"athe rescue! She has agreed to} aad ct ctdtin dnl ot Aa NEW PM'S WIFE Cutter Race It's been a long time since the last SRS Crusader. column and I feel that an apology is in order. There were some diffi- éulties which really could have been avoided but c'est la vie! Well, we finally did it! That's _ right, -we came home from the ~ regatta at HMCS York with the' Dufferins Trophy for the cutter' race. It has been four years jor upheaval in the life of calmjily will soon exchange for their and retiring Mary Wilson, the|small suburban house -- Mes. wife of Britain's new Prime|Wilson welcomed Ceylonese Minister Harold Wilson, started|/Prime Minister Mrs. Sirimavo Monday when Bandaran tess at 10 Downing Street for|/party in her honor. the first time. Snub-Nose, Pear Shape But Enthusiastic Cook By LYNNE EDMUNDS quarters of British prime min- LONDON (Reuters)--A ma-|isters -- which the Wilson fam- hos- aike to a juncheon Earlier Mrs. Wilson, the cler- In the quietly luxurious -- Gecghtor-whe do! she played snub - nosed, pear - shaped and plain but en enthusiastic cook," herself as ene at cece re was shown eround the resi- dence by the outgoing hostess, Lady Douglas-Home, who sug- gested the meeting. 'I have come 40 around,' said Mrs. Wilson when she arrived, wearing the same bright hat which distinguished her during the election cam- paign. 'But we wiil not be mov- ing in until after Giles' half- term ---early next month." Giles, 17, is the younger of the Wilson's-two sons. Robin, 20, is studying at Oxford. WANTS 'REAL HOME' Mrs. Wilson, 48, who was 4 her marriage, says she cares Hittle a the decor or furniture of the famous house thet will be her new home. What matters most, she says, is that it should be real home for her family. "T have never lived in the centre of a city before," she said. "I suppose it will be quite hectic but we should be able to get away at weekends." The Wilsons' new official re- treat -- the rambling country mansion of Chequers in Buck- inghamshire, southem --contrasts sharply with their family bungalow in the Seilly Isles. Her role as prime minister's wife is unlikely leave Mrs. tim rer Ser: toe it away," Mrs, Wilson explains. She prefers to do most of her own housework but will have to give this up at 10 Downing Street. The house, which was recently given a £1,000,000 new look, has of ficial reception rooms and drawing rooms, be- iow the six - roomed, third- floor apartment set aside for the prime minister's family, | | Say Czechs VIENNA (AP) -- The Czech- oslovak Communist party indi- cated Monday it will refuse to participate in any down - grad- ing of Nikita Khrushchev and that it wants his alleged bad health and age to be the only official reason for his ouster. This was similar to positions taken by Poland and Huw earlier. The East German ll. buro also has praised '"Com- rade Khrushchev's merits." The presidium of the Czecho- slovak party's central commit- since Crusader has had this trophy and we are proud of the whole crew. We especialq would like to thank our coxswain, udLouise Bilvj and all the officers ~> who helped us all summer. Also, if it weren't for the Sea Cadets we wouldn't have been able to "pow at all this summer, Thanks +«for the use of your cutters and --' gl the equipment that goes ...along with them, won Congatulations 5° out to the *. Coxswain Mario Janylo and to . Coxswain Mario Ianylo and to for their victory over Vanguard at York. elpdone, boys! _ earnest and there are many "new members on deck every "Monday night. If this keeps up | ~~we'll soon need a larger hall!) ""'Pd like to extend a welcome to all the new members - hope | you enjoy our meetings. On the Thanksgiving weekend| many of the girls went to the | camp at Haliburton. A -good/ time was enjoyed in spite of 'the snow and the cold weather. | ALouise Bilyj celebrated her) * birthday that weekend, - - gee,| you're getting to be an old) lady). | Our jackstaff is finally up/ and now we can really say our) ~ meeting room is 'ship-shape.' The flag really looks great on| ~ it but now, how about a avene for the bell? W had a visitor from Eng-| Jand on deck last week. She "said that she would send us names of Rangers from a crew in England. Here's your chance girls, what will it be - - Mods | or Rockers? Skipper and Judy Aylesworth brought their movies from the "Ontario Sea Ranger Regatta held here in Oshawa recently. They are really good, especially +» the part from the tent pitch- ing competition. Boy, our oor burgee sure looks smart head- dng our unit in the parade! um We have a new addition for - =the Ranger Room in the Guide) House, The crew from the) Coast Guard Cutter 'Spray'! presented us with a plaque with their ship's crest. The) pee is really lovely and was hand (with a tooth- "time low but it's Mrs. Zak to "help us out and is holding al ~ Stanley Products demonstration with some of the profits com-| ing to the crew. This is a lot of work for Mrs. Zak and we) can help by getting our orders . in on time. Thank you Mrs. _Zak for all your generousity and | the time you are spending on| "the demonstration. More thanks this time to the| : eet. and to Mr. O'Flynn for| ~*"the loan of gun shirts for the | "regatta. Who's the artist in Air Ran-| gers? Boy, we can learn a lot "from the drawings on 'the board - - are you trying to convert us to air with things like air currents and wind thrust? | Welcome home, Bert. and) Cory. Hope it's to stay this time. Just a reminder of a 'party at the barracks at 1030 on Oct. 24. (hard time). Thoug! * There is a weird power in the epoken word . . ..and a word "carries far - - very far - --deals ~Gestruction through time as the) "bullets go flying through space. "COMMODORE" | 'Fraser Says He's Beaten Thomson LONDON (CP) -- The Scot-| tish textile millionaire, Sir| Hugh Fraser, says he has won| the battle with Lord Thomson | for control of the George Out- tam group of Glasgow newspa- ened ers. "From information I have re- ceived from Glasgow it now ap- pears that I have more than 50 'per cent of the Outram capi- 'tal."" Frasr said Monday night. | ~ Fraser's announcement came} soon after his Canadian - born) ~opponent posted his fourth bid4 *¥or the company that includes | the Glasgow Herald and the} Glasgow Evening Times. | Thomson's latest offer is) worth £,300,000 or 31 shillings | "7% pence a share. Sir Hugh's! last offer -- his second -- was $ yelced at 28 shillings 2% Pence} * Sh share. : «ee Outram's shares were bid up| | ==to more than 30 shillings on the | | Zoetock exchanges Monday, larg-} 1 = ely because of the presence of a ingle buyer thought to be Sir r Spnere When this buying topped, the shares dropped to ¥ 228 shillings six pence. +e Fraser, appointed chairman ' fa, senor last August to fight 7 bee omson's first bid of 20 shill-| : "sings cash a' share, has since: * Tesigned from the board to en- ter the bidding himself. He opposed Thomson on the grounds that Outram's should ' » yemain in. Scottish hands, Fi- ' ™thancial observers say his na- tionalistic appeal appears to be THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 20, 1964 JQ tee said in a statement the Czech party and people learned of Khrushchev's release from his functions "'with surprise and emotion." The statement, distributed by the Czechoslovak news agency CTK added: "Our party and our people appreciated the activities of Comrade Khrushchew both with regard to the execution of the general line of the Communist ary| party of the Soviet Union in the struggle to accomplish a policy of peaceful coexistence and the disclosure of the erroneous me- thods in the periol of the cult DESTROY WINNER LEXINGTON, Ky. (AP) -- Venetian Way, winner of the 1960 Kentucky Derby, has been the Mares Rest Farm said Saturday. Venetian Way, winner of $359,422, had suffered a fractured hip. TAKES CROWN BERLIN (AP) -- Karl Mild- enberger of West Germany took the vacant European heavy- weight championship Saturday night by knocking out -Santo nooo of Italy in the first of the personality." 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