Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Oct 1964, p. 16

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TORONTO (CP) -- Distance runner Bruce Kidd says he has recovers the desire to win. Kidd, a fourth-year political sity of Toronto, made his an- nouncement in a "news letter" Wednesday in The Varsity, the university's student newspaper. It was one of a series of articles he has written for Canadian University Press from Tokyo, where he has been competing in the Olympics. "T don't know how long I'll stay out, for running has al- most become part of my metab- olism, but it'll be until I get back the desire to run for gold," Kidd wrote, "I hope I get that desire back." best medal, failed to show well in either the 5,000- or 10,000-metre runs, retired temporarily from com- petitive racing--at least until he science student at the Univer- Kidd Announces His Retirement appointing performances can never be precise. You may think it strange that a big ham /like me should get stage fright here, but I did. "Maybe my confidence suf- fered by the lack of any good competitive performances this summer. And in the moment of truth of my second race, the 5,000 metres, I just couldn't hurt myself to try to win. "My biggest disappointment comes from the ever-present realization that, after working harder this summer than ever before, I'm in the best physical shape of my lifé. Could I be overtrained?"' | UPSETS CHAMPION DARTMOUTH, N.S. (CP)-- Jack Clements of Montreal Kidd, rated one of Canada's|scored a tnanimous decision | P! chances for an 'Olympic|Tuesday night over Canadian) %'S- |junior welterweight champion Les Sprague in a 10-round non- jtitle fight here. Clements FRANCIS HUCK By RON MacDONALD REGINA (CP) -- Weeds in- fested the deserted hockey rink at Regina's Campion College and the mid-July temperature was in the 70s. The setting hardly seemed appropriate for hockey practice but pucks were rattling off the boards, Standing in the weeds, a dim- inutive young man was shoot- ing pucks off an old floor mat Rated Hottest Prospect For Montreal Canadiens Baseball League as third base-| man with Regina Red Sox, CRAMMED FOR SCHOOL Last season he joined Estevan | Bruins and then Edmonton Oil! Kings in Memorial Cup hockey) playoffs after Pats were elim-) inated. The hockey activity forced him to miss about two} week study blitz he caught up| and passed his year handily, another illustration of how he at a net that had all the corners| |boarded up. It was Francis star forward with Regina Pats of the Saskatchewan Junior |Hockey League, who last sea- son broke the league record by |scoring 88 goals in scheduled ay and another 22 in the play- Huck, ait| "I'm practising shooting left- jhanded," he said, sweat drip- iping down his face and arms "You never know when I'll get |fall, the five - foot - "Post-mortems of my dis- weighed i142, Sprague 141. a chance to change hands and applies 100-per-cent effort. At the Canadiens' camp this seven 160- pounder impressed the National Hockey League club's brass "He surprised us,"' said Sam Pollock, Canadiens general! manager. '"'He showed that big- ger men don't bother him much." Huck, 18, is back at left wing with. Pats this season, acquir- ing further. skill and physical! development, but it seems only| a matter of time until he makes NOTICE Federal Sales Tax on Rebuilt Auto Parts 1. Following the 1963 Federal Budget, Regulations were issued which asked us to pay and administer a Tax on the wholesale price of every "Rebuilt" Auto Part we sold. 2. The Directors of Motor City Auto Parts (Division of F, M. Sissons Ltd.) studied the Act and Regulations and could see NO WAY they could AD- MINISTER them HONESTLY. 3. SCORES OF PAGES of notes and correspondence with Ottawa have accumulated and we feel we are still no closer to finding a proper means of calculating the required information. 4. All this has been a great strain on the Company. The Minister of Finance and others in Ottawa were informed that the Company must have a complete and accurate audit to date and satisfactory directions for adminis- tration of the Act not later than 20th October, 1964. These have not been forthcoming. way to send money here is to stuff a wallet full | and throw it out the window | of a moving taxicab. Chances are, when you get 5. The Officers of the Company feel that one of the BASIC RIGHTS of every citizen is to be able to carry his share of the burden when supporting the economy by the PAYMENT OF TAX in the proper amount. MERCURY TAXI me 725-4771 OSHAWA'S LARGEST AND MOST MODERN TAX! AND U-DRIVE--OVER 30 CARS AND TRUCKS AT YOUR SERVICE! RENT-A-CAR *1.00 A DAY GEO, RUTHERFORD (Oshews) LTD.--14 ALBERT ST, PLUS LOW MILEAGE CHARGE 6. The Directors of the Company feel that this extension of the EXCISE TAX ACT using the supplementary REGULATIONS provided interferes with the BASIC RIGHTS. 7. The President feels the Company hos co-operated in every possible way in trying to do whot has been asked. 8. Last Saturday the Company received from Ottawa, for the first time, written definitions (promised to the President last July) which might help distinguish the REBUILT AUTO PARTS which interest the EXCISE TAX DIVISION from those which do not. 9. However, much further specific information is needed and means for calculating refunds of Tax previously included in components have yet to be devised and may be impossible. 10. Consequently, until the Government can arrive at a practical means of administering the ACT ACCURATELY, the Directors will set up the following procedure. AO te cow WINTER SPECIALS (a) 8% of the retail price of every used auto part upon which some work (other than cleaning and inspection) has been performed prior to sale, will be added to the price of the part, (b) This money will be deposited in a TRUST ACCOUNT at the Company's Bank to the credit of the Department of National Revenue and your favourite CHURCH OR CHARITY, (c) When the excise tox auditors have examined our invoices and have de- termined the appropriate amount owing to them, this amount will be paid. All possible help will be rendered by the Company to assist them shoot the other way. I figure it The smooth skater and excel- ner in the old rink in a spirit pectin Western Canada. But he By JIM BECKER lace and looking ever every | about anything else he does. first," he says. He plans to go home to the right man, And he /after attending the Canadian|education at Campion College. cents instead of a quarter for |that extra edge NHL a good try. And his size home a Japanese man will be , She spe»! a long day at the jened up his baseball with bat-| York Rangers, and Henri Rich- ing tennis 40 years ago, be- playing 54 holes a week on a Visitors here for the Olym- é nese seamstress had been sit- |and in 1962 was rookie of the| of any more weight than he --" ~ -- the best policy but seems to ArT And the official drank un- CANADA OUT ORS Three stories are typical, i e from his wallet with hundreds The athlete reported that b where to start looking. at home and left it in a taxi- a arrived with the wallet, EDMONTON (CP) -- On the, his weakness, If he doesn't have When he returned to the the time tracing the man luck in the field, Alberta hun-juntil he takes the course over lobby, holding the pearl neck- it took so long. the provincial government. | response was relatively mild. | ing more effective hunters, | | The course 22 hours for Y reage information on the the quarry as well as hunting) side of the law, they are in- courtesy and ethics. aa : A " y | in interpreting their calculations. HONESTY IS BEST POLICY «is ™ co" ledge." lent stickhandler has been de-| of dedication that has marked isn't ready for a pro career yet. 5 TOKYO (AP) -- Long-time athlete who went through the | He went to the Montreal Ca- to teachers' college in Regina 4 T wouldn't take a-reward. national team's special hockey} When. the time comes, how- STILL A REAL SWINGER AT 90 a minor blouse-mending job | When not practising hockey|doesn't bother him. He notes waiting for you to give you > ] swimming pool and when she | ting practice. He has been play-|ard of Canadiens have: done cause she could not run fast Vancouver golf course pic games are also finding ting in the hotel lobby all day | year in the South Saskatchewan/ has. be some sort of state reli- é | wisely and too well of an eve- | involving an athlete, an offi- i N T . OT] P of dollars and official badges e W raining rogram he bought an expensive pearl It took two days, but even- cab. money and tickets. assumption that a few hours in|10 graduates a year, his in-| Olympic village he found his through his embassy. ters are flocking to a NeW/ again himself." Alberta long had a hunter) Now that it has been replaced) however, it has really caught} would - be instructors and 11 abits and habitat of birds and| techniques generally. structed in game management, And to help keep them alive,| the big time AMONG TOKYO RESIDENTS Huck spent much of the sum-! scribed as the hottest pro pros-| his hockey career and just "T want to get my education 'okyo residents say the safest - gate so he could give it back | nadiens training camp Sept, 15 after finishing his high school The lady spectator paid 50 | clinic in Winnipeg, again to get/ever, he figures to give the at her hotel. during the summer, he sharp- that Camille Henry of New Lucie Rankine gave up play- Now, at 90, she's still at it, |. the wallet back, intact. returned she found the Japa- | jing baseball since he was eight,| pretty well without the benefit enough, so she took u olf. --(CP Photo) | honesty in Japan is not only g ! ait We ec i oacioeh aan bi - ; waiting to return the 25 cents. ------ | gion, f ning and became: separated cial' and a lady spectator. : : and tickets. He had no idea necklace for his girl friend ) Dr S Alberta H : tually a bartender's mother WOULDN'T TAKE REWARD She and her son had spent the classroom can mean better) structor's certificate is lifted) '@xi driver sitting in the They said they were sorry training program sponsored by |---- safety training program but the by a course aimed at produc-| fire. | hours for ordinary students big game and how to identify | 2 ae Translucent VINYL rules and regulations, hunting} they are taught care of fire- arms, gun-handling safety, first! Fi vOR MA TS PRESTONE aid and survival. | . The program was drawn | ; i 700% \ ANTI = FREEZE a year ago by the provincial $ , .69 government and the courses | were started in February. The Fen Gal, S .. - | 2. Isn't there some EASIER way of collecting this tax on those of us who \ 3 : | do not require or cannot always get NEW parts? QUESTIONS 1. Will this raise the price of the auto parts | buy from Motor City? (Answer) Unfortunately, YES. The Regulations discriminate against concerns who do over $3,000 annual business in "REBUILT" parts, TEACH TEACHERS The. first class of five was) : made up of hand-picked mem-| use m Va bees Caps bers of the Edmonton Fish and sii From $ 7 95 Game Association, but since then the program has spread across the province. Presidente himself lectures the men enrolled in the 22-hour ap aie eye Add colour and protection to the floor of your car, Rugged Vinyl will withstand women's spike high heels without puncturing, These attractive, translucent Vinyl mats are available in Sapphire Blue, Emerald Green, Ruby Red and Topaz Amber, Transparent Diamond Crystal, Onyx Black and Opal White, Various sizes from which to choose. program is conducted by Paul} Presidente, hunter training of-| (Answer) PROBABLY. Many independent EXPERTS feel one COMBINED PROVINCIAL and FEDERAL RETAIL SALES TAX would be more satis- ficer for the department of} lands and forests | factory. The present troublesome REGULATIONS were drawn up in a hurry. : 3. Whot are OTHER SUPPLIERS of used and rebuilt auto parts doing? Why aren't THEY objecting? (Answer) Some are able to apply the Regulations fairly well to their specialized business, At Motor City we try to keep so many types of parts from so many sources processed in various ways that administra- tion is a problem. It is always easier to pay something you feel unfair than to object, Ye PRICE! Make Spring and Fall tire changing easier and faster. Take advantage of our Half-Price wheel sole when you buy any Geodyear winter tire, Ask us for details. | 4. classes of their own. To qualify as an instructor, a| student must attend every class and satisfactorily complete a} 132 - question written examina-| tion Ordinary students write a 50 question exam at the end of the 1i-hour course Survival lectures provoke the greatest interest in class, says} Presidente. And greatest. ignor- ance is displayed during the bird identification course. Usuually lectures run much longer than the time allotted, hecause the students want to ask questions and discuss prob- lems. Some lectures carry on} four hours or more 'The program is starting to snowball,' Presidente' says 'We've got 153 applications for| student and 232 for instructor courses."* * Since it began it has turned) out 158 instructors and 250 stu-| dent graduates Presidente personally checks | each exam paper so that the government retains "complete control," and he also keeps tab! on the instructors | "If I see that an instructor's class is falling down in one} department, I write him a let-| Isn't the Motor City Plan for collection TOO COMPLICATED P (Answer) YES it is a lot of bother, but we can't think of any other way. 5. What will be done with the extra money from the 8% Trust if the Government doesn't require it all? (Answer) It will be donated to the cause indicated on your sales slip. 6. Does this mean Motor City wishes to be UNFAIR in any way? (Answer) DEFINITELY NO. Motor City wishes to be fair in all matters, including the responsibility of collecting and paying tax. The President _ feels that this method, though not suggested in the ACT or REGULA- ™ TIONS allow collections which will more closely resemble the intent of \\ the law than do other arrangementts presently being used elsewhere, THE FINEST GOODYEAR SUBURBANITE "SPECIAL" WINTER RETREADS 95 with 7. How long will this go on? (Answer) We don't know, Probobly until enough people OBJECT to such complicated wasteful schemes, Royal Commissions are sitting all across Canada and we understand there are likely te be some great improve- SUBURBANITES surpassed. traction and 217° ments and simplifications in our whole tax system after the findings serviee. No limit toed are examined, hazard guarantee, | | <h 6.70/15 tube 8. What should we do in the MEANTIME? (Answer) Just keep paying toxes cheerfully. Our Government needs our support. Remember when you don't carry your share someone else has to pay too much, Watch what is going on in Parliament and get to know your Member better. : SURE GRIP SUBURBANITE RETREADS win tre oerofred ] 95 95 by Goodyear. No limit with road hazard guarantee, with trede 6.70/15 RETREADS Same tread width and the bean Metres depth as new Suburban- Safety-checked casings design -- proved for un- same tread rubber as new tires. Lifetime Guarantee on workmanghip and trade materials o> 7,50/14 tubeless ONE STOP WINTER DRIVING SERVICE tee fetes | SHOP WHERE THE FAST FREE England And Belgium | BIG CHOICE IS! INSFALLATION! | NOTE: We have chonged our trade name to Motor City AUTO STORES recently due to @ | similarity between the old name and the trade name used by Sumerstord Limited (Operating In Exhibition Draw . | LONDON (AP)--The soccer) GO G ap << as Motor City Aute Wreckers), - YE AR SERVICE STORES Go GOOD, MOTOR CITY AUTO STORES 162 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA : teams of England and Belgium drew 2-2 Wednesday night in an (Division of F, M. Sissons Ltd.) PHONE 725-5512 Motor City Building, Highway 401 international exhibition game al Box 275 -- OSHAWA, Ontario 95 wites embedded in the tread give 44% more with ~ starting traction on ice, trade 7,50/14 tubeless 60,000 nesdia-sharp steel | ites. Safety-checked cas- ings. Workmanship and materials guaranteed. 7.50/14 'anole type and your old tire. 5 DIFFERENT CREDIT PLANS PICK THE ONE THAT SUITS YOUR NEEDS! Wembley Stadium, Belgium led 21 at halftime. We have a convenient CHRISTMAS LAYAWAY PLAN CONTINENTAL STEAM BATH Appointment -for Massege call 728-2460 of 725-2109 _ Thurs., Fri. Sot. 2-11 p.m. for MEN 1-11 . for Ladies am. to | p.m, fer MEN 164 Ontarie St.

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