@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 20, 1964 Mrs. Victor Hulatt Re-Installed DNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES % The Dr. C. F. Canton Home and School Association held its first meeting of the school year recently. Mrs. Victor Hulatt introduced Mrs. Lloyd Courtice, and a past president of Oshawa and District Home and School Council, who installed the 1964- 65 slate of officers as follows: president, Mrs. Victor Hulatt; vice-presidents, Mrs, John For- tin and Mr. Harold Messer- schmidt; recording secretary, Mrs. Ralph Imeson; correspond- ing secretary, Mrs. George El- lis; treasurer, Mrs. George Brabi{; chairmen, Mrs.. Alex '\Tocher, Mrs. Roy Clowes and '|Mrs. Philip Pitcher; principal, SIGNING THE REGISTE --Aldsworth Photography Sylvia Ann Southem Is Now Mrs. Allan Franklin Colleran In Northminster United Church, the Reverend H. A. waist-length veil of' silk illusion/Margaret Dayman, Miss Paul- was secured by a pleated satin > | Night. | |membership fee for the coming Mr. G. A, Korry. Mrs. Ellis presented a gift of appreciation to Mrs. Courtice. It was decided to have the ' |Family Dollar Drive. It was announced that an application had been sent to the Children's Arena for a Family Skating The budget for 1964-65, pre- sented by the president, was unanimously accepted. The year is $1.25. Since the social convener had ' |resigned, Mrs. Frederick Old- field and Mrs. Norland Key had volunteered to fill this position. The official magazine of the Canadian Federation of Home jand Schools 'Quest' was dis- |played and subscriptions are $1.00 per year. | The school principal, Mr. G. |A. Korry, spoke briefly to the |parents and introduced the \teaching staff as follows: Grade 1 -- Mrs. M. J. Krawetz, Miss line Tease; Grade 1 and 2 -- President of Dr. C. F. Cannon H-S a past provincial vice-president & MRS. VICTOR HULATT ing Connie Bannister, Senior Group. before an audience. u ;.|of the Afternoon Branch of the)i Woman's Auxiliary of St. Mark's ST. MARK'S W.A. ~ (Afternogn Branch) The regular business meeting & gee in memory of the late Mrs, V. A, Cope. Deepest sympathy was Winners of the public speak-|; ; October ing contest presented their win- in at the meeting oa ie ning speeches, the winners be- Junior . Group and Sandy Garvock, say and Bobcaygeon Auxifiany A social evening will be held this week October 20 with Lind-| as guests: Mrs, Robert Wii- liams is in change of refresh-| The School Choir, under the ond. | aise ab tor.| ments. Members were remind- trecton of Mrs, cps, ented 'of he aed Dart League 4 s Fa" held each Friday evening. Mem- students of Mrs. Roy Godfrey) 7 2 entertained with piano and piano| Pes, and their husbands are ac cur dion selectio hs, Mrs cordia"y invited. A social time Godfrey exprense 4. har avpre- follows and refreshments are ciation to the Home and School |*t¥e2- Association for giving the chil- dren the opportunity to perform It was announced that aii dues |must be paid up till the end of September to be eligible to vote lon December 8. Mrs. David SOCIAL NOTICES \Rotlo is a patient in Oshawa) |General Hospital. At the previous weekly meet- .| Anglican Church was held in the ing the secretary, Mrs. Alifred Mellow united in marriage re-|circlet. She carried a formal|Miss Marie Ford; Grade 3 -- ENGAGEMENT cently Sylvia Ann Southern and|cascade of yellow roses, white|Miss Kathryn Russell, Mrs. | ; ; cal pod Prankiin Colleran, both|pomp and stephanoti Irene Taylor; Grade 2 -- Miss| The engagement is announced | of Oshawa. The bride is the} mrs. Owen MacDonald was Sharon Loucks, Miss Lynda Hat-|of Gail Patricia, daughter of daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ar-| matron of honor for her sister. field; Grades 3 and 4 -- Mrs.|Mrs. Robert Kirton, Oshawa and thur Alton Southern of Port|The other attendants were Mrs.|Barbara Head; Grade 4 -- Miss| the jate Mr. Kirton, to Ronald Maitland, Yarmouth, Co., Nova) william Sollows, Miss Joan Por- Patricia Burkitt, Mrs. Majorie|/F award Chapman, son of Mr. Scotia, and the bridegroom is|ter and Miss Toni Jane South-|2immerman, Grade 5 -- Mrs.|anq Mrs. Donald H. Chapman, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Her-|ern, flower girl. The matron of Hillier; Grades 5 and 6 -- Mr.|Oshawa. The wedding will take bert Colleran of Oshawa. ---- |honor was in emerald green Robert Richards; Grades 6 and|niace on Saturday, November Accompanied by the organist,| and the others in gold sculptured|" -- Mr. William, Finlay; Grade}14° 1964, at 2.00 p.m. in North- Mr. John Robertson, Mr. Larry |peau de soie. Their floor-length -- Mr. William Guley;| minster United Church. Marshall sang "Wedding Pray-|powns, on princess lines were|Gt@des 7 and 8 -- Miss Gloria er" and "Oh Father, All Creat-|styied with bateau necklines and| Hastings, Grade 8 -- Mr. Earl| MARRIAGE ing". Ighort sleeves and their head-|McCulloch; Grade 6 -- Mrs.) 'The marriage of Karen Eliza-)j The bride who was given inldresses were matching double|47i@na Liepins; Kindergarten, |neth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.|j marriage by her father, wore &| hows, Their flowers were semi-|MtS-_ Kathleen Quick, Mrs. Ju-}w. A, Leaming, to Mr. Robert floor-length gown of de-lustred|cascades of pompoms in fall| 'ith Brooks. John Harrison, son of Mr. satin with a chapel train flar-lhues with accents of colored and Mrs. R. G. Harrison, all of ing from the controlled skirt) wheat stalks. COLOR BY SWITC H Oshawa, was solemnized on and accented by a-self bow. The} 17. -wavne--shane was the; A U.S. company is. planning |Friday, October _9, 1964, in delicately appliqued bodice Wa5|,,.c¢ man and the ushers were|t0 market a gadget that changes |Northminster United Church styled. with a scoop neckline|¢ 2-414 Colieran, Brooklin, and|# black-and-white TV set to|with the Reverend H. A. Mellow and sheath sleeves and her/Q 6, wacDonald. : color at the flick of a switch. ' officiating. A reception was held at . UNITS, GROUPS |Sranaview Gor ciub. To re- - AUXILIARIES [seid reen nent de sie win snowsuits contrasting accessories. The and Warm Vi WEAR infants to size 14 bridgroom's mother chose a 8A HOME LEAGUE navy blue brocaded suit with Budget Accounts Invited "The Best Costs Less At' The regular Salvation Army|matching accessories. Each Home League meeting was heldjhad a corsage of roses. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE KITCHEN Hobgoblin Hamburgers Make these "spooky" burgers for your youngsters and their friends, this way. Top ham- burg patties with slices of cheese--when they're almost finished cooking--then serve them in toasted buttered ham- burg buns. The hobgoblin touch comes when you make a face on top of each bun-- using stuffed olives for eyes, a carrot round for the nose, and for a ghoulish grin, just cut or tear the roll, letting the melted cheese show through. "Witch Hat" Desserts For each serving, fill an Ice cream cone generously with ice cream just at serving time ... then invert it on a large flat cookie and pour chocolate sauce over the make-believe "witch hat". pe ===: | SPECIAL SALE Give wieners a "devilish" OF "INDIA RUGS" or anytime--by slitting each "trank" lengthwise and insert- ing a generous strip of nippy Incredible Savings on the most beautiful rugs of all. Every piece hand woven to exacting specifications by the finest weavers of the Orient. ' Canadian cheddar cheese. Wrap the wieners in bacon, The lovely classical designs shown above are only three of the many hand-embossed Aubusson Rugs available at Cherney's, for a limited time only. There are also many at the Salvation Army Citadel) Later the couple left on a wed- with Mrs. Frank Buller leading trip to Nova Scotia and on return will reside on Elgin + |street west. For travelling, the bride donn- ind ed a dark brown wool worsted The ae Bh Guides ony > ga mink collar, a gold) en ; hat a rown accessories. | alle 2 sories | opening song, "'Come Ye nkful People Come", was 4 e| Several members gave their aB testimony about how thankful they were to the Lord for his goodness to them. Mrs. Sar- geant sang "How Great Thou Art," and Mrs. Cathmoir gave an interesting talk on 'Being Thankful". The closing song was, 'Now Thank We All Our God" and prayer was offered by Mrs.) Fine English Bone praver was, China Dinnerware and The Sunshine Group served) ten | Fine Hand-Cut Crystal LODGES AND | SOCIETIES DAUGHTERS OF ENGLAND (Empress of India) The Daughters of England, Empress of India Lodge held its regular meeting in the Orange Temple recently, with Worthy President, Sister Kate Glover presiding, assisted by acting vice-president, Sister Ethel Hor- ton. District Deputy Sister Dor- d around. Pop plenty of corn, een Ladd led the devotional per- Qyr' : / S sprinkle with salt and pour on iod. Z the melted butter. Or try add- The report on sick members eddar was given by Sister Sarah Van < inafore de Walker. Sister Doris McDon- few moments. Ummm... we ald read correspondence from } think we'll call at your house! Grand Lodge and the quarterly report. i Final plans were made for| the penny sale which will be| FOR 10 DAYS ONLY securing with toothpicks, then broil them just until the bacon is cooked and the cheese melting. Slip them Into but- tered toasted wiener buns which have been given a good lining of relish. Popcorn Shell-Out Popcorn, buttered or "cheesed" will make such a hit, the youngsters will come In and sing and recite for you while you pass the bowl A Prophecy Cake... For the night when witches ride and fortunes are told! held next meeting night, Tues- | day, October 20. The lucky prizes were won) by Sisters Ann Hastie and Fior-| ence Wood. Refreshments were | served by Sisters Jessie Mad- | der, Sarah Murray and their committee. COFFEE CONNOISSEURS The Viennese, finicky about their favorite beverage, specify 15 precise proportions in which coffee and milk may be prop- erly mixed. When You Want. # © Custom-Tailored : Drapes Slip Covers © Quali Carpeting @ Modern Venetian Blinds CALL - 725-3144 HOWARD'S DRAPERIES 926 Simece North DIANA (Tuscan) Reg. 12.50 Now 10.00*° dividuaily. The Crystal patterns are two open Georgian and Norfolk. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 725-3511 Choose from ten exclusive open-stock patterns of China in Traditional or Classic designs by famous English makers. Available in place settings or in- Stock patterns, nen . Make up a big butter spice cake--2 or even 3 layers. Before frosting it, cut slits in it the way you do for birthday cakes. Insert eerie favors and fortunes--to make your guests shiver just a little when they read 'em. For the filling and frosting we suggest a cheese icing (goes so nicely with spice cake). Cream together 2 (4-ounce) packages of cream cheese with a couple of tablespoons of milk to moisten. Add sifted icing sugar gradually--you'll need about 4 to 5 cups. Might tint the frosting orange, with food coloring, then outline a jack- o-lantern on top with melted chocolate, Prepared by the Home Economists of THE CANADIAN DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU 147 Davenport Ad., Toronto 8, Ont. superb authentic reproductions of Chinese floral corner motifs for those who: prefer the less formal. See for yourself the luxurious, deep all-wool pile, picture the charm and elegance an Aubusson Oriental would add to your home. Come Down Early for a Complete Selection. ee nae EMBOSSED AUBUSSON INDO-SAROUK > APPROX: SIZE9 x12... .. seer eee sQgQs ALSO AVAILABLE EMBOSSED AUBUSSONS Approximate Size 1 RBS ieee ses O12: A TO5 Me eee TORRE oma ean See ent ee SAVE SAFELY at . ES SSeS a Cherney's Special Price $159 $299 $399 RE & Boers