOUGH THE TWO STUDENTS 'pic- tured above were winners of scholarships while students at O'Neill Collegiate and Voca- tional Institute. Howard Gough, 422 Simcoe street | 5%% for 2 and 3 years 5% for 1 year e A first class investment providing an excellent return plus complete security. @ interest paid by cheque every six months; Or ompresentation of coupon; or may be accumulated and paid with principai. @ A trustee investment, e Convenient to purchase and convenient EMERGENT MEETING © LEBANON LODGE A.F. & A.M. to own. All. Masons ore requested to attend @ Masonic Service for Our Late WOR. BRO. CHARLES TEMPLAR Tuesday, October 27th at 7:30 p.m. poe Please send me your folder on D. Charles Fothergill, RR 3 New-) were all released from hospital PERMANENT DEBENTURE Write or telephone for explanatory folder and Application Form Oshawa Shopping Centre J. W. Froud, Manager CANADA PERMANENT Serving Canadians for over 100 years jdent and Mark Henkelman, a |McLaughlin student, have been chosen as two of the 75 stu- |dents from Ontario high schools to attend the annual Life Sci- ence Seminar at the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph on Oct. 22 to Oct. 24. These students obtained the jhighest marks in an examina- tion written last May by more |than 1,300 Grade 13 students |from 250 high schools. | The seminar wili be a pre- jview of University education in jthe life sciences and will in- clude lectures, a review of re- search projects, laboratory de- monstrations and student ac- tivities, g, to run LT 2 4 or 5 years A CN diesel locomotive (1) It's got the right | | L Cae ras | than ball bearings. be Form. Armstrong Funeral Home Mm dan Appli Oshawa Masonic Clothing peas Worshipful Master ROSS BELL I. for the most efficient form of transportation on earth. Here are just a few reasons why it's so good at moving goods: Neither fog nor snow nor rain can stop It. (3) Five men keep a 100-car train rolling. (4) Stee! wheels glide on steel rails with hardly more friction There are many more reasons. But these should explain why a diesel locomotive can pull a ton for just a few cents a mile. True -notall of CN's 225, what is red and black with white stripes, and pulls a ton for a few cents a mile? ++» pulling power of way all the way, (2) It's weatherproof. Elephants don't, for example. But, for almost anything you can think of, shipping by CN j 4 is the fastest way to save money. Anywhere along CN's 25,000 miles of track. 'Most anywhere in Canada's 10 provinces. Put your shipping on the rails. Ship CN and savel Have you a distribution problem? 000 tons of shipping a day travels so inexperisively. Your CN Freight Sales Representative has a whole CNgineering team of experts to help him help you. Let CNgineering examine every aspect of your distribution pattern for ways to save you money. CAN the fast-freight thruway

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