geteennenctnnansiea ae ZO_ TPM CoMAWA TIME, Betundoy, October 17, 1764 "To Buy, Sell, Rent Or Hire ... Read And Use Times Action W Call The Direct Classified Number 723- 3492 8 a.m. to 5 p,m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY| ALB! HOSMAR, Chartered ee race Shree, tute 4 Oshews Ontario, T HOPKINS, joPKins, SeADLE" AND AND "EO ed Accountants, ing, 187 King Street 725-3509; 'Ontario, $. T. Hopki CAI 3S. TF. ins, 3 H. &. Beadle, CA; C. Lukow, CA. MONTEITH, RIEHL, WATERS ond Co., Accountants, 728- Oshawa) Chartered 75273 Shopping Centre, Suite 215E, Alex, 942 0890; Whitby, 668-4131. YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND ©. Chartered Accountants. T ul rustees In Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East, 78-737) iEONARD JAMES Bye Chartered Suite 205W, Shop- Accountant, ping Cone. 80S BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service. ing service, 184 Bond Street West, 7250007) Res. 723-7605, 'and BURROWS, Chartered Ac- WILSON countant, 114 King Street, East, Oshawa; Ronald F, D. CA, Mei CA; G. & Burrows, 726-7554, Charter- Financial Trede nie Eost, ccunp (ending Trades instruction (Mortgages SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK Quality Carpent and a Tascie Try our prices on rec rooms; cupboards, floor, ceiling and wall tiles, arborite ete: Satis- faction guoranteed. H. MCKOY 725-8576 Repairs & Remodeling Gorages, sidewalks, cup- boards, doors, patios, carports, tiled walls and floors, No jobs are too small for the Wizard of Odds, Free esti- mates, 725-9103. ROOM pensred, $8 and up. Bungalows painted, rices. Also, inside Barristers pri work, ai 'prices labour only. 725-7297. Geo, Golding, ; BOYCHYN, and HILL- ace Solicitors, 364K TERRANA PAVING CO. Specializing in driveways, patios, parking lots. All work guaranteed two years. mates, Cait 723°5841, Free esti- {|HOME IMPROVEMENTS, roofing, and 4197 B shinny Moe 'a6 an and other fiat t remcigaae nis REIGHTON, Ne GRDOEH, AND VicTOR, Barristers, ie ge ik of Commerce jul ly . 723-3446; 1G. L, Mur- QC; or carpentry work, painting and general repairs. All work gavaran- feed. P. Nellis, 336 Bruce Street, 728-2061, FOR TRENCHING and complete septic tank Installations, all materials included, Call Frank Brink, Hampton 263-2710, ALL TYPES buliding repairs, chimneys, ONTARIO DRIVING SCHOOL Learn to Drive 1964 Models PICK-UP SERVICE ROAD TESTS ARRANGED Dual Contro! Cars Licensed Instructor Automatic and Standard Oshawa 728-6934 TUTORING Classes now in 'session at Academic Tutoring College. All ages, grades, subjects. Reading, Math, -- English, Science, etc. From student's own textbooks, private or group ACADEMIC TUTORING COLLEGE CALL 723-6701 new and repaired, sidewalk and concrete repairs. 728-0394. All type remoideliing. 985- Mortgages and of Sal bought and sold, and arranged. ROOFING, painting, lathing, Insulating, in. re-roofing. J. C, Dingler,' McGIBBON and BASTEDO, Barristers, 283 Jarvis Street, 24 hours dally, 723-6603, a Lag funds fret ex 37 King Street East (3rd floor), 728786. Charies C. Mel QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, Qc. JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Solicitor. Money to loan, Office 144 King Street East, Oshawa 728-8232. JAMES MACDONALD, BA, LLB, Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- baal Pee: Commercial Buliding, 286 King Oshawa, Ontario. Client parking walleble. 725-4716 or 725-4717. ACKEY and BAILEY, Barristers, Soll- oa eeeoteries Public. Mortgage. funds available, 36% King Street East, 723-1107. MANNING F. SWARTZ and RONALD L. AR Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. Seay vo oon, Henry Block, 2% King Gibbon, | for OSHAWA ROOFING and sheet metal all types .of roofing. Experienced workmen, 728-6507 or 728-3438. YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner, Chim neys built and repaired; gas linings In stalled; roofs repaired. Free estimates. 13-2997, ROOFING, concrete floors, fiat roofing our specialty. New work and repairs. Large and smali jobs. L. and H, Roofing and Construction, RR 3, 725-6937, MacLEAN CUSTOM BUILT _ furniture. Modern or ultra-modern furniture, built to your specifications. Kitchen cupboards re-built and re-finished. Furnishings and lamps for any room in your home. Cane work our specialty. Satisfaction guaran- teed. 728-7898 or 723-1940. FEI ich ater REER AND KELLY, Barristers, Soll- Stora: otc. 114 King, treet East, Dial dence P' . M Penn Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCI, 728-5822. pha Te HYMAN AND HYMAN, Barrister, _Soll-| citors, Notaries, Suite 305, The Times} Building, 86 King Street East, 723-1137.) Clients' funds available for mortgages.| Louls $. Hyman, QC: Herbert $. Hyman, BA. Building Materials McCULLOUGH LUMBER CO. LTD. A good place to buy all your building materials, 1070 SIMCOE N. eer,| Oshawa, Whitby. Reasonable rates. Fully Cartage JOHN'S MOVING AND CARTAGE, equipped and insured. 728-3661. V._ 3S CARTAGE. Furniture moving. All types of cleaning. Fully Insured. Re@ sonable, 725-9843 or 725-6880. LA LONDE, ail types of cartage. Bay Ridges, 839-4191. Dentistry BIALEK, DR. C. B. -- Dental hg rd 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. appointment, 728-5842 or Res. sae iad. Dressmaking LOOK SMART! All kinds of dressmeking bo aah nie? 20. years experience. 725-1944, HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Tap, R.A.D. Ballet, now. Oshawa Shopping Centre, 725-6122. Whitby Driving School J, A. OSTERHOUT -- Owner Dual Controlled Cars, Person- a! Courteous Service. Fully Licensed and Insured DIAL 668-4176 1010 Dundas St. E., WHITBY LEARN TO DRIVE at the Oshawa Driving School reasonable rates, standard and automatic cars. Professional Imstructors, 728-0091 OSHAWA AND WHITBY Learn hairdressing For a secure profitable and independent future. "Hair- dressers are made, not born". CAREER SCHOOLS OF HAIRDRESSING 277 Victoria St. Toronto 2 Ontario Baton, Highland. Register aac b THINK THRIFTY! Alterations, Janitor Service MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys for first mortgages Interest at 7% Open Mortgoges No bonus No charge for valuations Mortgages and Agreements purchased. Moneys for second mortgages Fast service. M. F. SWARTZ 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 1ST MORTGAGES on summer nmer homes, Kawartha Lake, good covenants, 8 to 9 per cent interest. Summerland Securitles Limited, 112 Simooe North, 725-3560, AXD GAYE NO WALIKS: By R J. SCOTT $e oe test, MAGIC KUMBER + You A iitcet wane at Sim COINS ARRANGED AROUND we bacgylnee SATS IDE THE ATOMIC CORE. PMICULAR MUMBERS HAVE aes Not YEC UNDER? GOEDERS Lost AGAME IK WHICH HE $fRuCK out 37 BATTERS OF THE 158 AMD 167 CENTURIES, OST LOUD: MINN 2 on Musical Services DANCE Music -- R, Service. sions, . and §, Music Recorded music for all occa Ear! | Brown, 728-8334, PIANO, eed, pipe ana electronic; organ tuning and repair, instruments appraised. A. Hiddink, Ajax 942-1664. DANCE BAND, 5 to 8 pieces. Experl- enced, versatile. Reasonable. Ted Taylor, Ajax, 942-1663, Optometrist F, RICHARD BLACK, "OD, 136 Simcoe ines} north, Suite 6, Oshawa. Telephone 4191, Painting and Decorating HAVE YOUR PAINTING done by a good, clean Bernier: Free estimates. Telephone 728-784 paige decorating, -- also floor tiling. Eavestroughing and roofing. All work guaranteed, Call it Lioyd Simpson 728-9876. Personal Service an TAILORING, S Specializing In men's alteré- tions and repairs. Fast service. Reason- abie rates. Pick-up and delivery in Osh- awe and Whitby, Telephone 728-4528 MEND AND MAKE DO, Household and Personal linen repaired, Darning. invis- ible _Mmending. Telephone 728-1 Plumbing and Heating ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies. Telephne 725-3521, Harold H. Stark, Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, 255 Simcoe Street South ALL TYPES of repairs and remodelling, new and used materiajs. Reasonable rate, Estimate free. Dial 723-1191, J. Foley. Rug- Upholstery Service OSHAWA CLEANERS Rug and Upholstery Cleaning. At-our store or in your home, TV--Radio Repairs 5--Farmer's Column' 1° Articles for Sale 11.--Articles For Rent 16--Femate Help Wanted Beltone Quality . HEARING AIDS "Where to buy them' BELTONE HEARING SERVICE 42Y2 SIMCOE _N. 728-9004 RENTALS OF ALL KINDS SANDING MACHINES -- Oscillating sanders, disc sand- bg belt sanders, floor sond- For . . . Evergreens, Shade Trees, flowering shrubs, fer- tilizer, etc. Visit your local gorden centre. J. A. Janssen and Sons Ltd, 843 KING ST. W. 728-9429 "Garden Centre & Landccape Contractors' PLUMBERS TOOLS -- Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tripod, pipe wrenches, pipe cutters, pipe threading dies, toilet auger. PAINTERS EQUIPMENT -- Stepladders, aluminum exten- sion ladders; ladder jacks, Steel scaffolding, compres- sors, spray guns, wallpoper WHITBY'S LOCAL SUPPLIER Texaco Furnace Fuel Oil and Stove Oil FREE Burner Ser- i "blue coal' - Cannel Semet-Solvay Coke, Wood. BUILDING SUPPLIES. SAWDONS' (Whitby) LIMIT- ED, 244 Brock St, S. Whitby 668-3524, steamers, tarpaulins, blow torches, propane torches. WELDING EQUIPMENT -- See are welding outfits, 200 omn. electric welders BUILDERS EQUIPMENT -- Cement mixers,, finishing LADIES An exciting new job be An empire test 3 ond bene 668-3215 Whitby SALESLADY 25 - 40 with knowledge of sewing, pleasant personality, neot appearance, Steady employ ment, vacation with pay, , good' working conditions, $ day week, bowie plan. Good starting salary. Write for in- terview and enclose BOX 242 OSHAWA TIMES trowels, wheel barrows, elec- tric vibrator, air compressor, jack hammers, hand trowels, CHESTERFIELD SALE: 2-piece suites, $89.88 up. New discontinued lines, Floor samples. Fantastic savings. Easy terms. |Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe | St. [THRae ROOMS rf furniture, $298.50, No monthly at Honest TV TOWERS Economy and Deluxe Priced to suit your budget TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 361 GIBBONS ST. /28-8180 TV TOWERS and Antenna Repair TRIO TELEVISION , 171 BOND ST, E., OSHAWA 728-5143 CITY TV TOWERS, antennas, also re- pairs. All work guaranteed; 511 Dean Avenue. Telephone 725-0500. Well Drilling--Digging WELL DIGGING by machine specializing n 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668-3809, 1--Women's Column CALL 725-9961 rates. For Soin: telephone 728-1823 (Westside) 728-4688 Building Trades CHIMNEYS, new and re-built, and- repairs, sidewalks and stoops. Cann, RR 3, Oshawa, 655-3061. FOR TRENCHING and complete septic tank Installations, al! meteriels -- Cai Frank Brink, Hampton 263-27 roofing F. Mc Classified Rates WORD ADS Cash--1 Insertion of 24 words $1.08 additions! words 42¢ each; 3 'con- secutive Insertions of tH we $2.88 DRESSMAKING --. Suits, coats, dresses, alterations, slip covers, drapes. Fitting @ Mrs. Toms, Whitby, 668-2372. Exterminators PRESTO PEST CONTROL Fleas, Roaches, Bed Bugs, Beetles, Moths, Mice, Rats, etc, Homes, factories, apartments, restaurants. Phone Don BRADY'S JANITOR SERVICE Specializing in factories, of- fices and stores. Complete storm window service. Free estimates, 728-7057 ODD JOBS -- any Ste, windows washed, om installed. Telephone 725-1644 any me. Money To Loan Mountjoy. 725-9871 additional words 12¢ each, tive Insertions of 24 words ue. addi- tional words 18¢ each Charge -- 10 per cent additional charge If not paid within 7 days Method of counting -- Less than 24 words counts as 24 words, each word, Initial, figure or abbreviation counts as one words phone number counts 2 words BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- SOCIAL NOTICES $2.00 per inserti: ditional charge. ff in 7 days. IN MEMORIAMS $2.00 for the first 35 words and Sc each thereafter, plus 12¢ per |Ine of verse 25¢ additional charge if not paid within 7 days CARDS OF THANKS $2.00 for the first 35 words and Sc each thereafter, with 25¢ additional charge if not paid within 7 days COMING EVENTS $2.10 per inch (Display) $1.50 for the first 20 words and 5c each thereafter (Word Ads) AUCTION SALES $2.10 per inch per insertion. DEADLINES WORD ADS 5 p.m. day previous. LOST AND FOUND, DEATHS 9.30 a.m. day of publication, CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 column -- 4 p.m. day previous. 2 column or larger ~-- 10 a.m, day previous CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 9.30 a.m, day of publication, BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- S0c While every endeavour will be made to forward replies te box numbers to the. advertisers as soon as possible we accept no fiability In respect of joss or damage alleged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such repiles, howéver caused whether by negligence or otherwise The Times will not be re- pronsible for replies uncalled for in 20 days with, 25¢ od- net paid with- BIRTHS, REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be re sponsible for errors, in advertise- ments submitted other-wise than in writing, not for more than one Inser- tion of any advertisement, nor beyond the price charge for @ single inser- tion of the advertisement in which error occurs The Oshawa Times reserves the rignt to classify advertising according to Its proper classification In the case of display advertisements, The Times will not be held respon- sible for more ice than that in whicn the actual error occupies fhe publishers endeavour to reproduce all advertising matter correctly, but es- sume no liability of advertisement if any inaccuracies Mm any form are contained therein A Gardening and Supplies "TOP: SIZE BULBS" TULIPS CROCUS IRIS SNOWDROPS HYACINTH DAFFODILS NARCISSUS SCILLA PAPERWHITES Cooper Smith Co. 16 CELINA ST. 723-1139 TOP SOIL -- FILL SOD 723-1161 OSHAWA GARDEN CENTRE _ PRESTO LAWN SERVICES , Lawns, driveways, vacant lots: TELEPHONE 725-9871 SALE Evergreens, trees and shrubs up to 50% off. Telephone Bowmanville 623-2837 or pick up your guiding card at White Rose garage Bowmanville for free gift of one flow- ering shrub. weeds, fertilizing, parking lots, and BLUE VELVET SOD . Supplied and Laid Field 'Sod, Nursery Sod and Stock, Rockery Stones, Side- walk Slobs, Cedar Hedges. COMPLETE LANDSCAPING HILLSIDE LANDSCAPING R.R, 4-- Bloor E. 723- 9020 -- ROTO- -TILLING, "general ~ clean. "Up an removal. Reasonable. Ask for Bob, Brook- fin, 655-4936 SOD, top quality, prompt delivery. Free estimates, Telephone 725-8552 or 723-9910, NURSERY and field tod, cut daily, send foam and gravel. Armstrong sod. Tele phone 725-5864, advertisement before publication will be charged one day's lon (T's EASY TO PLACE A TIMES FAMILY WANT AD Cali Classified Direct 723-3492 GARDENS piowea with Gravely Roto plow. Telephone E Brooklin S55-3106" PAYMENTS TOO MIGH? good credit I'll lend you up to $5,000. cut payments in half or less for consoll- dation or any worthwhile purpose, Tele phone Toronto 481-5289. Mortgages FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, Sale nd Se oaks sold, Hennick if you have to -|on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street CHESTERFIELDS re-vphoistered and re- styled... Free estimate, See our material for re-covering. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212. RE-UPHOLSTERING by experts. Estab- lished 17 years. Complete range of mater- jals, Workmanship guaranteed five years. Free estimates. Credit terms. Mattresses re-built. Furniture re-finished. Oshawa Upholstering Company, 287 Dean Avenue. 725-0311. RE-UPHOLSTER and refinish your fur-| niture by J. and J. Custom Furniture, Free estimates. Whitby, 668-5753 or 668-5376. |PERMANENTS on spectal, 20% OFF on-all permonents Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Genosha Beauty Salon 725-2521 Page Hair- dressing, 396 Pine Avenue. Telephone 725-5363, 2--Personal CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs, re- covered like new. Get the best for jess at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe §. Call 728-6451, Free estimates. Sales and Service UNWANTED HAIR Vanished away with SACA- PELO. SACA-PELO is differ- ent. It does not dissolve or SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt service 'West, Whitby, 668-: 2563. NEED MONEY? TO REFINANCE YOUR MORTGAGE? TO REMODEL YOUR HOME? TO BUY A COTTAGE OR CAR? TO: REPAY -HIGH COST LOANS Let's discuss, without obli- gation, your financial plans: Our 10 to 15 year fong- term 2nd mortgage with low interest and small repayments may prove much easier for your budget. CORONATION INVESTMENT CO. LID, A Conadian Public Company CANVAS awnings, complete service, 1 free | estimates® Mil Jclinek. Telephone 728- 1993. ee GUARANTEED repairs to all wringer| washers and ranges. Free estimates, Cali) 728-1742. z Surveyors DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, Ontario Land Surveyor, Commercial bive prints, 13 Ontario Street, 725-5632. H, FLIM ; and TROLLOPE, "Ontario Land Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street East. Phone 725-6881. Trade Schools remove hair from the surface, but penetrates and retards growth of UNWANTED HAIR. Lor-Beer Lob. Ltd., Ste. 5,. 679 Granville St., Vancouver 2, da ane : LEN PULLAN | (English Tailor) CUSTOM TAILORING Suit and Dress Alterations Invisible Mending 10 PRINCE ST, . 728-5311 ATTENTION MEN 17 to 49 Heavy Equipment Operators Are in demand for bull- In Oshawa area call SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD, 360 King St. West 723-2265 (after hours 723-7996) Mortgage Money Available Low Interest Valuation, Arranged RESIDENTIAL CITY AND DISTRICT SUMMER PROPERTIES VACANT LAND Members Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association SUMMERLAND SECURITIES LIMITED 112 Simcoe St. North Oshawa, Ontario ~ 725-3568 and Henni East, 723. PRIVATE and. corporate monies for. all| mortgages. Mortgages and agreements of sale purchased. Creighton, Drynan, Murdoch and Victor, (See. '"Barristers.') , Barristers, 31 King Street The cost of this Instruction LILLIAN MAE "MARSH, | DEA, 'Dancing, School, Ballet, Tap, Acrobatic, Pre School, Kinderdance, Fridays, Saturdays, WMasonie Temple, 723-7253, ad, daily for one year, Too smali to be noticed? You're reading it 6035 dozers, scrapers, motor graders, draglines, back- hoes, and shovels. If vou ed by top instructors right cen the equioment. Don't delay --- enquire now. Write giving name, add- ress and telephone num- ber: NATIONAL SCHOCL OF HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATION BOX F3 Out of town enquiries invited. TV--Radio Repairs NOW Service Calls Till 9 P.M. T.R.I.O. Television ee 5143 _ T.V, Towers and Aerial Service |'! and television repair ED. PARE PROP. 480 BB er Mt Boy 728-6 tures. phone 728-2434, CLARK STUDIO -- Oil paintings, bur-|G00d Condition. Apply 154 Church Street, nings, Cooper-Smith Co. house broken, good cozy-J RANCH Samet German SOUTH- END 7 V. blogalinegs; Stud services. Boarding. Quar-| old. BEAUTIFUL, baby Removal of superfluous hair, Marie Murduff will, be in Oshawa, Oct. 26th, 27th and 28th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appoint- ment. ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 RIDE wanted by man from Ajax to Is- lington and Queensway arriving 8 a.m. Call Ajax 942- 4263 evenings. RE-OPENING ART CLASSES in ail| painting. Learn to paint your own pic- Reasonable rates. For information| models. Open 325 Brock laps, art lessons, Saturdays. 668-4497, eve-| North, ) Whitby, 3--Pets & Livestock "MASTER" PET FOOD MASTER DIET DOG KIBBLE MIXED BISCUITS HORSE. MEAT & GRAVY MEAT STEW MEAT LOAF WE DELIVER. 16 CELINA STREET 72371139 PRETTY KITTENS, seven weeks Old, various poy. 4 Need ome. Telephone 7 5 Registered Shepherds, Champion puppie: er horses, foals. Trailer Ashburn, Brook- in 655-4662, baby budgies, ready for training, talking strain. Apply Mrs, Broad, 14 Elgin East SIAMESE KITTENS from choice regis- tered stock. Reduced for quick sale, $15. Telephone C -2464, TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS Good with childri Also German Shepherd purebred, trained) as 'watch dog Telephone 725-6153. GOLDEN 'Labrador | oe males and females. Telephone Hampton, 963-2604, : '4| MOUTON FUR COAT, "full length, size 10 ONE or two boarding horses wanted, box| Mtg fenced pasture. 10 minutes down- m Oshawa, $25 monthly Bowmanville, S200 after 6 p.m. TRACTOR FOR SALE. Massey-Harris model 22 with front end loader, Excel-| lent condition. Blackstock "986-4380, THREE ROLLS of snow fencing, one Pneumatic wheel-barrow wheel. Tel 725-6417, Cal's 424 King West. 728-9191, JUICE EXTRACTOR, very reasonable, 125 Durham. Phone 725-4258. GUNS -- 'Bought, sold. Traded, Repaired at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond St. W. 728 wal caveway for Christmas, Orders taken phone | now. Many gift suggestions, Best prices. | Wilson's Furniture, 20 Church St. Farm, 263-2721; - Promptly. Margwill Fur Tyrone. Telephone Hampton, License 333-C-64, PRESTO FARM SERVICE -- Whitewash- ing, fly control; weeds--pasture, brush, fence rows. Don Mountloy and Lorne! Tregunna, Phone 725-9871. DEAD and crippled farm stock picked|NEW AND USED TV's, General Electric land Phillips appliances. 78 Simcoe North, | Telephone 723-1411. water pumps, portable heat- ers, steel scaffolding, electric generator, ramset, power: rol- lers, electric hommers, mas- onry saw, . building -- jacks, mortar mixers, mortar boxes, chain hoist, miter saw, elec- tric plane, tarpaulins, 14' bandsaw, 4" joiner, sand blaster, power tamper, power post hole auger. STAN'S Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. 223 King St. W., Oshawa PHONE 723-3224 lv ACUUM CLEANER repairs, all makes, \hoses, brushes, bags, efc. Free estimates. | Pick up and delivery, Dial 942-0213. Fleming Vacuum Service, Pickering. Highway 2, AVON TERRITORY OPEN IN WHITBY START AT ONCE -- Earn big money supplying Avon Christmas gifts. We train you inlaw Avon. Write or ca MRS. M. LAMBERT P.O. BOX 2, COLUMBUS MIDDLE aged lady to do ln, a sachin adele On " conte feclete, vi 'Neill Coll Box 548 Oshawa Times. WAITRESSES _--s 4 pm. to Ti- pseu a ae vowed 'at Also dish- evening. Shit Brides, Bridesmaids, gowns, crinolines, headpieces, veils, mink stoles, white fox furs, 6--Auction 6--Auction 22 Cows -- 17 Bre Sire; Moreau Farms Chief; Selling on outstanding young January 31, 1963. Sire: Jam Ivy's Myrtle, 7222 (bs. of m 365-2x. A lot of close up cows ond heifers. record cows in this sale, daughters of Franchester Oneida, Triple Gold Star Sire; Moplewood Royalist Brigadier, Triple Gold Star Ideal's Roland and other top sires. GUERNSEYS AT AUCTION ANNUAL BIG FOUR CLUB SALE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21st -- 1:00 P.M. E.D.T. JAMES BATTY FARM, BROOKLIN 40 REGISTERED GUERNSEYS d Heifers -- 1 Bull There are some real good sir, Jamaica Royal Laid, born jaica. Choice. Dom: Lash Farm ik--961 Ibs. of fot, 4 years-- Write for a catalogue. GUERNSEY CATTLE BREEDERS' ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO Box 99, Guelph, Ontario 8--Hunting HUNTERS wanted -- week of November 9th, Telephone 723-7378. plies.. Best prices In town. Budget terms. Dominion Tire, 48 Bond Street West. 9--SUMMER FUN AND OUTDOOR LIVING 9o--Summer F Properties _ For Sale or Rent COTTAGE, three - bedroom, "Soultview Estates, Sturgeon Lake. Taken on debt of $4550. To be sold for same. Call Orillia | 326-3605 10--Articles. for Sale Tone Craft Paint Co. 19 BOND W., 723-4922 100's rolls prepasted poper Reg. up to $1.95. Sale price 59c All Paints 20% Discount (Formerly Preston's) | HAVE A SECRE WE PAY MORE SELL FOR LESS Buying or selling used fur- niture and appliances. Call Valley Creek Furniture 16% Bond W.--728-4401 CITIZEN BAND 2-WAY RADIO Port sales and service Hallicrafter Dealer DOC'S SPEED AND CUSTOM 1600 King St. E. 728-7781 24 Hour Towing 10--Articles for Sale ONE 50,000 BTU Duo Therm space er. Blower attached. One "Warm Morn- ing' coal heater. Thermostatically con- GUNS, ammunition, decoys, camping suP-| trolled. One china ina Cabinet, also one studio Six couch with two matching chairs. _ | pair drapes. Telephone after 7, Whitby, 668-4106, heat- dishes, cutlery, glasses, tables, chairs, church run- ners. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson S. 725-3338 FORMAL WEAR Tuxedos - Morning Suits . Dinner. Jackets... White Fox Furs - Mink Stoles PEOPLE'S CLOTHING STORE, LIMITED 36 Simcoe St: N. Dial 723-3612 Aoply M Mr. compen Conca Hotel. HAIR § STYLIST, Must be styling. Top wages and eee, 16 Nien brs Urday afternoons, Sundays and off. Apply Helen's Beai Lounge, Rosa Street, Port Perry, Ontario, 985.7909 EARN EXTRA MONEY. § finest tine of Christmas in ee Novelties, etc. Over 350 Items, For free, baeutifully ilustrated ---- samples on approval and the fast service, Jeandron Greeting Card co. "ase King Street East, Hamilton, Ontario, ADDITIONAL part-time models required, Experience not necessary. Tretine'® avail. pong sae full particvars enclosing re cen' lograph, Studio, 325 North, Whitby. ay toc COOK in small country hotel dining room, Telephone Coboconk ase BUILD a business of your s spb Counselor. Excellent "Christmas line, good profits, modest investment, flexible hours, Call 725-6816. ENTERTAINING -- Fifty-to one hundred people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- quets, parties, weddings, anniversaries. Facilities, bar, kitchen, parking, Rea sonable rates. 723-2140, JUNIOR pga for smell office. Hh since "Te ing, shorthand, answer telephone, srr ce ain 'ond Eng writing pati ie ox Box 605, 'Oshawa Fiees, WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, reducing machines, sick room supplies. Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice 725-1644, CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church aisle runners. Cleve Fox Rent 42 Simcoe Street North. Call 723-2414, 12--Articles Wanted SALESLADY. Call Mr. Hanne at Waime ley and Magill for appointment, 725-3506, 17--Male Help Wanted OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO, Wants Cars for Wrecking. Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, etc, Bought Open Saturday all day. Phone ,| 725-2311 -- 89 BLOOR E. TELEVISION tower special 40 ff, struc ture, including all channel antenna, In- stalled, and guaranteed by experts with 10 years experience, $50. Trlo Television, | Telephone 728-5143. PIANO WANTED, repair worthy. Bes? price offered. Write Sebastian Hohmann, RR No, 1, Oshawa, 13--Business Opportunities |WATER SOFTENERS for sale, rent. lew and used. Salt delivery. Free trial. et Culligan, ¢ 668-2200. Here's a BIG Business Opportunity | SCRAP HARDWOOD, [7 75 single cord. Dial 4 p.m. 19" PORTABLE television, vacuum clea- ner, 21" television, \dinette sulte, automatic washer, bi suite, etc. Telephone 728-4540 or 725-2322. OLD gun' wanted, telephone 725-8183. SEVERAL pairs of 15" snowtires and wheels, 509 09 Bloor St. East after four. SURPLUS merchandise from furniture |store. Four. seater chesterfield and chair, step tables, coffee table, table lamps and floor lamps. Also French Provincial ta- lamps. Must sell. Apply 151 Cen- rk South, dinette suite, dark wood, Ir Ar' condition, Price $25. Diet 7353048. ED vacuums and Polishers, good con- dition, Eight to choose from, $15 and up. Telephone 728-6956. WE BUY, sell and exchange used furnl ture or anything you have, The City Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street south, 723-1671. FURNITURE: 3 rooms new quality furni- ture only $299. Includes complete bed- room, living room, kitchen ensembles. Pay only $3 weekly. Unbeatable value! Barons' Home Furnishings,. 424 Simcoe St. one-foot eng' 723-2281 TWO BICYCLES, one girl's, one boy's, Good condition. Telephone 723-7843 BUY AND SELL -- Good used furnturs and appliances, One location only. Pretty' Furniture, 444 Simcoe ~South. 723-3271. TWO Goodyear snow tires, 7-60-15, Argus movie projector 8 mm. Telephone 723-5053. |FUR JACKET, black Persian lamb, mink trim, size small. Excellent condition. Telephone 723-9425 after 5 p.m. | TELEVISION 21 inch, General Electric. 17-CUBIC FOOT freezer, chambers, in good condition, with heavy duty unit. Apply 14 Cedar Street, Alax. SHOT GUN, pump, 12-gauge, as new, $65. Apply 14 Cedar S! Alax. BATHTUBS, $20; t nets, sinks, pressure systems, post-hole auger (gas), boat: 58 MG. Harry Chinn, Hillside: South. pie STOVE (Kenmore), 7500 BTU. pply ille East Beach, next doo tp pumphouse, after 5 p.m. PORTABLE TYPEWRITER, $40.) stan- dard typewriter; adding machine, $25; IBM electric typewriter. 723-4434, ths, after refrigerator, stove, edroom for a SMALL Capital Investment SOFSPRA © 25c - 4 MINUTE + REQUIRES A LICENSED BODYMAN (Class A Mechanics' License would be on asset), 40 Hr. week, excellent em- ployment benefits. Saat pia suet ence, to MR. L, J. ALGAR 100 Simcoe St. South Oshawa All replies will be held strict- ly confidential. COIN-OPERATED CAR WASH Here is the automotive equiv- alent in the do-it-yourself market, For information on operating results, call or write: SPRA A Division of ALD CANADA LTD, 25 BELFIELD RD, REXDALE, ONTARIO RO 6-7255 BE IN BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF A major U.S.A, Company es- tablished in Canada. We want business men who are not satisfied with just a job, but who have a desire to own their own business, SALESMEN & AGENTS Sol. 1 » presently ed, who is searching for @ new field that offers a life- time of interesting work of on independent nature, Re- muneration limited only to his own efforts. A company of over 150 yeors of successful operation, will give you on aptitude test to help you evaluete this. posi- tion, If you decide this can be your field, we will continue on a full training basis with 9 guaranteed starting income. Phone Mr. W. Foreman, Mon- day, Oct. 19th, 1 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Genosha Hotel. Opportunities, across Canada to distribute a Proven pro- duct. $25,000 minimum net income per year. $5,000 - $10,000 to invest write Box 649, Oshawa Times, BEAUTY | SALON for sole, 6 dry dryers, fully i equipped, established three yoors' fre" pied rent, For information 'contact BUYING OR SELLING furniture or bearer Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 is Ea ae Ne wana dining room suite, eight pieces, pieces, excellent condition, 168 Alma Street. cabi.| SUPERMAN COMICS, all kinds, new and old, In good condition, Dial Whitby 668-8224. RANGE, duty, cog? Ca four-burner, heavy 723-9654. HONEST CAL'S Furniture and appll- ances. Name brands at biggest discounts anywhere. We carry Restonic and Beverly mattress furniture lines. Your authorized GE dealer, Contact Honest Cal's on 424 King Street West, 728-9191. TV TOWERS Special, 40 ft. tower struc- ture, all-channel antenna. Installed, $50. Oshawa TV Supply Ltd., 361 Street, 728-8180. Gibbons CIRCULAR aw, aa saw and a belt sander; deep freezer; pool table; camera equipment, complete. Call 725-3719. KENMORE humidifier with warrenty; girl's ree clothing, size 10; baby car- riage playpen; grey Persian lamb Coat cant. Apply 246 Windsor Street. SINGER sewing machine, able elec- tric, two years old. $150. iginal price $239. Ti 723-1250, amplifier ELECTRIC GUITAR and Speaker col- (Fender), piggyback and umns. 668-4251 Whitby. TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, dupll- cators, cheque writers, comptometers, files, furniture. We buy, sell, rent, serv- ice. Largest stock, budget terms. New and used. Low overhead, low price. Bill Hamilton, Raglan. fo 12; excellent ane Reasonable, Call (eq 725-1859 after 6 p.m, FOUR BEAGLES for sale, seven months Good for deer, Started to run, Call 725-5055. DISHES, Bordeau Rose color, suitable for restayrants, clubs or churches, 150 place settings of four pieces, reasonable. Telephone 728-2664, a ea one FRENCH PROVINCIAL living room fur- niture, belge chesterfield set, two end tables and coffee table; power mowers singe | bed, Whitby 668-4257. WILL BOARD hc horses in Courtice area. Telephone 725-5940, ENGLISH SETTER, twc two-year-old male. Telephone 723-6257. PONY, male, three years old, and saddle. | "pure bred, |TWO commercial REMINGTON auto loader; 12-gauge shot. gun, like new. Telephone 728-3115. BRASS BED, full size, with spring filled |mattress, in good condition. Hampton, 263-2696 freezer compressors. Tecumseh unit, 2 h.p., Leyland motor, nearly new, Glison cig 1 -H.P. with meat counter. 'Cheap, Blackstock 966-4431, 2" TELEVISION | Viking, _bed-ch bed-chester- field, matching chair; Moffat 30" deluxe) gas range; record oe chassis, Make otter, Telephone 728-2924. FUJICA 35 Camera, automatic electronic eye, automatic speed and lens settings, automatic light signal and flash control, Complete with case and flash attach-| 5 ment, Used twice. Valued at $120, will sell for $50. T 728-5035 ESTABLISHED lunch counter and vari ety store for sale. Near south General Motors. Going concern. Owner has other interests, 725-8983, MORTGAGE COMPANY for sale. Earn Hs at about 9 per cent. Telephone 725- BEAUTY SALON for sale -- 6 dryers and chairs, fully equipped, stock included, jestablished ten years. Downtown area with living quarters. Reasonable rent. For Information 725-3621 after 6 evenings. THE Terrace Restaurant, Whitby, $5,500 or best offer. Exclusive chicken recipe. Delivery service in operation. Showing steady increase. Call Mr. Chariton CAREER OPPORTUNITY Due to advancement in. our organization we have an opening for an aggressive young mon with or without previous sales experience, to train for management, Must be neat in appearance ond willing to work some even- ings, good starting salary with liberal commissions and bonus. All benefits, leads' fur- nished on equal opportunity with employees, Write BOX 437 OSHAWA TIMES 668-2056, FOR SALE OR RENT -- Building suit- able for light industry, situated on two acres of land in Oshawa South, Phone 725-4400, 14----Employment Wanted WOMAN Bag showered as clerk typist, swi} jonist etc, desires Pe Pn vnecnaieny: Preference In doctor entist office. Telephone 725-5342, ENERGETIC, reliable middle-aged experienced bookkeeper wishes part-! wine 'CHESTS of drawers, blanket chests, tables, cupboards, all kinds of antiques, beds, picture frames, lamps, dishes. Hid- den corner ane Shop, Ashburn, Four Corners South. y . Write Box 650, Oshawa Times. WOMAN would like housework or baby sitting by the day, Telephone 728-5606. , MIDDLEAGED would Ii 11--Articles For Rent Taping -- Weddings taped and recorded -- Master of Ceremonies work. P.A. sys- tems, tape recorders, tapes, dances, intercorhns -- Hi-Fi equipment, Gudgeon Associates Sound Equipment 723-5121 lady would like "Tight to elderly one or Person, Write Box 645 Oshawa EMPLOYMENT WANTED by young man, part time, Available Friday eve- nings and "s licence. SERVICE ADMINISTRATOR We are looking for a respon- sible conscientious man, who has an aptitude for dealing with customers service pro- blems, He must be able to express himself clearly, and be a good letter writer, This is an excellent opportunity for a capable man. te Apply in. writing to BOX 503 Oshawa Times Can supply references. Telephone 723-7843 16--Female Help Wanted WOMAN WHO CAN DRIVE. If you would | ave enjoy working three or four hours a day of Studio Girl cosmetic clients on a route to be established in and around Oshawa Whitby and are willing to maxe light ae- liveries, etc., write Studio Girl Cosmetics, Dept. CD-49, 840 La Fleur Avenua,' Mont- hour, THREE TO FOUR eo fo add to our sales staff. Tr: =» Provided Apply 299 Simcoe Street + PERSON to train as desk clerk. Apply real 32. Route will pay up to $5.00 per! stating Box H4% Oshawe REAL estate salesman for Oshawa and ee beet have late Leg a pol of good character. 4 Martin 728-5103 or Mora calling regularly each month on a group! Realtor, 767 Simooe St. South. ° ambitious men "eed iy qualifications to