Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 19 Oct 1964, p. 4

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THE GOP TOUCH AT GOLDWATER RALLY Sen. Barry Goldwater gave a friendly pat to an elephant yesterday outside the Canton, Ohio, Memorial Field House. The meeting between the Thousands Live _ |Report Says On Pavements By RUKMINI DEVI Canadian Press Correspondent BOMBAY (CP)--A municipal survey has shown that more than 400,000 Bombay live on the city's pavements. In official language these) people are known as pavement- dwellers. Many of them were} born on the pavements and may not have a roof over their heads in their lives, Until recently, the pavement-| dwellers' greatest dread was! the fierce Bombay monsoon. I rains for three "continuous months in this coastal metrop- olis. The current monsoon has} been the wettest in recent} years. Now, the age of plastics has; come to the: rescue of - these roofless people. Wrapped up in t a Plastic bag they can sleepjances. They are able to save more comfortably than at any|9n house rent and electricity, | |water and other A decent plastic sleeping bag| '#*¢s- time in the past. made locally costs less than $2. Often, one bag is enough for| took place in the "home" of a pavement - dweller behind the ck. | Bombay sak naidalanesdaniciearoooes -- | gaye away his daughter in mar- ; | riage s pavement-dweller. viet ars | Wedding . expenses $400. There were 300 guests,|were released without being | many of whom were seated on|Charged and about two or even three children. Ramanna Muthanna, a lo Making Den In Denmark | COPENHAGEN (AP) -- The electric sign fronting a Danish auto dealer's showroom pro- claims: "Plymouth... Valiant. . Moskvitch." 1 the Dane can take his choice Depending on his pocketbook, tario moe fa el of these and many European |tablish a p makes. Soviet cars such as the Mosk- vitch aren't exactly flooding the market, but they are making a dent. About 45 a month are sold, in contrast to 1,000 Volks-| wagens from West Germany Nordisk Diesel, the importers, estimate that more than 1,500\"¢th Needham have too much Moskvitches and Volgas have gone on to Danish roads since imports started in 1961. Sven Heitmann is the most successful of 10 Copenhagen showrooms with Russian cars He old more than 150 last year, and says sales are going up. "Mot of the Soviet cars I sell aré bought by people who heard the cars recommended by other people,"' he says. TAXES RAISE PRICE Danish sales taxes are high, bringing the price of a Mosk- viteh to 13,000 kroner or about $1,700. The Volga de luxe has room for five. Few other family cars of this type can be bought at similar| prices. American cars are much more expensive, many being in the $5,000-$7,000 range. About 1,000 U.S. passenger cars are imported every year. Dealers believe that more} Soviet cars would be sold in| this country if the body designs were more up to date. As of now they seem fashioned after older | models of the West German! Opels. More important is a political barrier. | "Businessmen especially hes- itate to be seen driving a Com- munist car,"' says Heitmann What attracts buyers appar- ently is low price and solidity. | The cars are built for bad Rus- | sian roads and the Soviet mak-| ers 'Say the steel bodies are) designed to withstand below-| zero temperatures. Danish ex-} perts speak favorably of the} body steel. | A Danish newspaper man who| has 'driven a Moskvitch two years declares "They are about the solidest things since the niodel T Ford,"! r | repairer family of six on a pavement! near the Crawford Market, says} that the greatest thing in his| Hundreds citizens | life is the coming of plastics. | |STAYED AWAKE plastic sleeping bags we had to {stay awake whenever it rained hard.. Often, this meant going without a witk of sleep for prac- tically the whole night." t nicipal corporation have been! country's for |few have been built. ers is hard, but it would be ajversion, mistake to 'think that they live in perpetual gloom, borrowed cane chairs rope-cots. There was a sumptu-| Court cases. ous feast at night under the Apology Sought 'From P. R. Man OTTAWA (CP) -- The of student uni of the rler was "having a hard time holding her own here." He said Mr. Chevrier "would seem at last to be learning that parents no longer 'get' their children into university; stud- ents must earn theit right to dmi. and to r " ; council University of Ottawa Sunday night voted to demand an offi- cial retraction of remarks made about the academic standing of a student by Bill Boss, univer- sity public relations officer. The council voted nine to six, with one abstention, to demand Mr. Boss retract his statements about Miss Marie Chevrier, daughter of Lionel Chevrier, London. The controversy started Oct. 8 in London when Mr. Chevrier said on a BBC radio interview that he was "having some dif- ficulty in getting Marie into a proper university" in Britain ard sf education in the United Kingdom." Mr, Boss said the following day the 19-year-old Miss hev- Canadian high commissioner in|~ because of the "higher stand-| » | FILE CONFIDENTIAL The grand council of student unions said in its resolution that Mr. Chevrier was on the uni- versity's board of regents, in- sinuated Miss Chevrier 'owed her admission to the University. of Ottawa to the part her father could play as a regent of the University of Ottawa. The resolution demanded an) "official retraction" from Mr. Boss "to rectify the unfortun- ate situation for which he must the sole r ibility. BP ene ee said Saturday the federal gov-)States and as a result, mar ants QTIMAS ernment should take over thelinas are scarce, and for the Great Lakes from residents who) now lose millions of tourist dol-| Ms. Weetn Hae & grep ot Co lars yearly. other members of Parliament vernment that private enterprise and mu- Ilraith, president of the Privy WINDSOR, Ont.- (CP)--Gene|nicipalities have not exploited|Council, Oct. 27, to discuss the Whelan, Liberal member of|the full potential of visits by|construction of marinas by the B J B construction of marinas on the| most part, inadequate. He said in an interview here|®%@ '0 meet with George Me- Parliament for Essex South,|tourist oraft from the United!federal government. a student's file is confidential information and Mr. Boss had "greatly attacked a student's reputation." The council also changed that Mr. Boss, by mentioning that How To Hold FALSE TEETH More Firmly in Place Do your false teeth annoy and em- barrass by slipping, dropping or wob- bling when you eat, aug or talk? Just sprinkle a little FASTEETH on . This alkaline (non-acid) powder holds false teeth more firmly and more comfortably. No my, goney, past taste or feeling. 5 not | sour. Checks "plate odor" (denture | breath), Get PASTEETH today at | drug counters everywhere. | IF YOU ARE NOW TAKING A LAXATIVE ONCE, TWICE or THREE TIMES A WEEK «+. THEN YOU SHOULD BUY WR TODAY! the Laxative Tablet with the GENTLE DIFFERENCE Take gentle-acting NM... Nature's Remedy! There is no letdown, no uncomfortable after-feeling. NR is an all-vegetable laxative, For over 70 years, . has been giving folks pleasant, effective relief overnight. mM tonight... tomorrow alright! Helps you feel better| - .. ond look better! REGULAR» CHOCOLATE COATED + JUNIORS a Helping Canadians help themselves to peace of mind through PERMANENT PERSONAL POLICIES of Life Insurance which protect against "Dying Too Soon" or "Living Too Long" he EXCELSIOR LIFE Susuuance Company farm near Canton' which specializes in breeding | elephants. { --A(P Wirephoto) Republican presidential candi- date and the tusker occurred during Goldwater's campaign trip through Ohio. The ele- phant was borrowed from a Many Held In Jails JOHANNESBURG (AP) of South Africans, | |whites and non - whites, have} |spent months in jail without| evén being changed or brought) to drial, the National Union of} South African Students reports. | This organization, open to members of all races, says about 800 persons have been seized in the last 14 months under a special provision of the security laws which} permits police to hold suspects} for up to 90 days at a time.| During detention they are ques-| tioned regarding alleged sub-| Communist activities and sabotage. Many detainees held in solitary | without access to lawyers or friends. Many of them had municipal | Only the Bible for reading mat- | At least 60 of the total de-| tained were held for more than| 90 days, Eight, of whom three} |were women; were held more! man) than 180 days, the report 'shows. | who lives with his| "Before we purchased the The government and the mu- rying to build night shelters the pavement-dwellers, A Life for the pavement-dwell- have been Many of them have bank bal- confinement Recently, a colorful wedding Museum. The to the son of another' CHARGED 400 About 400 were subsequently | came to) Charged in court, more than 300) 50 have! or onj|given evidence for the state in The report says 49 detainees have complained of assaults by --|policemen or wardens. The Johannesburg Sunday Times has published extracts from affidavits sworn by three former detainees who alleged |\they had been made to stand jin one spot while being cease- lessly interrogated for periods ranging from 40 to almost 70 ight of Petromax lamps. Oakville Police Commission Is Recommended OAKVILLE (CP) -- The On-! hours. : has| Two detainees died by hang- hat Oakville es-|ing in their cells and another | "e commission to| jumped to his death from al help corre€t what it termed a/seventh - floor window of Jo-| lack of adequate police depart-|hanneskurg's security police ment facilities. headquarters where he was be- In a special report made pub-|'"& interrogated. lic Friday, the commission said At least 40 teen-agers were Police Chief Frederick Oliver! Soy testant usin tate par and town administrator Ken-lioq of detention. The student organization says the estimated f number still held is more than The report was presented to) 70, a closed session of town coun-| Justice Minister Balthazar cil earlier this week. Although) Vorster has said the 90 - day | it commended Chief Diver as| clause will go as soon as the! a dedicated and sincere officer,| government decides there is no| it criticized him for assuming) longer need 'for it too much of the administrative work and not Welegating enough work. to subordinates. Chief Oliver said he asked recommended power. COMMUNIST TOPS POLLS ST. PAUL, Alta. (CP)--Dan Gamache, a Communist, topped | that the study be made to help|the polls in municipal elections | guide his force which waslin this French - speaking town formed with the amalgamation| Wednesday. Trying for his first of Oakville and Trafalgar inicounci! seat, Mr. Gamache, 1962 jwho has run in provincial and Mayor Allan Masson said hej|federal elections, received 615 does not think a commission is|votes, nearly 100 more than his needed Inearest rival, Marcel Belzil ° Always there with ready cash... For Car Repairs or any good reason $50°° to $5,00000 NIAGARA FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED. 240 Branches from Coast to Coast 4 286 KING ST. W. ~~" 72831636) L. on your savings oe buy Canada Savings Bonds CSB/64 pay 42% for each of the first taoo years; 5% for each of the next five years; 54% for each of the remaining three years--an average yield when held to maturity of 5% a year ¢ el i i abl: aca

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