MINOR HOCKEY LEAGUES Bantam-Midget Teams Niagara Falls Regain Lead, scoring for the Flyers midway in the first period with his sixth goal of the year while on a pen- alty-killing assignment with his team short - handed. Bud De- brody got his first goal of the ony -- a --_-, ong Shutout Haws |; iim, ers net ss re Captain Bill Goldsworthy THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, October 24, 1964 99 'Royal Spirit' Wins Feature On Friday, a raw chill day)of the afternoon and 28th of the for 5,659- viewers, Jack Staf-| meeting, vaulting him past Ave- ford's five-year-old campaigner, |ino Gomez as lea jockey. Gomez, who won the first race, Royal Spirit, won her fourth|),. 97. On Turf Track race in 15 starts (she also has three seconds). Royal Spirit, sent away at 4-to-5, was the best of seven fillies over one NOT QUITTING NIAGARA FALLS, Ont. (CP) TORONTO (CP) -- Thorough- VANCOUVER (CP) -- Sprin- * ; _|made it 3-0 early in the second ' ; mile of turf. r er n eason With goalie Bernie Parent re-|\eriog with his first goal 'of the bred racing swings into the) Ratea well by jockey Hugo ata 4 -- ey Mga 4 cording the first shutout of the|yvear before Ted Snell com-|homestretch of its 196-day sea-|Dittfach, Royal Spirit took the|years, says his wife, Wendy. OHA Junior A hockey season, |pleted the scoring. Ted hit for|son Monday when racing re-|lead from Apache Dancer about|That could take him to the Brit- the home Flyers roared back|a second period tally off De-| turns to Greenwood in Toronto's|a quarter-mile from the wirelish Empire Games, where he The Oshawa Minor Hoc ke y;Fisher, Ken Dehart, Tony Bou- DUPLATE -- John Poolas,)MicIntyre and Jos. Carunna.jinto sole possession of first|brody's rebound and then garn-jeast end, the historic original] and was well in hand all down|hopes to capture a gold medal. Association is holding its annual]dons and Eugene Hicks. Coach|Kirk Noltie, Bill Parker, Bili|Coach -- Gord Fuller. Practise| piace here Friday before .a\ered the lone goal of the final) Woodbine course where horses|the stretch. The Sun quotes Mrs, Jerome in election of officers, tomorrow,|-- Ronald Wright. Manager -- Bolton, Bernd Ehmke, Brian|-- Oct. 28, 5:30-6 p.m. standing room crowd of 3,300|frame on a 20-foot sizzler to the|first ran in 1874. The win was Dittfach's third! an interview in Tokyo. at 2 p.m., in the Children's|Glen Skea. Practise -- Oct. 29, McLaughlin, Walter Klaman,] ERNIE CAY -- Ron race;|fans with a 5-0 victory over St.|short side. : | Arena, Anyone interested in|6:10-6:40 p.m. Ler hechgey Wag Se gg eye pag 4 greed ad nest Catharines Black Hawks. at minor hockey, is welcome to ARY -- Mark McConkey,|Metcalf, John Bernard, ing, Ron Baliski, elson, i attend. : ? iat reams, Kea Laem, pit Germond, Charlie Andolsek "% Dale Coolidge, Ron Suddard, Ff egg ct wt pple sig Furtner registrations in the|Heath, Peter Plob, Ken Lang, oe ee eg Ron igheree ast Dave -- 12 for the invaders -- the Fly- minor league will be Monday,|PetesLean, Graham Munroe,| > Uti Ok 6 110 ~_-- ick" Teoh er Me. |etS outshot by a scant 30-28) pany announced Tuesday it was Tuesday and Wednesday of|Ted Boivin, Abe Label, Steve mere Ae a. ve S| burn, Toba 7 am, a Bul margin but Parent's classy net|the successful bidder for the of next week. Bantam League|Blake and Doug Burnett. Man-|P.m. Audy, Jo i an 'Aulen,| minding and the alert sniping|televising the Professional Golf-| (born after May 21, 1950), Mon.|ager -- Burt Suddard. Practise| SCUGOG CLEANERS -- Char- Thompson. oe Be ~ €N.!of the Fiyers accounted forjers Association championship Oct. 26. 6.30 p.m. Juvenile (born|-- Oct. 29, 6.40 - 7.10 p.m. lie Rout, Mike Wall, Bill Gin-/Manager -- Victor abko.|their one-sided win. tournament for the next three| after May 31, 1946), on Tues.| BRUINS -- Gary. Wood, Les|gerich, Greg Bryant, | Oct, 27, at 7.30 p.m. and Mid-|Macleod, Ken Vance, Jim)Griffin, Larry Malloy, Bill)p.m. get (born after May 31, 1948),)Walker, Danny McKee, 'Adrian|Thorton, Pete Backageorge, BATHE AND McLELLAN --| ABC GETS TOURNEY | NEW YORK (AP) -- The! American Broadcasting Com-| Tom|Practise -- Oct. 28, 6:40-7:10) joan Pronovost opened the! years. on Wed. Oct. 28, at 6.30 p.m.| Phillips, Eric Cay, Bill Van- Ron Gallant, Carl Phellips,|Robert Mitchell, Bob Hall, Gary) Nine Bantam teams and one|yeghel, Mike Hass, Art Bron- Dennis Anderson, Paul Bennett, Bantam All - Star squad willlson and Doug Weeks. Practise Ron Griffin, Dave McLaughlin mole up a ten-team league for)-- Oct, 29, 7.10 - 7.50 p.m, and Bryan Saarinen. Coach -- the Midgets this season. RANGERS -- Bob Martin,|Joe Temblyn, Manager -- Doug Following are the list of] john Henry, Ivan Boucher, Dan|Bryant. Practise -- Oct. 261 teams, players and practise|Baljentine, Mike Conway, John|7.20 -°7.50 p.m. times: Lawrence, Ron Hawley, Don| LOCAL 1500 -- Mike Nelson, CANADIAN LEGION --Jerry|suppelsa, Jerry' Ogden, Larry|Paul Hill, Paul McVety, Paul Davey, Doug O'Donnell, Rob/Pooler, Bob Lock and Gary|Brisbois, Keith Munroe, Jerry Oct. 28, 6:10-6:40 p.m. Tutin, Bobby McKelvie, Dave Robinson, John Bathe, Wayne) Barriage, Gary Hill, John) in, Jim Fisher, Paul Thompson, Bob Smith, Mike) Hammond, M artin Sheppard and Bob Szczurko. Practise -- The Bantam League will be composed of 13 bantam teams There's Nothing Can Beat The COMFORT MONDAY AND TUESDAY Sor Swain Brabin, Richard Engel, Michael|cjark, Coach -- Ross Waddell.| Andrey, Doug Eadie, John Reid, | Driscoll, Bob Durno,. John|practise -- Oct.. 29, °7.50 - 8.20) Dusty Lynd, Pat 'Flontek, Dave|and one Hamilton, Randy Snooks, Mike| pm. Bracken, Donald Picard, Ber-| Beamish, Leon Jenkins, Brian) |,OCAL 222 -- Ricky Morri-\nard Hurst, Paul Noonan and | l Forshee and Gord Saarinen.|son, Teddy McComb, Brian|Reg, Alward. Coach -- Morris mo a mer Coach -- Jon Jenkins. Prac-| white, Scott Willson, Jim Yake-|Bryan, 'Practise -- Oct. 26, ALL-ELECTRIC tice --Wed. Oct. 28, from 7.20- mishyn, Gord Moore, Lee Para-|7.50 - $.20 p.m. | . | 7.50 p.m \dise Wayne Blanchard, Chris| CANADIAN TIRE -- Frank Tied For Lea f HOME FIREFIGHTERS -- Walter| Griffin, Paul Sloggett, Bill/Jay, George Mondetite, Dennis Krochmal, Doug Murray, Jim|yolmes, Jim Nesbitt, Paul)Ashton, Ross Aldred, For YOUR Home!! peewee all-star team OCTOBERZ6 «..27 ONLY FACIAL TISSUES Boxes with ELECTROHEAT! > vane KSAVE TO Ss 728-4611 PURE WHITE GRANULATED amma 5ibeac 6°x OSHAWA WSAVE POWER Posfeck GRAIN FED BEEF « TENDER, JUICY 9 CUBE : STEAKSA 9 ELECTRIC HEATING RATES HAVE BEEN REDUCED, in many communities by as much as 30% in but 2 years. Today, the safe, warm world of FLAMELESS electric heating is within every family's means. For more information contact your qualified electric heating contractor or: your hydro LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY Dale Campbell, Terry Messent,/pligdon, Henry Nowak, David/putler, Ray Clement, Everett Wills Masters Garry MacDonald, Harry Mor-| pyjtz, Charles Ibey, Pete Mc-|Buntsma, Gary Lyon, Paul rison,. Maurice Pascal, Doug|Namee, Don Mosie, Tony Fon-|Cjark, Jerry Cowle, Paul Wit| seerpouRNE (APY -- Lule Suppelsa, Jim Sullivan, Gerry tek, John Nestik, Bob Kennedy,|jiams, Randy Maddock, Jim| ally up a tree on the ninth Sale, Dupuis and Grant Hicks. Coach| Roger Norton, - Noel o'Brien,|Badgiey and Paul Murdock.|Sucay "pumaer veneered $0 -- Ev, Edwards. Practise --|pernie Lazcroix, Paul McAllis-/Coach. -- Henry Monaghan.) hold a share of first place after Wed, Oct. 28, 7.50 -- 8.20 p.m.|ter and Michael Clouthier.| practise -- Oct. 26, 8.30-9 p.m./two rounds of the Wills Mast- KINSMEN -- Gordon Mittow,| Coach -- Elwood Bradley. Man-| COCA COLA -- Frank Hatch,|ers golf tournament Friday. Drew Allman, Dave Mason,| ager -- Don Bowen. Practise --| Alen Chymak, Bob Hos, Wayne} The American star had to David Britton, Gary Christen-| Oct, 29 8.30 - 9.20 p.m. Candy, Bill McKeen, St¢@ve|play perhaps the oddest shot of son, Terry Wilson, Bob Simon,| QSHAWA DAIRY -- Seppo Johnston, Richard Murdock,| his brilliant career after cutting Gary Viliemaire, Terry Irwin,|yartia, Brad Wilson, Charlie/wWalter Fiala, Dennis Cocker-|his second shot on the ninth Jim ~ Baskerville and Charlie|\jarlowe, Ted Dionne, Paullton, Robert Rout, Raymond] hole into the branches of a tree Brown. Practice -- Wed. Oct./prockman, Jim Preston, Jef-/smith, Doug Pascoe, Larry Do-|about 50 yards from the pin. ppl eat lfery Jubenville, Dan Logeman,|jick, John Johnston and Wolfie|He missed a par only because KIWANIS --Don Sadoway,|yichael Rose, Rick Scott, Jerry|Jejna, Coach -- John Randle./he missed a short put." Brien Bremmer, John Todd,|weish, Terry Ostle, John|/manager -- John Manning.) Palmer wound up with a sec-| Jim Faith, Steve Jarreil, Ken|Krantz, Walter Grabko, Ted|practise --Oct. 26, 9-9.30 p.m./ond round 70, tying Coble Le- McQuaid, John Laughlin, Mack] Goodchild, Bill Morrison, Frank} LOCAL 1817 -- Gary Ville-| grange of South Africa for the Conway, Hans Peiander, Bob\cawyer Pete Andrews, Chris|maire, Larry Shrigley, Wayne|lead at 137. Legrange carded a Goulding and Elliot. Beharrel.|cteaq, Terry Smith, Andy Ko-| Sargant, Danny Lorend, Rick 69 Friday Practise -- Thurs. Oct. 29, 5-5.30| nopacki, Dennis Hercia, Mike|Giimore, Leslie Minacs, Lynn pm. ~ |Hewer, Doug Whiting, Dave|shymko, Larry Bracken, Bob LIONS -- Alex Tarasewitz,/yfeshier, Jim McIntyre and)podd, Larry Lupel, Terry) Terry Slack, Shev Levine, Da-\chris Weeks. Coach -- |! Spence and Dan Dell. Coach -- vid Temple. Tom Dart, Phill nionne, Manager -- Earl Moore.|pop Bird. Manager -- Joe Mel- Pultz, Lloyd Beaule, Mike|practise -- Oct. 28, 9.40 - 10.40/nick. Practise -- Oct. 27, 7.15- WWhite, John Janetos, Alex), 1, Felix, Gam Woods and Bob)' Oshawa Dairy is. a Midget Don't have a home That's Obsolete Make It Modern Excellent Paneling For Your Rec Room LAUAN MAHOGANY PREFINISHED COLORTONED a7, | PLYWOOD PANELING A rich luxurious tone in panelling that will lend gracious charm to your Rec Room, or other rooms. V-grooved with tinted grooves. 4x7 x yl 4.35 PER SHEET 7.45 p.m. ' HOUDAILLE -- Bill Killen, Howard. Coach -- Bob Harman. | qj)-Star team and Local 222 is)Richard Grinsky, Bill Werry,| Manager --George Norton./the Bantam All-Star squad. |Bobby Bell, Bob Brown, Jim) Practise -- Thurs. Oct. 29, 5.30-| BaNTAM LEAGUE TEAMS /Rusinell, John Wright, Steve| 6 p.m. : | WESTMOUNT KIWANIS --|warne, Richard Mooney, Bob| NAVY VETS -- Richard Aal-|pandy . Fulling, Dave Dell,| Armitage, Ricky Dionne, Ji m| éllison, John Hewer, David/nNorm Lambert, Brent March-|Cjancy, Jim Andrews and Larry Roote, Robert Monaghan, Tom|,,¢ Denis Ovellette, D'ou 8| Power. Coach -- Doug Griffin. Van, Robert Pierson, Billicgmart, Larry Flynn, Morris|Manager -- Ron Alward. Prac: | Skwarchuk, Jim Rancourt, Roy) popiyk, Denis Medwid, Bob|tise -- Oct. 27., 7:45-8:15 p.m. Aimiert, Bill Prentice, ak CANADIAN CORPS -- cg Remember When? ok | Vandermeer, Kerry Gibson afd|Head, Randy Collins, Doug Mac- \Harold Wotten. Coach --Bob/ponald, Ron Dennis, Brad By THE CANADIAN PRESS oor a Practise -- Oct. 7 were ee: 30-6 p.m. i rey, John } Ss, BF yeah go nal Pape LOCAL 2784 -- Alan Drew,|Reid, Nester Myschowod and Norman Craig Memorial Peter Blake, Rick Morgan, Paul|Peter Smith. Coach -- Grove Trophy by the Ontario Cariol, Bob Lyod, John Beaton,| Sutton. Manager -- Bill Clarke branch of the Women's Am- |Walter Karas, Bruce Cousins,| Practise -- Oct. 2., 5-5:30 p.m. ateur Athletic Federation of |John Cryazczuk, Mike Newton,| B'NAL B'RITH -- Ray Elli Canada, 26 years ago to- Douglas Heard, Rich Johnson,|son, Gary McDougall, John day--in 1938. The 14-year- Robert Roberts and Wayne Cop-| Bradley, Bill MacDonald, John | old sprinter that year set a |pin. Coach -- Gary Challice.| Brant, Barry Meier, Wayne Dominion record of 7.6 sec- |Manager -- Paul Mignau|t.|Rankine, John Bilovin, John onds for the junior 60-metre |Practise -- Oct. 26, 6.10 6.40\Graham, Curt Pelow, Wayne event. p.m. |Tuter, Wallace Pehny, Tom CHRISTMAS IN EUROPE! ' Li " 4x 8x 3 4.95 PER SHEET MILLWORK & Building Supplies Ltd. 1279 SIMCOE NORTH -- 728-6291 @ OPEN DAILY @ 7 A.M. till 6 P.M. FRI, till 9 P.M. SEE THE OLD COUNTRY CELEBRATE...AND SAVE UP T0 25%! Why not celebrate Christmas with old friends in Europe --or just share the Old Country holiday mood? It's "HAPPY HOLIDAY" SAILINGS IRELAND*--ENGLAND-- FRANCE --HOLLAND-- GERMANY? different. Give yourself that treat while fares are low. doin our "Christmas in Europe" group (minimum . membership 25 persons) and save yourself 25%! You'll From MONTREAL & QUEBEC: sail from Montreal on Nov, 24 in the MAASDAM, have iMAASDAM seven wonderful weeks in Europe and return by 8.8. STATENDAM, Jan, 19 to New York. From NEW YORK: *NIEUW AMSTERDAM Nov, 19 PRINSES MARGRIET Dec. 4 *STATENDAM Dec. 10 If those dates don't suit your plans, pick another sailing AND MANY MORE SAILINGS Nov, 24 from our schedule--sail from Montreal or New York. Various thrift season reductions. Moreover, a grand 273 Ibs free baggage allowance. Enjoy the s-p-a-c-e and comfort found only on ships. Ask your travel agent. He knows! 40 Front Street West, Toronto. PAY LATER PLAN AVAILABLE -- DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE : OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- BROOKLIN 300. DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, PHONE 723-4624 -- In Co-operation With ---- WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION . TELEPHONE 668-5878 AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION . . . TELEPHONE 942-0500. PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION . . ... «+ TELEPHONE 942-2930 ' ' Bea PHONE 668-3304 MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH OSHAWA PHONE 723-9441