Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Oct 1964, p. 4

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Saturday, October 24, 1964 ; . ' ver Convicted [tte stuck, © ae heavy Bh teal Honey Asks Rec. Director's Driver Convicted [net ca = soa aig Impaired Driving ss, %s0"feremon a Study Of AJAX (Staff) -- A man who accused had heen co-operative re) ever n s told Ajax Police Constable Pauljone minute' and unco-operative s Stevenson that he had "'lots to|the next when he was taken to Service Cut BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- Ala.m, I would go on a tour of|drink" was fined $100. when|the police station. fe recreation director's job is not|the playgrounds with my chief Magistrate Harry Jermyn con-| OTTAWA ( ial) -- Acting|Just a matter of handing some-|supervisor to make sure every- vieted him of impaired driving 1|\Transport Minister George Mc-jone a baseball bat or hockey|thing was fine, I also held staffjin Ajax Magistrate's Court Tiraith said Thursday he would|stick and telling him to get to|theetings each week to sée if|Thursday. ce draw the attention of the CNR\it. supervisors had any problems| Earl G. Paguegnatt, 44, of 1, BA Aabddam Tial management and the Board of] T. A. "Bud" Fanning, recrea-|and see if we could find a solu-|Exeter St., Ajax, was charged) Mis MORROW Transport Commissioners to the ied -- al ih ba ape of|tion for them." eh ~ roblem of curtailment of pass-|Bowmanville describes it as a| The public relations part Garer service between Toronto|job that requires him to be althe Rigensnt into the picture, SATURDAY and Montreal. teacher, secretary, a planner|with making speeches, meeting|| The Singing -- Swinging -- The matter was yy Bd thejand a public relations mg with groups and giving bere Trombonist i Commons by Russell C. Honey,| "The teaching part of my} gi advice if it is ne 3 NB pce nde gh dea eigh ehh Liberal MP for Durham, wholjob,' Mr. Fanning said, "in- bore gol up with the changing BOBBY MINNS tee referred to a recent railway an-|oludes leadership training.-'This|tjmes, Mr. Fanning explained. and his orchestra nounkment curtailing p training enables my staff to) «yy main target is leader-|| Direct from 12 Record Breaking | LAST TIMES TOD. ger service to many communi-|anticipate my wishes, and to do}_,, : g|]| weeks et Toronto's Famous Old Mill | \ ties, effective Oct. 25, 1964. |things the way I want them ship training -- _ : Couples only. Dancing 9 pm. till 12 UO AD oo ; very important He asked ff the minister|done, 1 prefer to get boys be- feel is not stressed enough, 1 Reservations 723-2143 --« 725-1348 all " took my training at Western _TECHNICOLOR! steer' Fagen nhl tween the ages of 11 and 12 | sentations to the railway to re- P A that way by thelo' we , sro cues consider this decision and, in -- =, vid ich to| University, ey 'ae a essere be Yeusw addition, request the Board of}, supervisors they know pd -- ng te Transpo rt Commi ts Ol the way I want things done." departinent. : follow recent precedents and Mr. Fanning said he would ; There are a lot of paper work 4 v4 a Pema PRCT orser at cecaee Until puch time i008 iM a recreation department|Provany Tet Te Pe ee j > at work this week and the aver- 2 a oe ised ot wise be go Bes age work week was between 60 hp Q' K E E F E CE N T RE lic hearing on the matter. Pp g land 70 hours, PF " Outside the house, Mr. Honey |°™mPleted. | «you always seem to be on AJAX CHAMBER HONORS FORMER MAYOR cid that one train each way IMPLEMENT IDEAS |i de, bu 1 eas each day would be affected as} 'I have committee meetings|," aian't like it I wouldn't bel & The Ajax Chamber of Com- trait of himself. The painting which was presented to Mr. of the town for seven years |the railway. was cutting out|to attend, and then I have to here." | OPENS MONDAY! ONE WEEK ONLY merce, Merchants' Section, in oils was done by local Parrish ye ee " -- and oe three years as a person fae gh Bow. |make gure the policy (ot the ys : | x rtist § E ore. Ena ident of the Merchants' Sec- councillor. i manville, Newcastle |committee is carried out. There} t Wutem Parish with co Sieate uavelind the portrait tion, Mr. Parrish was mayor --Oshawa Times Photo | Hipe in his riding. \are also Recreation Director| _ MRS. GAUDAUR DIES PRIOR TO BROADWAY -- aaa 0 ~ ~ ; = PELE PNY SETI : é ET He EFA ~| Association meetings once a| TORONTO (CP)--Mrs, Jacob | | ay i ? A : month to attend which last five) Gaudaur, mot her of J. G.| ¥ : : H i ae fa ti or six hours. After these meet-| (Jake) Gaudaur, president and Vv i C T e) R Two 1 tu er omes s ¢ ' lings any ideas that come from| general manager of Hamilton lthem have to be worked out." | Tiger-Cats of the Eastern Foot- | hed | Hes ; " Mr. Fanning explained that hej ball Conference, died here Fri- B re) R E | Convertin op bad belonged to the Society of Re-|day night. Her, husband, wa Schoo red osts | ey i £ : creation Directors: of Ontario,| Singles sculls champion in " d ee i : astern district and meetings died in 1937. nied WITH LEONID HAMBRO PORT HOPE -- Reeve Rob-|composite school addition. The | H dro Heat i oe hn aca ae | ert Everson of Port Hope andjdecision to build it, although m8 , continued va | om working oo M tor Cit Car Club | EVES. 8:30, MATS. WED. & SAT. 2 P.M. Coun. Weston Bannister of Hope! agreed to by the eight member | 4 . ; Srocaar 'caddis, Ga abe 0 y | SOX OFFICE 11 AM. - 9 PM, ~- $130 TO 66.66 Township have been appointed| municipalities, prompted talk) Many older homes in Ajax asta agg he Sg Pagan aadints | to investigate costs to the two/in the east of splitting the dis-|now are being converted to} : , j poh ag: pg gloom, | RITCHIE KNIGHT communities which would result trict. electric heating. Once consider- ' soak tei taper wack, aud the} from any split of the Durham! This has been spearheaded /now -are being converted to| ; e eg pany Ube gy ond: County Bigs sceelcuredis met| "Only the two couicils weie|Grct ont ponibie sith' new| fn The only way a reereation' | MID-«KNIGHTS Members of both councils met) Only the two councils were/dered only possible with new! ee . 'Ainatte can find out if bis TO} this week to consider the long-|represented at the meeting but/qwellings | specially insulated, | i & tray ontop Figg SUNDAY, OCT. 25th debated split of the area from/interest in a split has been in-/, jax Hydro officials are) § ---- et a pune 8:30 p.m. fill 11:30 p.m. west. The council - appointees|dicated by both Millbrook and| pioneering in the field of cone| # ; Co fee: my n m, . | o TICKETS 1.23 © were instructed to request fig-|South Cavan high school areaS|yersion of older residences, | : said. | ares from the Department of} also. ; many of them built as wartime | at | STAFF MEETINGS Education that would show what} As was pointed out by Coun-| housing some 25 years ago, and ee "when I started here in June| a split of the area in 1964 would cillor Arthur Crowhurst none of/ are installing modern. electric) 4 . i : of this year, I would arrive at| have meant to the taxpayers. |the representatives present "'are/heat, acting as prime con- ae. the office at 8.30 a.m. and:at 9 SEES ADVANTAGE ina position to come to a deci-| tractor, | "From what I Rave seen to- sion tonight'. ; | bina . hese| fae i night it would seem a split! The history of the high iN ee te Oe & 3 Feeney fad would be an advantage,' said area shows two former atl tod with' frame, asbestos ns) ie ae aces Mr. Bannister. tempts by Port Hope, to split|ing or. brick "Wenear. extarte.| bias a "T can't find any disedvant-\the area, in 1064 and again adequate insulation also is| | During the post few months we hove presented ages," said Reeve Everson. "1/1958. The latter attempt went as placed in the attic 6o that the! ONE OF THE first homes in THE NATIONAL YOUTH , "GOOD NEIGHBOR SAM".-- "MAD, MAD, MAD pretlod ene sahleneose Gova bor ck of infor. (dwelling is well sealed against| Ajax to be converted to all- MAD WORLD" -- "BRIDGE ON THE RIVER QWAI" | | : "old. | electric heating is the resi- ORCHESTRA OF CANADA : And Now We P di they (the west) would. have/mation. ieee : ' oe , : ' ' oe . © Frowdly present, » » more government assistance} Council representatives pres-| Ajax Hydro Commission has) dence of Mrs. Shirley Galli- : ; "GUNS AT BATASI"" By t sh letermination to ar-|geared up progressively to its| how sting "Se an tee. cme diel ttre se gran nem figures. 1s)present_ -- sielocitie prencntons ae arene Se Summer 1965 sine ed imbanes tae i | i it i .| program, anager , ° g . . , Fi casa Sere Oe Senosiled oath madre iorerscg taay 00d and his staff began in| convector heater, Ajax Hydro Orchestral vp gions eet Jack Howkins "Area Board was meeting in|could present it to counties|September 1960 by encouraging) has had a flood of enquiries Ages 14.to 24 are eligible ue ult Entertainment) Courtice, This is the site of the|council for a possible split a oe yg mete oee papain g about converting older homes Fer. applications write Ag ' ALSO: "THE 300 SPARTONS" 4 66. r ¢@ | ' ately to The Notiono' our 7 cary} recently approved $1,000,000\fective Jan. 1, 10 te to three wire by offering a to modern electric heat. ll Orchestra of Conoda, 215 Vic- ? : with: Richard Egon workable financing plan. | --(Ontario Hydro Photo) |} toria Street, Toronto, Ont. er Showtime--7:30 Incl, Sunday--FREE Balloons for 1 i i 5 erent ? Hh the kiddies, Fijax Skunks | Stole Cigarettes | toca estat, sence ae | . Hwy No: 2-401 | i \titive pri ical cots © LAQT TIMES TODAY! e | \titive prices on a typical cof < ! 4 Youth Fined $90 iversion, and the lowest bidder) @ AYS AT PEKING" (Color) Chariton Heston ing ot AJAX (Staff) -- A 17-year-old got the work when the customer Added Bowery Boys in "HOLD THAT BABY" Pickering Township youth,|made the request for financing . 7 os . Roger Cragg, of RR 3, was fined |{o the asin poe r The rel a ~s ~ DIRTY WORDS TO SOME. On Sight | $50 and costs, when he pleaded|sponse has been highly satisfac-| Starts SUNDAY! $ Starts SUNDAY! b>. Hs ---- | guilty to Shoplifting in AjaX|tory to Ajax Hydro Commission. | postales ttintin > 4 4 : ' ial DARES TO EXPLAIN WHAT MOTHERS ' AJAX (Staff) -- Ajax skunk [othe youth oad thant ae esiagetn ip foes have/$$BREATH-TAKING -- ¢»n 2RUN FOR YOUR %, » AND FATHERS CAN'T....0R WON'T! ( -- Ajax skunks youu hi ' n numerous. Customers now re { % ' i fp are being shot on sight ever|® cashier in an Ajax Shopping| are able to use a wider variety | SPLURGE OF SHOCK 4 wae since a three-year-old girl was|Centre supermarket saw him|qr electrical appliances with) @2AND TERROR ! ae t Eien', atid oe in er 1M hough a7 naltendetingroved wing and there'has 33, on back yard in Ajax recently. | ' C. pays |been a corresponding increase : The Ajax Dog Control Olticer, | 886 of cigarets under his jacket), residential power consump-|5§ PURPLE "Mrs, Gibbons' . J, Severs, said that since the| "Oct. 19. ion, 4 mu oo Bin, bs ge mah was| . Magistrate Harry Jermyn, in he MOON ; Boys" bitten he has shot about 35 of| Sentencing the youth, asked him | PROGRAM IS EXTENDED Se We the animals. od _ pay ~ 7 In March, 1963, Ajax Hydro 0 wit Ns A notice has been sent to Ajax 1en the accused replied in the|extended its financing plan to as home owners asking thai te affirmative the magistrate ask-|permit its customers to pur- Maunieg Reuey § DIANA DORS confine their dogs to their prop-|°@ him why he stole when he |chase major electrical applian- MARIE L erty or exercise them-on a had $50. ces on their Hydro accounts./@ a FORET P FIRST leash. In March this sear, Ajax Hydro|§Q nuit enTERTAINMENT 2 9 + OSHAWA SHOWINGS j i ADULT The notice warned that all |Commission took another big Q > i Q ' ENTERTAINMENT animals, which have not been} s Six Areas 'step by financing electric heat- Gprslvett me immunizd within the last 18 jing in conversion homes, on an) 2poors BILTMORE ~* SAT. & months, should be taken to a experimental basis. S OPEN I SUNDAY veterinarian for reimmunization Approve | Looking ahead into the future, $6:30 P.M. PHONE 725-5833 AJ 1:30 P.M. § Ue 7 és 7 i 3 J introducing that exciting new star... Bore! faa reees Le ] BOLORES Fart immediately. {Ajax Hydro officials see possi- Any unusual behaviour in any bilities in conversions to all- Sesto asthalRatretesthitic baie otaatealttioad mst pase pepo org me Addi s electric method using existing é ' . | ron moke an immediate investiga- ition 'ems, This plan now is bemg in| A GOOD LARGE DANCE FLOOR IT'S THRIFT TIME tion. Stray animals should be vestigated and two installations angler gi eA lata igh hao Toad, caution 4 are under way at present on a A GOOD 6-PIECE DANCE BAND | color All school children ta Ajax Courtice this week learned that trial basis. : ae ON WHITE EMPRESSES | have been warned to stay away |°!* of eight municipalities had TABLE SERVICE | NOW PLAYING from stray animals, Mr. Severs |4PProved the resolution for the| debentures with the $12,000 re- said Gat de the Peal ieidg he (Construction of the vocational|¢ceived from the Dr. Patricia : wnt iciaddition for Courtice High| Hamilton estate. The interst on In a pleasant candleight atmosphere 70 EUROPE ee ee ee cane echaol. "tlk municipalities, rep-|this amount is to be used for from worried persons but so far : : . 'e\resenting more than 74 per cent| Scholarships at Port Hope High . ped cavadlly: ange Paaanay to have of the bexpuMeIity foe pay.| School. WHERE Fares are now as low as $222 on White Empresses, Mr. Severs added that most of Ment, favor 10-year debentures) Mr. Speers, the principal of largest and newest ships on the St. Lawrence route. . pil itickaneanesnticat the animals he has been asked |rather than 20 years Courtice High School, will make Yet you enjoy the same luxurious services and food to. investigate have been all Tenders for the addition to 4 film depicting the work of.all as at any other time. You can sail both ways and right and that so a es High School were(|the schools. The film will be save an extra 10%, Like 30 days in Europe? Then from distemper and oné kepNopened this week. The tender|USed in guidance work in the WHITBY CLOVERLEAF take advantage of Special Excursion Fares* featur- shaking his head becaufe of sore Of the Finn Cacia Com- ge yy portage oe eae ing a handsome 25% off the one-way Thrift Season ears. pany of Peterborough for $47,-; "ts. Mary : xe ; fare. Se Travel Agent i i | ' "When you find one in the|375 was accepted. Construction | @Ppointed librarian at Port, Saturday, October 24th . ofMfck pnd ire chee Lite Coa aa sien SEE, te seroon area you're bound to find an-| will start at once. a" Suara es Sputhampton fora holiday in South ang Eusl-Afs tr eshte soe other," said Mr. Severs. Dr. D.| High School commencements |, The board approved a study | Doncina 9-12 e 3.00 | jouthampton for a holiday in South and East Africa, SEE ' (. MacKay, a Whitby veterinar-| in the jurisdiction will be held|by Mr. Hass, entitled "An Oc-] Lancing my Pel GOUbir iis Mee jan, said he had vaccinated a8 follows: Millbrook, Oct. 31; cupational Survey of Durham MONTREAL GREENOCK:LIVERPOOL Tourist Thrift $ about 50 animals against rabies Clarke, Nov. 13; Port Hope and, County". The study is toward a : See A ee Going Oct, 1-Nov. 13, return any T.A.P.S.C ship a SEE ban the Gos ot since the notice came out.. Courtice, Nov. 20; Bowmanville, | guidance specialist's certificate, PVT TITITIT (TTT TT Tit titi tt Information and reservations 723-2224 joy... halt man and Pita EO dine | Now. oF Be sce ae aaa aia scorns) MC be i ; : & pan nai goat . The resignation of Dr. R. F. JAILED FOR RAPE CLUB SEES FILMS r CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCES! POPULAR PRICES! i ee O t THRILL +> tne Richardson, who has been a WINNIPEG (CP) Andrew mage Bowmanville (Staff) -- Bow- : , his oes f hplesheaasved member of the board for eight Shalagan, 32, was given a 10- ea manville Rotarians were treat- : \ ' | Everybody who's ever been funny is in it! 4 'TRAINSs TRUCKS /SHIPS/ PLANES/HOTELS/TELEGOMMUNICATIONS® WORLD'S MOST COMPLETE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM crowned Medusa i SS 4 Ess " ;.| years, was accepted with re-| year jail term Friday for raping pada role Sa gerry sing hae' Dr, Richardson has been|a hailf-blind, 83-year-old grand- day mecti ¢ Bill Thiesburger |an able member and will be| mother in the bathroom of her 4 ~orgal aa cls ah til missed. Winnipeg home. Shalagan had member of the club showed) J; was decided to purchase pleaded guilty, films of the first car wash the |-- RSet BEA A ARES CNT aT ars club held, and of the pruning of | the Christmas trees, the club/ sells at Christmas | DANCE | TONIGHT THIS WEEK - AS USUAL Old Time say Modern ' Tidy DURANTE jedan rae: ADMISSION--$1.25 THE DU-KANES 4 @ a * RED BARN (Mc Son ee" | PLAZAKS & Meapows TRAVEL seavice |ESCem ® * 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH PHONE 723.9441 sie OPEN DAILY 1 P.M. -- SUNDAY 1:30 P.M. : FINAL DAY- "THE YOUNG LOVERS" (Adult) STANLEY KRAMER Feature pert tte a Times a 6 TSA BUDDY HACKETT sae ETHEL MERMAN 9:15 i} : H PL Show 9:10 : 9 ERNEST GUD JONATHAN WINTERS WORLD wUMce Be Bie mils DiCEY AMER STANLEY OO ME --\ TOR RU! oe 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY PHONE 668-3304 STARTS © ADDED FEATURE @ EXACTLY AS SHOWN WM RESERVED.SEAT (ECR RRNKEERRRERK RAY Te TCC Tee te ee ee S|

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