Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Oct 1964, p. 14

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OS Ne PAE GRAIL EOE RAE TELS PIGS 74 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, October 17, 1964 WESTERN OIL CO. For The Best FUEL OIL & SERVICE As Dependable GETTING DOWN TO EARTH as the Pony Express CALL 725-1212 of. bauxite. 2s WESTERN OIL CO. PICK THE WINNING TEAM ... : iled 3 Comfort Key Consideration Ce? ita" aie! Smokin omiort Hey TConsiaerarion oe ae In Stabbing Case ° I H t t | GUELPH (CP)--Ernest Moul- Increases n ea ing ys ems ay jton, 18, of Guelph, was sen- tenced Friday. to 10 years in : i : : Kingston Penitentiary for the r 5 in Our, Canadian elimate being) select a system of heat distribu-| tages of a hydronic heating ays lstabolng last July 0 of Brian Tobe Pes cogts H what it is, some measure of} tion which leaves complete free-jtem. With modern improve-|MacGibbon, 19. as he slept in|for the second month in a row, heating 'is necessary during}dom of furniture arrangement|ments in design and installationhis Bristol Street apartment figures released by the Do- eight or nine months of the year.| in every room. : | techniques it is less expensive jhere. |minion Bureau of Statistics in- It follows that the heating sys-; The ultimate in heating facili-|today than many suppose. In| yin: 4 : REPENS Hoty " tem in the house you buy|ties may be secured today with|operation it is inconspicuous, Chie! Justice a tt ote Gale | dicated Friday. i or build should be chosen with| hydronic heating says the Cana-| silent, draft-free, odor-free and] passed Sp oasiaigh on Moulton in' 'The bureau said the number extreme care. It must be prop-| dian Institute of Plumbing and clean. It gives even heat at all! upremie Lay. of cigarettes for which excise - erly suited to the house so that| Heating. ltimes and is economical in. ° hunting knife had been used|stamps were purchased by man- it is adequate in performance,|. : operation. to stah»MacGibbon four times. | yfacturers moving stocks out of economical in operation to guar-| USE LIQUIDS : | Hydronic heating in your new| He Tecovered. but was killed in| warehouses totalled 3,782.910,625 antee comfort at all times for Hydronic, heating is the 8el-| some bnearhe vbate Gi coninoe. a traffic aceident about a month!jn September, This compares the family and the protection of| ence of heating and cooling with| ee cen eee ee ncts | 280 with 3,530,557,310 in August, their health. liquids. It utilizes compact and) oi * sides or youre ake - ---- --- |2,815,329,190 in July and 4,016, There are heating systems|4ttractive boilers which may be); | bak os steed i en 039,280 in June. ' available today to satisfy the) fired by the fuel of your choice. re sn't - ty my wing at) the EYES HAVE It Bureau sources. said stamp demands of the most careful! The boiler heats water which is/01°1' Wivere 'health, and com. . GAINSBOROUGH, En glandjsales. while showing a trend buyer, no matter what type of] circulated by a pump and silent- bs "gpa 9 ey wal 'CP)-Poli Pad Mpc: web gii He rai t e- house construction he may|l carried through small pipes} iil gad . For only a alg ony iy goed - dae neta Po in ae ae 4 ob choose; In addition, he tmay alaa{it me radiators, Modern radia-| Y°"Y ittle more original cost torists here and test I cisely. Stamps iieg not rei 3 Z 'tors may be had in the new)YOu may avoid costly changes eyes at the start of a seven-day|packages for six: weeks to two | concealed: type which is recess-| i" the years ahead. safety scheme. 'months. sas | ed into the wall and, most mod-| ritis = ype ern of all, the baseboard type. This latter design reptaces the conventional wooden baseboard Health cheme and blankets the outside walls) with a gentle flow of warmth as) well as emanating radiant heat | Is Advocated at floor-level, giving even tem- jperatyre in all parts of the LONDON, Ont. (CP)--A na- room. : |tional health scheme similar to| Why at the outside wall? | Britain's could be made to work Because that is where heat is lin Canada and might even help being lost and by keeping the) \the country keep the doctors it outer walls warm, the best in » \loses every year to other coun-|heating is experienced. -- Ily- tries, an American physician|dronic heating also eliminates and lawyer, Dr. Frank Rigall,|the need for basement ducts : |said here Friday and ¥ Bel me wi head Dr. Rigall, a graduate of the|700m. It allows you to fully use | University of Western Ontario the basement as desired. In all medical school, was speaking | Padiators furniture arrangement An excavator gnaws at sand in British Guiana, These ma- den before power shovels can |to the fourth annual homecom-/i- unrestricted since all floor| and clay covering deposits of chines frequently must bite remove the 30-foot deep layer --CP Photo |ing medical conferencence at! .nace is free from obstruction. bauxite, the ore of aluminum through 800 feet of overbur- Western. 5 sim SN et ner stad arte gs ee eS ae A ie An advocate of planning to| PROPER CONTROL -- . Croft R t | F bring Sh nr of the best Mes aysdrye ---. Bagge javailable health services to a sys Ss r con-) Many F unctions Performed FOHCIS eques = armers May jcitizens, Dr.' Rigall has often| trol pe pret giedan bn rng 7 | |been in conflict with the Ameri-|toward spread out construction With Effi : t R m Heaters More Gaelic Host Tourists }can Medical Association asec style, split eho fin- Eb ORS PP | id Wridav .iq.| Shed basements -- a single con- : gesagt sais Phy nate Se an BDO tele HAMILTON (CP) --N whe Pages ng Mads "fo any| '70! is insufficient to provide ; i) aa P on Dalene r raehc on / tele- d JTON (CP) Niagara} ; ' even tempe s i y> | Whenever extra heat 4 ho Pyare - epee rere of vision and radio has been made| Peninsula farmers may soon sort of national health scheme dranic vn breil pe al adi Mthers da ating pe ait Thiie' Kor hektere' 'biloh by the Western Isles Crofters|find themselves turning tempor- and seems gener A _Tealize may be installed whereby tem-| page hen ooitent the whole|offer fan circulated forced PT bear Boba smallhold- arily from a a Play srotnise. is aeached through | Perauures in individual rooms | se. Now there are several] heat are, by far, the most satis- NE ne host to.city dwellers looking for) the "sick aa he | C2 be set as desired. Since all seoaggi heaters adapted ideally| factory and most economical for, in @ letter to the BBC, the a restful holiday hom pga pig ele heat is supplied by one boiler, for these quick-heat tasks that! complete room heating union criticizes the 'meagre The Niagara Regional De- for. then they will have |"ydronic heating is flexible | are highly efficient and econom-| The fan draws in the air from | allocation" of time given to|velopment Association hopes to it throst dda halt route wd enough to allow these features 'val ' the upper levels of the room and | Scottish Gaelic broadcasts recruit 1,000 farmers into a Haass th Sap tke 6 at small additional cost. With the fan-forced circulation) spreads the heated air evenly "With 114 hours of broadcast- scheme that will encourage city//01) ©' It will pay the prospective | vided ty Waeee asners, "they|along the floor, helping main-|ing time a week, Scottish Gae-|*Wellers to spend their holidays) The AMA is meting sere buyer to check all the advan--- ote useful also for drying hair| tain an even temperature in the! lic is the neglected cinderella of Hag eg ig farms for about a ppm ~ seein and lingerie, and are widely) "living zone" of the room. all living languages in civilized "*_, : - weeks ithe national health plan adopted ed in bedrooms-and recrea-| In addition, the constant flow | societies The season will last six weeks, Synone: Seat e Poe used: in Bulidir "perts ad.jof air across the heating ele- 1, .. and tourists can sit around and|in Britain following the Second va pitacrabtheeom Thane builders |mieat speeds up and increases|,/t'8 the poe, selation of the! do nothing if they wish or they/Wonld War, Dr. Rigall said rhs Bde sufficient electrical| the transfer of heat from ON cet ag or tonateaation | assist with work on. the outlets at convenient locations| element to the air. Greater ef-| cua ecchly wad. PRIEST 100 YEARS OLD for portable heaters and similar ficiency and economy results be- pe at gyal age Many people are tired off nn sia equipment. Electric outlets for| cause a larger volume of air js|Felation to Irish Loma Pro-| running from motel to motel,| STE. AGATHE DES MONTS, fans or heaters at floor level in|heated without a corresponding|8"4™_ time for Scottish Gaelic'the crowds, noise, and tipping|Que. (CP)--Rev. Joseph Gui- every room should be a primary increase in fuel consumption. is infinitesimal si and would be delighted to watch |nard, believed. to be the oldest consideration in home planning.| Another virtue-of room heat- The letter says the "Scottish, farm operate," said John|living member of the Oblate During the changeable weath-| €TS 1S that they require no mess|Highlands are permitted a 10-| Richards, NDRA mana ger.|Fathers in the world, celebrates er of spring and fall, room heat-|maintenance. A seasonal check) minute pittance of stale news of|+Tourists will be treated like/his 100th birthday Friday ers are especially desirable to by a qualified serviceman will|the week | every Friday at aM!one of the family.' Father Guinard, born in Maski- help avoid the expense of turn-|guarantee years and years of off-peak listening time 4 farm - holiday program in|nonge, Que., and educated at ing on the central heating sys-| Satisfactory, economical perfor- There are about 100,000 of| the United States has been quite St. Joseph Seminary in Trois vieres, Que., was ordained in | tem. Even in homes which lack central heating, an arrangement of room heating individually controlied by thermostats is mance, In addition, the room|Scotland's. 5,000,000 population profitable. All farms listed by )R, heaters with fan-forced circula-|who can speak "the Gaelic."|the Ontario Federation of Agri-|Ofttawa in 1891 and saw his! tion are well-protected against|Gaelic is confined mostly to the|culture will get a questionaire /first service with the Roman potential hazards resulting from|Hebrides and remote parts of/to enable the selecting of the|Catholic order in missions in being splashed with water the Highlands. 1.000 farms 'the James Bay area often a good substitute to help! PUC Theft Case Hearing Adjourned GODERICH, Ont. (CP) -- A preliminary hearing in which Mrs. Donna Boyce, former sec- retary -treasurer of the Public Utilieies Commission at Sea- forth, is charged with theft of $11,926 from the PUC, was ad- journed to Oct. 19, in magis- trate's court here Friday. Mrs. Boyce of Seaforth, about 2 miles southeast of here, is charged with stealing the money over the last three years. Bad Cheque Passer Is Jailed 3 Years LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Gordon Finlay, 38, of London, was sen- tenced to three years in prison Friday on two charges of pass- ing forged cheques and one of possessing a stolen wallet. Finlay pleaded innocent to charges of passing cheques for $23 and $44 in two city stores and possessing a wallet stolen from a parked car UNVEILS FIGHTER PLANE FORT WORTH, Tex. (AP)-- The U.S. Air Force unveiled Thursday the supersonic F-111, a sleek fighter plane designed during the heat of industrial competition andassemblea amid a Senate investigation Known familiarly as the TFX, the F-111 emerges now as a pol- itical issue in a stormy presi- dential election year. FORA HEATING SYSTEM THAT WILL BE A SENSATION, "WELL GIVE AN HERE'S HOW TO ELIMINATE COLD SPOTS IN YOUR HOME ..> OR OFFICE!! The CHROMALOX quality line of electric heating units mokes it passible to enjoy the most modern com- fort heating . . . electrically!! In New Homes ,.. when remodelling . . . at your place of business. Hame Yomplete Make Your BASEBOARD HEATERS FAN DRIVEN WALL INSERT HEATERS Complete Line of Electric Fan Type Heaters Available! There's a heater on display in our showroom to fill your every heating requirement. Smart styles .. . .. most practical and functional designs ! Make your selection from our excellent stock today ! ® Portable Baseboard Heaters ® Infra Safe Radiant Heaters COME IN--QUESTION--LOoK-- /_ «flim. ee BUY ... Public Welcome CONSUMER DIVISION RUDDY ELECTRIC Lid. 222 BOND WEST 725-3539 Let One of These Fully Qualified Electrical Contractors Help-You With Your Heating Installation PARKER ELECTRIC McTEAGUE ELECTRIC LTD. (Est. Over 40 Years) 252 GOLF ST. --OSHAWA-- 728-8621 | 4!5 COCHRANE ----- WHITBY -- '668-4278 BROWN ELETRIC --WHITBY -- J. A. ARMSTRONG Electric 218 LEE 668-4211 52 FERNHILL -- OSHAWA -- 723-9363 When Improving Your Home For Winter Don't be sidelined on looking up a reliable home im- provement firm. Check your needs -- then check the __firms_listed for all the goal-winning service you want. See them today ! _ WHITBY TILE CENTRE 106 Brock St. $. Whitby For all types of . . . Floor Covering -- .Wall and Ceiiling Tile, Painting Contractors. Geo. Hamers Ltd. PLUMBING & HEATING GAS & OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE Repairs To All Makes _ Of Heating Equipment 668-301 109 COLBORNE AFTER HOURS CALL 668-271 PAL-O-PAK INSULATION PUBLIC BUILDINGS FACTORIES @ HOMES ESTIMATES ON REQUEST PHONE H. H. GOODE & SON LTD, 601 BROCK NORTH "668-2917 MANUFACTURER PAL-O-PAK MFG. CO. LTD. 668-2374 "George Turner Construction General Contractor @ Repairs @ Remodeling @ New Homes PHONE 668-4577 WHITBY, ONT. Attention Contractors: Now available in Whitby PARA PAINT PHONE 668-5331 Harold Stacey 668-3291 WHITE ROSE Stove Oil, Diesel Oi Distributing to AJAX --BROOKLIN - COLUMBUS - OSHAWA - PICKERING -.RAGLAN - WHITBY 110 FERGUSON One-Stop DECORATING SHOP @ Wallpaper and Murals Custom Draperies C.1.L, Paints and Varnishes Broadioom end Rugs Flo-Gloze Colorizer Paints © DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. PHONE 668-5862 107 Byron St. S., Whitby Let These Firms Keep Your Home Up-to-Date !

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